Top 49 Reference Apps Like Legal lexicon i 3 languages - Best Alternatives

Legal lexicon i 3 languages Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Legal lexicon i 3 languages alternatives for iOS? We have listed 49 Reference apps that are similar to Legal lexicon i 3 languages. Pick one from this list to be your new Legal lexicon i 3 languages app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Legal lexicon i 3 languages on your iOS devices.

Top 49 Apps Like Legal lexicon i 3 languages - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Legal lexicon i 3 languages alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 49 similar apps like Legal lexicon i 3 languages 2025.

Legal Aid NSW

Legal Aid NSW

The Legal Aid NSW app gives you easy access to information about Legal Aid NSW services and the law. You can use the Legal Aid NSW app to: - Search for a Legal Aid NSW service that is closest to you,...

Price: Free Developer: Legal Aid NSW
Burton's Legal Thesaurus

Burton's Legal Thesaurus

THE FIRST AND MOST COMPREHENSIVE LEGAL THESAURUS EVER PUBLISHED Updated with 1,000 essential new terms--from "whistleblower" to "bailout" The first book of its kind when it was orginally published in 1980, Burton's Legal Thesaurus has become a staple for everyone...

Price: USD 49.99 Developer: MobiSystems, Inc.
Spanish Legal Dictionary

Spanish Legal Dictionary

Including formal and informal synonyms, with terms and usage clearly labeled by country, our content is more detailed and better categorized than the competition, both in English and Spanish. With options for user customization and historical search records, we...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Word Magic Software


The 2nd edition of Nomiki Bibliothiki’s English-Greek & Greek-English Dictionary of Legal Terms is the most complete, accurate and easy-to-use dictionary of legal terms, an instant landmark in Greek legal lexicography. Renowned for its comprehensive coverage, it offers speedy...

Price: USD 26.99 Developer: Nomiki Bibliothiki Commercial Industrial Corporation Group S.A.


The German-Greek & Greek-German Dictionary of Legal Terms, edited by Nomiki Bibliothiki is the most complete, accurate and easy-to-use dictionary of legal terms, an instant landmark in Greek legal lexicography. Renowned for its comprehensive coverage, it offers speedy access...

Price: USD 54.99 Developer: Nomiki Bibliothiki Commercial Industrial Corporation Group S.A.


The French-Greek & Greek-French Dictionary of Legal Terms, edited by Nomiki Bibliothiki is the most complete, accurate and easy-to-use dictionary of legal terms, an instant landmark in Greek legal lexicography. Renowned for its comprehensive coverage, it offers speedy access...

Price: USD 44.99 Developer: Nomiki Bibliothiki Commercial Industrial Corporation Group S.A.


The Italian–Greek & Greek–Italian Dictionary of Legal Terms, edited by Nomiki Bibliothiki is the most complete, accurate and easy-to-use dictionary of legal terms, an instant landmark in Greek legal lexicography. Renowned for its comprehensive coverage, it offers speedy access...

Price: USD 26.99 Developer: Nomiki Bibliothiki Commercial Industrial Corporation Group S.A.


The Portuguese-Greek & Greek-Portuguese concise Dictionary of Legal Terms, edited by Nomiki Bibliothiki is an accurate and easy-to-use compendium dictionary of legal terms, an instant landmark in Greek legal lexicography. Renowned for its comprehensive coverage, it offers speedy access...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Nomiki Bibliothiki Commercial Industrial Corporation Group S.A.


The Spanish-Greek & Greek-Spanish Dictionary of Legal Terms, edited by Nomiki Bibliothiki is the most complete, accurate and easy-to-use dictionary of legal terms, an instant landmark in Greek legal lexicography. Renowned for its comprehensive coverage, it offers speedy access...

