Top 28 Education Apps Like American Accent Training - Best Alternatives

American Accent Training Alternatives

Do you want to find the best American Accent Training alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Education apps that are similar to American Accent Training. Pick one from this list to be your new American Accent Training app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to American Accent Training on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like American Accent Training - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid American Accent Training alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like American Accent Training 2025.

Cambridge American Cemetery

Cambridge American Cemetery

Explore Cambridge American Cemetery, where 3,812 Americans that gave their lives in World War II are buried. American armed forces used Great Britain as a base of operations during the war, further solidifying the friendship and alliance between...

Price: Free Developer: The American Battle Monuments Commission
Flanders Field American Cemetery

Flanders Field American Cemetery

Explore Flanders Field American Cemetery, where more than 300 Americans that gave their lives in World War I are buried. During the Ypres-Lys Campaign four American divisions fought alongside their Allied counterparts in Belgium and northeastern France, providing...

Price: Free Developer: The American Battle Monuments Commission
Santa Rosa French American

Santa Rosa French American

Get the Santa Rosa French American Charter School (SRFACS) mobile app today! Santa Rosa French American Charter School is a public charter school, grades TK-6, located in Santa Rosa, CA and is part of Santa Rosa City Schools....

Sicily-Rome American Cemetery

Sicily-Rome American Cemetery

Explore Sicily-Rome American Cemetery, where more than 7,800 Americans that gave their lives in World War II are buried. The hard-fought Italian Campaign, which lasted more than a year, proved a critical element to the eventual victory in...

Price: Free Developer: The American Battle Monuments Commission
American College of Education

American College of Education

The American College of Education App brings the campus to your fingertips and enables you to connect with the ACE community: Stay on top of your events, classes, and assignments with the built in calendar function, and get notified...

Price: Free Developer: American College of Education
American Accent: Japanese

American Accent: Japanese

スタンダードなアメリカアクセントを数時間で身につけよう! ESLを学ぶすべての方にとって、優れた教材です。 俳優の方々もオーディションに必要なスタンダードなアクセントを簡単に習得でき、 役も手に入れることができるでしょう。 段階的に簡単なプロセスで発音や単語のつながり、アメリカ英語のスピーチ・ミュージックを学びましょう。iPhoneでヘッドホンを使って聞いたり、あなたの発音をデジタル・レコーダーに録音して、お手本のオーディオと聞き比べることもできます。(iPodではレコーダー機能はご利用いただけません。申し訳ございません。) 楽しく、簡単に、そして速く! アメリカアクセントを簡単に学ぶ驚異的な方法のベストセラー“American Accent Training”の作者、アン・クックにより考案された、初心者、中級・上級者すべての方に最適な学習方法です。、しかも手ごろな値段でご利用いただけます! 基礎的なイントネーション・パターンから始まり、最上級レベルの英語まで学びます。 あなたの理解力は飛躍的に上達するでしょう。TOFELのための練習や、TSE.ESLのインストラクターや、アメリカアクセントを指導する基礎の習得にも最適です。毎日の通学、通勤時、旅行の際に最適です! 特長概要: •イントネーション •単語のつながり •すべての子音発音 •アメリカ英語のR と L、 Th、 S と Zなど •すべての母音発音 •Cat / Caught / Cut、 Bit や Beat?など •Can と Can’t •各エクササイズのためのオーディオ •デジタル・レコーダー 近日登場:解説とオーディオ付きのジョーク集(Jokes with Explanations and Audio)、 アメリカ英語:文法とアクセント( Grammar & Accent)、イギリス英語対アメリカ英語( British vs. American English)、 句読点とスペリング(Punctuation & Spelling)、 音節ストレスのルール(Rules of Syllable Stress)、発音の教材用カード( Pronunciation Flashcards)、福音書(...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: American Accent Training, Inc.
Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery

Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery

Explore Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, where more than 14,000 Americans that gave their lives in World War I are buried. The Meuse-Argonne Offensive is one of America’s most significant battles—1.2 million Americans served during this 47 day offensive,...

Price: Free Developer: The American Battle Monuments Commission
My American Farm STEM

My American Farm STEM

Welcome to STEM on the farm! Discover the amazing world of STEM in agriculture while playing four different games each focused on one element of STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. These games reinforce core academic learning standards...

Price: Free Developer: American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture
American Revolution by KIDS DISCOVER

American Revolution by KIDS DISCOVER

Featured by Apple as a Best App in Education, March 2014 Kids will learn all about the strain between the colonies and Britain, investigate the famous Boston Tea Party, and discover the main battles and key leaders of the American...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: KIDS DISCOVER


Дистанционная платформа ACCENT.CITY Доступ к платформе вы можете заказать в нашей компании: 8 (495) 162-62-77 или [email protected] ACCENT LC Online – это собственная онлайн платформа, которая позволяет оптимизировать процесс обучения всем его участникам: студентам, преподавателям, Заказчику. Дистанционное обучение проводится на онлайн-платформе Accent...

Price: Free Developer: Alexandr Seregin
Accent Training

Accent Training

Practice American Accent daily through native voice audios by listening and then recording to improve your accent dramatically.

