Top 31 Health & Fitness Apps Like Mindfulness for børn og unge - Best Alternatives

Mindfulness for børn og unge Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Mindfulness for børn og unge alternatives for iOS? We have listed 31 Health & Fitness apps that are similar to Mindfulness for børn og unge. Pick one from this list to be your new Mindfulness for børn og unge app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Mindfulness for børn og unge on your iOS devices.

Top 31 Apps Like Mindfulness for børn og unge - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Mindfulness for børn og unge alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 31 similar apps like Mindfulness for børn og unge 2025.

UMass CFM - Mindfulness in Medicine™

UMass CFM - Mindfulness in Medicine™

Enhance your health and wellbeing while promoting mindfulness throughout your day, integrating meditation into your work and life, improving resilience and decreasing burnout. Guided meditations, timer, and mindfulness educational videos guide you through: * Starting a daily mindfulness meditation...

Price: Free Developer: University of Massachusetts Medical School
Ease: Mindfulness & Meditation

Ease: Mindfulness & Meditation

Black Friday at NeuroNation Ease Claim this unique Black Friday deal! Get access to the best mindfulness exercises with an incredible 70% discount!* * Valid on our 12 months subscription; 50% off on the 1 month subscription. Welcome to NeuroNation Ease, a...

Price: Free Developer: Synaptikon GmbH
Mindfulness På Dansk

Mindfulness På Dansk

Du tager en pause fra dine to-do-lister og flytter opmærksomheden væk fra tankerne og ned i kroppen, og på denne måde træner du, at være mere nærværende og tilstede i dette øjeblik. App’en indeholder alle de basale mindfulness øvelser,...

Price: Free Developer: Rudie Productions IVS
Mindfulness Mentor

Mindfulness Mentor

De Mindfulness Mentor app bevat de volledige 8-weekse Mindfulness training én 4 verdiepingsthema’s. Zonder verborgen kosten, géén in-app aankopen. Professioneel opgenomen, Nederlands gesproken, off-line te gebruiken. _____________________ INHOUD VAN DE MINDFULNESS MENTOR APP: Deze app bevat: * De officiële 8-weekse Mindfulness basis- én...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Esther Mostert
MindPilot: Mindfulness Course & Meditation

MindPilot: Mindfulness Course & Meditation

MindPilot is a mindfulness and meditation course that can help you de-stress, sleep better and enjoy a greater sense of well being. Unlock your inner strength with the powerful skill of mindfulness. Levels 1 & 2 of the...

Price: Free Developer: Mindful Times Limited
Quility: Mindfulness meditation for mothers

Quility: Mindfulness meditation for mothers

Mindfulness for mothers. Try Quility’s free guided Mindful Parenting exercises to help restore calm and balance to your life. Explore your connection to your child and re-energise through guided meditation. You’ll also find targeted help applicable to other aspects...

Price: Free Developer: Mindful Times Limited
Inner Explorer - Mindfulness

Inner Explorer - Mindfulness

Inner Explorer’s guided daily mindfulness practice reduces stress, helps strengthen self-­regulation skills and improves academic performance for children of all ages. With the Inner Explorer app, mindfulness can be incorporated into any part of the day. The Inner Explorer Program The...

Price: Free Developer: Inner Explorer, Inc.
Reset: Guided Meditation & Mindfulness

Reset: Guided Meditation & Mindfulness

Reset uses proven mindfulness & meditation exercises to help you de-stress, sleep well and perform better. Just a few minutes of mindfulness in your day can help you replenish your energy levels and rediscover your focus. Meet every challenge...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Mindful Times Limited
Mindfulness & Medkänsla

Mindfulness & Medkänsla

Är du stressad? Går du igenom något svårt och behöver hjälp att hantera det? Undrar du varför du inte kan känna glädje när allting egentligen är bra i ditt liv? Eller vill du bara vidga ditt perspektiv och utvecklas...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Elin Elmvik Diczfalusy
Mindfulness Getting Started

Mindfulness Getting Started

Ever wondered what ‘mindfulness’ is? And perhaps wanted to get started? Then this App might be what you’re looking for… “Mindfulness Getting Started”, is a collection of four basic mind training or mindfulness meditation strategies designed for those...

Price: Free Developer: Frances Kelly
Fit For Bucks - Walk & Earn

Fit For Bucks - Walk & Earn

You move your body every day – from walking the dog to taking the stairs to window shopping and going for a run. Fit For Bucks celebrates your commitment to being active by connecting you to local and online...

Price: Free Developer: Fit For Bucks Corporation
Neuro FunC-tional Training for All

Neuro FunC-tional Training for All

Neuro FunC is a; - super warm up / cool down for any serious athlete. - Works very well as an "anti stress workout" from life's craziness. - aides children with learning and behavioral difficulties. - an important tool in soothing PST...

Price: Free Developer: Neurological Training for Optimal Wellness
Yoga for Kids - Fun Workout for Kids

Yoga for Kids - Fun Workout for Kids

This educational application offers children a good chance to work out in a playful way. It presents 30 different poses (for instance cat, dog, camel, frog, fish, warrior and sun salutation) stemming from yoga exercises adjusted for small kids....

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Zany Studio
30 Day Fitness Coach for Women

30 Day Fitness Coach for Women

Fitness Coach for Women is home fitness workouts is ideal for those who want to work out at home, lose weight, lose belly fat fast, feel the body tonus and get in shape. Our free Fitness Coach app for women...

