Top 48 Education Apps Like E-REPORT COMP for School - Best Alternatives

E-REPORT COMP for School Alternatives

Do you want to find the best E-REPORT COMP for School alternatives for iOS? We have listed 48 Education apps that are similar to E-REPORT COMP for School. Pick one from this list to be your new E-REPORT COMP for School app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to E-REPORT COMP for School on your iOS devices.

Top 48 Apps Like E-REPORT COMP for School - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid E-REPORT COMP for School alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 48 similar apps like E-REPORT COMP for School 2025. to go to go

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Price: Free Developer: GmbH & Co KG
e.driver Professional

e.driver Professional

e.driver Professional. Das Schweizer Lernprogramm für die Theorieprüfung LKW, Lastwagen, Bus und Taxi. Sicher durch die LKW Prüfung • Optimale Prüfungsvorbereitung für die Kategorien C, CE, C1, D, DE, D1, BPT • Inkl. Vorbereitung zur CZV Prüfung • Prüfungssimulation mit über...

Price: Free Developer: e-university - Walter Systems AG
E-plan habilitering

E-plan habilitering

e-Plan habilitering is a digital calender and activity scheduler developed to help people with different disabilities to manage their everyday life activities. e-Plan can be used in e.g. schools, families or special care services. e-Plan consist of av...

Price: Free Developer: e-plan Nevrohab
e.driver Swiss driving license

e.driver Swiss driving license

e.driver Driving Theory Test e.driver 2019/2020 theory test for cars, motorbikes, scooters, moped, tractors and construction vehicles Preparation for the car theory test for motor vehicle drivers Cat. A1, A, B, M, F and G, available in English, German, French...

Price: Free Developer: e-university - Walter Systems AG


e-Smart 2.0 version 1.0 1. 一站式介面,方便用戶快捷開啓各科教學資源 2. 課堂管理功能提升,老師可全面管理學生打開電子課本及系統 3. 新增老師概覽及學生手冊,用戶可一覽各系統的功課記錄 4. 新增老師訊息、查看學生名單,增進師生互動 EPH Reader version 5.0: 1. 新電子書目錄介面,整合電子課本的書目顯示 2. 優化內容介面,避免書頁內容與工具列重疊 3. 新增使用提示,插入資源時顯示提示句,使用時更清晰

Price: Free Developer: POPULAR E-LEARNING (H.K.) LIMITED
Treno di parole – Giochi di spelling bee e puzzle cerca la parola per bambini

Treno di parole – Giochi di spelling bee e puzzle cerca la parola per bambini

Treno di parole é un bellissimo gioco per bambini che li porta ad imparare parole del vocabolario di base, insieme al loro spelling. Il metodo “colpo e prova” lo rende un metodo di apprendimento divertente per i bambini dai...

Price: Free Developer: Naveed Abbas
Colégio Arte e Vida

Colégio Arte e Vida

Com a correria da vida moderna, faz-se necessário a busca por alternativas que dinamizem nossos compromissos e que nos oportunizem ampliar nossa qualidade de vida. Buscando estreitar a relação entre família e escola, nosso colégio adotou este aplicativo, que tem por principal...

Price: Free Developer: Colégio Arte e Vida
E-School Cambodia

E-School Cambodia

E-School Cambodia is an online learning platform teach by most famous teachers in Cambodia for - Grade 7 to 12 followed Cambodia Education Standard - Bacc II exam preparation - Teacher Entrance exam preparation - Health Science Entrance exam preparation - Many more E-School...

Price: Free Developer: A.Z.E INNOVATION TECH CO., LTD
Escute e Monte

Escute e Monte

O aplicativo "Escute e Monte" é um ditado interativo destinado ao desenvolvimento da escrita de palavras no qual a criança terá que arrastar e organizar as letras após escutar a palavra ditada pelo aplicativo formando, assim, a correspondência entre...

Price: Free Developer: Lauro Oliveira
Colégio e Curso Desafio

Colégio e Curso Desafio

Colégio e Curso Desafio! Acesse as informações da escola através deste aplicativo. Com este aplicativo, os pais, responsáveis e professores poderão receber as últimas informações da escola, as notícias do dia a dia do seus filhos e o calendário de...

