Top 20 Education Apps Like Inca Mythology - Best Alternatives

Inca Mythology Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Inca Mythology alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to Inca Mythology. Pick one from this list to be your new Inca Mythology app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Inca Mythology on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Inca Mythology - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Inca Mythology alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Inca Mythology 2025.

Inca AR

Inca AR

Aplicación informativa de la Organización Inca y sus entidades asociadas en Realidad Aumentada. En ella podrás encontrar contenido audiovisual y descriptivo de la organización, programas y alcances.

Price: Free Developer: Brash 3D SAS


***Selected as a Best App in Education by Apple, August 2014*** Kids will journey back in time to discover the fascinating culture and traditions of the Incas, with a 360-degree panorama of Machu Picchu, a timeline of great Incan rulers,...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: KIDS DISCOVER
Excavate! MesoAmerica

Excavate! MesoAmerica

Learn History in a new way with Excavate! Mesoamerica, an immersive social studies game for middle school students! Use Archaeological thinking to apply C3 skills of Inquiry and Evaluation of Evidence to aspects of Mayan, Aztec, and Incan daily...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Dig-It Games
Excavate! Rome

Excavate! Rome

Learn History in a new way with Excavate! Rome, an immersive social studies game for middle school students! Use Archaeological thinking to apply C3 skills of Inquiry and Evaluation of Evidence to aspects of Roman daily life not covered...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Dig-It Games
Mihai Eminescu, întreaga operă

Mihai Eminescu, întreaga operă

Cu ocazia Centenarului Marii Uniri, Centrul European de Studii în Probleme Etnice al Academiei Române, Asociația Neamunit și Asociația Română de Geopolitică, Geoeconomie și Geocultură au inițiat relansarea gratuită a operei eminesciene în format digital pentru marele public. Proiectul...

Price: Free Developer: AURELIU SURULESCU
Abecedar de alaptare

Abecedar de alaptare

Aplicaţia “Abecedar de alăptare” este un proiect al asociaţiei “Dragoste cu lapte”. Un proiect menit să schimbe în bine vieţile mamelor şi ale copiilor. Abecedarul este scris de specialişti şi ne dorim ca el să ajungă la cât mai...

Price: Free Developer: Axilus Services SRL
BrainPOP: Película del Día

BrainPOP: Película del Día

¡Aprende algo nuevo todos los días con la App de BrainPOP Español para el iPad, iPhone y iPod touch! Ve la película BrainPOP del día y evalúa tus conocimientos con el cuestionario interactivo. Con más de 11 millones de visitas al...

Price: Free Developer: BrainPOP®


NASA’s Cassini mission to Saturn has provided a unique opportunity for the Magnetospheric IMaging Instruments (MIMI) to study the energetic charged particle environment, and obtain images of Saturn using Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) imaging. There is a rich dataset...

Price: Free Developer: Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Chestionare auto - SoferOnline

Chestionare auto - SoferOnline

SoferOnline îți oferă tot ce ai nevoie pentru a lua examenul teoretic (sala) din prima, într-un mod foarte simplu. Îți alegi data examenului și aplicația te ajută să fii 100% pregătit în ziua examenului, creând un plan personalizat de învățare. Știi...

Price: Free Developer: Soft ATAC
CHI Encyclopedia of Greek Mythology

CHI Encyclopedia of Greek Mythology

Explore the the world's Greek Mythology in thousands of hours of articles and pictures covering everything from Abaris the Hyperborean to Zeus. Our encyclopedia of Greek Mythology contains beautiful HD photos, simple organization and user interface, and the most...

Price: Free Developer: Coast Heavy Industries
Learn Mythology Basics

Learn Mythology Basics

New Version: Test out what Learn Mythology Basics is like for FREE, then unlock everything when you're ready. Need to brush up on your Greek gods? Feel embarrassed and out of place during your friends’ discussions about Homer or...

Price: Free Developer: Brainscape
Egypt Mythology & Legends

Egypt Mythology & Legends

Explore and discover of the Egypt Gods/Goddesses and Myths and learn about Egyptian Mythology and Legends. Test and improve your knowledge answering the multiple choice questions about Egypt Mythology with this app. FEATURES: - No internet connection is needed. - There is...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Coskun CAKIR
Mythology & Trivia

Mythology & Trivia

Learn about Mythology while playing a nice game of Trivia ! Download the most comprehensive mobile Mythology application. With thousands of available terms, this is the largest mythology database that can fit in your pocket. The Free app contains samples from...

Price: Free Developer: Daniel Cristolovean
Mythology - African

Mythology - African

50% price discount ! Learn about mythology while playing a fun game of Trivia ! Download the most comprehensive african mythology encyclopaedia that can fit in your pocket. Don't waste time looking for the information you want, everything is right here....

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Daniel Cristolovean
Mythology - Celtic

Mythology - Celtic

50% price discount ! Learn about mythology while playing a fun game of Trivia ! Download the most comprehensive celtic mythology encyclopaedia that can fit in your pocket. Don't waste time looking for the information you want, everything is right here....

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Daniel Cristolovean
Mythology - Greek

Mythology - Greek

50% price discount ! Learn about mythology while playing a fun game of Trivia ! Download the most comprehensive greek mythology encyclopaedia that can fit in your pocket. Don't waste time looking for the information you want, everything is right here. Over...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Daniel Cristolovean
Mythology - Japanese

Mythology - Japanese

50% price discount ! Learn about mythology while playing a fun game of Trivia ! Download the most comprehensive japanese mythology encyclopaedia that can fit in your pocket. Don't waste time looking for the information you want, everything is right here....

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Daniel Cristolovean
Mythology - Mayan

Mythology - Mayan

50% price discount ! Learn about mythology while playing a fun game of Trivia ! Download the most comprehensive mayan mythology encyclopaedia that can fit in your pocket. Don't waste time looking for the information you want all over the...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Daniel Cristolovean
Mythology - Native American

Mythology - Native American

50% price discount ! Learn about mythology while playing a fun game of Trivia ! Download the most comprehensive native american mythology encyclopaedia that can fit in your pocket. Don't waste time looking for the information you want, everything is right...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Daniel Cristolovean

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