Top 28 Education Apps Like Snake Lang Premium - Best Alternatives

Snake Lang Premium Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Snake Lang Premium alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Education apps that are similar to Snake Lang Premium. Pick one from this list to be your new Snake Lang Premium app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Snake Lang Premium on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like Snake Lang Premium - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Snake Lang Premium alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like Snake Lang Premium 2025.

Snake Info

Snake Info

Interested in snakes? Ever wonder what kind of snake you found in world? Are you curious what kinds of snakes found in the world? "Snake Info" is your guide to identifying 65 snakes found all over the world. "Snake Info" provide you range...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Vaibhav Kavathekar
Snake Chaser

Snake Chaser

Welcome to The Snake Chaser! This app will help you identify Eastern venomous and non-venomous snakes, nuisance wildlife, and reach out to Russell Cavendar, The Snake Chaser! The Snake Chaser is a nuisance wildlife removal and management...

Price: Free Developer: Jacquline Gonzalez
Boise River: Source to Snake

Boise River: Source to Snake

This summer Christopher Swain will swim the Boise River from its source to its confluence with the Snake. Along the way he will collect and report on the health of our river. While Swain swims, the Boise Watershed will come...

Price: Free Developer: Young Barney, Inc.
Dragon Snake Mandarin Teacher

Dragon Snake Mandarin Teacher

Learn 3000 words and 1500 phrases in Mandarin Chinese playing the classic Snake game. Build the phrase by eating characters in the right order. Control the SnakeDragon by swiping your finger up, down, left and right. How this works: When you...

Price: Free Developer: Yaroslav Mironov
Snake drawings Coloring books For Kids

Snake drawings Coloring books For Kids

The Snake coloring Free and easy for kids. This is a fun, entertaining and educational. This interactive coloring book allows your child to select from a wide variety of images creating a never ending coloring book. children can choose the color...

Price: Free Developer: Kampai Chairuk
Snake Lang EN Английский словарь, игра змейка,free

Snake Lang EN Английский словарь, игра змейка,free

Хотелось бы учить английские слова не сидя со словарем!? Теперь это легко и эффективно! 3000 cлов за 3 месяца и вы готовы лететь в штаты! Наверняка многие помнят игру змейка? Мы превратили эту игру в умное приложение, с помощью которого...

Price: Free Developer: YENA Software GmbH
Mr Snake's Slippery Slide

Mr Snake's Slippery Slide

ELAa’s interactive story books are a great way to start encouraging your child to read. They have captivating and colourful illustrations which correspond to simple sentences and predictable word patterns. Individual words are highlighted and heard when tapped to...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Michelle Neumann
RyeBooks: The Tale of the White Snake

RyeBooks: The Tale of the White Snake

►Conact us ----- Follow us on Twitter: Watch demo videos on Youtube: Link for all our apps on App Store: Email Support: [email protected] ----- FEEDBACK: ----- @jaaronfarr: These Chinese-Japanese-English eBooks are exactly what we've been looking for! The stories are classic. The art is superb....

Price: Free Developer: MIAO LYU
Legend of the White Snake AR

Legend of the White Snake AR

Play a game, learn the legend, and do more fun activities on the ​Dragon Boat Festival. Follow the clues and go on a treasure hunting adventure. Youtube: Company website:

Price: Free Developer: Hsiu-ying Fang
Lang Kingdom

Lang Kingdom

Lang Kingdom is a habit forming game-like English learning app with bite-sized lessons to play, have fun and get better at English. You can release stress, have fun and develop your English with it, guarantee! Lang Kingdom consists of the...

Price: Free Developer: Lang Kingdom Pte. Ltd.


Lang+是一款音视频断句学习工具,其目标是帮助喜欢通过影视作品,来学习英文的用户提高学习效率。 Lang+有哪些功能? Lang+一款极简主义应用,并没有很多的功能,但具有的功能都非常实用。具体来说,有以下几项功能: 字幕解析 Lang+可以自动将内容繁杂的.srt字幕文件解析成可读性非常高的文本;支持双语字幕(中英文换行即可)、英文字幕、中文字幕自由切换显示;支持无字幕模式。 单词查询 在阅读过程中,如果遇到不认识的单词长按即可查询定义。这一设计免去了用户阅读期间不断在不同应用之间跳转的烦恼,提升了阅读体验。 断句精听 点击解析后的字幕断句,并可直接播放对应断句音频段落,支持标准模式(上下句切换)、AB选区模式(选定断句区间循环播放)、倍速播放。 精准断句 Lang+编辑模式可基于音频图进行精准断句,可让字幕校准做到毫秒级精准。 字幕编辑 Lang+编辑模式,支持字幕编辑,手动校准字幕。 断句导出 Lang+支持将音频文件进行断句分割导出(每句对应一个mp3音频文件和一个srt字幕文件);支持选定断句合并导出。 无线上传 Lang+支持通过 WiFi 将音频文件和字幕文件上传到应用内以供学习,管理文件非常方便。 意见反馈 如果使用过程中,遇到任何问题或者有任何建议,可以给我发邮件。在撰写邮件内容时,请尽量提供多一些信息,比如 App 版本等 邮件地址:[email protected] 更多功能 Lang+将不断迭代优化,期望能不断提高大家英语学习的效率,想要什么功能,由你来定!把你的需求反馈给我吧! 邮件地址:[email protected]

Price: Free Developer: li li
Mastering the piano with Lang Lang

Mastering the piano with Lang Lang

Improve your piano technique with superstar pianist Lang Lang! Mastering the Piano with Lang Lang is an innovative digital-learning experience created by leading educational music publisher Faber Music and powered by Tido technology. Explore, learn and improve key aspects of your...

