Do you want to find the best French Today Audiobook Player alternatives for iOS? We have listed 39 Education apps that are similar to French Today Audiobook Player. Pick one from this list to be your new French Today Audiobook Player app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to French Today Audiobook Player on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid French Today Audiobook Player alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 39 similar apps like French Today Audiobook Player 2025.
Pronounce French more like a native! Want to improve your French speaking test marks? Having trouble knowing what letter represents what sound in French? Lacking confidence or having trouble being understood when speaking French? Want to sound more like...
"This is a great app for learning beginning French terms and phrases" ( Princesses Learn French™ is a free app that features a story-based approach, with games and songs, to expose children to French. Princesses Learn French™ is designed and...
Learn French language: French learning with Jingle Jeff is specially designed for French Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Learn French with Jingle Jeff part 2 is the ideal educational companion to help your child progress faster at...
*** Learn French language when visiting France *** Simply Learn French Language App is a FREE language app that will assist you to speak French quickly and effectively. All French phrases and words are presented to you in both phonetic and...
The #1 French English Translator & Dictionary for iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch ◇ Offline Dictionary with Comprehensive Entries ◇ Sentence Translator ◇ Phrasebook ◇ Verb Conjugator ◇ Vocabulary Quizzes ◇ Flashcards ◇ Offline Audio Pronunciation ◇ iPad Enhancements...
French language learning games for kids. Educational activities teach kids to read, speak & spell. • 12 French Lessons - 70 Learning Games! • Designed by language learning experts for kids aged 3-10 • Course for preschool, early learners & young children...
---All 6,000 words can be unlocked for FREE (by earning flowers)!--- FunEasyLearn is the easiest and most fun way to learn French language. With our app, you and your kids can learn speaking French quickly, so you could chat with...
Help your child to start learning French with our award-winning games. Join the 11 million families that trust us to help their kids learn languages. • Designed by language learning experts for kids aged 3-10 • Course for preschool, early learners &...
"Sexy French Slang" contains as its name implies : all content very useful and asked by people who speak English and who want to learn French ! So let's start today ! Indeed, French teachers have the annoying habit of...
Learn French with Subtitled Video Yabla French is a video app for French learners who wish to improve their language skills. Authentic French videos include television programs, music videos, interviews, documentaries, and travel. Only Yabla French offers * Subtitles in...
Just another day?…NEVER! With Today in History, the #1 daily historical event application, every day is historic and epic! Today in History is the BEST way to get key facts about iconic global events and fun facts from across the...
Just another day?…NEVER! With Today in History, the #1 daily historical event application, every day is historic and epic! Today in History is the BEST way to get key facts about iconic global events and fun facts from across the...
App for History & Celebrations Today This app gives following details: History & Celebrations Today Holidays and observances USA & Today in US History Today’s Weather in History Today in Earthquake History This Day in Naval History Today’s Document from the National Archives
Designed by a teacher and mom, this engaging app will help your child (or student) answer the question, "What are we doing today?" Help your child learn the elements of the calendar and plan a sequence of activities....
This is an app for the journal Geology Today. Geology Today provides an entertaining and instructive read for all people interested in the Earth sciences. Geodigest reports on news from the geological community, recent research that has appeared in...
Want to watch the latest videos of Revival Today? Now you can connect with us in your home through our new app, Revival Today TV!Watch different messages from Evangelist Jonathan Shuttlesworth as he fulfills the great commission by spreading...
Офіційний мобільний додаток School Today підходить для використання у школах вчителями, батьками та учнями. Для учнів: електронний щоденник - переглядай зміст та завдання до уроків прямо з додатку, дні народження однокласників, щоб не забути привітати когось особливого і важливого новини школи...
Biology Today is one among the four competitive magazines published by MTG Learning Media Pvt. Ltd. With a readership of more than one crore readers, MTG Learning Media Pvt. Ltd. is a pioneer in the education publishing business in...
Chemistry Today is one among the four competitive magazines published by MTG Learning Media Pvt. Ltd. With a readership of more than one crore readers, MTG Learning Media Pvt. Ltd. is a pioneer in the education publishing business in...
BCBA Exam Audiobook is the one-of-a-kind audiobook to help future BCBAs pass the BCBA Exam. Created by a BCBA, we cover the key terms from every Task List of the BCBA Exam in an immersive, interactive audiobook spanning 18 chapters....
Thư viện sách nói, ứng dụng nghe audiobook với kho sách khổng lồ thuộc rất nhiều lĩnh vực như: lịch sử, hạt giống tâm hồn, tác phẫm văn học, thơ tiểu thuyết nổi tiếng trong và ngoài nước. Ứng dụng...
