Top 29 Education Apps Like BYU President's Report - Best Alternatives

BYU President's Report Alternatives

Do you want to find the best BYU President's Report alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Education apps that are similar to BYU President's Report. Pick one from this list to be your new BYU President's Report app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to BYU President's Report on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like BYU President's Report - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid BYU President's Report alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like BYU President's Report 2025.

BYU Flashcards

BYU Flashcards

BYU Flashcards is an app that enables students and teachers from BYU to practice the flashcards that they have created and shared on In addition to regular terms, our app supports practicing images, videos, and audio files! Currently,...

Price: Free Developer: Brigham Young University
BYU Religious Studies Center (RSC)

BYU Religious Studies Center (RSC)

The BYU RSC app gives you thousands of FREE, informative, gospel-centered articles, journals, and books from the Religious Studies Center (RSC) library. These are researched and written by scholars, educators, Church leaders, and historians. This library is exclusive to...

Price: Free Developer: Brigham Young University


The BYU Mobile App Suite contains a variety of newly designed mobile services developed by the Office of Information Technology at Brigham Young University, all within a single App. Features Include: - ...

Price: Free Developer: Brigham Young University
BYU Hematology

BYU Hematology

*** Note: This app is only for BYU Students currently enrolled in MMBio 392 and 394. Other users will be denied access. *** This app will download all the necessary files when you first open it. The interactive hematology...

Price: Free Developer: Brigham Young University
BYU Tour

BYU Tour

Through the world of Augmented Reality you can see BYU campus as you've never seen it before. Find hidden experiences and learn more with this new interactive experience. Simply use your compatible mobile device and find the triggers throughout...

Price: Free Developer: Strata Mixed Reality Inc.
Iain Hunter

Iain Hunter

For use with the Mechanics of Motion online biomechanics book. This helps guide discussions in class as students experiment with different options to learn how projectile motion, acceleration, terminal velocity, friction, and angular kinetics work.

Price: Free Developer: BYU


goCampus is the first BYU-Hawaii Mobile Apps built to serve the students of over 3000 from more than 70 countries. The app was built by Kelvin Tan, an alumni of BYU-Hawaii student majoring in Computer Science and minoring in...

Price: Free Developer: Zhi Yao Tan
Hideout: Early Reading

Hideout: Early Reading

Hideout teaches early reading skills using research-based principles and applications, presenting phonic patterns used in context within a set of nine captivating (and a little silly) mini-games: -AP (It's stormy and windy outside. Tap the cap and map to zap...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Third Rail Games LLC
Hideout: Flying Kitchen - Early Reading & Phonics

Hideout: Flying Kitchen - Early Reading & Phonics

Hideout: Flying Kitchen is the continuation of the critically-acclaimed Hideout: Early Reading. It teaches early reading skills using research-based principles and applications, presenting phonic patterns used in context within a set of four captivating (and a little silly) mini-games: -ID...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Third Rail Games LLC
American Presidents Encycl.

American Presidents Encycl.

Powerful browsing tool for the full list of American Presidents in history. A great educational app for all. Powerful listing options include: Browse by party, by name, by religion, by birth state, shortest/longest presidency, oldest/youngest presidents, shortest/longest lived, was...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: FadiSoft Inc.
Presidents vs. Aliens®

Presidents vs. Aliens®

From the creator of Stack the States! - "An educational app at its best!" - The iPhone Presidents vs. Aliens® makes learning about the presidents fun! As you learn presidential facts, quotes, nicknames and historical events, you can...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Freecloud Design, Inc.
Britannica Kids: US Presidents

Britannica Kids: US Presidents

Ladies and Gentlemen, please stand for the United States presidents. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Britannica Kids: U.S. Presidents is the perfect app for learning about the leaders of this great nation. " of the best education apps for learning about the presidents." -US Kids Review •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SUPPORTED DEVICES iPhone...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: MEDL Mobile, Inc.
Our Presidents

Our Presidents

Have you ever wanted to learn all of the United States Presidents? The Our Presidents app contains all 45 Presidents of the United States in chronological order. The app also features the presidents time in office and...

