Top 27 Business Apps Like CØP Berlin Eigentumswohnungen - Best Alternatives

CØP Berlin Eigentumswohnungen Alternatives

Do you want to find the best CØP Berlin Eigentumswohnungen alternatives for iOS? We have listed 27 Business apps that are similar to CØP Berlin Eigentumswohnungen. Pick one from this list to be your new CØP Berlin Eigentumswohnungen app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to CØP Berlin Eigentumswohnungen on your iOS devices.

Top 27 Apps Like CØP Berlin Eigentumswohnungen - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid CØP Berlin Eigentumswohnungen alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 27 similar apps like CØP Berlin Eigentumswohnungen 2025.

CP Plus Showcase

CP Plus Showcase

CP PLUS: The World’s Preferred Security & Surveillance Brand is committed to make Security Simpler The first of its kind mobile application for the Security Professionals-“CP PLUS Mobile app” with the ease of use on any mobile device....

Price: Free Developer: CP PLUS GMBH & CO.KG
CP Reykjavik

CP Reykjavik

CP Reykjavík is a dynamic and creative service company with years of experience  which organizes events, incentives and conferences for both domestic and international clients.  CP Reykjavik is guided by principles of professionalism and creative resourcefulness in all areas. We give you the...

Price: Free Developer: CP Reykjavik
CP Track

CP Track

Employee can see there attendance threw the Cp Track App, they can review there whole month's In & out timing threw the Cp Track app

Price: Free Developer: CP PLUS GMBH & CO.KG
CP-Pro Mobile Mais

CP-Pro Mobile Mais

O CP-Pro Mobile Mais é um aplicativo complementar ao software CP-Pro Mais para Windows, voltado para o gerenciamento de escritórios de advocacia. Dispõe de controles para as necessidades das áreas operacional, administrativa e financeira. Em sua versão para iOS,...

Price: Free Developer: Prolink Tecnologia LTDA
CP XChange

CP XChange

CP XChange is a better way to stay informed and connected with the CP community. Stay up-to-date on the latest business and industry news and information and be the first to learn about company announcements and updates. Read success stories about...

Price: Free Developer: Canadian Pacific Railway Limited
LEGEND-V CPクライアントソフト

LEGEND-V CPクライアントソフト

※本アプリケーションは富士通株式会社から正式に配布提供されています。 LEGEND-V CP クライアントソフト(以下、本アプリ)は、Web電話帳ソフトFUJITSU Network LEGEND-V CP基本制御プログラム(以下、LEGEND-V CP)から連絡先を簡単でセキュアに検索できるクライアントソフトです。 社内の電話帳を検索し、参照したアドレス情報から、電話やE-mailなどの機能を呼び出すことができ、状況に応じた適切なコミュニケーション手段を選択して連絡を取ることができます。 また、最近の検索履歴を参照することができる他、検索結果のアドレス情報をお気に入りとして保存することもでき、頻繁にコミュニケーションをとる連絡先をすぐに呼び出すことができます。 なお、検索履歴やお気に入りの情報はサーバに保存し、端末に情報が残らないため、セキュアに電話帳情報を利用できます。 ■特長 1.電話帳検索 LEGEND-V CPの共通電話帳を、キーワード検索することができます。 また、検索の結果はサーバに履歴として保存され、過去の検索結果を遡って参照することができます(最大100回分を保存)。 なお、LEGEND-V CPがプレゼンス機能を有効にしている場合は、検索したアドレス情報の詳細で、アドレス情報にプレゼンス状態を表示することができます。 2.お気に入り管理 電話帳検索で検索したアドレス情報を、お気に入りとして保存することができます。 保存したアドレス情報は一覧化され、並べ替えや削除することができます。 3.発着信履歴表示 サーバで管理している発着信履歴の情報を一覧表示します。 4.My電話帳管理 サーバで管理しているMy電話帳の情報を一覧表示します。 また、その内容を登録、編集、削除する事ができます。 5.コミュニケーションアプリ連携 参照したアドレス情報の電話番号やE-mailアドレスをクリックすることで、お使いの端末にインストールされた電話機能やE-mail機能をもったアプリケーションを呼び出すことができます。 6.データのサーバ管理 検索履歴やお気に入り、発着信履歴、My電話帳の情報はサーバに保存し、端末に情報が残らないため、セキュアに電話帳情報を利用できます。