Price: USD 22.99 Developer: Nomiki Bibliothiki Commercial Industrial Corporation Group S.A.
Legal / Law Dictionary Pro

Legal / Law Dictionary Pro

An Internet connection is NOT needed for the dictionary, fully available offline. The dynamic, continuously updated dictionary is available with an Internet connection as is the Law Guide. ******* Main Features****** * Law Dictionary: 60,000+ legal entries (US based) * 60,000+ abbreviations...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Raj Kumar
Intermediate Greek English Lexicon

Intermediate Greek English Lexicon

Intermediate Greek English Lexicon is an abridgement of Liddell and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon, commonly known as LSJ There are two condensed editions of the Complete LSJ: A Lexicon: Abridged from Liddell and Scott’s Greek-English Lexicon and this work, An Intermediate...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Trang Hoai
Shakespeare glossary, lexicon and quotation

Shakespeare glossary, lexicon and quotation

Shakespeare Glossary, Lexicon and Quotation has investigated the meaning of every word that Shakespeare wrote. The app clarifies those words in Shakespeare whose senses or connotations may be unfamiliar to the modern reader, paying special attention to dialect forms, idioms,...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Trung Nguyen
DDSA Tamil Lexicon

DDSA Tamil Lexicon

The Tamil lexicon app is a product of the Digital South Asia Library program ( at the University of Chicago. The app offers a searchable version of the University of Madras's "Tamil lexicon," , University of Madras, 1924-1936. The Tamil...

Price: Free Developer: The University of Chicago
Shakespeare Lexicon and Quotation Dictionary

Shakespeare Lexicon and Quotation Dictionary

This app provides an offline version of "Shakespeare Lexicon and Quotation Dictionary" by Alexander Schmidt. This book is a painstakingly compiled glossary of every word in the Shakespeare corpus and an exhaustive collection of quotations. It has long been...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Trang Hoai
Chinese Character Lexicon

Chinese Character Lexicon

Chinese Character Lexicon provides extensive information about Chinese characters using a beautiful and intuitive user interface. Looking up a character provides the definition, readings in different East Asian languages, alternate forms of the character, radical identification, stroke order, and...

Price: Free Developer: Ideographer
Latin Lexicon Dictionary

Latin Lexicon Dictionary

A Latin Language Dictionary iOS app. Contains more than 26 thousand word definitions. Works offline. No internet connection is necessary once downloaded. All words are 100 percent Latin and are and articles are composed in English. This app is...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Offline Wiktionary LLC
Law Lexicon

Law Lexicon

This App gives you access to the Second Edition of Black's Law Dictionary. The copyright on it has expired and it is now available on the public domain, in an easy to access format. Black's Law Dictionary is the...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: FWCanada
Ubidictionary: Consult prestigious dictionaries, translate and personalize texts, manage company lexicon

Ubidictionary: Consult prestigious dictionaries, translate and personalize texts, manage company lexicon

A prestigious catalogue of monolingual, bilingual and technical-scientific dictionaries. Term-based or full-text search, audio pronunciation, examples and phraseology. Interaction between all dictionaries. An innovative procedure of advanced search to refine your analysis. Bookmarking, multimedia uploading and text highlighting for personalized data...

Price: Free Developer: META Srl


Use one app to look up any Greek or Latin word: Logeion was developed at the University of Chicago to provide simultaneous lookup of entries in the many dictionaries and reference works that make up the Perseus Classical collection....

Price: Free Developer: The University of Chicago


i-InfoTerre est le visualiseur de données géoscientifiques du BRGM pour iPhone. Il offre un accès cartographique en ligne à différentes couches thématiques : dossiers sur le sous-sol, forages d’eau, anciens sites industriels, mouvements de terrains, cavités souterraines et aléa...

Price: Free Developer: BRGM
I.D. Wood

I.D. Wood

I.D. Wood is a past iTunes Staff Favorites and here is what others are saying about I.D. Wood: "Turn your already awesome iPhone into the best thing ever, with a decent wood guidebook." Sal Vaglica, This Old House "With the...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Double Dog Studios
Ccr Alt Urgell i Cerdanya

Ccr Alt Urgell i Cerdanya

Xarxa d'espais i ecosistemes de coworking en entorns rurals de Catalunya Viu l'experiencia Cowocat Rural Descobreix una nova manera de treballar i relacionar-se professionalment. Forma part d’una xarxa de professionals que creu en el treball col·laboratiu en l’entorn rural. El coworking com...

Price: Free Developer: Jose Abril
Offentlig konst i Växjö

Offentlig konst i Växjö

Har du någon gång, kanske under en joggingrunda runt sjön eller en sen natt hem från krogen, liksom snubblat över konsten och stannat upp och frågat dig vad det egentligen är du ser? I sådana fall är allt som...