Price: Free Developer: Colégio e Curso Desafio
Report Bee Parent

Report Bee Parent

Report Bee Parent is the companion app for parents whose wards are studying in schools which has Report Bee implemented. Main features of the app are NOTIFICATIONS Receive smart notifications and alerts on your child's homework, test and school information. Go...

Price: Free Developer: Report Bee Edusys Private Limited
Therapy Report Center

Therapy Report Center

Have you ever wished that there you had one app that would keep the data from all your apps organized in one place? What about if this app could compile a report with all the results imported from all...

Price: Free Developer: Smarty Ears
Report Card Maker

Report Card Maker

Report Card Maker (RCM) allows you to complete and print a variety of report cards geared toward grades K-6. You can edit the content of any of the included report cards to your liking. You can even import...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: ClearVision Apps


E-REPORT COMP is an app which can create a report, a leaflet, and a brochures to see on the iPad. The thing just a little bit different from paper can be created. For example, photos switched automatically, video or audio...

Price: USD 11.99 Developer: Suzuki Educational Software Co.,Ltd.
Report Bullying

Report Bullying

Use the Report Bullying App by No Bullying Schools to send a confidential report directly to your School Administrators. The app can be used by Students, Parents, or School Staff, and your report will be stored in a confidential...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Thelen
Report Card by Meritnation

Report Card by Meritnation

Report Card by Meritnation is a FREE companion app which shows you exactly what your child is studying & how s/he is performing on Meritnation. What Report Card does for you? Participate actively in your child's studies: Track your child’s...

Price: Free Developer: Applect Learning Systems Pvt. Ltd.
BYU President's Report

BYU President's Report

BYU President’s Report spotlights people and accomplishments related to fundraising at Brigham Young University. In each annual issue, the report shares perspectives on the university from BYU’s president and offers a look at significant university news and strategic initiatives....

Price: Free Developer: Brigham Young University
Report Card Plus

Report Card Plus

Future trends are defining pace and revolution in society. Every industry is facing a strangling competition and education is also not left untouched. Technology differentiates Success to a failure. Schools and colleges have shown same trends in last...

Price: Free Developer: Rahul Pandit
Report It!

Report It!

Are you a student in the Surrey School District? Is someone or something bothering you or your friends at school? If it upsets you, makes you feel unsafe, or affects the safety at school, then use the PSST Report it! app...

Price: Free Developer: CreativeEngine
NYS Workers Comp Attorneys

NYS Workers Comp Attorneys

The NYS Workers Comp Attorneys App created by Cole, Sorrentino, Hurley, Hewner & Gambino, P.C. instantly connects you to their team of experienced lawyers in Buffalo, NY. Workers Comp Videos – Our educational series connects you to Attorney Jerry Gambino,...

Price: Free Developer: Chad Chyreck
Paired Comp

Paired Comp

「Paired Comp」は、一対比較法(paired comparison)を用いた評価実験を実施するためのアプリです。一対比較法とは、複数の対象の評価を行って尺度化を行いたい場合に、評価対象の中から2つを取り出して比較し、この比較をすべての組み合わせにおいて実施する方法です。本アプリは、比較したい対象のPDFファイルを用意するだけで、一対比較法による評価実験をiPadで実施することを可能にします。  例えば、書体の好みに関する尺度を作成したい場合、比較したい書体をPDFファイルで用意するだけで、アプリが自動的にペアを作成し、一対比較法による実験を実施してくれます。どちらが好きかを選択するサーストンの方法だけでなく、どちらがどの程度好きかを評価するシェッフェの方法にも対応しています。  なお、本アプリの開発にあたっては、文部科学省科学研究費基盤研究(A)「通常の学級で学ぶ視覚障害児のための合理的配慮に関する支援システムの構築」(課題番号16H02072)、株式会社モリサワの援助を受け、河瀬和真氏がコーディングを行いました。本アプリを開発するにあたっては、小松真也氏、草野勉氏、株式会社加賀ソルネットの協力を得ました。