Price: Free Developer: Fujitsu Limited
CP Law Group

CP Law Group

Welcome to CP Law Group Mobile App! If you or a loved one has suffered a serious injury, the team at CP Law Group will fight for you. We understand how dealing with the physical, emotional and financial aftermath of...

Price: Free Developer: Recreating Reality LLC
Customer Portal (CP)

Customer Portal (CP)

CP is a one stop reporting app for on the go tracking of all day-to-day business metrics and reports with respect to volume trending, SLA trending, productivity, customer satisfaction, escalations etc. Key Features/benefits: 1) Charts for Volume Trending...

Price: Free Developer: Tata Consultancy Services
CP App

CP App

CP App is built for courier owner drivers, it has following features 01- Mobile Login 02- Online Tracking 03- Online Status 04- Add Journey 05- My Journeys 06- My Bookings 07- Booking Status 08- My Bids 09- Jobs Nearby 10- Bid a Job 11- Logout

Price: Free Developer: Ejaz Ahmed


CP CROP is for all employees, affiliates, partners, customers, and enterprise customers/partners of Crop Integration C.P. Group to communicate securely. Important Note: Crop Integration C.P. Group has sole responsibility for the distribution of login information as well as registration. If...

Price: Free Developer: cpcrop
CMS Berlin 2019 & World Summit

CMS Berlin 2019 & World Summit

The app will assist you in planning your visit to CMS Berlin 2019 and CMS World Summit efficiently. Use the free portable guide for an effective preparation to the trade show and orientation on the venue. Since the information...

Price: Free Developer: Eyeled GmbH
Berlin Twp Animal Clinic

Berlin Twp Animal Clinic

This app is designed to provide extended care for the patients and clients of Berlin Township Animal Hospital in West Berlin, New Jersey. With this app you can: One touch call and email Request appointments Request food Request medication View your pet’s upcoming services and...

Price: Free Developer: Berlin Township Animal Hospital
Startup Safary Berlin

Startup Safary Berlin

Official app for Startup Safary Berlin. It gives access to personal agenda, in-app messaging between attendees and real-time updates from the organisers.

Price: Free Developer: Attendease Software Corporation
Berlin Places Dictionary

Berlin Places Dictionary

Berlin Places Dictionary is based on the Berlin City. Berlin, Germany’s capital, dates to the 13th century. Reminders of the city's turbulent 20th-century history include its Holocaust memorial and the Berlin Wall's graffitied remains. Divided during the Cold War,...

Price: Free Developer: Wanda Barrie
Berlin MWC 2017

Berlin MWC 2017

Web and Mobile Business in the Capital Region Berlin-Brandenburg at Mobile World Congress 2017. The app provides information about all participants and the Berlin-Brandenburg ict scene. Mobile World Congress 2017 takes place from 27. February to 2. of March...

Price: Free Developer: apmato
wavespace Berlin

wavespace Berlin

Welcome to your wavespace Berlin App The Community, services, and amenities are now one click away on your smartphone. This App is for the members of the community working at the wavespace Berlin. It’s the ultimate user interface to the building, the...

Price: Free Developer: SpaceOS Limited


Jewellers have the ability to sell on the app, scan labels, print receipts, send receipts by mail, sign privacy statements directly on the display, or open the cash drawer. In addition, BERLIN turns out to be a perfect sales...

Price: Free Developer: Clarity & Success Software GmbH


Official app for all PREMIUM GROUP Events at BERLIN FASHION WEEK: PREMIUM SEEK SHOW&ORDER X PREMIUM #FASHIONTECH BERLIN See all Brands with pictures and info Get contact details of people you meet Add brands to your personal favorites list Navigate to booths See all Berlin Fashion...