Price: Free Developer: Softwerk AB
i英辞郎 アプリ内購入

i英辞郎 アプリ内購入

不具合のある方は、Reviewに書かれても返信できませんため、お手数ですが問題の発生する手順等をの情報ととともにサポートemailまでお知らせください。 人気の英辞郎の英和・和英・例文・略語辞書を搭載したiPhone / iPod touch / iPad向け辞書検索ソフトウェア、「i英辞郎 アプリ内購入」です。 ※ このバージョンはUniversal BinaryですがiPad版には小テストなど一部の機能が実装されておりませんことをご了承下さい。 --- 英辞郎制作グループ(EDP)との取り決めにより、常に最新のi英辞郎用の辞書データのみを別途販売させていただいております。 最新の辞書の販売は常に最新のものをご使用になりたい方と新規ユーザーの方のためのもので、最新版以外の(すなわち旧版の)i英辞郎辞書をお使いの方が再度購入しなければならないものではございません。 最新版の辞書データは、ひとつ前の旧版に比べ、間違いが修正されているだけでなく、新規追加データが追加されていますので、それが必要な方は是非ご検討ください。サンプルデータをで見られます。 今後、プログラムの部分だけが更新されたi英辞郎が公開されることがあり得 ますが、ユーザーがそのプログラム更新を実行しても、購入済みの(旧版の) 辞書データが自動的に最新版に更新されるわけではない点にご注意ください。 ご購入前に是非Trial辞書にてi英辞郎の機能をお試しください。 --- 検索時はオンラインアクセスなく辞書検索が可能で、いつでもどこへでも英辞郎辞書を持ち運ぶことができます。※ グーグル ドキュメントへバックアップ・リストア、オンラインヘルプ、ダウンロード・購入などのオンライン機能にはオンラインアクセスが必要です。 絞り込み検索(インクリメンタルサーチ)、英和・和英・略語一括サーチ、閲覧履歴保持機能、単語帳、単語帳を使った小テスト、単語帳のGoogle Docsへのバックアップなど、直感的にすばやく操作が可能です。 ファイルサイズが大きいため、辞書データのダウンロードは、Wifiにて行ってくださいますようお願い申し上げます。 「英辞郎」の辞書データには、俗語、差別語、性的表現なども含まれていますので、そのような辞書がお気に召さない場合は購入されませぬようお願い致します。 詳しくは以下のWebサイトをご覧ください。

Price: Free Developer: So Koide
Kuran-ı Kerim Türkçe Meali Sesli Dinle Oku İnternetsiz

Kuran-ı Kerim Türkçe Meali Sesli Dinle Oku İnternetsiz

Bu uygulama ile Kuran-ı Kerim'in Türkçe mealini sesli olarak dinleyebilirsiniz. Bu uygulamada Kuran-ı Kerim'de bulununan 114 sure Türkçe seslendirmeli olarak bulunmaktadır. 114 surenin Türkçe mealini bir yandan dinlerken diğer yandan okuyabileceksiniz. Sürekli dinlediğiniz sureleri favori olarak ekleyebilir dilerseniz telefonunuza indirebilirsiniz. Dinlediğiniz sureleri isterseniz...

Price: Free Developer: emrah yellice
i-KNOW Conference Assistant

i-KNOW Conference Assistant

The i-KNOW Conference Assistant provides fast access to the conference schedule, location of session rooms, details on talks, and information on speakers. About the i-KNOW Conference ( The i-KNOW brings together international researchers and practitioners from the fields of knowledge management...

Price: Free Developer: Know-Center GmbH
Polski Słownik i Synonimy

Polski Słownik i Synonimy

Bezpłatne Polski słownik i tezaurus plus zalogowany polskiego słownika. Zagraj wymowy dźwięku słów, zapisać nieograniczoną liczbę zakładek i użyj zaawansowanego wyszukiwania. * 44,000+ polskie definicje. * 42,000+ słów dostępnych w wolnym trybie offline polskiego słownika. Wymagane żadne dodatkowe pliki do pobrania! *...

Price: Free Developer: Farlex, Inc.
Cevşen-i Kebir Duası

Cevşen-i Kebir Duası

Cevşen-i Kebir ismindeki duâ Peygamber Efendimize, Uhud Harbi esnasında Cebrail (a.s) tarafından getirilmiştir. Cebrail Hz. Muhammed'e (s.a.v.): "Üzerindeki zırhı çıkar ve bu duâyı oku. Bu duâyı üzerinde taşır ve okursan zırhtan daha büyük tesiri vardır." demiştir. Peygamber Efendimiz duânın...

