Top 40 Entertainment Apps Like Gun Movie FX FPS - Best Alternatives

Gun Movie FX FPS Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Gun Movie FX FPS alternatives for iOS? We have listed 40 Entertainment apps that are similar to Gun Movie FX FPS. Pick one from this list to be your new Gun Movie FX FPS app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Gun Movie FX FPS on your iOS devices.

Top 40 Apps Like Gun Movie FX FPS - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Gun Movie FX FPS alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like Gun Movie FX FPS 2025.



Become a member of the AppStore’s finest collection of gesture and touch controlled weaponry with AAA GUN CLUB lite! Select from classics such as the Colt hand gun & Magnum Revolver all the way through to the Uzi Sub-machine gun....

Price: Free Developer: Gun Club Studios
Gun Lake Casino

Gun Lake Casino

The Gun Lake Casino App gives you instant access to your Passport Club account to view your exclusive offers, point balance, contact your host, find your favorite slot machine, check into drawings and more. Get updated information about all the...

Price: Free Developer: Gun Lake Casino, Inc.
Have Gun-Will Travel

Have Gun-Will Travel

This app let you stream 106 episodes of Have Gun-Will Travel radio show.The show followed the adventures of "Paladin", a gentleman gunfighter (played by Richard Boone on television, and by John Dehner on radio), who preferred to settle problems...

Price: Free Developer: Marisa Singhnarinaath
Gun sounds.

Gun sounds.

This guns simulator is the most realistic simulation shots of weapons. This weapons simulator is a large collection shots sounds from different types of weapons. This application contains almost one hundred different types of weapons, such as machine guns,...

Price: Free Developer: zaai developer
Real Gun Sounds 2018

Real Gun Sounds 2018

Real gun sounds contains amazing gun sounds with high quality pictures. Real gun simulator having different types of gun sounds like: AK-47, Famas, M4A1, Scar H, Tar 21, Fal, M16a4, ACR, F2000, Min Uzi, wrifle, P90, Vector, Ump5k, Mp5k,...

Price: Free Developer: Qazi Rehman
Heavy Weapon Gun Sounds

Heavy Weapon Gun Sounds

Get the real gun in your phone along with gun sound effects. No matter if you are lover of weapon sounds or heavy guns the gun sound simulator provides the wide collection of heavy weapon and real gun sounds...

Price: Free Developer: osama saeed rana
Gun Sounds - Real Gun Sound

Gun Sounds - Real Gun Sound

This weapons simulator has large collection of shots sounds almost from all types of weapons. These gun sounds contain most realistic simulation of weapons. All the sounds are real and are recorded of real shots gun. Collection of sounds of...

Price: Free Developer: Javed Khan Pathan
Chainsaw, Trimmer & Stun Gun

Chainsaw, Trimmer & Stun Gun

Let the fun begin use the electric chainsaw , stun gun and simulator to prank friends and family. Electric chainsaw simulator renders the ultimate graphics simply chop down tress and amaze with real electric chainsaw simulator. Wood cutter simulator...

Price: Free Developer: osama saeed rana
Best Gun Sounds

Best Gun Sounds

If you are true guns lover then Gun Sounds is a great app for you. Gun Sounds App allow users to feel the gun sounds with wonderful graphics and sound effects. Gun Sounds give users a chance to see...

Price: Free Developer: SUNNY THAKKAR
Electric Stun Gun Simulator Fun App

Electric Stun Gun Simulator Fun App

Electric Stun Gun Simulator lets you use your iPhone to simulate an actual stun gun device. Scare your friends, use it to fend off potential robbers, and just find out ways to have fun with it. Highlights: - Real looking...

Price: Free Developer: App Diggity, LLC
CLZ Movies - movie cataloging

CLZ Movies - movie cataloging

The only movie collection app with official IMDb data! Catalog your DVD / Blu-ray collection. Just scan barcodes with your camera! Subscription: $14.99 per year / free 7-day trial Use our CLZ Core service to easily add movies, either by: 1. scanning...

Price: Free Developer:
Movie Tracker for NetFlix and Redbox

Movie Tracker for NetFlix and Redbox

Find your favorite movies from Netflix and RedBox Get into Movie Tracker application and find a very large collection of your favorite movies, from classics to top new releases. Movie Tracker provides a simple and easy way to combine all...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: TheITSpecialistsLLC
Movie Pulse

Movie Pulse

A cutting-edge companion of your emotionally moving cinema visits. You are a movie buff and eager to know what films are doing with us? ▶ Capture and analyze your emotions Movie Pulse identifies emotionally important situations while you are watching...

Price: Free Developer: HZO Film & Medien
Movie Showdown

Movie Showdown

If you call yourself a movie buff, this is the only game you should be playing Movie Showdown is a multiplayer trivia game for movie lovers. Users compete in naming actors who have starred in the films in question, similar...