Price: Free Developer: Premium Exhibitions GmbH
Intra.NET Berlin

Intra.NET Berlin

This is the official app for we.CONECTS annual Intra.NET Reloaded Berlin conference taking place April 18th - 20th, 2018 in Berlin, Germany. The leading event on intranet, enterprise communication and digital workplaces and the biggest of its kind in Europe....

Price: Free Developer: we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH
BGKontakti Berlin

BGKontakti Berlin

BG Kontakti Berlin - direct connection with the Bulgarians in Berlin. A contact with Bulgarians doctors, dentists, pharmacies, lawyers, translators, accountants, real estate brokers and many other interesting and important companies and people in Berlin. All the necessary information practically...

Price: Free Developer: BuCons Consulting GmbH
Helene-Lange Palais Potsdam

Helene-Lange Palais Potsdam

Das Neubauprojekt Helene-Lange-Palais liegt direkt im Herzen der wunderschönen Altstadt Potsdams – eingerahmt von Grünflächen und unweit der schönsten Spots von Potsdam. So vielfältig sich die Umgebung präsentiert, so ideenreich und abwechslungsreich zeigt sich auch das Projekt. 25 effizient...

Price: Free Developer: SmartExpose
Quartier am Bahnhof

Quartier am Bahnhof

Objektbeschreibung Nur wenige Schritte vom Bahnhof und vom Gemeindezentrum entfernt, entstehen in unserem neuen Wohnensemble „Quartier am Bahnhof“ moderne Eigentumswohnungen. Die vier Mehrfamilienhäuser bieten überschaubare Wohngemeinschaften in schöner Architektur. Auch bei diesem Projekt bleiben wir unseren hohen und umfassenden Qualitätsansprüchen...

Price: Free Developer: Alexander Fries
BBI Immobilien GmbH

BBI Immobilien GmbH

Jetzt mit neuer Benutzeroberfläche: Diese IMMOBILIEN-APP bietet einen tagesaktuellen und kostenlosen Zugriff auf ein großes Angebot von Immobilien in Berlin und Brandenburg. Push-Nachrichten informieren Sie über allerneueste Objekt-Offerten vor der offiziellen Markteinführung. Eine Vielzahl dieser ausgesuchten Eigentumswohnungen, Einfamilienhäuser...

Price: Free Developer: BBI Immobilien GmbH
Grafschafter Volksbank Immo

Grafschafter Volksbank Immo

Die moderne Art, erfolgreich Ihre Immobilie in der Grafschaft Bentheim zu finden: Die neue App der Grafschafter Volksbank. Wir bieten Ihnen eine umfassende Auswahl an Objekten an: Einfamilienhäuser, Bungalows, Doppelhaushälften, Eigentumswohnungen, Penthouses oder Maisonette-Wohnungen und viele andere Objekte. Sprechen...

Price: Free Developer: Grafschafter Volksbank eG
RIZZO Immobilien

RIZZO Immobilien

Sie möchten Ihre Liegenschaft verkaufen? Suchen Sie Ihr Traumobjekt? Bei uns sind Sie richtig! RIZZO Immobilien GmbH - Ihr Immobilien-Partner Treu unserem Moto "Ich bin schneller" kaufen und verkaufen wir im Auftrag unserer Kundschaft Ein- und Mehrfamilienhäuser, Eigentumswohnungen, Landparzellen...

Price: Free Developer: Nic Liotta
Sylter Immobilien-Kontor e.K.

Sylter Immobilien-Kontor e.K.

Eine perfekte App, um eine Immobilie auf der Insel Sylt zu finden. Egal ob Sie eine kleine Wohnung suchen oder das exklusive Haus in seltener Lage. Mit dieser App finden Sie das passende Objekt. Sollten Sie hier nicht Ihre...

Price: Free Developer: AppConfector UG (haftungsbeschraenkt)

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