Price: Free Developer: Ali Kesebi
KUR'AN Bosanski prijevod - čitaj i slušaj

KUR'AN Bosanski prijevod - čitaj i slušaj

Kuran mp3 audio na bosanskom jeziku. U ovoj aplikaciji ćete slušati Kur'an sa audio na bosanskom jeziku. Uključeni su svi 114 sure. - Prva Najvažnije je tačno vreme molitve za milione muslimana širom svijeta. Vrijeme izlaska i zalaska sunca varira od jedne do...

Price: Free Developer: Visar Haliti
PRO - Skate 3 Game Version Guide

PRO - Skate 3 Game Version Guide

Skate 3 is the third installment in the Skate series of video games, developed by EA Black Box, and published by Electronic Arts. Released on May 11, 2010, It is the sequel to the 2009 game Skate 2. With our...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Tuyet Nhung
Cheats for The Sims 3, Freeplay

Cheats for The Sims 3, Freeplay

Cheats for The Sims 3, Freeplay Welcome to the Unofficial Guide for The Sims 3 Cheats for The Sims 3 included Game Guide, Walkthrough, Tips & Tricks for game fans. If you are a real fan. Let's try this perfect game...

Price: Free Developer: Linh Tran
Guide for Lego Batman 3

Guide for Lego Batman 3

Guide for Lego Batman 3 Guide for Lego BatMan 3: Beyond Gotham is an unofficial guide only, it is not authorized or created by the creator of the game. For all fans & player of Guide for Lego BatMan3: Beyond Gotham,...

Price: Free Developer: Linh Tran
Cheats for What's My IQ, Stupidness 2 & 3

Cheats for What's My IQ, Stupidness 2 & 3

★★★BEST ANSWERS FOR WHAT'S MY IQ, STUPIDNESS 2&3★★★ ★★★Compatible with all devices( iPhone3gs/4/4s, iPod Touch 3/4, iPad 1/2/New) ★★★ Stuck and frustrated on a level? With this cheats app, it will make every level seem like a breeze! Enjoy simple...

Price: Free Developer: Yuan Ruan
Cheats for: The Sims 3

Cheats for: The Sims 3

A complete cheats guide for The Sims 3 and for all of the different platforms including iOS, PS3, Mac and PC and many more. Find and access the cheat your looking for through the well-organized layout. This app is...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Marcus Mazur
iKhmer Dict 3 in 1

iKhmer Dict 3 in 1

iKhmer Dict 3 in 1 provides user with 3 types of dictionary: 1. English - Khmer 2. Khmer - Khmer 3. Khmer - English. Feature: - Fast searching - Pronounce english word Always Free of Charge

Price: Free Developer: Kosal Prak
DioDict 3 Korean Dictionary

DioDict 3 Korean Dictionary

The All New DioDict 3 for iPhone! --Dictionary features include-- Korean Dictionary -DIOTEK's digital dictionary contents are based on the New Ace Korean dictionary of Kumsung Publishing Co. Ltd., which is a specialty publisher with 45 years' experience. - Includes various...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: SELVAS AI Inc.
Cheats for Sims 3 - Free

Cheats for Sims 3 - Free

A complete cheats guide for The Sims 3 and for iOS. Find and access the cheat your looking for through the well-organized layout. This app is more than just and regular cheat app, try your skills with the quiz. This...

Price: Free Developer: Twisted Society AB
PEP全集 小学英语人教版(3年级起点)双语点读机学习机

PEP全集 小学英语人教版(3年级起点)双语点读机学习机

该应用是PEP人教版(三年级起点)3-6年级全部八册的同步点读和同步练习学习机. 【随身点读机】 教材里的每个句子都配有标准的真人读音, 英汉对照, 即点即读. 【字典神器】 课文中每个英文单词都配有详细的解释, 音标, 标准发音以及例句用法, 在阅读的时候只需在任意单词上长按超过一秒钟, 即可查阅, 即点即译, 真正做到哪里不懂点哪里. 【超强学习机】 除了基础功能, 还提供了生词/收藏/字典/单词测试/单词拼写等附加功能, 可以将文中任意单词加入到生词, 生词在文中用特别的颜色标识, 把喜爱的课程加入到收藏, 对任意单词进行检索, 测试和拼写练习等. 配有多种播放模式: 单句, 单句循环, 全文, 全文循环, 全书循环, 并支持后台播放. 配有三种阅读模式: 英汉对照模式, 纯英文模式, 纯中文模式, 方便听力与听写练习. 配有语速调节功能, 三种语速, 任意调节, 专门为不同学习能力的同学们准备. 【进度功能】 每本书, 每个课程, 每个生词都有学习进度, 学习时间. 【智能测试题库】 文中的每个单词都配备了测试题库,...

