Do you want to find the best Get Rid of your Accent UK1 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 46 Education apps that are similar to Get Rid of your Accent UK1. Pick one from this list to be your new Get Rid of your Accent UK1 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Get Rid of your Accent UK1 on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Get Rid of your Accent UK1 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 46 similar apps like Get Rid of your Accent UK1 2025.
**For the moment "Get Relaxed Exams!" is only available in German language! An English version will follow soon!** Du hast Dich bestens auf die anstehende Prüfung vorbereitet? Doch je näher der Prüfungstermin rückt, desto nervöser und angespannter wirst Du... Klassenarbeit,...
i Get… Going to the Grocery Store is an application providing photo albums including a social skill story, grocery vocabulary and a grocery list for individuals that need support in understanding the process of going shopping at a grocery...
i Get .. Christmas is an application providing a photo social skill story for individuals that need support in understanding the process of Christmas. Thirty pages with real picture images are used to illustrate the sequence of events. Each...
i Get… Christmas Vocabulary Photo Album Books is an application designed in a photo album format to support individuals learning about things relative to Christmas. The ability to individualize all the pages with your own photos, titles, subtitles...
i Get… Cooking Vocabulary and Create Recipe Photo Sequence Books is an application providing photo books for individuals that need support in understanding things relative to the kitchen, including cooking and making recipes. The vocabulary photo books included are; "Cooking...
i Get… Going to the Beach is an application providing a photo social skills story for individuals that need support in understanding going to the beach. Eighteen icons with real picture images are used to illustrate the sequence of...
i Get… Going to the Playground is an application providing a photo vocabulary books and social skills story for individuals that need support in understanding things at a playground. Text statements can be individualized for each picture allowing...
i Get… My Community Vocabulary Photo Books is an application offering picture, text and audio support to individuals learning about their community. The app comes with three photo books; Community People, Community Places and Community Objects. All photos...
i Get... My Daily Schedule, Recall My Day and Learn Calendar Concepts is an application providing a photo story for individuals that need support in understanding the steps that will occur/have occurred during their day. Fifty-seven icons with real...
i Get... Valentine's Day is an application providing a photo social skill story for individuals that need support in understanding the process of Valentine's Day. Twenty-seven icons with real picture images are used to illustrate the sequence of...
彻底改变你讲英语的方式 不再尴尬的被人要求重说一遍 发音从此不再是你讲英语的绊脚石 “去除你的口音中国版” 是一个基于伦敦戏剧学院几十年来使用并验证的教学方法而开发的英语发音课程. 它就在你的手边, 听,模仿, 录音,重放,效果显著. “作为一个外交官, 我需要有高超的沟通技巧. 特别是当我在广播和电视上发表演说的时候. 一个清晰,清脆的发音总是比一个厚重的外国音更有说服力. 我正在阅读这本书, 而且认为对于一个象我这样的外国人来说这本书是极其有用的.” ...
This app is based on bestselling books in the series "Get Rid of your Accent", which is a phenomenon. Actors, lawyers, brokers, businessmen, and diplomats have flourished with our help. "As a diplomat I need effective communication skills, particularly...
Get Rid of your Accent is a phenomenon. Eight years ago, we created an instant hit, the best-selling pronunciation book in the UK. This together with our second and third books make this the most popular books and CD...
This is the only app on the market that has both pronunciation training and business vocabulary training. This app contains all the lessons from the book Get Rid of your Accent for Business, by Linda James and Olga Smith....
Littering is a global challenge. In particular, plastic has become an omnipresent threat, not only to our oceans but to nature in general.. But how much litter is out there in our nature? This question was the driver for...
With more than 3400 Electrical Engineering terms and lots of Electrical Formulas and Equations, this app will sure cement your basics of Electrical Engineering. This app contains various types of Electrical Calculator to get rid of difficult numerals....
With more than 3400 Electrical Engineering terms and lots of Electrical Formulas and Equations, this app will sure cement your basics of Electrical Engineering. This app contains various types of Electrical Calculator to get rid of difficult numerals....
This app contains all 48 lessons from the book “Get Rid of your Accent for Beginners”, which is the latest book in the series “Get Rid of your Accent”. See our other accent reduction apps and books on This...
With more than 4000 Mechanical Engineering terms, this Mechanical Dictionary will sure cement your conceptual basics of Mechanical Engineering. This app contains various types of Mechanical Calculator to get rid of difficult numerals. This app is full of numerous...
County College of Morris's official student app. Get quick access to Blackboard, Titans Direct, Student Email, Campus Events, Youngtown Edition, Titan Athletics, Library, Job Links, Career Services and Public Safety. In addition, Academic Department information is provided including faculty...
Mia's mobile app provides access to special exhibition audio guides. The Minneapolis Institute of Art enriches the community by collecting, preserving, and making accessible outstanding works of art from the world’s diverse cultures.
The American College of Education App brings the campus to your fingertips and enables you to connect with the ACE community: Stay on top of your events, classes, and assignments with the built in calendar function, and get notified...
The Journal of Adventist Education®, is an award-winning professional journal for Christian teachers and others interested in Christian education. Each issue of the Journal features informational and practical articles on a variety of topics relating to Christian education. Occasional theme...
When God realises that all the good musicians are dead, he puts Mozart in charge of assembling a super-group of angels for a one-off concert that will show the musicians back on Earth what good music really sounds like....
Nitro Falcon must stop his nemesis, Robotank, from stealing valuable gold and diamonds, but Robotank has the power of self-replication, and as his powers grow stronger and stronger, he threatens to take over the entire world… Written and illustrated...