Price: Free Developer: Tran Xuan An
Learn American Accent

Learn American Accent

American Accent : Learn accent trainer is an education app that includes a plenty of American accent top tips. Start English speaking practice, English listening and learn new words from the American dictionary. AMERICAN LISTEN AND REPEAT - Listen to genuine...

Price: Free Developer: rajab khan
Get Rid of your Accent UK1

Get Rid of your Accent UK1

Get Rid of your Accent is a phenomenon. Seven years ago, we created an instant hit, the best-selling pronunciation book in the UK. Our second and third books make us the most popular books and CD package around. Actors,...

Price: USD 13.99 Developer: Olga Smith BATCS Limited
English Accent for Beginners

English Accent for Beginners

This app contains all 48 lessons from the book “Get Rid of your Accent for Beginners”, which is the latest book in the series “Get Rid of your Accent”. See our other accent reduction apps and books on This...

Price: USD 13.99 Developer: Olga Smith BATCS Limited
American Accent Toolkit

American Accent Toolkit

American Accent Toolkit is based on bestselling books in the series "Get Rid of your Accent", which is a phenomenon. Actors, lawyers, brokers, businessmen, and diplomats have flourished with our help. "As a diplomat I need effective communication skills,...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Olga Smith BATCS Limited
Get Rid of your Accent UK1 CHN

Get Rid of your Accent UK1 CHN

彻底改变你讲英语的方式 不再尴尬的被人要求重说一遍 发音从此不再是你讲英语的绊脚石 “去除你的口音中国版” 是一个基于伦敦戏剧学院几十年来使用并验证的教学方法而开发的英语发音课程. 它就在你的手边, 听,模仿, 录音,重放,效果显著. “作为一个外交官, 我需要有高超的沟通技巧. 特别是当我在广播和电视上发表演说的时候. 一个清晰,清脆的发音总是比一个厚重的外国音更有说服力. 我正在阅读这本书, 而且认为对于一个象我这样的外国人来说这本书是极其有用的.” ...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Olga Smith BATCS Limited
Get Rid of Your Accent UK1 RUS

Get Rid of Your Accent UK1 RUS

This app is based on bestselling books in the series "Get Rid of your Accent", which is a phenomenon. Actors, lawyers, brokers, businessmen, and diplomats have flourished with our help. "As a diplomat I need effective communication skills, particularly...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Olga Smith BATCS Limited
Training by Eos

Training by Eos

Training by Eos - The Case Study specialists The Training-by-Eos app provides content and access to online and classroom programmes developed by the ex-ICAEW Senior Case Study Examiner, Training-by-Eos offers you the best possible chance of passing your exam....

Price: Free Developer: Training by Eos
Champion Puppy Training System

Champion Puppy Training System

Access your Champion Puppy Training System account anywhere you go, even when you're offline. You can also access all of the audio and video training included with your Champion Puppy Training account, via this app in audio or video format...

Price: Free Developer: Champion Dog Training And Services LLC
Blink Training

Blink Training

The Blink Training System is a powerfully effective tool for self improvement. Courses are played in 3 to 5-minute segments, so you can easily find the time to take one more step towards the life you desire. Skills and...

Price: Free Developer: Blink Training Systems, LLC
Eureka 4WD Training

Eureka 4WD Training

A must have App for anybody and everybody that owns or drives a 4WD vehicle. This 4WD Training App is packed with 20 x Instructional Videos all filmed with the Eureka 4WD Training instructors PLUS 39 x pages of essential...

Price: Free Developer: MRH Training Apps Pty Ltd
Potty Training Academy Video

Potty Training Academy Video

It's Potty Training time! Meet George & Hollie, Potty Training Academy's potty training friends and join them on their exciting potty training adventures! Our app is a fun way to help your toddler along their own potty training journey. ...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Potty Training Academy Ltd
Potty Training Social Story

Potty Training Social Story

This app is an interactive social story about potty training that is customizable for boys or girls. The app also includes a visual schedule for using the potty and an extensive FAQ page that lists answers written by a...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Touch Autism
Sporty's Pilot Training

Sporty's Pilot Training

Sporty’s innovative Pilot Training app brings a variety of aviation training courses to one location, allowing you to access all your aviation content from your iPad, iPhone or AppleTV. The Pilot Training app allows you to access Sporty’s award-winning 2020...

Price: Free Developer: Sporty's Pilot Shop
imperative training First Aid

imperative training First Aid

imperative training ltd is the largest independent provider of in-house, business to business first aid training in the UK. Founded in 2003, imperative training has provided first aid training for over 11 years to companies big and small, household...

Price: Free Developer: Imperative Training


Now learn about the Business acumen, Career Skill, Soft Skill, Functional, Foundation, English language, processes and systems of FE credit through various training manuals via FE ATS app. - Easy to learn with school user interface and separate category business...

Price: Free Developer: FECredit
FLIP Training

FLIP Training

FLIP on workforce performance! In today’s world people are always on the go and wired with short attention spans. Traditional methods of learning that were once the standard are just not cutting it anymore. FLIP’s approach to learning is custom...

Price: Free Developer: Mercury Studio, LLC

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