Top 29 Music Apps Like Guitar Tab Tutor - Best Alternatives

Guitar Tab Tutor Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Guitar Tab Tutor alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Music apps that are similar to Guitar Tab Tutor. Pick one from this list to be your new Guitar Tab Tutor app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Guitar Tab Tutor on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like Guitar Tab Tutor - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Guitar Tab Tutor alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Guitar Tab Tutor 2025.

Solo Guitar Lessons

Solo Guitar Lessons is pleased to offer you "Solo Guitar Lessons" for your device. This easy to use music application will let you learn to play rocking out guitar solo's even if you have never even touched the instrument before. You can do...

Price: Free Developer: Guitar Jamz Inc
Blues Guitar Lessons

Blues Guitar Lessons is pleased to offer you "Blues Guitar Lessons" for your device. This easy to use music application will let you learn to play the Blues guitar even if you have never even touched the instrument before. You can do it!...

Price: Free Developer: Guitar Jamz Inc
Blues Guitar Licks Lessons

Blues Guitar Licks Lessons is pleased to offer you "Blues Guitar Licks Lessons" for your device. This easy to use music application will let you learn to play the Blues guitar even if you have never even touched the instrument before. You can do...

Price: Free Developer: Guitar Jamz Inc
Ultimate Guitar: Chords & Tabs

Ultimate Guitar: Chords & Tabs

Get the world's largest catalog of guitar, bass & ukulele chords, tabs, and lyrics to learn your favorite songs! Search for any song by type, difficulty, tuning, and rating. Focus on guitar techniques or discover songs for particular moments with collections...

Price: Free Developer: Ultimate Guitar
Tonebridge Guitar Effects

Tonebridge Guitar Effects

Play your favorite songs in their original sound using your iPhone or iPad! It's a whole new experience in learning songs. EASY TO USE for BEGINNERS Tonebridge gives you the sound of the original song without special guitar knowledge—just plug in...

Price: Free Developer: Ultimate Guitar
Guitar Notation - Tabs&Chords

Guitar Notation - Tabs&Chords

A great guitar tabs and chords notation app on iOS. For any guitar music lover, Guitar Notation gives you the ability to read, compose, edit, and playback guitar sheet music scores. With it you can be a talented composer...

Price: Free Developer: Song Zhang
Guitar - Play & Learn Songs

Guitar - Play & Learn Songs

Guitar - Play & Learn any Song in the ultimate app to play timeless guitar classics and popular hits for free. No prior experience necessary! The Guitar app is so easy to use, you’ll be playing like a pro within...

Price: Free Developer: Yokee Music
Swybrid Picking Guitar School

Swybrid Picking Guitar School

Fonexsis presents: first full school of Swybrid Picking (Sweep/hybrid) technique! SWYBRID PICKING is a guitar method of sound production that combines hybrid picking, sweep picking, alternate picking and sometimes legato. Sweep picking is a method that allows guitarists to...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Fonexsis
Guitar Driller

Guitar Driller

Introducing our new outstanding «Guitar Driller» app! This app is developed especially to help guitarists to organize their training exercises in many ways. It allows you to create various playlists from your favorite exercises by integrating different content from...

Price: Free Developer: Fonexsis
Guitar Space- tabs and lessons

Guitar Space- tabs and lessons

Have you ever annoyed at being unable to find a great teacher to guide you learn guitar after your paid guitar lessons or have you ever put into large sum of money in guitar lessons but achieved less ?...

Price: Free Developer: Haochang Huang
Harmonica Tab Pro

Harmonica Tab Pro

Why you need to choose Harmonica Tab Pro? Harmonica Tab Pro will bring you new experiences with a unique harmonica application. Users can learn how to use the instrument by themselves through the system of tab number and tab note....

Price: Free Developer: XuXu
Mulody - Guitar Tab Player

Mulody - Guitar Tab Player

Mulody Guitar is an interactive guitar tablature player which plays synthesized audio and recorded audio synchronously with your tab. In Mulody Guitar, you can add real-person recorded audio INTO your tabs. Other than the synthesized audio automatically generated from your tab,...

