Top 32 Education Apps Like NEW MD VOCA 33000 - Best Alternatives

NEW MD VOCA 33000 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best NEW MD VOCA 33000 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 32 Education apps that are similar to NEW MD VOCA 33000. Pick one from this list to be your new NEW MD VOCA 33000 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to NEW MD VOCA 33000 on your iOS devices.

Top 32 Apps Like NEW MD VOCA 33000 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid NEW MD VOCA 33000 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 32 similar apps like NEW MD VOCA 33000 2025.

NEA-New Mexico

NEA-New Mexico

Since 1886, longer than New Mexico has been a state, NEA-New Mexico has been the champion of public education. With the NEA-NM smart phone app, that work continues into the twenty-first century. It’s a great tool for NEA-NM members...

Price: Free Developer: NEA-New Mexico
New Phil AR

New Phil AR

The New Philadelphia AR (Augmented Reality) Tour is designed to be downloaded and used by visitors to the New Philadelphia National Historic Landmark in Pike County, Illinois. This App allows visitors to view virtually reconstructed portions of the historic...

Price: Free Developer: jonathan amakawa
New Generation Schools

New Generation Schools

NOTE: This application access is restricted to New generation International School students and parents. Key Features: --------------- * Keeping you up to date on the New generation International School announcements. *About New generation International School* New Generation International Schools (NG), is a bilingual american...

Price: Free Developer: New Generation International Schools SAE LLC
New Hampshire DMV Test Prep

New Hampshire DMV Test Prep

Welcome to the most comprehensive test prep platform available. Since 2009 we've helped more than 800,000 students pass the official driver license written exam. Study aids included: - New Hampshire driver license/permit practice test with 170+ questions - Road signs included for...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Kelvin Beecroft
New Jersey DMV Test Prep

New Jersey DMV Test Prep

Welcome to the most comprehensive test prep platform available. Since 2009 we've helped more than 800,000 students pass the official driver license written exam. Study aids included: - New Jersey driver license/permit practice test with 170+ questions - Road signs included for...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Kelvin Beecroft
New Life Chapel

New Life Chapel

The New Life Chapel app is filled with powerful content from Pastor Lonnie Snell, who leads New Life Chapel in West Chester, Ohio. New Life Chapel is a group of people from a variety of backgrounds who are connecting in...

Price: Free Developer: New Life Chapel
Vision: Insights & New Horizon

Vision: Insights & New Horizon

The Vision: Insights and New Horizons App is your connection to understand the historical and philosophical origins of the issues facing the world today. Here you will find the latest articles from our international digital journal, as well as...

Price: Free Developer: Vision: Insights and New Horizons
Baptist Convention of New York

Baptist Convention of New York

The Baptist Convention of New York is a network of more than 500 Southern Baptist Churches spread across Upstate New York, New York City, Northern New Jersey, and Connecticut. Being a part of the BCNY is more than membership....

Price: Free Developer: Baptist Convention of New York
ND New Life Church

ND New Life Church

Welcome to the official New Life Church app - featuring blogs, events, media, messages and more from New Life Church in North Dakota (Beulah, Bismarck & Jamestown). We hope this is a powerful resource for you in your relationship...

Price: Free Developer: New Life Worship Center (ND)
New Circle Church

New Circle Church

Welcome to the official app of New Circle Church. The New Circle Church app features sermons, church information, a place to donate and so much more. To learn more about New Circle Church please visit the website: The New...

Price: Free Developer: New Circle Church is an electronic school platform designed for teachers, students and their parents based on the education system of the Republic of Moldova. mobile application was developed: — To allow parents to duly receive information about their children's school performance...

Price: Free Developer: Simpals
Modern desktop cert., MD-100

Modern desktop cert., MD-100

The new Microsoft 365 Certified Associate (MCA) Modern Desktop certification exam measures a candidate’s ability to deploy Windows, manage devices and data, configure connectivity, and maintain Windows. MCA certification, sought by a growing number of employers, is an important...