Price: Free Developer: yan jianzhong
PRO - Pikmin 3 Game Version Guide

PRO - Pikmin 3 Game Version Guide

Pikmin 3 expands on the gameplay of the first Pikmin title, in which the player commands a horde of up to 100 plant-like creatures called Pikmin and uses their unique abilities to explore the in-game world and uncover treasures...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Tuyet Nhung
Yandex.Translate: 95 languages

Yandex.Translate: 95 languages

Yandex.Translate Free translator that can work offline and translate text from photos • Translate between any pair of the 90 languages when you’re online. • Translate from French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish and other languages to English while offline: download...

Price: Free Developer: Yandex LLC
Surah Mulk - Heart Touching MP3 Recitation of Surah Al-Mulk with Transliteration and Translation in 17+ Languages

Surah Mulk - Heart Touching MP3 Recitation of Surah Al-Mulk with Transliteration and Translation in 17+ Languages

Surah Al Mulk is an Application designed to facilitate the Muslims all around the world with its blessings and virtues. This Islamic application features Surah al Mulk with proper Arabic Tajweed, transliteration and translation in multiple languages. Distinctive Features include: •...

Price: Free Developer: Cyber Designz
Translate - 27 Hot Languages

Translate - 27 Hot Languages

Translate support 27 kinds of hot language translation around the world. - Arabic - Estonian - Bulgarian - Polish - Danish - German - Russian - French - Finnish - Korean - Dutch - Czech - Romanian - Portuguese - Japanese - Swedish - Slovene - Thai - Greek - Spanish - Hungarian - Italian - English - Simplified Chinese - Traditional Chinese -...

Price: Free Developer: Kun Mao
Speak & Translate | Translator

Speak & Translate | Translator

Speak and Translate – All Languages translator is the free voice to voice translator and dictionary for your translation needs. This speech to translate app can help you translate from any language into your desired language of output. This...

Price: Free Developer: Mudasser Khalid


The only Dictionary and Thesaurus with every word you search for. Plus Word of the Day, free offline dictionary access, and millions of definitions and synonyms from top sources, including: Webster's Dictionary Roget's Thesaurus The American Heritage Dictionary Plus FREE access...

Price: Free Developer: Farlex, Inc.


U-Dictionary is a free dictionary and translation app. U-Dictionary now has official Oxford Dictionaries in 12 languages! U-Dictionary offers originally developed dictionaries of 44 languages, Collins Advanced Dictionary, WordNet Dictionary, Bilingual Sentences, Sample Sentences, Synonyms, Antonyms, Phrases and so on....

Price: Free Developer: Youdao (Hong Kong) Limited
Flitto - Translate & Learn

Flitto - Translate & Learn

25 languages supported The translator that 10.3 million users of 173 countries use ◆Newly launched proofreading service◆ Real-time native speaker's proofreading service has been added. ▶Real-time foreign languages proofreading by native speakers From diaries written for practicing foreign languages to business emails, use Flitto...

Price: Free Developer: FLITTO Inc.
Multi Lang Dictionary and Translator + Text to Speech with English Spanish Chinese French German Korean Russian and more!

Multi Lang Dictionary and Translator + Text to Speech with English Spanish Chinese French German Korean Russian and more!

FEATURES ** The only app on the App Store with Online / Offline Dictionaries, Translate with Instant Text To Speech, Translation, Transliteration / Romanization ** TRANSLATE & SPEAK & HIGHLIGHT + Arabic (Saudi Arabia) with transliteration + Chinese (Mandarin) with Pinyin + Czech (Czech...

Price: Free Developer: Dynotes Mobile Technology LTD.
Slovoed dictionaries

Slovoed dictionaries

#1 DICTIONARY TECHNOLOGY IN THE WORLD 240+ dictionaries for 40+ languages at one place! Each dictionary has full wordlist and 100 sample articles for preview. _____ Slovoed app grants you access to the whole Slovoed universe with over 220+ dictionaries with a...

Price: Free Developer: Paragon Technologie GmbH

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