Top 39 News Apps Like 5EPlay - For professional E-sp - Best Alternatives

5EPlay - For professional E-sp Alternatives

Do you want to find the best 5EPlay - For professional E-sp alternatives for iOS? We have listed 39 News apps that are similar to 5EPlay - For professional E-sp. Pick one from this list to be your new 5EPlay - For professional E-sp app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to 5EPlay - For professional E-sp on your iOS devices.

Top 39 Apps Like 5EPlay - For professional E-sp - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid 5EPlay - For professional E-sp alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 39 similar apps like 5EPlay - For professional E-sp 2025.

Financial Express for iPhone

Financial Express for iPhone

Financial Express Market News App brings the latest and breaking business news from Markets and Industries in India. The Financial Express App is the best source of information on Business, Finance, Stock Markets, Equity market, Economy, companies and Industries. Use...

Price: Free Developer: The Indian Express Group
Y Hourly - a free Hacker News app for

Y Hourly - a free Hacker News app for

The universal app Hacker News ( reader Y Hourly provides simple clean UI for a pleasant reading experience. In your busy life, Y Hourly helps you to go through the frequently-updated Hacker News and save the ones that you...

Price: Free Developer: Dongli Su
The Times of India for iPad

The Times of India for iPad

The official Times of India app brings you the latest English news reading experience on the go and keeps you informed on happenings from India and around the World. Download the TOI app on your iPad and get daily...

Price: Free Developer: Times Internet Limited
DW WhoNews for Doctor Who

DW WhoNews for Doctor Who

WhoNews brings you the latest news from over 140 of your favourite Doctor Who websites in one easy to use application. Visit ◆ One universal app for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch buy once and use on all your...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Moonboom Limited
Israel News Today - (Best Source for News and Analysis on Middle East)

Israel News Today - (Best Source for News and Analysis on Middle East)

"One of the most simple and powerful news Apps around. Finally another App i use every day" "The best App for keeping up with Israel news, particularly when there is a crisis." ———————————————————— Get all your news on Israel and...

Price: Free Developer: CornerStone Media Ventures
WhatTha :Short News for Gen Z

WhatTha :Short News for Gen Z

WhatTha is a news app for Young and Gen Z news readers, that selects the best news from various international sources and summarizes them in a short 250 letter format. Each news card contains a 50 letter Title and...

Building News for iPhone

Building News for iPhone

The Building News app brings to you the very latest industry news, opinion and best picks of content from Building, the world’s leading brand for construction professionals, delivered to your iPhone and iPod Touch. Content is updated throughout the...

Price: Free Developer: UBM Built Environment
DW WhoNews Lite for Doctor Who

DW WhoNews Lite for Doctor Who

WhoNews Lite brings you the latest news from over 140 of your favourite Doctor Who websites in one easy to use application. Based on the popular WhoNews app, the Lite version is ad based with no push notifications or...

Price: Free Developer: Moonboom Limited
OMG Amino for: Memes and News

OMG Amino for: Memes and News

OMG :) Amino is the largest mobile social network for viral news fans! - Build a profile showing your passion for entertainment and viral news - Connect with other current entertainment news fans around the world - Discuss your favorite celebrities, memes,...

Price: Free Developer: Narvii Inc.
Focus Taiwan for iPhone

Focus Taiwan for iPhone

As Taiwan’s national news agency, CNA has earned a reputation as the leader of the country’s media. The CNA boasts one of Taiwan’s largest teams of news editors and reporters who write news and photo captions in English. The...

Price: Free Developer: The Central News Agency
CA Professional Firefighters

CA Professional Firefighters

California Professional Firefighters By California Professional Firefighters The California Professional Firefighters mobile app offers CPF members and their affiliated locals an important link to the California fire service and a valuable resource for front line firefighters in their lives on the job. • Keep...

Price: Free Developer: California Professional Firefighters
Logistics News

Logistics News

Maritime Professional is a unique global business resource, specifically tailored for the growing global network of marine researchers, professionals and executives. Take advantage of both online information and the print publication, in one application. Get instant updates on shipbuilding, contracts,...

Price: Free Developer: Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.
CoinNess-bitcoin index&news

CoinNess-bitcoin index&news

CoinNess, dedicated to an instant inclusive coverage of everything happening in the crypto/blockchain world, delivers trade information around-the-clock, 24/7 news briefing, intelligent market monitor, real-time price index with professional insights and state-of-the-art accuracy to an international readership, to make...

Price: Free Developer: bi fujian


TNN, Pakistan's leading news network, is a pioneer in multimedia news services. Our growth has been fuelled by the desire to fulfill the basic human urge and curiosity for knowledge and information, and we have done so with sheer...