Price: Free Developer: Climb App
3rd - 4th Reading Comp

3rd - 4th Reading Comp

All of the rigorous questions in this app are aligned with Common Core. This app is aligned with Common Core and will help students be successful readers. This app consists of stories that are aligned with third and fourth...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Visual Learning Aids, LLC
4th-5th Grade Reading Comp

4th-5th Grade Reading Comp

4th - 5th Grade Reading Comprehension App. Good reading skills are essential not only for fourth and fifth grade academic success, but also for lifelong learning. The teacher-reviewed, curriculum-based activities and exercises in this app will help your children...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Visual Learning Aids, LLC
5th-6th Grade Reading Comp

5th-6th Grade Reading Comp

This 5th- 6th Reading Comprehension app is aligned with Common Core and will help students be successful readers. This app consists of stories that are aligned with fifth and sixth grade common core standards. There are over 100 non-fiction...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Visual Learning Aids, LLC
Island Vocab & Reading Comp Videos

Island Vocab & Reading Comp Videos

Island Vocabulary & Reading Comprehension Videos Children can now learn reading skills anywhere with these 15 fun and engaging educational reading videos! Key vocabulary and reading comprehension lessons get your child moving beyond phonetics to better understand how to read....

Early Education Elementary

Early Education Elementary

Tool that will help parents get Elementary Age Children ready for Middle School. - Practice Simple Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication Division. - Mental Math Algebra - Multistep Algebra - Advanced Level Math will walk kids to carry when: - Adding large numbers ...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Sovannary Thien
Peterson's DSST & CLEP

Peterson's DSST & CLEP

For every path there’s a test, and for every test, there’s Peterson’s. We’ve been improving scores since 1966 and each year over 500,000 students trust Peterson's as their preferred test preparation provider. Peterson’s CLEP & DSST Mobile Test Prep provides...

Price: Free Developer: Peterson's, LLC
iDo Chores – Daily activities and routine tasks for kids with special needs (Full version)

iDo Chores – Daily activities and routine tasks for kids with special needs (Full version)

*** iDo Chores is an innovative and comprehensive application for learning to take care of the house. (Sweeping, straightening the room, washing dished etc.) *** "This is the most comprehensive and professional application for special education I have...

iDo Getting Dressed – Learn the Routine of wearing clothes, for individuals with special needs. (Full version)

iDo Getting Dressed – Learn the Routine of wearing clothes, for individuals with special needs. (Full version)

***full version of the app – no further purchase required*** Learn the routine of wearing clothes with video modeling and task sequence via fun games, for individuals with Autism and other disabilities. iDo Getting Dressed is an innovative and comprehensive...

iDo Hygiene –Daily life skills activities, for individuals with special needs (full version)

iDo Hygiene –Daily life skills activities, for individuals with special needs (full version)

***full version of the app – no further purchase required*** Learn daily life skills with video modeling and fun games, for individuals with Autism, Asperger and other special needs. IMPORTANT: *** THIS IS ESSENTIALLY THE SAME APP AS *iDO HYGIENE*, WITHOUT...

Youth for Human Rights

Youth for Human Rights

The path toward the goal of a world where people treat each other with respect and dignity is through effective education. Many human rights organizations focus on research and advocacy for the victims of abuse. Youth for Human Rights...

Price: Free Developer: United for Human Rights International
Baby games for 2,3,4 year olds

Baby games for 2,3,4 year olds

- Educational games for toddlers and kids of 2 – 4 years old - Games for kids on sorting and classifying objects by shape, size, color and quantity - Games for girls and boys that were developed in close cooperation...

Price: Free Developer: Bimi Boo Kids - Games for boys and girls LLC
Baby learning games for kids 2

Baby learning games for kids 2

Educational kids games for preschoolers. The app has 56 activities for toddlers that will help your baby develop basic skills like hand eye coordination, fine motor, logical thinking and visual perception. These games are suitable for both girls and...

