Top 19 Reference Apps Like Yandex.Translate: 95 languages - Best Alternatives

Yandex.Translate: 95 languages Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Yandex.Translate: 95 languages alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Reference apps that are similar to Yandex.Translate: 95 languages. Pick one from this list to be your new Yandex.Translate: 95 languages app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Yandex.Translate: 95 languages on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Yandex.Translate: 95 languages - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Yandex.Translate: 95 languages alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Yandex.Translate: 95 languages 2025.




Price: USD 9.99 Developer: ShuChi Huang
Collins Italian-English

Collins Italian-English

Over 95,000 translations • Conjugates thousands of Italian and English verbs • Hundreds of usage notes and examples • No internet connection required Carry a dependable Italian and English reference everywhere you go with the Collins Pro Italian-English Translation Dictionary. This app contains...

Price: USD 17.99 Developer: Ultralingua, Inc.
HEBREW Dictionary Prolog | מילון אנגלי פרולוג

HEBREW Dictionary Prolog | מילון אנגלי פרולוג

PROLOG Dictionaries Fully transliterated This comprehensive PROLOG Dictionary offers over 50000 headwords, phrases and translations. This comprehensive dictionary is ideal for everyday use, at home, in schools and at work. Main unique features: - Fully transliterated! (Translated word written in user's...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Prolog LTD


python开发者参考学习的给力教程《Python大全》。 内容涵盖了python的教程、开发、面试题、测试题目,包括了: 1.Python教程 2.Python快速入门 3.Python概述 4.Python环境安装 5.Python基本语法 6.Python变量类型 7.Python基本运算符 8.Python决策 9.Python循环 10.Python数字类型 11.Python字符串 12.Python列表 13.Python元组 14.Python字典 15.Python日期时间Date/Time 16.Python函数 17.Python模块 18.Python文件I/O 19.Python异常处理 *****高级开发 20.Python 3开发网络爬虫(一) 21.Python 3开发网络爬虫(二) 22.Python3网络爬虫(三): 伪装浏览器 23.Python3网络爬虫(四): 登录 24.Python面向对象 25.Python正则表达式 26.Python CGI编程

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Job Ma
2016年国家公务员考试备考宝典 - 时政热点常识申论行测面试辅导真题解析国考全攻略

2016年国家公务员考试备考宝典 - 时政热点常识申论行测面试辅导真题解析国考全攻略

中国公务员正规统一都叫国家公务员,不管是中央还是地方都是国家公务员,具体才分为中央、国家机关公务员和地方国家公务员。 公务员考试是公务员主管部门组织的担任主任科员以下及其他相当职务层次的非领导职务公务员的录用考。 我们为参加考试的考生提供最全面的公务员考试资讯,包括考试技巧、申论热点、面试热点、面试备考、时事政治、申论范文、常识资料等内容,亮点很多,等你发掘,相信你会收获不少。 如果你正在准备或即将准备报考公务员,那么,这里有对考点的大量总结,对容易犯的错误进行提示,对众多考点解题思路进行归纳总结,力求在最短时间拿下最多的题目。

Price: Free Developer: Xiaoli Huang
2016年小学老师教师证考试培训教程 - 师范生入职备考辅导

2016年小学老师教师证考试培训教程 - 师范生入职备考辅导

教师资格证是教育行业从业人员教师的许可证,师范类大学毕业生须在学期期末考试中通过学校开设的教育学和教育心理学课程考试,并且要在全省统一组织的普通话考试中成绩达到二级乙等(中文专业为二级甲等)以上,方可在毕业时领取教师资格证。 2015年教师资格证考试改革正式实施,改革后将实行国考,考试内容增加、难度加大。在校专科大二、大三,本科大三、大四才能报考。不再分师范生和非师范生的区别,想要做教师都必须参加国考,方可申请教师资格证。 我们根据小学教师资格考试大纲的考察目标,结合考试技巧、备考资料模拟试题以及历年真题进行知识点的深度解读,为您的教师资格考试复习备考提供帮助。

Price: Free Developer: bing huang
2016教师招聘资格证考试辅导教程 - 备考资料练习题库

2016教师招聘资格证考试辅导教程 - 备考资料练习题库

教师资格证是教育行业从业人员教师的许可证,师范类大学毕业生须在学期期末考试中通过学校开设的教育学和教育心理学课程考试,并且要在全省统一组织的普通话考试中成绩达到二级乙等(中文专业为二级甲等)以上,方可在毕业时领取教师资格证。 2015年教师资格证考试改革正式实施,改革后将实行国考,考试内容增加、难度加大。在校专科大二、大三,本科大三、大四才能报考。不再分师范生和非师范生的区别,想要做教师都必须参加国考,方可申请教师资格证。 我们根据中学教师资格考试大纲的考察目标,结合考试技巧、备考资料模拟试题以及历年真题进行知识点的深度解读,为您的教师资格考试复习备考提供帮助。

