Top 50 Education Apps Like American Textbook Big BOOK Level 6 - Best Alternatives

American Textbook Big BOOK Level 6 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best American Textbook Big BOOK Level 6 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 50 Education apps that are similar to American Textbook Big BOOK Level 6. Pick one from this list to be your new American Textbook Big BOOK Level 6 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to American Textbook Big BOOK Level 6 on your iOS devices.

Top 50 Apps Like American Textbook Big BOOK Level 6 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid American Textbook Big BOOK Level 6 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 50 similar apps like American Textbook Big BOOK Level 6 2025.

American Accent Training

American Accent Training

“American Accent Training™” Pick up a standard American accent in just a few hours! This is an excellent resource for all ESL students. Actors can easily get a standard accent for auditions and roles. OTHER AAT APPS: American Accent and The...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: American Accent Training, Inc.
Cambridge American Cemetery

Cambridge American Cemetery

Explore Cambridge American Cemetery, where 3,812 Americans that gave their lives in World War II are buried. American armed forces used Great Britain as a base of operations during the war, further solidifying the friendship and alliance between...

Price: Free Developer: The American Battle Monuments Commission
Flanders Field American Cemetery

Flanders Field American Cemetery

Explore Flanders Field American Cemetery, where more than 300 Americans that gave their lives in World War I are buried. During the Ypres-Lys Campaign four American divisions fought alongside their Allied counterparts in Belgium and northeastern France, providing...

Price: Free Developer: The American Battle Monuments Commission
Santa Rosa French American

Santa Rosa French American

Get the Santa Rosa French American Charter School (SRFACS) mobile app today! Santa Rosa French American Charter School is a public charter school, grades TK-6, located in Santa Rosa, CA and is part of Santa Rosa City Schools....

Sicily-Rome American Cemetery

Sicily-Rome American Cemetery

Explore Sicily-Rome American Cemetery, where more than 7,800 Americans that gave their lives in World War II are buried. The hard-fought Italian Campaign, which lasted more than a year, proved a critical element to the eventual victory in...

Price: Free Developer: The American Battle Monuments Commission
American College of Education

American College of Education

The American College of Education App brings the campus to your fingertips and enables you to connect with the ACE community: Stay on top of your events, classes, and assignments with the built in calendar function, and get notified...

Price: Free Developer: American College of Education
American Accent: Japanese

American Accent: Japanese

スタンダードなアメリカアクセントを数時間で身につけよう! ESLを学ぶすべての方にとって、優れた教材です。 俳優の方々もオーディションに必要なスタンダードなアクセントを簡単に習得でき、 役も手に入れることができるでしょう。 段階的に簡単なプロセスで発音や単語のつながり、アメリカ英語のスピーチ・ミュージックを学びましょう。iPhoneでヘッドホンを使って聞いたり、あなたの発音をデジタル・レコーダーに録音して、お手本のオーディオと聞き比べることもできます。(iPodではレコーダー機能はご利用いただけません。申し訳ございません。) 楽しく、簡単に、そして速く! アメリカアクセントを簡単に学ぶ驚異的な方法のベストセラー“American Accent Training”の作者、アン・クックにより考案された、初心者、中級・上級者すべての方に最適な学習方法です。、しかも手ごろな値段でご利用いただけます! 基礎的なイントネーション・パターンから始まり、最上級レベルの英語まで学びます。 あなたの理解力は飛躍的に上達するでしょう。TOFELのための練習や、TSE.ESLのインストラクターや、アメリカアクセントを指導する基礎の習得にも最適です。毎日の通学、通勤時、旅行の際に最適です! 特長概要: •イントネーション •単語のつながり •すべての子音発音 •アメリカ英語のR と L、 Th、 S と Zなど •すべての母音発音 •Cat / Caught / Cut、 Bit や Beat?など •Can と Can’t •各エクササイズのためのオーディオ •デジタル・レコーダー 近日登場:解説とオーディオ付きのジョーク集(Jokes with Explanations and Audio)、 アメリカ英語:文法とアクセント( Grammar & Accent)、イギリス英語対アメリカ英語( British vs. American English)、 句読点とスペリング(Punctuation & Spelling)、 音節ストレスのルール(Rules of Syllable Stress)、発音の教材用カード( Pronunciation Flashcards)、福音書(...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: American Accent Training, Inc.
Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery

Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery

Explore Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, where more than 14,000 Americans that gave their lives in World War I are buried. The Meuse-Argonne Offensive is one of America’s most significant battles—1.2 million Americans served during this 47 day offensive,...

Price: Free Developer: The American Battle Monuments Commission
My American Farm STEM

My American Farm STEM

Welcome to STEM on the farm! Discover the amazing world of STEM in agriculture while playing four different games each focused on one element of STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. These games reinforce core academic learning standards...