Price: Free Developer: Alexandru Cebotari
Firecracker MD & DO

Firecracker MD & DO

Study for your USMLE Step 1, USMLE Step 2CK, COMLEX, or MCAT exams while on the go. Knock out your daily Firecracker MD or Firecracker DO review tasks directly from the Daily Review mobile app. The Firecracker Daily Review app...

Price: Free Developer: Firecracker Inc.


Moldovenii MD – aplicatia creata pentru studierea, intelegerea si dezvoltare istoriei si culturii Moldovei. Moldovenii MD e o biblioteca bogata cu variate materiale folclorice a Moldovei, inclusiv: muzica, filme, literaturа, arte si informatia despre traditii, bucataria, natura, arhitectura Moldovei...

Price: Free Developer: DAAC System Integrator S.C. SRL


CellulAR es una aplicación educativa en donde podrás ver en tres dimensiones los diferentes orgánulos de una célula eucariota y procariota, mediante Realidad Aumentada. La aplicación se distribuye con dos trackers, cada uno de ellos correspondiente a la célula eucariota...

Price: Free Developer: MD. USE INNOVATIONS SL
Dimer dice

Dimer dice

DimerDice allows visualizing different supramolecular dimeric complexes of cyclic peptides in Augmented Reality (AR). The cyclic peptides (CPs) are composed by γ-amino acids (cis-α,γ-aminocycloalkanecarboxylic acids, γ-Acas) alternated with α-amino acids (α,γ-CPs). These peptides containing γ-Acas can be designed from...

Price: Free Developer: MD. USE INNOVATIONS SL
Haven Community Church | MD

Haven Community Church | MD

Welcome to the Haven Community Church mobile application. Staying connected to Haven is as easy as downloading this app! Get immediate access to Pastor Jack Cohen’s messages, praise & worship music, and other Haven events, media, and more. We exist...

Price: Free Developer: Haven Community Church
Kinderfilmstudio MD e.V.

Kinderfilmstudio MD e.V.

Information zum Hort des Kinderfilmstudio Magdeburg e.V. Wir , der seit 1993 bestehende Verein “Kinderfilmstudio Magdeburg e.V.”, betreiben seither erfolgreich die Kinderfilmwerkstatt. Im Jahr 2001 übernahm der Verein seinen ersten Hort, 2004 erfolgte dann die Übernahme des Hortes am Grenzweg....

Price: Free Developer: AppYourself GmbH
Maryland MD MVA - Permit test

Maryland MD MVA - Permit test

Specific for Maryland. Based on Maryland MVA Manual. This application is professionally created for the people who want save their time, prepare in couple hours and pass Maryland Driver Knowledge Test on the first attempt. This application runs on iPhone/iPad/iPod and...

Price: Free Developer: Driver-Start.Com
VOCA - Học Từ Vựng Tiếng Anh

VOCA - Học Từ Vựng Tiếng Anh

VOCA là một trong những sản phẩm học tiếng Anh thuộc dự án ngôn ngữ cùng tên của Công ty trách nhiệm hữu hạn Fanken, với sứ mệnh giúp người Việt Nam xóa bỏ rào cản Anh ngữ. VOCA...

VOCA MUSIC - Learn By Heart

VOCA MUSIC - Learn By Heart

VOCA Music là tên gọi của ý tưởng về một hệ thống giúp ai cũng có thể học tiếng anh mà không nhàm chán; một hệ thống có thể khiến những kẻ FA với tiếng anh cũng phải ‘say...

DUAL VOCA - 독해실력어휘(무료버전)

DUAL VOCA - 독해실력어휘(무료버전)

주의) 이투스북 사이트(에서 교재 인증을 통해 앱 쿠폰을 받아 앱에 등록하시면, 전체 버전을 학습하실 수 있습니다. 1. Dual Voca 독해실력어휘 APP 출시 원리 이해와 연상 암기로 슥슥 외우고 막힘없이 써먹는 영단어 APP을 경험하라! 단순 영단어 암기에 지친 학생에게는 강추! 오래 기억되는 단어...

