Top 20 Entertainment Apps Like FPS Magazine - Best Alternatives

FPS Magazine Alternatives

Do you want to find the best FPS Magazine alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Entertainment apps that are similar to FPS Magazine. Pick one from this list to be your new FPS Magazine app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to FPS Magazine on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like FPS Magazine - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid FPS Magazine alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like FPS Magazine 2025.

EAA!! FPS News (フォートナイト/PUBG他)

EAA!! FPS News (フォートナイト/PUBG他)

国内最大級のFPS/TPSニュースサイトEAA!! 400万人のFPS/TPSユーザーが使うニュース!! 国内外のシューティングゲームの旬な記事が満載!! 毎日更新で新鮮なニュースをあなたにお届け!! ■ EAA!! ニュースアプリの特徴 ・国内外のFPS/TPSニュースを毎日配信 ・ゲーム内イベント情報もカバー ・国内外の大会やイベントの様子をお届け ・デベロッパーやプロ選手の独自インタビューも ・その他、ゲーミングデバイスやeスポーツ(eSports)、海外のおもしろニュース、YouTube動画なども扱っています ■ 動画ニュースも配信 ・映像で分かりやすく解説 ・今後は楽しい実況プレイなども充実させていく予定です ■ アプリ版の特徴 ・プッシュ通知でニュースを素早くお届け。 ・アプリのホーム画面に「お気に入りのキーワード」を追加可能!好みのニュースだけを素早く入手できます。 ・ニュースもYouTube動画もコレ一本で見ることができます。 ■主な取り扱いFPS/TPSタイトル ・Call of Duty(コールオブデューティー) ・Battlefield(バトルフィールド) ・Overwatch(オーバーウォッチ) ・Titanfall(タイタンフォール) ・Destiny(デスティニー) ・Fortnite Battle Royale(フォートナイト バトルロイヤル) ・フォールアウト ・Far Cry(ファークライ) ・スプラトゥーン ・METAL GEAR(メタルギア) ・Borderlands(ボーダーランズ) ・Battleborn(バトルボーン) ・CS:GO ・PUBG ・Rainbow Six(レインボーシックス) ・モダンコンバット Versus ・荒野行動 ・and more Web: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube: ※FPS/TPSとは、主に銃や戦闘機、戦車などで戦う一人称視点/三人称視点のシューティングゲームです。 ※記載されている会社名・製品名・システム名などは、各社の商標、または登録商標です。

Price: Free Developer: JILCH
Commando Shooter FPS

Commando Shooter FPS

Commando Shooter FPS is an action First Person Shooting war Game. You are the brave assassin in the army, aim to shoot the terrorists who mask, arm AK47, M4 ,and carry destructive weapons.Aim at the opponent's vital part to...

Price: Free Developer: Vu Hoang Anh
Trivia for Half-Life - FPS Video Game Free Quiz

Trivia for Half-Life - FPS Video Game Free Quiz

Trivia for Half Life, the science fiction, first person shooter video game developed by Valve in which players assume the role of Dr. Gordon Freeman, is a free, fun and addictive quiz game created by Quiz Studio for the...

Price: Free Developer: Bogdan Stanescu
Gun Movie FX FPS

Gun Movie FX FPS

Brought to you by the developers of the original Gun Movie FX. Gun Movie FX FPS is a totally different approach to making action movies. By simply using your device camera you can create awesome first person shooter augmented reality...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Outerspacious Software LLC
Unofficial Trivia for Bioshock - Free Fun Quiz

Unofficial Trivia for Bioshock - Free Fun Quiz

Trivia for BIOSHOCK is a fun, addictive and FREE IOS quiz made by Quiz Studio for the BIOSHOCK fans out there in order for them to test their game knowledge. Do you have what it takes to complete in...