Price: Free Developer: American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture
American Revolution by KIDS DISCOVER

American Revolution by KIDS DISCOVER

Featured by Apple as a Best App in Education, March 2014 Kids will learn all about the strain between the colonies and Britain, investigate the famous Boston Tea Party, and discover the main battles and key leaders of the American...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: KIDS DISCOVER
Genres: A Modern Music Textbook

Genres: A Modern Music Textbook

What is Genres? Genres is a textbook that discusses of 34 popular Western music genres spanning over 100 years. It is a language learning textbook for Japanese, Korean, and Chinese learners but can also be used by native English speakers...

Price: Free Developer: james rogers
American Textbook Big BOOK Level 1

American Textbook Big BOOK Level 1

Class Booster 복잡하고 지루한 온라인 영어 학습은 이제 그만! 학생들은 재밌게 모바일로 학습하고, 선생님은 간편하게 이메일로 학습결과를 확인 하세요! 1. PC 뿐 아니라 모바일 기기에서도 사용 가능 교재에 포함된 Hybrid CD를 이용해 PC에 설치하고, 학생의 스마트폰이나 테블릿 PC에도 무료앱을 설치해 언제 어디서나 학습이...

Price: Free Developer: Compass Media Co., Ltd.
American Textbook Big BOOK Level 2

American Textbook Big BOOK Level 2

Class Booster 복잡하고 지루한 온라인 영어 학습은 이제 그만! 학생들은 재밌게 모바일로 학습하고, 선생님은 간편하게 이메일로 학습결과를 확인 하세요! 1. PC 뿐 아니라 모바일 기기에서도 사용 가능 교재에 포함된 Hybrid CD를 이용해 PC에 설치하고, 학생의 스마트폰이나 테블릿 PC에도 무료앱을 설치해 언제 어디서나 학습이...

Price: Free Developer: Compass Media Co., Ltd.
American Textbook Big BOOK Level 3

American Textbook Big BOOK Level 3

Class Booster 복잡하고 지루한 온라인 영어 학습은 이제 그만! 학생들은 재밌게 모바일로 학습하고, 선생님은 간편하게 이메일로 학습결과를 확인 하세요! 1. PC 뿐 아니라 모바일 기기에서도 사용 가능 교재에 포함된 Hybrid CD를 이용해 PC에 설치하고, 학생의 스마트폰이나 테블릿 PC에도 무료앱을 설치해 언제 어디서나 학습이...

Price: Free Developer: Compass Media Co., Ltd.
American Textbook Big BOOK Level 4

American Textbook Big BOOK Level 4

Class Booster 복잡하고 지루한 온라인 영어 학습은 이제 그만! 학생들은 재밌게 모바일로 학습하고, 선생님은 간편하게 이메일로 학습결과를 확인 하세요! 1. PC 뿐 아니라 모바일 기기에서도 사용 가능 교재에 포함된 Hybrid CD를 이용해 PC에 설치하고, 학생의 스마트폰이나 테블릿 PC에도 무료앱을 설치해 언제 어디서나 학습이...

Price: Free Developer: Compass Media Co., Ltd.
American Textbook Big BOOK Level 5

American Textbook Big BOOK Level 5

Class Booster 복잡하고 지루한 온라인 영어 학습은 이제 그만! 학생들은 재밌게 모바일로 학습하고, 선생님은 간편하게 이메일로 학습결과를 확인 하세요! 1. PC 뿐 아니라 모바일 기기에서도 사용 가능 교재에 포함된 Hybrid CD를 이용해 PC에 설치하고, 학생의 스마트폰이나 테블릿 PC에도 무료앱을 설치해 언제 어디서나 학습이...

Price: Free Developer: Compass Media Co., Ltd.
Y – Interactive Textbook

Y – Interactive Textbook

Y INTERACTIVE TEXTBOOK is an app designed to explore the potential of tablet in learning by providing a NEW APPROACH FOR TEXTBOOKS. In this app, textbooks are enriched with multimedia resources and can be used off-line in tablet by...

Price: Free Developer: Leya
100% Physics - Textbook and Reference

100% Physics - Textbook and Reference

Tired of carrying that heavy Physics textbook with you all the time? Need to quickly revise the Doppler effect? Can you derive Snell's Law? 100% Physics is your concise and comprehensive Physics textbook - all packed...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Novel Approach
FLTRP - English E-textbook (Modules1-2 of Book1 Grade1, Primary School)

FLTRP - English E-textbook (Modules1-2 of Book1 Grade1, Primary School)

FLTRP’s English e-textbooks are based on FLTRP’s New Standard English, the first complete set of English textbooks based on the new curriculum issued by the Ministry of Education. The e-textbooks include quite a number of multimedia resources, provide learning...

