Top 30 Entertainment Apps Like Blu Tech Drone™ - Best Alternatives

Blu Tech Drone™ Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Blu Tech Drone™ alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Entertainment apps that are similar to Blu Tech Drone™. Pick one from this list to be your new Blu Tech Drone™ app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Blu Tech Drone™ on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like Blu Tech Drone™ - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Blu Tech Drone™ alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Blu Tech Drone™ 2025.

My Movies by

My Movies by

My Movies by is an app for the members of Membership is 100% free meaning everyone can use this app. Some of the features: * Download your movie and game collection and bring it with you. Filter your...

Price: Free Developer:
BLU Success Television

BLU Success Television

BLU Success Television is the premiere business and entertainment channel for the entrepreneur looking to stay motivated, get re-energized, or simply to glean valuable nuggets and trade secrets from their favorite top players in the industry. Truly successful people know...

Price: Free Developer: BLU University LLC
Intelligent Bluetooth Robot – Blu-Bot

Intelligent Bluetooth Robot – Blu-Bot

Silverlit presents the 1st Intelligent Bluetooth Robot – Blu-Bot! With or without the app, you can still experience the joy we provided through this interactive robot. Without downloading the app, this intelligent robot already can walk, dance, shake head and...

Price: Free Developer: Silverlit Toys Manufactory Ltd
Intelligent Bluetooth Robot – Blu-Bot_HD

Intelligent Bluetooth Robot – Blu-Bot_HD

Silverlit presents the 1st Intelligent Bluetooth Robot – Blu-Bot! With or without the app, you can still experience the joy we provided through this interactive robot. Without downloading the app, this intelligent robot already can walk, dance, shake head and...

Price: Free Developer: Silverlit Toys Manufactory Ltd
Panasonic Blu-ray Remote 2011

Panasonic Blu-ray Remote 2011

Panasonic Blu-ray Remote 2011 brings you to the next stage of operation experience at your fingertips. Control Panasonic Blu-ray Disc™ Player DMP-BDT110, DMP-BDT210 and DMP-BDT310 using your iPhone or iPod touch over your Wi-Fi network. Playback a Blu-ray Disc™,...

Price: Free Developer: Panasonic Corporation
Panasonic Blu-ray Remote 2012

Panasonic Blu-ray Remote 2012

Panasonic Blu-ray Remote 2012 brings you to the next stage of operation experience at your fingertips. Control Panasonic Blu-ray Disc™ Player DMP-BDT120, DMP-BDT220, DMP-BDT221, DMP-BDT320, DMP-BDT321, DMP-BDT500 and DMP-BBT01 using your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad over your Wi-Fi...

Price: Free Developer: Panasonic Corporation
BMR Blu Music Radio

BMR Blu Music Radio

BMR Blu Music Radio  Portala con te ovunque! Ascolta la nostra musica,classifiche, notizie e curiosità dal mondo dei viaggi. La  musica più bella per farti vivere grandi emozioni

Price: Free Developer: Roby Brandolini
AqvaWorld blu Wellness family club

AqvaWorld blu Wellness family club

Se sei un socio Aqvaworld o vuoi avvicinarti al nostro mondo, questa è l’applicazione creata per farti vivere e conoscere il nostro club a 360°. Scarica l’app e programma il tuo wellness! Questa applicazione ti darà la possibilità di consultare gli...

Price: Free Developer: Makeitapp s.r.l.

THEATRICAL / BLU-RAY RELEASES was founded in 1998 by a major movie nerd. Over the years, the site has turned into the ideal spot for massive movie fans to find all that they’re looking for about their favorite films including news, reviews,...

Price: Free Developer: JoBlo Media Inc.
Nex-Tech TV Now

Nex-Tech TV Now

Nex-Tech TV Now is an awesome streaming TV service available exclusively to Nex-Tech Internet subscribers. Watch TV how you want, anytime you want. No set-top boxes required! Enjoy all your favorite local channels, news, sports, movies, music, weather and...