Price: Free Developer: Mulody Multimedia
Flat: Music Score & Tab Editor

Flat: Music Score & Tab Editor

A great and easy-to-use music notation editor on iOS. Flat is an app that let you create, edit, playback, print and export your sheet music and tabs. Cloud-based, you can also edit scores with your web browser and collaborate...

Price: Free Developer: Tutteo Limited
Coach Guitar Lessons tuner tab

Coach Guitar Lessons tuner tab

CoachGuitar is the fastest way to learn guitar with only 5 colors and without music theory. Learn and play thousands of songs on your real acoustic or electric guitar with an innovative step by step approach. - Includes high...

Price: Free Developer: Manomaya SA
Teach Yourself Fingerstyle Guitar

Teach Yourself Fingerstyle Guitar

Teach yourself Fingerstyle Guitar with this amazing collection of 157 Tuitional Video Lessons. You will learn skills and techniques that you will use to play many songs included in the collection. Lessons include Part 1 - California Dreamin - Fingerstyle...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Tony Walsh
Free music Music Player, Listen Music - MusicPlay™

Free music Music Player, Listen Music - MusicPlay™

*****MusicPlay By Delbasoft™ ***** - IPhone using music program I do not say that. Thereafter there. - You can access all your music. - Most popular music. - A very easy to use application. - Sleek and fast. - Spend less than your Internet limit....

Price: Free Developer: Menduh Asal
Finger Picking Guitar

Finger Picking Guitar

Learn To Play Finger Picking Guitar with this great app that includes 417 easy to follow video lessons. The app has many easy to use features: Take The Guided Tour to see how you can... *** play the lessons ***...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Anthony Walsh


2013年にリリース3万5千ダウンロード達成の人気音楽教則アプリ『GUITAR CONCEPT』。 最新のiPhoneに対応して再登場(アンコール)。 当時有料コンテンツだったAdvanced Class「アウト・フレイズ」「コード」「メロディックマイナー」をすべて無料公開。 さあ、プロの理論を自分のモノにしよう! ◆◇GUITAR CONCEPT(ギターコンセプト) とは◇◆ 本気でギターを学びたい人のために本気で作ったギター理論学習アプリです! スマホのギターアプリはアンプやTAB譜集、コピー練習といった素晴らしいアプリが既にありますが、 当アプリでは音楽理論や知識に重点を置き、本当の意味でギターが上手くなるコトを目的としています。 是非マスターしてくださいね!マスターすればNYに行っても通用します! 【収録内容】 ◆Chap1 ポジショニング 《動画:4本、TAB譜:4つ》 同じ音域の「ドレミファソラシド」をギターだと色んな場所で弾けます。 ◆Chap2 スケールの法則 音楽をやると必ずでてくるスケールについてです。 ◆Chap3 インターバル インターバルとは2つの音の距離と考えてもらうとイメージしやすと思います。 ◆Chap4 ダイアトニック・コード 《動画:3本、TAB譜:3つ》 ポピュラー音楽のコードとスケールの関係を理解する上で重要です。 ◆Chap5 セブンス・コード トライアドに1音のせた4和音です。 ◆Chap6 ダイアトニック・スケール 《動画:7本、TAB譜:6つ》 調においてもっとも自然に響く7つの音を元にしたスケールです。 ◆Chap7 トライアド 《動画:6本、TAB譜:6つ》 一番シンプルな3つの音の和音です。とても重要です。 ◆Chap8 テンションノート 独特の響きをつけることができます。 ◆Chap9 アッパー・ストラクチャー・トライアド 《TAB譜:1つ》 和音の上にさらに和音をのせる技法です。 ◆ちょっと休憩 《動画:1本》 ◆Chap10 ペンタトニック 《動画:3本、TAB譜:6つ》 最も実践的で活用できるスケールです。 ◆Chap11 五度圏 とても便利な図です。 ◆Chap12 3 Playing Style 《動画:4本》 ファンク、ボサノバ、ジャズのデモ演奏です。カッティングの仕方、指の動きや音を出すタイミングの参考にしてください。 【収録内容(無料になりました)】 ◆Advanced Class 1 アウトフレージング 《動画:10本、TAB譜:9つ》 ペンタ・トニックやトライアドを活用したより豊かで大胆な技法をご紹介します。 ◆Advanced Class 2 コード 《動画:13本、TAB譜:16つ》 ハーモーニーの作り方やメロディに適したコードを生み出すとっておきのアイデアをご紹介します。 ◆Advanced Class 3 メロディックマイナー 《動画:11本、TAB譜:12つ》 ジャズ・フュージョンで多様されるとてもカッコいいスケールです。

