Top 20 Education Apps Like Kinderfilmstudio MD e.V. - Best Alternatives

Kinderfilmstudio MD e.V. Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Kinderfilmstudio MD e.V. alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to Kinderfilmstudio MD e.V.. Pick one from this list to be your new Kinderfilmstudio MD e.V. app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Kinderfilmstudio MD e.V. on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Kinderfilmstudio MD e.V. - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Kinderfilmstudio MD e.V. alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Kinderfilmstudio MD e.V. 2025.



화제의 NEW MD VOCA 33000 !! 기존가 $9.99 --> 할인가 $4.99 여러분들의 성원에 힘입어 4월 봄맞이 할인 이벤트가 계속 됩니다! 4월에도 NEW MD VOCA 33000 함께 영어 공부를 즐겨보세요! ========================= 40만 독자가 인정한 편입, 공무원 시험의 바이블, MD VOCA 33000 이 어플리케이션으로...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: YBM NET, Inc. is an electronic school platform designed for teachers, students and their parents based on the education system of the Republic of Moldova. mobile application was developed: — To allow parents to duly receive information about their children's school performance...

Price: Free Developer: Simpals
Modern desktop cert., MD-100

Modern desktop cert., MD-100

The new Microsoft 365 Certified Associate (MCA) Modern Desktop certification exam measures a candidate’s ability to deploy Windows, manage devices and data, configure connectivity, and maintain Windows. MCA certification, sought by a growing number of employers, is an important...

Price: Free Developer: Alexandru Cebotari
Firecracker MD & DO

Firecracker MD & DO

Study for your USMLE Step 1, USMLE Step 2CK, COMLEX, or MCAT exams while on the go. Knock out your daily Firecracker MD or Firecracker DO review tasks directly from the Daily Review mobile app. The Firecracker Daily Review app...

Price: Free Developer: Firecracker Inc.


Moldovenii MD – aplicatia creata pentru studierea, intelegerea si dezvoltare istoriei si culturii Moldovei. Moldovenii MD e o biblioteca bogata cu variate materiale folclorice a Moldovei, inclusiv: muzica, filme, literaturа, arte si informatia despre traditii, bucataria, natura, arhitectura Moldovei...

Price: Free Developer: DAAC System Integrator S.C. SRL


CellulAR es una aplicación educativa en donde podrás ver en tres dimensiones los diferentes orgánulos de una célula eucariota y procariota, mediante Realidad Aumentada. La aplicación se distribuye con dos trackers, cada uno de ellos correspondiente a la célula eucariota...

Price: Free Developer: MD. USE INNOVATIONS SL
Dimer dice

Dimer dice

DimerDice allows visualizing different supramolecular dimeric complexes of cyclic peptides in Augmented Reality (AR). The cyclic peptides (CPs) are composed by γ-amino acids (cis-α,γ-aminocycloalkanecarboxylic acids, γ-Acas) alternated with α-amino acids (α,γ-CPs). These peptides containing γ-Acas can be designed from...

Price: Free Developer: MD. USE INNOVATIONS SL
Haven Community Church | MD

Haven Community Church | MD

Welcome to the Haven Community Church mobile application. Staying connected to Haven is as easy as downloading this app! Get immediate access to Pastor Jack Cohen’s messages, praise & worship music, and other Haven events, media, and more. We exist...

Price: Free Developer: Haven Community Church
Maryland MD MVA - Permit test

Maryland MD MVA - Permit test

Specific for Maryland. Based on Maryland MVA Manual. This application is professionally created for the people who want save their time, prepare in couple hours and pass Maryland Driver Knowledge Test on the first attempt. This application runs on iPhone/iPad/iPod and...

Price: Free Developer: Driver-Start.Com
Ev-Angelo App

Ev-Angelo App

EV-angelo APP facilita la formación católica infantil disponible para iPhone, iPad y iPod touch. Es una solución a muchas inquietudes que como papás tenemos en relación a la formación de nuestros hijos: - ¿Cómo se va a comportar mi hijo en...

Price: Free Developer: Bonvent, AC
EV Exames

EV Exames

Prepara-te para as Provas Finais ou Exames Nacionais com a aplicação EV Exames! Com esta app da Escola Virtual tens acesso a milhares de exercícios com avaliação automática sobre todos os conteúdos do programa. Põe-te à prova realizando as...

Price: Free Developer: Porto Editora


D-brief.ev is a novel, multifunctional application which allows residents to receive different types of evaluations, including Entrustable Professional Activity (EPA) evaluations, all throughout their residency. This app is an essential tool for programs transitioning to Competency by Design (CBD)....

Price: Free Developer: Dominic Jean
EV Smart Book

EV Smart Book

Explora a tua Licença Digital no telemóvel! No ano letivo 2019-2020, o programa de gratuitidade de manuais escolares foi alargado ao 3.º ciclo e ao Ensino Secundário, incluindo a oferta de uma Licença Digital. Desta forma, se és aluno do 1.º...

Price: Free Developer: Porto Editora
EV Smart Book Tablet

EV Smart Book Tablet

Explora a tua Licença Digital no tablet! No ano letivo 2019-2020, o programa de gratuitidade de manuais escolares foi alargado ao 3.º ciclo e ao Ensino Secundário, incluindo a oferta de uma Licença Digital. Desta forma, se és aluno do 1.º...

Price: Free Developer: Porto Editora


EV Bots is an educational tool used in Engineering Village. It's targeting robotics amateurs.

Price: Free Developer: Engineering Village LLC
Escola EV. Lago Dos Cisnes

Escola EV. Lago Dos Cisnes

A Escola Evangélica Lago dos Cisnes, visando sempre diferenciais e inovações oferece aos pais, responsáveis financeiros, responsáveis acadêmicos, alunos, docentes e gestores, uma plataforma móvel para interação 100% integrada à gestão acadêmica e financeira da instituição. Avisos, ocorrências escolares, declaração...

Price: Free Developer: Escola Evangélica Lago dos Cisnes LTDA
EV Robotics Kit

EV Robotics Kit

Control one of the robotics kits used in Engineering Village. You can connect it easily with bluetooth and have fun

Price: Free Developer: Engineering Village LLC
Song Ngữ Anh Việt - Từ Vựng EV

Song Ngữ Anh Việt - Từ Vựng EV

- Học mà chơi, chơi mà học ^o^ bé yêu của bạn sẽ có những giây phút thú vị và bổ ích với app Song Ngữ Anh Việt. - Phát âm chuẩn mực sư phạm cả 2 ngôn ngữ tiếng...

Price: Free Developer: Hien Hoang Van
DaFür Kurdisch-Deutsch Wortschatztrainer

DaFür Kurdisch-Deutsch Wortschatztrainer

Sie möchten sich in einer Behörde, beim Arzt oder beim Einkaufen verständigen und den Wortschatz lernen, der für Ihre Alltagssituationen wichtig ist? Mit dem Wortschatztrainer Kurdisch-Deutsch lernen Sie genau die Begriffe, die Sie in diesen Situationen brauchen! Die App...

Price: Free Developer: EUROKEY Software GmbH

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