Price: Free Developer: TIDO (UK) LIMITED
Lang Coacher

Lang Coacher

Учите словенский язык. Очень увлекательно и легко. Lang Coacher знакомит вас с необходимыми ключевыми словами и быстрым научным способом их запоминания. Даже не имея достаточных знаний на данный момент, вы научитесь свободно говорить короткими предложениями в реальных жизненных ситуациях. В...

Price: Free Developer: Galament Software
With Lang - Learn Language.

With Lang - Learn Language.

Start studying foreign languages ​​with unlimited repetitions! Study foreign languages ​​with your friends! Have you forgotten the vocabularies or sentences you studied a few days ago or are you looking for what you have written? Whenever you study, do you throw away...

Price: Free Developer: sangcheol lim
Auld Lang Syne Singalong

Auld Lang Syne Singalong

Auld Lang Syne...the iconic Scottish song...which has huge appeal throughout the world. Do you know the words to the five verse? This App can help you and provides an accompaniment whilst you sing . For those of you whose language may not...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: eto music practice Ltd
RightNow Conversation[14 lang]

RightNow Conversation[14 lang]

All the essential sentences for learning conversations in a foreign language have been collected and stored in one app!! *With the RightNow Conversation app (English, Korean,Japanese,Chinese,French,German,Spanish,Thai,Indonesian,Vietnamese,Portuguese,Russian,Italian,Arabic), you can communicate with people in other countries, anywhere in the world....

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: TIME SPACE SYSTEM Co.,Ltd
card2brain flashcards

card2brain flashcards

With card2brain, you have free access to millions of existing flashcards, you create flashcards of your own in a browser or on the app and revise with your mobile while you are on the move. With card2brain, you can...

Price: Free Developer: webapps Burgdorf GmbH
123 Color HD, Premium Edition, for Kids Ages 3-8

123 Color HD, Premium Edition, for Kids Ages 3-8

CELEBRATING 123 COLOR HD PREMIUM EDITION ROCKETING TO #1 IN EDUCATION! • Woman's Day names 123 Color the #1 app for kids during road trips. • The New York Times says 123 Color HD is, "nice for introducing the sound of...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Steve Glinberg
Equity Maps - Premium

Equity Maps - Premium

Chart & record the interaction of students or colleagues to measure and graphically illustrate levels and types of participation. The instant analytics & animated playback at multiple speeds will help spur discussion and engage everyone in deeper reflection! Effortlessly trace...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: David Nelson
Claro ScanPen Premium

Claro ScanPen Premium

Need to listen to printed text spoken aloud - at school, in a test exam, at work or at home? Use Claro ScanPen to photo your printed text document, letter, test paper - then select the text...

Price: Free Developer: Claro Software Limited
Verbally Premium

Verbally Premium

Verbally Premium is a full-featured augmentative & alternative communication (AAC) app for the iPad that brings speech to those without. Verbally Premium has the same intuitive design as Verbally, but also includes a host of expanded features to make...

Price: USD 99.99 Developer: Intuary
MamaLingua Premium

MamaLingua Premium

Learn Spanish or English with the MamaLingua language app for kids and parents! With MamaLingua Premium for iOS, you’ll learn Spanish or English words and phrases you can use every day with your baby, preschooler, or young kids. The...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: MamaLingua LLC
McGraw-Hill Education GRE Premium App

McGraw-Hill Education GRE Premium App

The GRE Premium app provides the interactive practice component of the McGraw-Hill Education GRE Premium book, combining extensive practice with the convenience and mobility of your tablet or smartphone. It offers a number of great features that will help...

Price: Free Developer: McGraw-Hill
Spelling Notebook Premium

Spelling Notebook Premium

Create a personalized list of words to practice. Test your spelling - hear each word spoken. Get a star for each correct word. Practice just the words you have yet to master. Retest your words at anytime. Students can...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Ako Software Ltd.
Autoescuela - Premium

Autoescuela - Premium

Con "Autoescuela Premium" prepararás los exámenes teóricos y prácticos para la obtención de la licencia de conducción tipo B de España. Además tendrás acceso al contenido premium desde el primer momento, sin necesitad de pagos adicionales. ¡Todo totalmente desbloqueado! Modos,...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Salva Nadal
Códigos de Direito - Premium

Códigos de Direito - Premium

O Códigos de Direito coloca numa única aplicação vários códigos de Direito e ferramentas de apoio que são úteis no quotidiano de qualquer Jurista, Estudante ou cidadão com interesse na lei. Não pretende dispensar a consulta actualizada de todos...

Price: Free Developer: Getting Tech
Hieroglyph Premium

Hieroglyph Premium

It is an application that can easily convert the entered characters to the sacred letter "Hieroglyph" used in ancient Egypt. There is no need to use rosetta stones. You can use English, Hiragana, Katakana, or Kanji as input characters. Numbers, first person,...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Yoshitaka Watanabe

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