傳世之作自然擁有它永恆的魅力,《西遊記》從時間上看400多年經久不衰,從影響看遍及全世界。一部富有神奇色彩、描述佛家弟子不遠萬里、歷盡艱難險阻求取佛經的神話小說,何以有如此大的魅力,令世人傳誦不衰呢? 《西遊記》除卻本身引人入勝的情節外,還包含了許多可以品嚼的生活哲理和人生智慧。孩子們喜歡其情節的離奇與絕妙;成人喜歡其充滿正義、善良真誠、樂觀勇敢、自信與執著;娛者愛其可以給自己帶來無窮快樂與藝術享受;學子戀其可以久久賞讀,品味其中深含的學術韻味;而智者可以從中體會出更多的生活哲理與人生智慧。 本應用精選了《西遊記》中的16個經典故事,以栩栩如生的語言娓娓道來,聽完之後相信會讓您對《西遊記》有一種全新的認識。
In 2010, the words “earthquake swarm” entered the lexicon in Oklahoma. That same year, a trove of Michael Jackson memorabilia—including his iconic crystal-encrusted white glove—was sold at auction for over $1 million to a guy who was, officially, just...
BookRecorder makes it easy for kids, teachers, parents and grandparents to record their own audiobook. You should grab your favourite book off the shelf and start recording. For parents: Would you like to own a recording of your child reading...
Learning languages is fun and free with the read-along audiobook Beelinguapp! Read text in 2 languages side-by-side and listen along to learn! Learn a new language with Beelinguapp, the app that teaches you to read and speak a new language...
This Chinese-English bilingual eBook app is published by Noble Tree Publishing Inc., a non-profit organization and the publisher of PiPa, a Chinese-language magazine for children in English-speaking countries. Designed especially for their target audience, all of the materials are...
Welcome to GlassBoxx eLearning: educational eBook and audiobook access, all in one place. GlassBoxx eLearning represents the perfect, secure environment to enjoy your educational eBook and audiobook content, purchased through affiliated stores. With an extremely intuitive user interface, the app...
Prior to the birth of the modern Kerala, upto 1990, the stories, poetry, novel excerpts, biographies, life- memoirs and supplementary literature-reader texts of kerala Padavali have been compiled into this colossal collection, Oru Vattam Koodi: Ente Padaputhakangal ****** An indispensable reference...
MOS Player for iPad is a learning app that lets you follow your eLearning courses on your iPad, anytime and anywhere you want. Whether you are travelling or simply offline, you access your eLearning courses on your iPad anywhere and...
Il Raffaello Player è l’applicazione che permette di visionare i testi digitali M.I.O. Book del Gruppo Editoriale Raffaello. Trovi ulteriori informazioni su Per assistenza scrivici a o visita il centro di supporto:
Download the free Ability mLearning Player app for smartphones and tablets to bring mobile learning to LearnerWeb Enterprise LMS and Ability LMS customers. Ability mLearning Player provides organizations with an easy way to deliver training content to any user...
Gracias por utilizar Speed Up! Speed Up! Player es un aplicación gratuita que te permite tener acceso a los audios de la serie de libros Speed Up! de Eduvisión. Los archivos de audio fueron grabados por hablantes nativos de inglés en...
Keybox Player - AutoScript 는 어학 연습시 듣기구간 설정의 불편함을 혁신적으로 해결한 구간반복(찍찍이) 어학반복학습기입니다. - 특허출원 AI 기술 - 10-2018-0005018 (등록번호) Keybox Player - AutoScript 는 무료앱입니다. 듣기연습을 무료로 무제한 할 수 있습니다. * 자동 스크립트 추출 시에는 1일 3회 광고시청후...
MOS Universal Player By MindOnSite SA with Beijing Weichuang di’an Education Technology Co. MOS Universal Player is a learning app that lets you follow your eLearning courses on your smartphone, anytime and anywhere you want, online and offline. Whether you are...
▶ PallyCon(팰리컨) Player는 학습 강의에 필요한 최적의 기능을 탑재한 플레이어로 쉽고 편리하게 학습 동영상을 이용할 수 있습니다. ▶ 모바일 사이트와 연동되어 별도의 앱 개발 없이도 온라인 학습에 필요한 다양한 기능과 우수한 보안 기능을 모두 제공합니다. ▶ SD급 화질 동영상(MP4)을 IOS 全단말에서...
The HMH Player® app** bridges formal and informal learning time, redefining digital and classroom instruction as we know it. With the ability to customize and present dynamic lessons, the app seamlessly merges technology with instruction offering a way...
Read interactive digital/work/course books (produced with MyBookMachine Editor) on your iPad or your iPhone. You or your pupils/readers/learners can easily read and work through the living multimedia interactive books, workbooks, coursebooks etc. produced by MyBookMachine Editor. To remind you: MyBookMachine...
Absorb LMS Offline Player The Absorb LMS Offline Player gives you, as a learner, the opportunity to take your online courses even when you’re offline. Download your course while you’re connected and you can learn on a plane, in the...
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