Price: Free Developer: Tracy Gates
Presidents and Stats

Presidents and Stats

* Information of each President: Name, born, died, in office from, in office to, party, state from. * No internet connection required for any of the information or stats * App built with info for presidents of the following countries ...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Ralph DMello
Wyz US Presidents

Wyz US Presidents

“If the people cannot trust their government to do the job for which it exists - to protect them and to promote their common welfare - all else is lost.” ~ Barack Obama Come explore history like never before, with...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Wyz Kid Labs
Fact Mountain U.S. Presidents

Fact Mountain U.S. Presidents

Allows quizbowl players to quickly learn the most common clues about U.S. Presidents. An excellent study aid for History Bee™, MS/HS/college courses and for standardized tests like AP™/IB™CLEP™ exams. The app's three modes are: Mode 1: PLAY GAME Select your...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Foothills Education, LLC
Ohio Presidents

Ohio Presidents

The United States has had eight Presidents from Ohio, serving between the years 1841 and 1923. This interactive storybook app tells their stories. Learn about the Ohio Presidents through dynamic animated stories about their lives, featuring fun sound effects...

Price: Free Developer: Classic Interactions LLC
American Presidents History

American Presidents History

Get all informations of all the U.S. Presidents. Test and improve your United States Presidents knowledge answering the questions with our quiz application. Our educational American Presidents app also helpful for high school and graduate school students. You can learn at...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Hasan Cakir
Argentina Presidents and Stats

Argentina Presidents and Stats

* Information of the Presidents of Argentina. President name, born, died, reign from, reign to, party * NO INTERNET connection required for any of the information or stats * Summary of various stats by President and by Span * Compare stats of...

Price: Free Developer: Ralph DMello
Report Bee Parent

Report Bee Parent

Report Bee Parent is the companion app for parents whose wards are studying in schools which has Report Bee implemented. Main features of the app are NOTIFICATIONS Receive smart notifications and alerts on your child's homework, test and school information. Go...

Price: Free Developer: Report Bee Edusys Private Limited
Therapy Report Center

Therapy Report Center

Have you ever wished that there you had one app that would keep the data from all your apps organized in one place? What about if this app could compile a report with all the results imported from all...

Price: Free Developer: Smarty Ears
Report Card Maker

Report Card Maker

Report Card Maker (RCM) allows you to complete and print a variety of report cards geared toward grades K-6. You can edit the content of any of the included report cards to your liking. You can even import...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: ClearVision Apps


E-REPORT COMP is an app which can create a report, a leaflet, and a brochures to see on the iPad. The thing just a little bit different from paper can be created. For example, photos switched automatically, video or audio...

Price: USD 11.99 Developer: Suzuki Educational Software Co.,Ltd.
E-REPORT COMP for School