Price: Free Developer: FLTRP
Big Universe Reader

Big Universe Reader

Big Universe Reader is a streamlined way to access and read the thousands of titles available on Big Universe. Just sign in using your Big Universe account and begin reading without the distractions of a web browser. Watch...

Price: Free Developer: Big Universe, Inc
Big Ear - Simply Make Music!

Big Ear - Simply Make Music!

Big Ear is the fun and easy way to play and learn music.  No need for real instruments, play it anywhere and anytime. Note: For those lucky ones who play an instrument, Big Ear is a perfect companion when your...

Price: Free Developer: Big Ear Games Oy
Big House Church

Big House Church

The Big House Church App connects you to a variety of resources, including sermons, live streaming, music, and event information. You will be able to listen to messages from Pastor Adam Cates and our Big House leaders. ...

Big Ideas Math Solutions

Big Ideas Math Solutions

The Big Ideas Math Solutions app provides worked out solutions for the odd-numbered exercises in the Big Ideas Math high school programs. Step-by-step solutions help high school students find and fix their mistakes and grow as independent learners. Please note...

Price: Free Developer: Big Ideas Learning, LLC
DragonBox Big Numbers

DragonBox Big Numbers

Put your child in charge of building a wonderful world for the Nooms. Learn how big numbers work through play and exploration. Learn to perform long additions and subtractions. Grow, gather and trade resources to unlock new worlds, and build houses,...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: WeWantToKnow AS


Everything our camp parents need while their children have an amazing time at BIG IDEA Israel. Access your personal area, prepare for summer, photos from camp, updates and more. Developed by Amit Inbar, BIG IDEA camper since 2013

Price: Free Developer: BIG IDEA Educational Projects Ltd.
Big Ideas Math Videos

Big Ideas Math Videos

The Big Ideas Math Videos app provides tutorial videos for every example in the Big Ideas Math middle school and high school programs. These videos are available with both English and Spanish audio.

Price: Free Developer: Big Ideas Learning, LLC
Game Zone - The Big Challenge

Game Zone - The Big Challenge

Join in the fun in the Game Zone, the educational games space from The Big Challenge. With quizzes, words games, sentence jumbles and more, you’ll level up your English with a smile. FEATURES: - Four fast and fun games testing...

Price: Free Developer: The Big Challenge
Login Access: DB Big Numbers

Login Access: DB Big Numbers

NOTE! This version of DragonBox Big Numbers requires a special account. If you haven’t used a code card, or signed up for Teacher Access, you need to download the regular version of DragonBox Big Numbers.

Price: Free Developer: WeWantToKnow AS
Webber BIG Apraxia

Webber BIG Apraxia

This educational app for the iPad® has 562 full-color photo-word cards from the Webber® BIG Apraxia Photo Cards set by Super Duper® Publications. We have carefully organized the photo-word cards by syllable shape/ease of production, targeting 21 consonant sounds...

Price: USD 49.99 Developer: Super Duper Publications
Kids Coloring and Paint Book