Price: Free Developer: Movie Showdown Inc
EveryMovie – Random movie

EveryMovie – Random movie

Want to see a movie, but no one title comes to mind? Maybe it seems that you have already seen everything? EveryMovie can save you the trouble of choosing a movie to watch at any time of day. The app will...

Price: Free Developer: Andrey Sidorovnin
Movie Player Pro II

Movie Player Pro II

With Movie Player Pro you can now watch all your favorite films on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Movie Player Pro supports all popular file formats! No video conversion is required beforehand! Movie Player Pro is rewritten from scratch and...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Dominic Rodemer
Movie Clock

Movie Clock

Movie Clock is very compact and simple to use! It has everything essential at your fingertips: - Movie listings for all theatres - Detailed movie showtimes - User ratings and reviews - Upcoming movies - Watch movie trailers and promotional videos - Share showtimes with friends -...

Price: Free Developer: Movie Clock Corporation
Movie Trends

Movie Trends

Learn about the plot, the characters and the film's rating. Hottest film selection out there. Explore all the top novelties in the movie industry now. Browse the top upcoming movies. Movie Trends is your guide into the movie world. Download...

Price: Free Developer: Movie Trends
Random Movie Suggestions

Random Movie Suggestions

Looking for a movie for tonight? Random Movie will help you discover best movies and TV shows adjusted to your favorite genres. Check out suggestions and choose the most promising one!

Price: Free Developer: Wojciech Kulik
Hallmark Movie Checklist

Hallmark Movie Checklist

Keep track of the movies available on and coming to Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movies & Mysteries. You won’t miss any of your favorites with the Hallmark Movie Checklist! On the app, you can: • Add movies to your “Want to...

Price: Free Developer: Hallmark Channel


► FREE! Touch trigger 52 REAL Hollywood sound effects (licensed from a major film studio) of kicks, punches, smashes, screams, wrestles, slaps, cracks & flesh ripping audio delights simultaneously! ► Old school KungFu style graphics mixed with audio inter-actability......

Price: Free Developer: IGRASS PTY LTD
Movie FX Factory

Movie FX Factory

CREATE unique liquid, vapour & fire based CAMERA action MOVIE FX, inspired by the dirty side of INDUSTRIAL FACTORIES. From LEAKING waste, to OOZING grease, venting FLAMES, dipping GOO, seeping GAS, SQUIRTING oil & other strange DRIPPING hazardous liquids,...

Price: Free Developer: IGRASS PTY LTD
Action Movie FX

Action Movie FX

Apple App of the Year ACTION MOVIE FX lets you add Hollywood FX to iPhone and iPad movies that YOU shoot! SAVE nearly 80% on the MEGA FX PACK and get 20 BLOCKBUSTER FX for $1.99 USD! STAR WARS UPDATE includes...

Price: Free Developer: Bad Robot Interactive
Star Wars Studio FX App

Star Wars Studio FX App

WITH THE HASBRO STAR WARS STUDIO FX APP, YOUR STAR WARS TOYS ARE THE ON-SCREEN HEROES! Create video clips of your favorite Star Wars action figures, vehicles and playsets, then use the Hasbro Star Wars Studio FX app to add...

Price: Free Developer: Hasbro, Inc.
Movie FX Super

Movie FX Super

Movie FX Super is FREE for * limited time * ONLY! Hurry! -- Create a Car Explosion at Parking Garage? Attack your own house with missile attack? Alien Abduction in front of your house ? Spot a flying UFO ?...

Price: Free Developer: Wilson Tjoa
Pic Perfect Movie Make Up FX

Pic Perfect Movie Make Up FX

Pic Perfect Movie Make Up FX Sticker Camera lets you add Hollywood Make Up effects to your photos! Zombies, ghosts, bionic, tattoos, blood, and more...endless possibilities! Choose from five amazing movie make upcategories! Monsters FX! Bionic and Cyborgs FX! Zombie FX! Beat...

Price: Free Developer: App Holdings
Amazing FX - Night Vision & Infra Red Ray Free Edition

Amazing FX - Night Vision & Infra Red Ray Free Edition

Disclaimer - *This app is for entertainment purposes only - how you use it is up to you!* Create your own imitation X-Ray Filter Photographs, Night Vision Filter*, Infra-Red* and See-Through* Vision Filter Simulated FX using your iPhone & iPad...

Price: Free Developer: Fragranze Apps Limited
Portal FX

Portal FX

Portal FX is an awesome video effects app that lets you open a portal and send your friend into it! Portal FX needs two video clips. The first clip has your friend standing and the second clip is simply the...

Price: Free Developer: Outerspacious Software LLC
AnimalFaced - Face Paint FX Booth & Selfie Maker

AnimalFaced - Face Paint FX Booth & Selfie Maker

AnimalFaced - The app that lets you transform your face into a choice of up to 46* different Animal Faces! Featuring full screen iPhone 5 Support, along with iPad, iPhone & iPod Touch compatibility, this app is an essential...