Price: Free Developer: MobiTV
Tech Lab

Tech Lab

「Tech Lab」は、AR(拡張現実)アプリケーションです。 専用ARマーカーにiPhoneのカメラをかざしARコンテンツを楽しむ事ができます。 ■主な機能■ 1)ARコンテンツ iPhoneのカメラを利用して、AR(拡張現実)コンテンツを体験することができます。 現在公開中のARコンテンツ 「Tech Lab」 ミニチュアサイズの研究者がフォルクスワーゲンの先進技術をコミカルに、わかりやすく解説するAR会話劇。 2)ARカメラ AR(拡張現実)コンテンツを撮影するカメラ機能。 3)ARマーカー ARマーカーは東京モーターショーのフォルクスワーゲンブースで入手可能です。 ■推奨機種: iOS9.0以降がインストールされているiPhone5s以上の端末推奨です。 ■注意事項: ・運転者による走行中の操作は大変危険です。必ず安全な場所に停車してから操作を行って下さい。 ・このアプリはパケット通信を利用します。 ■補足 「Tech Lab」アプリは、フォルクスワーゲン・グループ・ジャパンが提供するアプリケーションです。 ・画像認識する環境や鮮明度、内容によって認識できない場合があります。 ・アプリケーションの動作が不安定(動作が遅くなるなど)になる場合は、アプリケーションを完全に終了して、起動し直してください。 “Tech Lab” is an AR(Augmented Reality) app. You can enjoy the AR contents by holding your iPhone camera to the dedicated AR marker. ■Major functions■ 1. AR contents AR contents can be experienced using the iPhone camera. AR contents that are...

Price: Free Developer: Volkswagen Japan


名古屋初!ITエンジニア学生と企業のコミュニティスペース TECH CAFEの公式アプリが登場! *———————————————————————* TECH CAFEの公式アプリ機能紹介 *———————————————————————* ■TECH CAFEの最新情報を配信! ■会員証、スタンプカードもアプリで管理! ■イベント、プロジェクトの申請ができます! ■参加したいイベント、プロジェクトを探して エントリーもアプリからワンタッチ! ※TECH CAFE公式アプリは無料です。 ※プッシュ通知について お得な情報をプッシュ通知でお知らせします。アプリの初回起動時にプッシュ通知を「ON」に設定するようにお願いします。なお、ON・OFFの設定は後からでも変更できます。

Price: Free Developer: OCEAN GLOBAL NETWORK, K.K.
Tech or Treat

Tech or Treat

Experience live augmented reality through Tech or Treat's powerful mobile app! Interact with captivating AR animations, and easily share pictures and videos of the experiences with friends and family via text and social media! Actively moving around the surreal...

Price: Free Developer: Swaponz, Inc.
Texas Tech CR

Texas Tech CR

The Texas Tech Costa Rica App was created as a tool to provide information of the degrees offered at the host country Costa Rica, and interact with local and international prospective students. Learn about the Texas Tech University Costa...

Price: Free Developer:
Tech Recon: Advanced Battle Systems

Tech Recon: Advanced Battle Systems

For a truly unique game experience with your TECH RECON blasters, download the free “Live Action Online Gaming” app for your iPod or iPhone. Simply connect your device to the blaster to bring video game styled-play to life through...

Price: Free Developer: Current Studios Inc.
Tech Zone Paul Amadeus Lane

Tech Zone Paul Amadeus Lane

Never miss another episode of Tech Zone With Paul Amadeus Lane thanks to its official app! We'll be covering all your favorite topics with the occasional help of amazing guests. And don't forget to favorite the episodes you like...

Price: Free Developer: Banning Radio LLC
AH Tech

AH Tech

Welkom in de AH Tech app. Hier kan iedereen zijn eigen Techie programmeren. Met behulp van de speciale Techie AR-plaatjes kun je Techie de meest coole moves laten doen.   In totaal kun je twintig verschillende Techie AR-plaatjes sparen, verspreid over...

Price: Free Developer: Albert Heijn
Daily Tech News Show App

Daily Tech News Show App

Get your daily dose of tech news on your Apple TV. Join Tom Merrit and guests every day of the week as they bring you the daily tech news.