E-REPORT COMP for School

E-REPORT COMP for Schoolは、iPad上で見るレポートやリーフレット、パンフレットを作成することができるアプリです。 印刷物とは一味違う自動的に写真が切り替わったり、動画や音声が流れたりする動きのあるレポートやパンフレットが作成できます。 E-REPORT COMP for Schoolは、小学校や中学校の国語の授業での使用も考慮しているため、縦書きをサポートしています。文字ボックスで縦書きを選択すると、リアルタイムで縦書き入力が行えます。 国語以外でも、理科や社会、総合的な学習の時間など、いろいろな授業で活用いただけます。授業以外にも報告書などのレポートの作成や製品紹介のデジタルパンフレットなど幅広い用途でご活用いただけます。 また、一つのソフトで撮影、編集、閲覧がすべてで行えます。そのため、撮った写真や動画をすぐに使用して、レポートが作成できます。そして、作ったものはすぐに見てもらうことができます。デジカメで写真を撮り、コンピューターに取り込んで、画像加工で編集をして…というような、いくつもの機器やソフトを使うこともありません。 〈主な特長〉 ●編集モード ・文字ボックスを作成し、横書きや縦書きで文字を入力することができます。 ・文字は、1文字単位でサイズや色を設定することができます。 ・縦書きに切り替えることで、リアルタイムで縦書き入力することができます。 ・文字ボックスは、禁則処理が自動的に行われます。 ・テンプレートを用意していますので、短時間でレポートやパンフレットを完成させることができます。 ・写真は、1カ所に6枚まで配置することができます。また、その写真は、見ている人がフリック操作で切り替えるのか、時間を決めて、自動的に切り替えるのか選択できます。 ・編集モードからカメラを起動して、動画や写真を撮影したり、マイクで音声を録音したりすることができます。撮った写真や動画、録音した音声は、すぐに使用することができます。 ・写真加工では、トリミングや色調補正、ペンツールでのかき込みなどが行えます。 ・動画や音声はどこからどこまで再生を行うのか、始点と終点をそれぞれ指定することができます。 ・ページのめくり方は、いつでも変更することができます。 ・1ファイルあたり50ページまでページを追加することができます。 ●閲覧モード ・スワイプをすると、ページがめくられ、次のページを見ることができます。実際のレポートやパンフレットなどに近い動作で見ることができます。 ・付せんを貼り付けることができます。付せんは、2色から選べます。 ・付せんは、スワイプして文字を書くことができます。 ・貼り付けた付せんは、ロングタップ後、スワイプすることで位置が変えられます。 ・付せんを貼り付けて、編集モードに戻ると、閲覧モードで貼り付けた付せんが見られます。付せんの内容を見ながら、内容を練り合うことができます。 ●その他 ・Wi-Fiを使って、同一ネットワークに接続しているE-REPORT COMP for Schoolがインストールされている他の端末に編集データを集めることができます。先生が児童・生徒の成果物を集める場合や1人1ページ作成し、グループで1つの成果物にまとめる場合などに便利です。 ・作成したデータは、iTunesからコピーを選び、iTunesに繋げることで取り出すことができます。形式は、E-REPORT COMP形式かPDF形式の2種類から選べます。 ・レポートの結合を使用することで、同じ向きのレポートであれば、バラバラになっているデータを1つにまとめることができます。ページの入れ替えや削除は、結合後に行えます。 ・iPadの設定から、小学校3年生までに習う漢字のみを使った小学校表記と一般的な漢字を使った標準表記を切り替えることができます。切り替えた場合は、E-REPORT COMP for Schoolを再起動すると反映されます。 E-REPORT COMP for Schoolを使って、今までにない新しいタイプのレポートやリーフレット、パンフレットを作ってみましょう。

Price: Free Developer: Suzuki Educational Software Co.,Ltd.
Report Bullying

Report Bullying

Use the Report Bullying App by No Bullying Schools to send a confidential report directly to your School Administrators. The app can be used by Students, Parents, or School Staff, and your report will be stored in a confidential...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Thelen
Report Card by Meritnation

Report Card by Meritnation

Report Card by Meritnation is a FREE companion app which shows you exactly what your child is studying & how s/he is performing on Meritnation. What Report Card does for you? Participate actively in your child's studies: Track your child’s...

Price: Free Developer: Applect Learning Systems Pvt. Ltd.
Report Card Plus

Report Card Plus

Future trends are defining pace and revolution in society. Every industry is facing a strangling competition and education is also not left untouched. Technology differentiates Success to a failure. Schools and colleges have shown same trends in last...

Price: Free Developer: Rahul Pandit
Report It!

Report It!

Are you a student in the Surrey School District? Is someone or something bothering you or your friends at school? If it upsets you, makes you feel unsafe, or affects the safety at school, then use the PSST Report it! app...

Price: Free Developer: CreativeEngine

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