Price: Free Developer: Fragranze Apps Limited
Pow! Pop! FX!

Pow! Pop! FX!

Throw a sound, find your iPhone or mess with your friends with Pow! Pop! FX!! Pow! Pop! FX! is a collection of fun, classic and prank-worthy sounds that you can use for practical purposes (like finding your iPhone), having fun...

Price: Free Developer: Peak Systems
EAA!! FPS News (フォートナイト/PUBG他)

EAA!! FPS News (フォートナイト/PUBG他)

国内最大級のFPS/TPSニュースサイトEAA!! 400万人のFPS/TPSユーザーが使うニュース!! 国内外のシューティングゲームの旬な記事が満載!! 毎日更新で新鮮なニュースをあなたにお届け!! ■ EAA!! ニュースアプリの特徴 ・国内外のFPS/TPSニュースを毎日配信 ・ゲーム内イベント情報もカバー ・国内外の大会やイベントの様子をお届け ・デベロッパーやプロ選手の独自インタビューも ・その他、ゲーミングデバイスやeスポーツ(eSports)、海外のおもしろニュース、YouTube動画なども扱っています ■ 動画ニュースも配信 ・映像で分かりやすく解説 ・今後は楽しい実況プレイなども充実させていく予定です ■ アプリ版の特徴 ・プッシュ通知でニュースを素早くお届け。 ・アプリのホーム画面に「お気に入りのキーワード」を追加可能!好みのニュースだけを素早く入手できます。 ・ニュースもYouTube動画もコレ一本で見ることができます。 ■主な取り扱いFPS/TPSタイトル ・Call of Duty(コールオブデューティー) ・Battlefield(バトルフィールド) ・Overwatch(オーバーウォッチ) ・Titanfall(タイタンフォール) ・Destiny(デスティニー) ・Fortnite Battle Royale(フォートナイト バトルロイヤル) ・フォールアウト ・Far Cry(ファークライ) ・スプラトゥーン ・METAL GEAR(メタルギア) ・Borderlands(ボーダーランズ) ・Battleborn(バトルボーン) ・CS:GO ・PUBG ・Rainbow Six(レインボーシックス) ・モダンコンバット Versus ・荒野行動 ・and more Web: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube: ※FPS/TPSとは、主に銃や戦闘機、戦車などで戦う一人称視点/三人称視点のシューティングゲームです。 ※記載されている会社名・製品名・システム名などは、各社の商標、または登録商標です。

Price: Free Developer: JILCH
FPS Magazine

FPS Magazine

FPS - бесплатный, свободно распространяемый электронный журнал, посвященный различным видам цифрового творчества Тематика FPS охватывает разработку игр и игровых движков, обработку изображений и звука, уроки по трехмерному моделированию и ретуши фотографий, а также свежие новости из мира цифровых технологий. FPS...

Price: Free Developer: Roman Katuntsev
Commando Shooter FPS

Commando Shooter FPS

Commando Shooter FPS is an action First Person Shooting war Game. You are the brave assassin in the army, aim to shoot the terrorists who mask, arm AK47, M4 ,and carry destructive weapons.Aim at the opponent's vital part to...

Price: Free Developer: Vu Hoang Anh
Trivia for Half-Life - FPS Video Game Free Quiz

Trivia for Half-Life - FPS Video Game Free Quiz

Trivia for Half Life, the science fiction, first person shooter video game developed by Valve in which players assume the role of Dr. Gordon Freeman, is a free, fun and addictive quiz game created by Quiz Studio for the...

Price: Free Developer: Bogdan Stanescu
Unofficial Trivia for Bioshock - Free Fun Quiz

Unofficial Trivia for Bioshock - Free Fun Quiz

Trivia for BIOSHOCK is a fun, addictive and FREE IOS quiz made by Quiz Studio for the BIOSHOCK fans out there in order for them to test their game knowledge. Do you have what it takes to complete in...

Price: Free Developer: Bogdan Stanescu
Atomus HD

Atomus HD

::: What is Atomus? ::: • Atomus is a highly complex, kinetic, and interactive visualizer yet it is also an amazingly beautiful work of art. • Atomus was designed to help people who want to think more creatively or who...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: SungLab


::: What is Atomus? ::: • Atomus is a highly complex, kinetic, and interactive visualizer yet it is also an amazingly beautiful work of art. • Atomus was designed to help people who want to think more creatively or...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: SungLab
Atomus 3D

Atomus 3D

Meet Atomus in 3D, using your two fingers, you can control Universe ::: What is Atomus? ::: • Atomus is a highly complex, kinetic, and interactive visualizer yet it is also an amazingly beautiful work of art. • Atomus was...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: SungLab
Animation Studio

Animation Studio

"The Essential Animation App" - AppAdvice "Anyone Can Animate!" - Create Your Own Films Today! Easily create your own Animated Movies, add Characters and Soundtrack with Voice, Music & Text to Speech! Animation Studio frees you to Create and Share your...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: miSoft

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