The Phoenix Conservatory of Music (PCM) mission is to unleash the power of music by providing high quality music education and experiences to students and families that is affordable and accessible. We fill our mission by providing community...
by Joy Cowley illustrated by Dick Frizzell In this lively, rhythmic text, suitable for sharing across all levels, a flea boasts that he is King of the Mountain, only to have the title snatched from him by a bigger, more threatening...
Cameo College of Essential Beauty offers comprehensive training programs in Cosmetology, Master/Medical Esthetics, Nail Technology, Electrolysis, and Permanent Make-Up. We provide superior standards of education, shaping the beauty and wellness industry by empowering confident and innovative future professionals for...
The Illinois Federation of Teachers app is a valuable resource to help members and supporters stay informed and advocate for public education and services. Key features: • Stay up-to-date on the latest IFT news and receive notifications on urgent matters • Contact...
Quiz your English is a fun new way to practise, improve, and test your English by competing against learners from all around the world. Practise with friends, building vital language skills in the process, and test yourself in a...
Mit dieser kostenlosen App greifen Sie unkompliziert und schnell auf die Audios von At your leisure zu. Mit der neuen Bibliotheksfunktion verwalten Sie jetzt selbst die Inhalte zu allen verfügbaren Büchern. Die At your leisure App nutzt das beliebte Augmented...
Imagine an online platform that you can access anywhere at any time and on any device, tablet, laptop or phone. Designed for ease of use and accessibility for anyone thinking about setting up a business, new to business or business...
Feed Your Elephant is the ultimate app for learning and retaining knowledge. The app learns what you know, what you don't and tailors the content accordingly in order to ensure you learn in the most effective manner possible. It employs proven...
INSPIRED BY A LECTURE ON CREATIVITY GIVEN AT VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY, THIS APP HELPS ANYONE BE CREATIVE. There is a simple technique that successful and creative companies use to come up with new, groundbreaking ideas. With this app, you can practice...
The Find Your Grind App gives users a roadmap to discover who they are, where they’re going, and steps on how to get there; providing Modern Career Choices for Alternative Lifestyles. Start discovering who you are and what really...
Teach your child to talk. This is a very simple app. Record 5-second videos of familiar people and objects that you want your child to learn to say then play them back in a special toddler mode. The toddler...
Future proof yourself with real-world learning techniques to accelerate your growth and hack your career. Drawing on the latest research in neuroscience and evidence-based learning, Learn2Learn is a practical guide to help you learn faster, smarter and deeper at work...
Childline report that 96% of students are stressed at school. Make Your Mind Up is aimed at teens and young adults to help build positive mindset and mental strength enabling them to better cope with the challenges of student life and...
Play Your Talent gives you insight into your unique talents - What gives you energy and what drains you for energy. With this knowledge, you can optimize your life both professionally and personally. The app can be used advantageously by...
“American Accent Training™” Pick up a standard American accent in just a few hours! This is an excellent resource for all ESL students. Actors can easily get a standard accent for auditions and roles. OTHER AAT APPS: American Accent and The...
Дистанционная платформа ACCENT.CITY Доступ к платформе вы можете заказать в нашей компании: 8 (495) 162-62-77 или ACCENT LC Online – это собственная онлайн платформа, которая позволяет оптимизировать процесс обучения всем его участникам: студентам, преподавателям, Заказчику. Дистанционное обучение проводится на онлайн-платформе Accent...
Practice American Accent daily through native voice audios by listening and then recording to improve your accent dramatically.
スタンダードなアメリカアクセントを数時間で身につけよう! ESLを学ぶすべての方にとって、優れた教材です。 俳優の方々もオーディションに必要なスタンダードなアクセントを簡単に習得でき、 役も手に入れることができるでしょう。 段階的に簡単なプロセスで発音や単語のつながり、アメリカ英語のスピーチ・ミュージックを学びましょう。iPhoneでヘッドホンを使って聞いたり、あなたの発音をデジタル・レコーダーに録音して、お手本のオーディオと聞き比べることもできます。(iPodではレコーダー機能はご利用いただけません。申し訳ございません。) 楽しく、簡単に、そして速く! アメリカアクセントを簡単に学ぶ驚異的な方法のベストセラー“American Accent Training”の作者、アン・クックにより考案された、初心者、中級・上級者すべての方に最適な学習方法です。、しかも手ごろな値段でご利用いただけます! 基礎的なイントネーション・パターンから始まり、最上級レベルの英語まで学びます。 あなたの理解力は飛躍的に上達するでしょう。TOFELのための練習や、TSE.ESLのインストラクターや、アメリカアクセントを指導する基礎の習得にも最適です。毎日の通学、通勤時、旅行の際に最適です! 特長概要: •イントネーション •単語のつながり •すべての子音発音 •アメリカ英語のR と L、 Th、 S と Zなど •すべての母音発音 •Cat / Caught / Cut、 Bit や Beat?など •Can と Can’t •各エクササイズのためのオーディオ •デジタル・レコーダー 近日登場:解説とオーディオ付きのジョーク集(Jokes with Explanations and Audio)、 アメリカ英語:文法とアクセント( Grammar & Accent)、イギリス英語対アメリカ英語( British vs. American English)、 句読点とスペリング(Punctuation & Spelling)、 音節ストレスのルール(Rules of Syllable Stress)、発音の教材用カード( Pronunciation Flashcards)、福音書(...
American Accent : Learn accent trainer is an education app that includes a plenty of American accent top tips. Start English speaking practice, English listening and learn new words from the American dictionary. AMERICAN LISTEN AND REPEAT - Listen to genuine...
American Accent Toolkit is based on bestselling books in the series "Get Rid of your Accent", which is a phenomenon. Actors, lawyers, brokers, businessmen, and diplomats have flourished with our help. "As a diplomat I need effective communication skills,...
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