Kids Coloring and Paint Book

~~~ The Perfect First Coloring Book for your Child! ~~~ ~~~ Top free Education app in more than 70 countries ~~~ ~~~ 99 Amazing Coloring Pages Inside ~~~ ~~~ From the creators of world leading and award winning educational applications ~~~ Make your...

Price: Free Developer: Kids Games Club by TabTale
World Book WOW

World Book WOW

Help your kids learn while they have fun using World Book WOW: Do Homework - Recommended by teachers and librarians as a reference source for research - Content refreshed 24/7 so kids have the most current and accurate information - Keeps work organized...

Price: Free Developer: World Book, Inc.


Connect with a professional tutor in your area with just a few taps with the Book&Table app! A System Built for Quality • Parents and students visiting Book&Table will always see the best available tutors first. • As tutors complete...

Price: Free Developer: Book&Table, Inc.
Classic fairy tales 3 - interactive book for kids

Classic fairy tales 3 - interactive book for kids

We offer your kids with the best selection of classic short stories and fairy tales to let your children have a fun time. An interactive book with story reading and educational and learning games like coloring and jigsaw puzzles...

Price: Free Developer: Classic fairy tales Interactive book for kids
Classic fairy tales 3 interactive book - Premium

Classic fairy tales 3 interactive book - Premium

Version without ads. We offer your kids with the best selection of classic short stories and fairy tales to let your children have a fun time. An interactive book with story reading and educational and learning games like coloring...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Classic fairy tales Interactive book for kids
Classic fairy tales 2 interactive book - Premium

Classic fairy tales 2 interactive book - Premium

Version without ads. We offer your kids with the best selection of classic short stories and fairy tales to let your children have a fun time. An interactive book with story reading and educational and learning games like coloring...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Classic fairy tales Interactive book for kids
Little Princess Coloring Book!

Little Princess Coloring Book!

~~> An enchanting, sparkling and interactive experience fit for Royalty ~~> 150+ beautiful princesses coloring screens in 7 fun unique games ~~> No.1 Free Education App in the USA, UK and 45 Countries around the world Come and enjoy...

Price: Free Developer: TabTale LTD
Coloring Book Plus Vol 1

Coloring Book Plus Vol 1

Nitrio Coloring Book Vol 1 - Everyday Objects Let's get ready to color! Nitrio Coloring Book is dedicated to help kids explore the creative world of coloring. Coloring is a positive activity that will help kids develop their creativity and color...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Nitrio
Coloring Book Plus Vol 3

Coloring Book Plus Vol 3

Nitrio Coloring Book HD V3 - Animal Series Let's get ready to color! Nitrio Coloring Book is dedicated to help kids explore the creative world of coloring. Coloring is a positive activity that will help kids develop their creativity and color...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Nitrio
Black History Audio Book

Black History Audio Book

Black History Audio Book includes informative stories about famous black history people. The spoken words come directly out of this black history app on your device. No WIFI or internet connection is needed. You'll enjoy hearing these 30 specially...

Price: Free Developer: Quikthinking
Balance Benders Level 1 (Lite)

Balance Benders Level 1 (Lite)

Logic and algebraic reasoning puzzles - More fun & addictive than Sudoku! Move over Sudoku, here come Balance Benders™! You can use these activities as quick, fun logic problems or as stepping stones to success in algebra. Students develop deductive...

Price: Free Developer: The Critical Thinking Co.
Balance Benders Level 2 (Lite)

Balance Benders Level 2 (Lite)

Logic and algebraic reasoning puzzles - More fun & addictive than Sudoku! Move over Sudoku, here come Balance Benders™! You can use these activities as quick, fun logic problems or as stepping stones to success in algebra. Students develop deductive...

Price: Free Developer: The Critical Thinking Co.
Balance Benders Level 3 (Lite)

Balance Benders Level 3 (Lite)

Logic and algebraic reasoning puzzles - More fun & addictive than Sudoku! Move over Sudoku, here come Balance Benders™! You can use these activities as quick, fun logic problems or as stepping stones to success in algebra. Students develop deductive...

Price: Free Developer: The Critical Thinking Co.
Balance Benders™ Level 1

Balance Benders™ Level 1

Logic and algebraic reasoning puzzles - More fun & addictive than Sudoku! Move over Sudoku, here come Balance Benders™! You can use these activities as quick, fun logic problems or as stepping stones to success in algebra. Students develop deductive...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: The Critical Thinking Co.
Balance Benders™ Level 2

Balance Benders™ Level 2

Logic and algebraic reasoning puzzles - More fun & addictive than Sudoku! Move over Sudoku, here come Balance Benders™! You can use these activities as quick, fun logic problems or as stepping stones to success in algebra. Students develop deductive...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: The Critical Thinking Co.
Balance Benders™ Level 3

Balance Benders™ Level 3

Logic and algebraic reasoning puzzles - More fun & addictive than Sudoku! Move over Sudoku, here come Balance Benders™! You can use these activities as quick, fun logic problems or as stepping stones to success in algebra. Students develop deductive...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: The Critical Thinking Co.
Level Up Academy

Level Up Academy

Welcome to Level Up Academy, a K-8 Public Charter School in White Bear Lake, MN! Our weCODE expectations are the foundation of daily life at Level Up Academy. Both adults and children in our community are accountable to these expectations...

Price: Free Developer: LEVEL UP ACADEMY
Mind Benders® Level 6

Mind Benders® Level 6

Deductive Thinking Skills Prepares your child for testing! Develops reading comprehension, logic, and problem solving. Mind Benders®, our best-selling deductive thinking puzzles, develop the logic, reading comprehension, and mental organization skills vital to achieving higher grades and top test scores in...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: The Critical Thinking Co.
Pine Level Pentecostal Church

Pine Level Pentecostal Church

Connect with Pine Level Pentecostal Holiness Church on your favorite devices. View live streams and archived messages, listen to prior sermons, submit prayer requests, see social media and receive push notifications.

Price: Free Developer: Pine Level Pentecostal Holiness Church
A-O level test

A-O level test

The General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced Level, or A Level, is a secondary school leaving qualification in the United Kingdom, offered as a main qualification in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, as an alternative qualification in Scotland, and...

Price: Free Developer: rahul baweja

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