Price: Free Developer: Swapna Puramsetty
Resistance Training for Teens

Resistance Training for Teens

Resistance Training for Teens (RT for Teens) is a school-based physical activity program designed for secondary school students. RT for Teens aims to help teenagers develop the skills and confidence to engage in foundational resistance training activities. The RT...

Price: Free Developer: David Lubans
Yoga For Better Health

Yoga For Better Health

Yoga can help you address a range of mental, emotional, physical & spiritual health challenges; but unfortunately, if you're one of nearly 50% of people with a chronic health problem, it can create more harm than good if the...

Price: Free Developer: YogaMate Pty. Ltd.
30 Day Thigh Fitness Challenges For Tight Booty

30 Day Thigh Fitness Challenges For Tight Booty

The 30 Day Thigh Slimming Challenge is a simple 30 day exercise plan, where you do a set number of ab exercises each day with rest days thrown in! The workout increases intensity slowly and day 30 will test...

Price: Free Developer: Bilal Mirza
Eating for Life

Eating for Life

Eating for Life is the scientifically sound, practical, safe and sustainable nutrition plan for improved health, fitness and weight loss. Created by the author of Body-for-LIFE, the world's best selling fitness book, this eating plan does what typical diets...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Simetrical, SA de CV
Motivational Interviewing Skills for Health Care

Motivational Interviewing Skills for Health Care

A Motivational Interviewing App for Health Care Providers (miSkillset) * Evidence-based * Our material is based on the latest release of Motivational Interviewing: Helping People Change by Miller & Rollnick. Over 300 clinical trials prove the efficacy of MI-based health coaching. *...

Price: Free Developer:
Thyroid Diet- Juicing&Eating Plan for Weight Loss

Thyroid Diet- Juicing&Eating Plan for Weight Loss

With complete meal plans and recipes, our app guides you towards your weight loss goals, even if you struggle with hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's disease. All juice and food recipes are thyroid-friendly, delicious, and developed by certified nutritionists. Insightful videos...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Joe Cross
Slankis - Kaloriteller og slanke app. Gå ned i vekt nå.

Slankis - Kaloriteller og slanke app. Gå ned i vekt nå.

Gå ned i vekt nå med denne appen. Beregn kaloriforbruket ditt, track hva du spiser, logg kalorier forbrent ved trening og se vekten gå ned. Perfekt for der som er på 5-2 dietten. Sett kalorimål for hver dag i...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Appsonite AS


The OGX System supports an active and healthy lifestyle by combining the best nutrients and delivering incredible results. The X4Ever app helps you track your progress in the XChallenge. By giving you access to helpful tools, it monitors your weight...

Price: Free Developer: OG Tech Support
Klar, parat, spis!

Klar, parat, spis!

Klar, parat, spis! – Barnets mad det første år er et let og overskueligt værkstøj, der giver dig som forælder, hurtige svar om dit barns mad og udvikling, samt inspiration til gode retter du kan servere. Hvad må mit barn...

Price: Free Developer: Semper AB
Sense - slank med fornuft

Sense - slank med fornuft

Her er den officielle Sense-app, der gør det nemt at følge Sense-livsstilen. Sense-appen indeholder mange nyttige funktioner: - NYHED: Sense-venner! Følg, søg og del opskrifter med andre brugere af Sense-appen - Registrér dine håndfulde - Følg med i din udvikling - Søg og opret...

Price: Free Developer: Ribotask
Prepare - Fødselsforberedelse

Prepare - Fødselsforberedelse

Gå i fødsel fuld af selvtillid, viden, glæde og rå fødepower! Femina har kåret os til en af de bedste apps for gravide! Vi er selvfølgelig helt enige, og som den eneste fødselsforberedende app på markedet er den et must-have...

Price: Free Developer: Prepare IVS


SKADEFRI er utviklet for at du skal lære å trene riktig og for å unngå skader. Gjør du øvelsene vi viser deg på SKADEFRI regelmessig, kan du halvere skaderisikoen! Innhold (ansvarlig) Dr scient Kathrin Steffen og Prof dr med Roald Bahr,...

Price: Free Developer: Norges idrettshøgskole


MapDiet er et nyt koncept til at finde vej i fødevarejunglen og få sammensat en ernæringsrigtig kostplan, der lever op til officielle anbefalinger. DIN SIKKERHED FOR EN SUND LIVSSTILSÆNDRING ELLER VÆGTTAB Teamet bag MapDiet, Stine Junge Albrechtsen og Anne...

Price: Free Developer: MapDiet IVS
3 dagers juice detox

3 dagers juice detox

Er du klar til å bli en juicer og få en enkel og rask kick-start til en ny og bedre hverdag og sunnere livsstil? Carina Hultin Dahlmann er Norges ledende juice- og livsstilsekspert og har utviklet en 3 dagers...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: carina hultin dahlmann


Computere, tablets og smartphones er i høj grad blevet en del af hverdagen for de fleste børn og unge. Denne guide formidler grundlæggende viden om god ergonomi og præsenterer øvelser, som kan bruges til at løsne musklerne og få...

Price: Free Developer: Dansk Center for Undervisningsmiljø
Myinnerme: Psykologhjælp

Myinnerme: Psykologhjælp

INFORMATION OM APPEN Myinnerme er digitaliseret psykologhjælp til forældre, der gerne vil støtte deres børn i at arbejde med deres udfordringer. Og til børn, der er klar på at tage fat om roden på udfordringerne og få det bedre med...

Price: Free Developer: Myinnerme ApS

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