Do you want to find the best Ez Math 1.0 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Education apps that are similar to Ez Math 1.0. Pick one from this list to be your new Ez Math 1.0 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Ez Math 1.0 on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Ez Math 1.0 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Ez Math 1.0 2025.
Take your ez-robot anywhere you go! Control an ezrobot from iPhone, iPad or Apple Watch.. EZ-Builder Mobile is the world's most versatile and powerful Mobile Robot Application that fits in your pocket. The mobile version of EZ-builder loads any...
EZ Substitute mobile application allows you to available substitute jobs for the schools or agencies you are connected to. Alerts can be sent when a new job becomes available.
EZ Element Quiz is a flashcard game to help school students to memorise periodic chart of elements in a fun way. Guess the name and simply *** SHAKE IT *** to see the answer. EZ Element Quiz has made...
星巴克、瘋卡卡 上架 ================================= 《EZ Talk美語會話誌》MP3版同步播放,向名人話題輕鬆學英文! 【產品特色】 ●目錄索引隨點立即呈現 ●MP3隨選隨聽最Easy ●字卡短片中英文法講解 ●實力測驗解說 【關於EZ Talk美語會話誌】 《EZ Talk美語會話誌》自1999年創刊以來,一直致力於開發多樣化的生活會話情境與教學單元,以最自然的方式涵蓋各種知識。現今推出更符合EZ概念的iPad版,每週精選Reading(閱讀)、Conversation(會話)、News Words(新聞英文)、Situation以及Exercise(實力測驗)五個單元,讓讀者於隨時隨地都能加強美語的專業能力。 App功能: * 書櫃:依封面顯示陳列在你的書櫃,動動你的手指,拖曳書本封面輕鬆排列你想要的順序。 * 閱讀:擺脫傳統PDF閱讀方式,圖片與文字清晰可見,圖 / 文 / 音 / 影 內容多樣化,甚至任何尺寸裝置都合適。
EZ PUSH TO runs properly only when the encoders on GSO manufactured Dobsonian is synchronized through Bluetooth. The app provided absolute level meter and multi-stars alignment interfaces to achieve extremely accuracy which is useful to locate the dark target...
• Unique -- Beautiful -- Practical It’s amazing how often we all need a timer or a stopwatch. Our busy lives are surrounded with needs for this App. There are many visual and colorful attributes throughout the App and...
《EZ Japan 流行日語會話誌》 跟著流行輕鬆學日文! ~免費下載中,快來體驗~ 【產品特色】 ● 當紅日本影視歌星圖文報導 / 電影對白+歌詞教學 / MP3同步播放 - 讓學習日文變有趣 ● 目錄 / 中文 / 日文 / 單字 / 句型 - easy 切換幫助學習體驗 UP UP 「《EZ Japan》為新制日檢聽,讀,寫 全方位學習雜誌,適用日語三、四級檢定,系統化對話課程設計,循序漸進學日語,與坊間日語學習雜誌最大的不同,就是大量收錄當紅日本影視歌星的圖文報導。並且搭配電影對白與歌詞教學,吸引大家學習動機,並進一步累積日語實力!」
In a game-type format, EZ Piano Notes gives the beginning pianist an appealing and motivational way to read a note, then play the proper key on the piano/keyboard. The great benefits of learning to play the piano are...
Easy Grade makes it easy to grade your students' papers when you don’t have the cardboard EZ Grader with you. Easy Grade has many options that make it the best grading tool on iOS. • Adjust how many questions are...
*Awards* ► Selected by Educational App Store – UK's Home of Educational Apps ► Certified by Teachers With Apps *Here's what experts say* "This is a fun practice tool for kids who have already learned the relevant skills through their school work." ►...
Math Slide is a multiplayer game helping children to learn addition, subtraction, multiplication & division number facts. This School Edition contains the same games as Math Slide: Addition & Subtraction and Math Slide: Multiplication & Division. Players learn the...
Math Slide is a multiplayer game helping children understanding place value of numbers up to 1,000. This School Edition contains the same games as Math Slide: tens & ones and Math Slide: Hundreds, tens & ones. Players learn by...
Math Slide: Addition & Subtraction Facts is a multiplayer game helping children to learn and recall addition and subtraction number facts. Players learn by sliding tiles into the center to match an answer, equation or image. The player who...
Math Slide: hundreds, tens & ones is a multiplayer game helping children understand hundreds, tens and ones; numbers up to a thousand. Players learn by sliding tiles into the center to match an answer, equation or image. The player...
Math Slide: Multiplication & Division Facts is a multiplayer game helping children to learn and recall multiplication and division number facts. Players learn by sliding tiles into the center to match an answer, equation or image. The player who...
Math Slide is a multiplayer game helping children understand tens and ones; numbers up to 100. Players learn by sliding tiles into the center to match an answer, equation or image. The player who slides their tiles...
Sales! 50% off for a limited time! ----------------Reviews------------- 4/5 Stars: "This is a strong app geared towards teaching basic addition and subtraction word problems. It has many supportive and interactive features that encourage children to think through the problems, and allows...
We make math fun & engaging. Over 30 Million kids use the Splash Math program to Boost Confidence, Increase Scores & Get Ahead in Math. Splash Math is a comprehensive and curriculum aligned math program which reinforces math concepts...
“Fun and interactive with my little one. Gives him the option to explore his own answers and the layout and graphics are great!” -- iPhone User -- "...students who have problems in 'later elementary school and beyond are often missing vital...
Make 10 is a math game that practices summing to 5 and 10. Most children start memorizing sums to 10 around 1st grade and 2nd grade.
Mathausim - Counting to 10 helps children, including children with autism, to learn the basic skill of counting. Care was taken to select the proper colours, background sounds, and reinforcement.
The official app for RSU 10 allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from the district. Users...
10 Latidos es un juego de mesa donde el objetivo es estabilizar a un paciente consiguiendo 10 latidos libres de micro-infartos. Para lograrlo tendréis que poner en funcionamiento todas vuestras habilidades y dispondréis además de un equipo que os...
10 Puppies – An adorable app that is both educational and fun! 10 Puppies is a talking app in English, French and Spanish with beautiful images of puppies that facilitates learning the counting sequence up to ten. 10 Puppies...
Have fun while doing math! Kids will learn and improve math skills with simple, fun and engaging play. Your goal is to Make 10 as fast and often as you can by tapping the tile that adds up to...
10 Frame Fill PLUS "10 Frame Fill PLUS" provides children practice with recognizing additive "10 Families" (e.g., 0 and 10; 1 and 9; 2 and 8, etc.). • Select from a variety of 10 Frames... traditional horizontal, traditional vertical, 5+5...
This app is for intermediate-level learners of English. It will help you with your grammar, vocabulary, and listening comprehension. It covers the most important grammar points that English learners have difficulties with. Get this app now to improve your...
American Math Prep (Grade 6-10) is a problem solving practice App for middle school & high school students and Math Club members. This App will help you learn Math in a personalized way, and improve your scores in...
Count 1 to 10 - Mrs. Owl's Learning Tree Welcome to Mrs. Owl's Learning Tree! Come on up to the tree-house classroom and enjoy the great games that Mrs. Owl has prepared for you inside! Join Mrs. Owl in the Learning Tree's...
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