Do you want to find the best Easy Grade - EZ Grader alternatives for iOS? We have listed 40 Education apps that are similar to Easy Grade - EZ Grader. Pick one from this list to be your new Easy Grade - EZ Grader app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Easy Grade - EZ Grader on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Easy Grade - EZ Grader alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like Easy Grade - EZ Grader 2025.
About MADE EASY: MADE EASY was established by Mr. B. Singh (Ex. IES) in the year 2001, with a vision to impart quality education for GATE, Engineering Services Examination (IES) and Public Sector Undertakings. The MADE EASY team consists of...
A new concept in handwriting. It’s seriously fun! Start writing on a device at school, then log in to your same account at home to continue with your own iPad, iPhone or iPod touch. Your teacher can then...
A new concept in handwriting. It’s seriously fun! The “Easy Street to Handwriting” app uses the visuals and language of traffic to make learning correct letter formation in any school style font, fun and interactive. Monkey shows the...
Create, animate and share your own cartoons with Easy Stop-motion Studio. Use dozens of shapes, colors and templates anyway you want to make your little animated movie. A juggling lion, a talking 6-eyed monster, the only limit is your...
Communicate Easy is a solid, flexible app that provides visual prompts, picture / sound / video cards for choice making, schedules and stories. The app is a picture communication system targeted to helping individuals with Autism / ASD,...
Easy ten — learn a foreign language with 10 words a day Learn Spanish, English, Portuguese, Italian, French, German & Russian. Any starting level. - Apple Featured App (2014-2015) - Best new App (December 2014) - More than 5 000 000 users 10 new words...
Study acupuncture the easy way! View all acupuncture points and meridians in both full interactive 3D(zoom, pan, rotate & touch) and with the help of 2D illustrated images, animations and detailed text. This application creates a more fun, easy...
Learn the number pairs to make 10. A simple app to use in practicing with the number bonds to ten, the Friends of 10! + In 'Learn' mode, the student can see the relationship between the number combinations adding to 10....
Easy Dyslexia Aid helps with spelling and literacy with the aid of the 'OpenDyslexic' font and color overlays. This is wonderful application and addition to the assistive technology market as it can help dyslexic learners with specific cognitive difficulties making...
Easy-Training Cloud Learning. Mit dieser APP können Sie Lerninhalte von Easy-Training auf Ihrem mobilen Endgerät nutzen. Zum Login benötigen Sie ein Kundenkonto welches Sie in unserem Portal anlegen können.
With more than 1,590 exercises, iTooch Language Arts Grade 5 is a new and fun way of practicing and learning Language Arts for 5th Graders. It is, by far, the largest collection of educational activities based on the US National...
With more than 1,590 exercises, iTooch 6th Grade Health is a new and fun way of practicing and learning Health for 6th Graders. It is, by far, the largest collection of educational activities based on the US National...
With more than 1,590 exercises, iTooch 6th Grade Language Arts is a new and fun way of practicing and learning Language Arts for 6th Graders. It is, by far, the largest collection of educational activities based on the...
With more than 1,590 exercises, iTooch 6th Grade Math is a new and fun way of practicing and learning Mathematics for 6th Graders. It is, by far, the largest collection of educational activities based on the US National...
With more than 1,590 exercises, iTooch 7th Grade Language Arts is a new and fun way of practicing and learning Language Arts for 7th Graders. It is, by far, the largest collection of educational activities based on the...
With more than 1,647 exercises, iTooch 7th Grade Math is a new and fun way of practicing and learning Mathematics for 7th Graders. It is, by far, the largest collection of educational activities based on the US National...
With more than 1,590 exercises, iTooch 8th Grade Language Arts is a new and fun way of practicing and learning Language Arts for 8th Graders. It is, by far, the largest collection of educational activities based on the US National...
With more than 1,700 exercises, iTooch 8th Grade Math is a new and fun way of practicing and learning Mathematics for 8th Graders. It is, by far, the largest collection of educational activities based on the US National...
We make math fun & engaging. Over 30 Million kids use the Splash Math program to Boost Confidence, Increase Scores & Get Ahead in Math. Splash Math is a comprehensive and curriculum aligned math program which reinforces math concepts...
We make math fun & engaging. Over 30 Million kids use the Splash Math program to Boost Confidence, Increase Scores & Get Ahead in Math. Splash Math is a comprehensive and curriculum aligned math program which reinforces math concepts...
Take your ez-robot anywhere you go! Control an ezrobot from iPhone, iPad or Apple Watch.. EZ-Builder Mobile is the world's most versatile and powerful Mobile Robot Application that fits in your pocket. The mobile version of EZ-builder loads any...
EZ Substitute mobile application allows you to available substitute jobs for the schools or agencies you are connected to. Alerts can be sent when a new job becomes available.