Price: Free Developer: Rhonda Coyle
Berminal: Cryptocurrency News

Berminal: Cryptocurrency News

Crypto never sleeps. Blockchain never stops. Berminal is the new terminal for Blockchain. Berminal is the aggregator app focusing on providing constant coverage of all blockchain and cryptocurrency-related news, price, and events. Berminal is supported by a full-time staff of professional reporters creating...

Price: Free Developer: BlueHill USA
Market Times TV

Market Times TV

Business News Channel that covers commodity with respect to ground realities. For the first time news or print media-covering pan India that gives you the national and international commodities scenario, current financial market happenings, events and their projections. First and foremost media...

Price: Free Developer: Suresh Manchanda
South Coast Shopper

South Coast Shopper

This South Coast Shopper app provides local news and information, along with weekly classified ads from the community. *(10 word classified ads are free to the public). Sellers read the Shopper to see their ads, buyers read the Shopper...

Price: Free Developer: Innovation Delivered, LLC
Peech: articles like podcasts

Peech: articles like podcasts

Welcome to Peech: blinkist for articles and stories. What distinguishes the most intelligent and interesting people? They read a lot of books and articles! At Peech, we collect for you of the most interesting and useful articles in the world. You can...

Price: Free Developer: Andrey Paznyak
Your News Feed

Your News Feed

Your News Feed * Are you stressed out by the headlines? * Do you cringe as your senses are assaulted by incessant media negativity? * Do screaming headlines lambaste you like a tribe of warriors trying to get your attention...

Price: Free Developer: Execuware
Fisco e Tasse News

Fisco e Tasse News

Scarica gratuitamente sul tuo dispositivo la nuova applicazione Fisco e Tasse News! sarà con te tutti i giorni per tenerti aggiornato di tutte le novità, con news, approfondimenti, normativa e prassi. Tramite l'applicazione è possibile visualizzare e archiviare...

Price: Free Developer: FISCO e TASSE srl - Notícias, esportes e entretenimento - Notícias, esportes e entretenimento

Baixe agora o aplicativo da e tenha acesso fácil e rápido à melhor e mais completa cobertura em notícias, esportes e entretenimento da Internet brasileira! Seja o primeiro a saber o que acontece na sua região, no Brasil...

Price: Free Developer: Globo Comunicação e Participações S.A.
Exponential-e News

Exponential-e News

The Data Centre is your hub for Exponential-e news, events and notifications.

Price: Free Developer: Exponential-e
Innovate - From Exponential-e

Innovate - From Exponential-e

Internal news, events, and a monthly round-up for all Exponential-e staff.

Price: Free Developer: Exponential-e
Bluewin E-Mail & News

Bluewin E-Mail & News

Bluewin – Ihre E-Mails und News in einer App E-Mail und News: Jetzt haben Sie die ganze Welt von Bluewin immer mit dabei. Greifen Sie von überall einfach auf Ihre Bluewin E-Mails zu: Das beliebteste E-Mail der Schweiz gibt es...

Price: Free Developer: Swisscom (Switzerland) Ltd.
Blick E-Paper

Blick E-Paper

Frische News aus erster Hand, jederzeit und überall griffbereit. Seien Sie bestens von Montag bis Samstag informiert. Die stärksten News und die aktuellsten Sportnachrichten mit den spektakulärsten Bildern finden Sie in unserem Blick E-Paper. Der App-Download ist für Sie...

Price: Free Developer: Blick
e南洋商报eNanyang  - 24小时新闻快讯

e南洋商报eNanyang - 24小时新闻快讯

《南洋商报》是马来西亚最权威的中文财经日报,1923年由慈善家陈嘉庚所创办。e南洋是《南洋商报》免费的官方手机应用程式。 e南洋分秒必争为您提供马来西亚和国际即时政治和财经新闻、股市追踪、2018大选消息、财经分析和专题。 还有包括房地产、政治、社会、娱乐、体育、保健等等热辣话题等最新动态。 让你随时随地、更快、更便捷、更轻松掌握天下事。 超棒功能: - 干净简洁介面,阅读方便 - 直屏模式,左右轮阅功能 - 图文影片并茂,阅趣无穷 - 可根据喜好调整字体小大 - 一键即可轻松分享至社媒 - 表情图标,轻松无语表态 - 附设文件夹,随手藏珍宝 eNanyang is the official mobile application by Nanyang Siang Pau, the most reputable Chinese business daily in Malaysia, founded by Mr. Tan Kah Kee in 1923. This alternative reading channel equipped with favorable functions and the latest mobile apps features! eNanyang...