Price: Free Developer: Ryo Nagai
Guitar lessons and tabs

Guitar lessons and tabs

Access to our revolutionary guitar lessons, from total beginner to an advanced level! Get an explosive progression with high quality video tutorials. Play the most famous guitar songs with their guitar tabs! Whether you play acoustic (classical or folk)...

Price: Free Developer: MyMusicTeacher
Chord Tutor Lite - Chord Practice

Chord Tutor Lite - Chord Practice

This isn't just a chord flash cards app. This app uses chord detection to tell you if you played the chord correctly!! What our users say: Incredible App!!! - ★★★★★ I own a guitar studio and have taught guitar...

Price: Free Developer: Martian Storm Ltd.
Chordelia Triad Tutor - learn to hear Major, Minor, Augmented and Diminished chords - for the beginner and advanced musician who plays Guitar, Ukulele, Sax and more

Chordelia Triad Tutor - learn to hear Major, Minor, Augmented and Diminished chords - for the beginner and advanced musician who plays Guitar, Ukulele, Sax and more

Join thousands of other musicians who've used Triad Tutor to improve their ears for chords! From the makers of the best-selling ear training app RelativePitch, "Chordelia: Triad Tutor" teaches you to recognise the most important types of chord in a...

Price: Free Developer: Easy Ear Training
Piano Tutor for iPad

Piano Tutor for iPad

*** Featured as one of "The best piano apps for iPad" - *** Piano Tutor for iPad is the best companion to your music lessons!! "This is a great app to keep my piano students productive while they wait...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: SmileyApps, LLC
Canntaireachd Tutor

Canntaireachd Tutor

+++BELOW YOU WILL FIND REVIEWS OF THE CANNTAIREACHD TUTOR, INFORMATION ON THE APP AS WELL AS ITS PRIVACY POLICY+++ +++ REVIEWS +++ Piper Dr. Angus MacDonald says: "I was intrigued by this app and now feel I have a greater understanding...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: Wee-Pipes Ltd.
Music Theory Tutor

Music Theory Tutor

Learn how to read music in a fun and interactive way! Music Theory Tutor provides all you need to learn the basics of music theory. Use this app to learn music theory by yourself at your own pace, or...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: SmileyApps, LLC
Piano Tutor (Sight-reading)

Piano Tutor (Sight-reading)

* This is a music software for all students who want to learn music and have music dreams! * The most basic basis for learning music theory is the most painful note recognition practice for beginners. * While learning...

Price: Free Developer: boyue zhang
Scales Tutor

Scales Tutor

Scales Tutor by MusiKeys offers both step by step instruction for beginners with some musical knowledge, and brush up reviews for those who are a bit rusty in their knowledge of major and minor key signatures and scales. Users...

Price: Free Developer: MUSIKEYS, LLC
Scales Tutor for iPhone

Scales Tutor for iPhone

Scales Tutor by MusiKeys offers both step by step instruction for beginners with some musical knowledge, and brush up reviews for those who are a bit rusty in their knowledge of major and minor key signatures and scales. Users...

Price: Free Developer: MUSIKEYS, LLC
String Quartet SightRead Tutor

String Quartet SightRead Tutor

Learn fast where to play notes ! For Violin, Viola, Cello and Double-bass. With this staff Notes Sight Read Tutor, you will learn where to play notes on your instrument's fingerboard ! • Violin • Viola • Cello • Double bass Make progress even when you are away from your...

Price: Free Developer: Alexandre Dupleix

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