Price: Free Developer: ScriptProjects
Le Mag Jeux High-Tech

Le Mag Jeux High-Tech

Site d'actualités dédié aux jeux vidéo, produits High-Tech, figurines, mangas (DBZ, Saint Seiya, etc.), comics (Marvel, DC Comics). Découvrez nos tests de jeux vidéo, smartphones, drones, tablettes, accessoires et autres produits high-tech. Suivez également nos reportages sur les salons de...

Price: Free Developer: Barthet Julien


近づけないものに近づける!『ドローン秘蔵映像作品』鑑賞アプリ。 それが『ドローンシアター』です!さあ、ドローンの目で世界を見てみましょう。 このアプリの中でしか公開されていない特別で神秘的なドローン映像を会員登録不要で楽しむことができます。 また、様々なドローン関連のサービスや限定商品なども豊富に取り揃えております! 今話題の新感覚・新体験の参加型エンターテインメントであるドローンレースや様々なドローンイベント情報、ドローンニュースメディアなど、ドローンのことなら、ドローンシアター【DRONE THATER】アプリにおまかせ!

Price: Free Developer: DRONE NET, K.K.
Drone Shark App

Drone Shark App

The App is a live streaming program which provides drone footage for surfers and includes a shark spotting drone for the public which will be an extra means of protection for beachgoers. Subscribers can check beach conditions in real...

Price: Free Developer: Drone Sharks PTY Limited


Drone-Spot recense un très grand nombre d'endroits où il est possible de faire voler votre drone tout en vous informant sur la réglementation aérienne en France et à l'étranger. Vous trouverez également d'autres informations essentielles : Comment accéder au...

Price: Free Developer: Sylvain MERIEULT


The Official Movie Edition Streaming Video Spider-Drone looks great in the package, but you can't wait to get it in the air to stream & capture live video to your iOS device. Besides streaming video from your Spider-Drone, the...

Price: Free Developer: Skyrocket, LLC
Air Hogs Helix Sentinel Drone

Air Hogs Helix Sentinel Drone

Air Hogs Helix Sentinel Drone: View and record a live HD video stream from the FPV drone’s HD camera on your device. Attach your smart device to your Helix Sentinel Goggles and experience high-flying adventures in first-person “Goggles...

Price: Free Developer: Spin Master Ltd
Pixel Drone

Pixel Drone

Pixel drone application - take full advantage of Pixel drone opportunities! Start having fun with the tiny Pixel drone by Forever! Our application gives you the possibility to take full advantage of Pixel drone functions! By using a smartphone...

Price: Free Developer: TelForceOne S.A.
Drone Controller for Bebop

Drone Controller for Bebop

Drone Controller for Bebop is a remote control application for Parrot Bebop Drones (Bebop Drone 1 / Bebop 2 / Bebop 2 Power Pack / Bebop 2 FPV). Drone Controller for Bebop is compatible with latest version of iOS and...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Speed Robotics
Drone Controller for Jumping

Drone Controller for Jumping

Drone Controller for Jumping Drone is a remote control application for Parrot Jumping Drones (Jumping Sumo / Jumping Race Drone / Jumping Night Drone). PILOT YOUR DRONES VIA SMARTPHONE Download Drone Controller for Jumping Drone, the app that allows you to...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Speed Robotics
E-Drone flight

E-Drone flight

Grâce à l’application E-Drone flight d’Energetics, une marque développée par le groupe Intersport depuis plus de 20 ans, contrôlez vos drones Energetics directement depuis votre smartphone ou tablette. Compatible avec les DRONE 200 et DRONE 400 de la marque Energetics,...

Price: Free Developer: Huizhidi Technology co.,ltd
Gamepad Controller for Airborne Cargo Drone

Gamepad Controller for Airborne Cargo Drone

Thank you for your interest in this application! This is the best controller application for the Parrot Airborne Cargo Drone. Over 36,000 people all over the world are using our applications! - Description - Gamepad Controller for Airborne Cargo Drone is...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Speed Robotics

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