Price: Free Developer: 南洋商报
Luce e Design

Luce e Design

Luce e Design intende offrire al lettore un approccio innovativo e trasversale ai temi della cultura del progetto illuminotecnico e dell'aggiornamento professionale in relazione ai prodotti di design, ai materiali e alle nuove soluzioni tecnologiche proposte dal comparto. Scritta...

Price: Free Developer: Tecniche Nuove spa
RZ E-Paper

RZ E-Paper

Alle Regionalausgaben der Rhein-Zeitung und ihrer Heimatausgaben – täglich aktuell auf iPad und iPhone. Die E-Paper-App der RZ vereint das Beste aus zwei Welten: Qualitätsjournalismus und der Charakter der Zeitung treffen auf digitalen Bedienkomfort und Funktionalität. So genießen Sie...

Price: Free Developer: Rhein-Zeitung
The Telegraph e-paper

The Telegraph e-paper

If you like your newspaper to look like a newspaper, then The Telegraph e-paper is for you. Have a complete digital replica of The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph "home delivered" to your mobile device every day. •Browse the...

Price: Free Developer: PressReader Inc


ALTCONNECT News to aplikacja mobilna dla serwisów informacyjnych, bloggerów i wydawnictw. Dzięki aplikacji zdobędziesz nowych czytelników, zwiększysz czytalność oraz zbudujesz lojalność wśród dotychczasowych i nowych odbiorców. DLACZEGO APLIKACJA MOBILNA? Najlepsze aplikacje mobilne zarabiają na siebie - dlatego proponujemy Ci gotowe rozwiązanie,...

Price: Free Developer: ALTCONNECT Sp. z o. o.
BankTEL News

BankTEL News

BankTEL News APP offering latest company news along with news in and around the financial technology industry. ================================== The app has great features like: - Push messages to miss nothing - Save article and read offline - Night mode for dark design - Share articles...

Price: Free Developer: PressPad Sp. z o.o.
Nederland Kranten - Dutch News

Nederland Kranten - Dutch News

Nederland Kranten is the application you need to keep you always informed. Some of the newspapers you can find are: AT5, Algemeen Dagblad, Almere Vandaag, Autovisie, AutoWeek, BN/De Stem, Brabants Dagblad, Dagblad De Limburger, Dagblad van het Noorden, De...

Price: Free Developer: Carlos Martinez Vila
Edibles Magazine

Edibles Magazine

The Edibles Magazine News App is the perfect resource to easily stay up to date with everything cannabis related happening around the world. News, politics, current events and more with daily updates are on all of your favorite devices. ================================== The...

Price: Free Developer: PressPad Sp. z o.o.
Romania Insider

Romania Insider

The most read news and features portal in English for Romania. ================================== The app has great features like: - Push messages to miss nothing - Save article and read offline - Night mode for dark design - Share articles with friends quickly and easily - Adjust...

Price: Free Developer: PressPad Sp. z o.o.
Anime Nachrichten

Anime Nachrichten - Jetzt auch unterwegs immer top Informiert sein! Dein Anime-Nachrichtendienst mit den neusten und interessantesten News aus der Welt der Animes. Für eine schnelle und umfangreiche Newsübersicht, bieten wir eine regelmäßige Podcast an. Hinterlasse Antworten und diskutiere mit...

Price: Free Developer: PressPad Sp. z o.o.


Platforma Scriptoo umożliwia dostawcom dowolnych treści - w szczególności wydawcom - łatwą i szybką konwersję publikacji papierowych na wersje cyfrowe i ich elektroniczną dystrybucję oraz dodatkową komunikację z czytelnikami, która pozwala zbudować nowe kanały przychodowe i ograniczyć koszty. Scriptoo to...

Price: Free Developer: INFOR IT Sp. z o.o.
Abeta Summit 2017

Abeta Summit 2017

ABETA SUMMIT 2017 | XIV Congresso Brasileiro de Ecoturismo e Turismo de Aventura O ABETA SUMMIT– Congresso Brasileiro de Ecoturismo e Turismo de Aventura, organizado desde 2004 pela Associação Brasileira das Empresas de Ecoturismo e Turismo de Aventura, é...

Price: Free Developer: Aspbrasil
My Company Polska

My Company Polska

My Company Polska nowy magazyn biznesowy skierowany do grupy małych i średnich przedsiębiorców, właścicieli tych firm i ich managerów. Jego zadaniem jest pomagać im w prowadzeniu biznesu, informować o rzeczach dla nich najważniejszych, a także inspirować do rozwoju. ...

Price: Free Developer: TARSAGO POLSKA SP Z O O

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