Price: Free Developer: Bogdan Stanescu
Atomus HD

Atomus HD

::: What is Atomus? ::: • Atomus is a highly complex, kinetic, and interactive visualizer yet it is also an amazingly beautiful work of art. • Atomus was designed to help people who want to think more creatively or who...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: SungLab


::: What is Atomus? ::: • Atomus is a highly complex, kinetic, and interactive visualizer yet it is also an amazingly beautiful work of art. • Atomus was designed to help people who want to think more creatively or...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: SungLab
Atomus 3D

Atomus 3D

Meet Atomus in 3D, using your two fingers, you can control Universe ::: What is Atomus? ::: • Atomus is a highly complex, kinetic, and interactive visualizer yet it is also an amazingly beautiful work of art. • Atomus was...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: SungLab
Animation Studio

Animation Studio

"The Essential Animation App" - AppAdvice "Anyone Can Animate!" - Create Your Own Films Today! Easily create your own Animated Movies, add Characters and Soundtrack with Voice, Music & Text to Speech! Animation Studio frees you to Create and Share your...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: miSoft
TV Magazine

TV Magazine

Aposente a revista impressa de programação! Chegou TV MAGAZINE para iPhone e iPad! Confira todos os recursos que o melhor guia de TV possui. NOTÍCIAS: As notícias sobre TV, na hora em que acontecem, sempre em primeira-mão. Confira também os destaques e...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: TV Magazine


BULLY KING Magazine | Fastest Growing New Magazine 2015 Your Source For The American Bully Breed News, Articles & Features & Photos on the Best American Bullies! Each Subscription includes 6 Issues arriving every other month and includes: • Bully Rankings ...

Price: Free Developer: BULLY KING Magazine
Delux Magazine online

Delux Magazine online

DELUX is the ultimate urban lifestyle guide to new music, fashion, living, culture, trends, and art. Delux Magazine is your exclusive online digital passport to what’s hot around the world without leaving your own home.

 Featuring lifestyle, fashion, music, and...

Price: Free Developer: DELUX Magazine
Hotspots Magazine

Hotspots Magazine

The Hotspots Magazine app is the best way to get all the information you need for your LGBT lifestyle every week. Never miss an issue of Florida's largest and favorite gay magazine! Be in-the-know about Florida's hottest events, community happenings, local...

Price: Free Developer: Hotspots Magazine of Florida
Artforum Magazine

Artforum Magazine

Artforum, the international art world's magazine of record, is now available for the iPad. For over fifty years, Artforum has reported on the world of ideas with insight and authority. Ten times a year, our roster of distinguished critics, artists,...

Price: Free Developer: Artforum International Magazine
PNM - Pure Nintendo Magazine

PNM - Pure Nintendo Magazine

PNM is your #1 independent source for exclusive interviews, game previews, concept art, game reviews, 8-bit pixel puzzles and much more direct from the world of Nintendo! PNM goes in depth on every Nintendo system including the Nintendo Switch,...

Price: Free Developer: Pure Media LLC
New! Magazine

New! Magazine

Now with an extended 14 day free trial! Subscribe to new! magazine today and pay less for your favourite magazine, not only do you save but you also get it delivered direct to your device every week! If you are an...

Price: Free Developer: Northern & Shell plc
Brazil Magazine

Brazil Magazine

Brazil Magazine - Subscribe now and get FREE 30 day Trial and FREE Special Issues for Subscribers only. **Real Customer Reviews** ***** AMAZING MAGAZINE!! Finally a Digital Online Magazine to show the real flavor of Brazil! Can't wait to share it...

Price: Free Developer: Bruce Jones
Go Film Magazine

Go Film Magazine

Go Film Magazine Brings You The Best Short Films From Around The World Straight To Your iPad and iPhone. 5-Stars: “Brilliant and Innovative. It's a magazine, but one in which you can watch movies. Brilliant use of the iPad and...

Price: Free Developer: Go Social LLC
Photo In Magazine Picture Frames

Photo In Magazine Picture Frames

Magazine Frames-Celebrity Show Would you see yourself like a Celebrity on the Cover of many well known Magazines, Make your Moment Memorable with Magazine Photo Frames. So many Possibilities even many fake Parody Magazine designs (they do not really exist)...

Price: Free Developer: Santosh Mishra

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