Price: Free Developer: Bimi Boo Kids - Games for boys and girls LLC
Car games for kids & toddlers

Car games for kids & toddlers

Car games for toddlers is not just another racing game for kids. Designed for children ages 1 to 5, this amazing learning game will definitely be enjoyed by kindergarten and preschool children. Explore different locations and collect puzzle fragments. Combine...

Price: Free Developer: Bimi Boo Kids - Games for boys and girls LLC
Curriculum For The Future

Curriculum For The Future

Why have the kids abandoned school and taken to the streets? It’s obvious! They want a new curriculum for their future, and now they need your help to convince everyone else. So, do you think an artificial intelligence could...

Price: Free Developer: New Zealand Council for Educational Research
Me & My Body – Know your body, for kids and teens with special needs

Me & My Body – Know your body, for kids and teens with special needs

"Me & My Body" is an app that explores issues related to the body, encouraging self-expression and acquisition of basic concepts about one’s body. "Me & My Body" includes play activities that help Special Education children to make personal...

Me & Myself - Learn to express yourself, for kids and teens with special needs.

Me & Myself - Learn to express yourself, for kids and teens with special needs.

Me & MySelf is an interactive album that stimulates the user to present himself, his hobbies and his preferences, through various enjoyable activities. The application will help kids and teens with special needs to express themselves, formulate their own...

PS153 The Helen Keller School

PS153 The Helen Keller School

With the Official App of PS 153 The Helen Keller School in Bronx, NY, keeping in touch with all the school happenings is now easier and more convenient than ever. View school calendars, newsletters, get instant alerts and reminders....

Price: Free Developer: P.S. 153x The Helen Keller School
Rule The School Self Advocacy Board Game

Rule The School Self Advocacy Board Game

Rule the School Self-Advocacy Board Game © 2008 Monica Faherty Students with hearing loss must have the knowledge and ability to speak up for themselves and their needs in regular classrooms in order to have equal access to their educational...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Rule the School
Together Bavarian Intl. School

Together Bavarian Intl. School

The TOGETHER SCHOOL App is used to communicate/coordinate between school administrators and resources with students, parents and school staff. As part of the School community, you will receive your temporary password via SMS/email once you log in using...

Price: Free Developer: Together School Ltd.
School SOS APP

School SOS APP

School shootings have sadly become an all too common occurrence. And no school, regardless of location, size or grade level, is immune from these tragic events. When a catastrophic event occurs, and 911 has already been dispatched, the next problem...

Price: Free Developer: School SOS
Continental School of Cairo

Continental School of Cairo

The Continental School is a vibrant, outward-looking community, which encourages a happy, friendly atmosphere in which pupils can thrive. We want all our pupils to value academic excellence and to realise that it is attainable. We aim to encourage...

Price: Free Developer: Continental School
Kent School Alumni Mobile

Kent School Alumni Mobile

The official Kent School Mobile App. Securely network and connect with the Kent School alumni community around the world. Includes a directory integrated with LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, maps, photos and more! Powered by Evertrue.

Price: Free Developer: Kent School
Hutong School

Hutong School

Learn the basics of Mandarin Chinese with the award-winning method from Hutong School. Based on more than 10 years' experience with teaching Chinese, this method is the fastest way to achieve good results with learning Chinese for beginners. The...

Price: Free Developer: Hutong School Limited
Modern English School Cairo

Modern English School Cairo

Modern English School Cairo is celebrating its 25th Anniversary this academic year 2014-2015. The school’s growth and development since 1990 when it was set up in Cairo has been astounding in its magnitude, bewildering in its intensity and incredible...

Price: Free Developer: Modern English School Cairo
Otsimo | School and Classroom

Otsimo | School and Classroom

Are you looking for an award-winning special education app that gives an early intervention tool to individuals diagnosed with learning disorders, attention deficit, autism, down syndrome, aspergers, and other special needs for your classroom? We are here for you. Otsimo...

Price: USD 249.99 Developer: Otsimo
All Hallows' School

All Hallows' School

Developed in partnership with Digistorm Education, this app is designed to provide the All Hallows’ Community access to important information about events and daily activities at the School. With a single tap you now have access to up-to-date information....

Price: Free Developer: All Hallows' School

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