EZ Element Quiz is a flashcard game to help school students to memorise periodic chart of elements in a fun way. Guess the name and simply *** SHAKE IT *** to see the answer. EZ Element Quiz has made...
星巴克、瘋卡卡 上架 ================================= 《EZ Talk美語會話誌》MP3版同步播放,向名人話題輕鬆學英文! 【產品特色】 ●目錄索引隨點立即呈現 ●MP3隨選隨聽最Easy ●字卡短片中英文法講解 ●實力測驗解說 【關於EZ Talk美語會話誌】 《EZ Talk美語會話誌》自1999年創刊以來,一直致力於開發多樣化的生活會話情境與教學單元,以最自然的方式涵蓋各種知識。現今推出更符合EZ概念的iPad版,每週精選Reading(閱讀)、Conversation(會話)、News Words(新聞英文)、Situation以及Exercise(實力測驗)五個單元,讓讀者於隨時隨地都能加強美語的專業能力。 App功能: * 書櫃:依封面顯示陳列在你的書櫃,動動你的手指,拖曳書本封面輕鬆排列你想要的順序。 * 閱讀:擺脫傳統PDF閱讀方式,圖片與文字清晰可見,圖 / 文 / 音 / 影 內容多樣化,甚至任何尺寸裝置都合適。
EZ PUSH TO runs properly only when the encoders on GSO manufactured Dobsonian is synchronized through Bluetooth. The app provided absolute level meter and multi-stars alignment interfaces to achieve extremely accuracy which is useful to locate the dark target...
• Unique -- Beautiful -- Practical It’s amazing how often we all need a timer or a stopwatch. Our busy lives are surrounded with needs for this App. There are many visual and colorful attributes throughout the App and...
"Ez Math 1.0 is perfect for students to improve their all round mathematics ability" -AP Practice your math while racing the clock in this innovative iPhone / iPad app.Ez Math 1.0 will take your general arithmetic skills to the...
《EZ Japan 流行日語會話誌》 跟著流行輕鬆學日文! ~免費下載中,快來體驗~ 【產品特色】 ● 當紅日本影視歌星圖文報導 / 電影對白+歌詞教學 / MP3同步播放 - 讓學習日文變有趣 ● 目錄 / 中文 / 日文 / 單字 / 句型 - easy 切換幫助學習體驗 UP UP 「《EZ Japan》為新制日檢聽,讀,寫 全方位學習雜誌,適用日語三、四級檢定,系統化對話課程設計,循序漸進學日語,與坊間日語學習雜誌最大的不同,就是大量收錄當紅日本影視歌星的圖文報導。並且搭配電影對白與歌詞教學,吸引大家學習動機,並進一步累積日語實力!」
In a game-type format, EZ Piano Notes gives the beginning pianist an appealing and motivational way to read a note, then play the proper key on the piano/keyboard. The great benefits of learning to play the piano are...
Teachers—how quickly can you grade papers or tests? Students—how many points do you need correct on an assignment/test to get the grade you want? What grade do you need in a certain class to achieve a desired GPA? Use...
Brightspace Assignment Grader helps you get your grading done quickly from anywhere. - Grade assignments right from your iPad - Draw, markup, highlight, underline, and add inline comments anywhere in the assignment - Instantly upload your grades and rubrics with...
Easy Grader helps you to find assignment grades by either calculating results or scanning a table of all possible results. The calculator mode allows you to quickly find a numeric and letter grade based on the total number...
A+Grader – The Simple Grader A+Grader is FREE! Helping teachers since 2009! If you grade papers you need to pickup A+Grader! Enter the total number of questions and let A+Grader do the rest. You will be able to...
Do you need some peace, love and happiness in your classroom? If so you need Groovy Grader. Groovy Grader is an App designed to replace your “old school” paper grading calculator. Groovy Grader provides more flexibility, convenience and ease...
Teacher Tools Grader & Running Record is an application where you will find tools for performing everyday teacher activities like: * Grader Once that you enter the total questions to grade, this calculator generates a table with the percentage grades...
Teachers grader is an app designed for scoring the tests. You can provide your grading system and test pass percent to create universal grader. - Multiple grading systems supported. - Fraction points supported The app is optimized for iPhone...
Testive's mobile grader app automatically grades your official ACT practice test just by taking a picture! All you have to do is take a photo of your bubble sheet and our technology will automatically scan your photo, extract your answers,...
-----TEACHERS----- This is a Grader for all your test assesments! Just enter the number of test questions and BOOM! there are your student's grades! You can change your text color and your background color!
Easily calculate scores for papers, worksheets and tests. Save time and frustration by easily calculating the grades for all your assignments, worksheets, and tests. This simple, easy-to-use easy grader is a must-have for teachers. Features • Grade table and single-grade calculator. • Use the...
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