Price: Free Developer: bing huang


最新! 下载:WOAO必考词汇大全 超便宜! 背单词的秘诀在于短时间大量重复,本APP极大地满足了这一刚需。因为大家知道,背单词时间拖久了,就等于零。 本APP仅有一个单元的单词,数量根据课本每单元课本选定。128元一个单元单词,按照课后单词表的顺序,包括词组,是背单词软件的宝马。 本APP有一个单元单词,一小时内轻松过十遍,达到牢记的效果,快速提高分数。目录单词点击后变色可以用于自检。

Price: Free Developer: LEZHONG DR LIU
Ultralingua Latin-English

Ultralingua Latin-English

Over 95,000 translations • Based on Lewis and Short's classic 1879 Latin-English dictionary. • No internet connection required "For serious language students and translators who are looking for more precision." - The New York Times Featured by Apple as "What's Hot" Ultralingua makes apps...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Ultralingua, Inc.
Legal lexicon i 3 languages

Legal lexicon i 3 languages

The app Legal Lexicon by Alfredo Snozzi is the first juridical trilingual dictionary (Italian-German-French), with more than 10.000 headwords and expressions taken from the juridical, political, and administrative language. Although pointed on the Italian and Swiss law systems, the...

Price: USD 89.99 Developer: Edigeo S.r.l.
Surah Mulk - Heart Touching MP3 Recitation of Surah Al-Mulk with Transliteration and Translation in 17+ Languages

Surah Mulk - Heart Touching MP3 Recitation of Surah Al-Mulk with Transliteration and Translation in 17+ Languages

Surah Al Mulk is an Application designed to facilitate the Muslims all around the world with its blessings and virtues. This Islamic application features Surah al Mulk with proper Arabic Tajweed, transliteration and translation in multiple languages. Distinctive Features include: •...

Price: Free Developer: Cyber Designz
Translate - 27 Hot Languages

Translate - 27 Hot Languages

Translate support 27 kinds of hot language translation around the world. - Arabic - Estonian - Bulgarian - Polish - Danish - German - Russian - French - Finnish - Korean - Dutch - Czech - Romanian - Portuguese - Japanese - Swedish - Slovene - Thai - Greek - Spanish - Hungarian - Italian - English - Simplified Chinese - Traditional Chinese -...

Price: Free Developer: Kun Mao
Speak & Translate | Translator

Speak & Translate | Translator

Speak and Translate – All Languages translator is the free voice to voice translator and dictionary for your translation needs. This speech to translate app can help you translate from any language into your desired language of output. This...

Price: Free Developer: Mudasser Khalid


The only Dictionary and Thesaurus with every word you search for. Plus Word of the Day, free offline dictionary access, and millions of definitions and synonyms from top sources, including: Webster's Dictionary Roget's Thesaurus The American Heritage Dictionary Plus FREE access...

Price: Free Developer: Farlex, Inc.


U-Dictionary is a free dictionary and translation app. U-Dictionary now has official Oxford Dictionaries in 12 languages! U-Dictionary offers originally developed dictionaries of 44 languages, Collins Advanced Dictionary, WordNet Dictionary, Bilingual Sentences, Sample Sentences, Synonyms, Antonyms, Phrases and so on....

Price: Free Developer: Youdao (Hong Kong) Limited
Flitto - Translate & Learn

Flitto - Translate & Learn

25 languages supported The translator that 10.3 million users of 173 countries use ◆Newly launched proofreading service◆ Real-time native speaker's proofreading service has been added. ▶Real-time foreign languages proofreading by native speakers From diaries written for practicing foreign languages to business emails, use Flitto...

Price: Free Developer: FLITTO Inc.
Multi Lang Dictionary and Translator + Text to Speech with English Spanish Chinese French German Korean Russian and more!

Multi Lang Dictionary and Translator + Text to Speech with English Spanish Chinese French German Korean Russian and more!

FEATURES ** The only app on the App Store with Online / Offline Dictionaries, Translate with Instant Text To Speech, Translation, Transliteration / Romanization ** TRANSLATE & SPEAK & HIGHLIGHT + Arabic (Saudi Arabia) with transliteration + Chinese (Mandarin) with Pinyin + Czech (Czech...

Price: Free Developer: Dynotes Mobile Technology LTD.
Slovoed dictionaries

Slovoed dictionaries

#1 DICTIONARY TECHNOLOGY IN THE WORLD 240+ dictionaries for 40+ languages at one place! Each dictionary has full wordlist and 100 sample articles for preview. _____ Slovoed app grants you access to the whole Slovoed universe with over 220+ dictionaries with a...

Price: Free Developer: Paragon Technologie GmbH

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