Price: Free Developer: ETOOS Education
Dual Voca - 수능 기본편(무료버전)

Dual Voca - 수능 기본편(무료버전)

주의) 도서구매자는 이투스북 사이트(에서 도서인증을 마쳐야 전체버전을 사용할 수 있습니다. 1. Dual Voca 수능 기본편 APP 출시 원리 이해와 연상 암기로 슥슥 외우고 막힘없이 써먹는 영단어 APP을 경험하라! 단순 영단어 암기에 지친 학생에게는 강추! 오래 기억되는 단어 어플을 희망하는 학생에게는 더 강추! - Dual...

Price: Free Developer: ETOOS Education
GnB Voca Race

GnB Voca Race

Voca Race 2.0에서 학습에 최적화된 새로운 디자인을 채용하였습니다. GnB 학생들의 영어 단어. Voca Race 하나면 끝! GnB어학원 학생들의 영어단어 학습을 책임질 Voca Race를 소개합니다. PC의 GnB Online Program과 더불어 스마트폰으로 언제 어디서나 쉽게 단어 학습을 진행할 수 있습니다. 단원별로 단어 슬라이드 학습을...

Price: Free Developer: GnB English Education Co., Ltd.


ETS TOEIC VOCA 2017은 토익 출제기관인 ETS의 공식어휘집으로, 토익 최신 어휘를 파트별로 공부할 수 있는 토익 어휘 교재입니다. 본 앱은 ETS TOEIC VOCA 2017의 내용을 바탕으로 만들었습니다. * 주의: 본 앱은 2017년에 초판이 발행된 전용버전입니다....

Price: Free Developer: YBM
Let's Voca 렛츠보카

Let's Voca 렛츠보카

※ 이 앱은 Let's Voca 렛츠보카 1~6권 도서의 컨텐츠를 수록한 앱 입니다. * 엄격히 선별된 표제어 ▶ 교육부 권장 필수 어휘, 초등·중등 영어교과서 중요 빈출 어휘 엄선 * 다양하고 알찬 확장...

Price: Free Developer: ETOOS Education


VOCA NOTE 보카노트 App과 함께 학습하는 중등 핵심 어휘집! 보카노트는 예비 중학생~중3 학생들을 위한 총 3권의 중등 어휘집입니다. 보카노트만의 스마트한 학습 앱(App)을 지금 모바일에서 만나보세요! *주요 기능* ㆍ교재에 수록된 Day별 단어, 단어 뜻, 예문을 원어민의 음성과 함께 “보고 듣는” 기능 ㆍ교재에 수록된 Day별...

Price: Free Developer: (주)이퍼블릭코리아
Mglish Voca

Mglish Voca

엠글리쉬 보카(Mglish Voca), 엠보카(MVoca) “외워도 외워도 안 외워져! 외워도 도대체 이게 뭔 뜻……” 이것들을 한방에 해결하는 방법이 궁금하십니까? 1. MVoca만의 M발음으로 단어를 보고 읽을 수 있습니다. 2. 강세 표시로 정확한 발음을 구사할 수 있습니다. 3. 분리된 음절...

Price: Free Developer: Mglish
Afrikaans Dictionary Trans

Afrikaans Dictionary Trans

Welcome to English to Afrikaans Dictionary Translator App which have more than 33000+ offline words with meanings. This is not only a dictionary but also a learning tool. You can use this dictionary when you have no Internet connection. Everyday you'll...

Price: Free Developer: Hetalben Chovatiya
Indonesian Dictionary Trans

Indonesian Dictionary Trans

Welcome to English to Indonesian Dictionary Translator App which have more than 33000+ offline words with meanings. This is not only a dictionary but also a learning tool. You can use this dictionary when you have no Internet connection. Everyday you'll...

Price: Free Developer: Hetalben Chovatiya
Al-Mawrid Al-Qareeb Arabic-English Dictionary

Al-Mawrid Al-Qareeb Arabic-English Dictionary

The most advanced Arabic-English and English-Arabic dictionary by the oldest and largest publishing and distribution house of Arabic books and educational materials in the Arab world. The dictionary contains more than 33,000 words with many related appendices. _____ FREE PREVIEW The...

Price: Free Developer: Paragon Technologie GmbH

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