Top 30 Book Apps Like Polar Adventure Storybook - Best Alternatives

Polar Adventure Storybook Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Polar Adventure Storybook alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Book apps that are similar to Polar Adventure Storybook. Pick one from this list to be your new Polar Adventure Storybook app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Polar Adventure Storybook on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like Polar Adventure Storybook - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Polar Adventure Storybook alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Polar Adventure Storybook 2025.

Little Polar Bear

Little Polar Bear

+++ "Little Polar Bear offers double value, being a book and game rolled into one ... the gorgeous illustrations and animations, whether in the book or games, should appeal well to younger kids." (review, 4 of 5 stars,

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Verlag Friedrich Oetinger GmbH
Polar Bear Horizon - Smithsonian Oceanic

Polar Bear Horizon - Smithsonian Oceanic

Come along to the North Pole where Polar Bear and her two cubs are growing hungry after spending the cold winder months in their den. Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. When they...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Oceanhouse Media
Fram Ursul Polar Cartea 5

Fram Ursul Polar Cartea 5

Fram Ursul Polar - Cartea 5 - Ultimul Spectacol Fram e celebru, adorat și iubit de toată lumea, și mai ales de copii. Reprezentațiile lui sunt așteptate în marile orașe ale lumii, și cea mai mare bucurie a lui e...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Deveo Media
Fram Ursul Polar - Cartea 2

Fram Ursul Polar - Cartea 2

Călătorie cu peripeții Pe insula acoperită cu iarbă și flori, puiul de urs pornește în explorare. Animale ciudate, prieteni noi și câteva întâlniri neașteptate îl vor îndepărta de mama lui. Speriat și obosit, adoarme pe o insulă călătoare pentru a...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Deveo Media
Fram Ursul Polar - Cartea 8

Fram Ursul Polar - Cartea 8

Prieteni în Noapte Cartea interactivă are funcţii de auto-citire audio, fiecare cuvânt din carte este silabisit la atingere şi redat audio. Informaţii de tipul "Ştiai că". 24 de pagini ilustrate şi interactive. Cartea 8 din 10. Recomandată pentru iPAD.

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Deveo Media
Fram Ursul Polar Cartea 1

Fram Ursul Polar Cartea 1

Un pui de urs la Polul Nord Într-o peșteră de gheață, în mijlocul nopții polare, s-a născut un pui de urs. Alături de mama lui, el descoperă minunile vieții arctice: aurora boreală, joaca pe gheață, dimineața polară, urmate de călătoria...

Price: Free Developer: Deveo Media
Fram Ursul Polar Cartea 10

Fram Ursul Polar Cartea 10

Căpitan al unei insule plutitoare, Fram nu știe că primăvara polară, odată cu încălzirea, aduce și furtuni cumplite. În viscol, pe banchiza înghețată, el pare să fi ajuns la capătul lumii. Nu poate înainta, și nu se poate întoarce;...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Deveo Media
Fram Ursul Polar Cartea 3

Fram Ursul Polar Cartea 3

Am un nume! Adoptat de oamenii ghețurilor, puiul de urs învață să trăiască între ei, cu munca, ocupațiile și jocurile lor, până într-o zi, când un vapor aduce alți oameni, din locuri de departe. Îmbarcat într-o nouă etapă a călătoriei...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Deveo Media
Fram Ursul Polar Cartea 4

Fram Ursul Polar Cartea 4

Cum am devenit celebru Alături de noua lui familie din Norvegia, Fram descoperă lumea circului. Visul lui de a deveni faimos și de a vedea lumea largă îl aduce printre artiștii arenei, cu care decide să rămână și să exerseze...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Deveo Media
Trevor's Pirate Adventure

Trevor's Pirate Adventure

Ahoy me mateys! Trevor loves a good adventure! He loves to read a good book. In fact, his favourite book of all time is "Rutherford Smiffies and the Seven Seas", a mighty fine pirate adventure if ever there was...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Craig Kerwin
SHERLOCK: Interactive Adventure

SHERLOCK: Interactive Adventure

* Gold winner of “Independent Publisher Book Awards” 2014 and “Global Ebook Awards 2014” * * Nominated for Digital Book Awards 2015 * ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧‧ “Sherlock: Interactive Adventure is unlike anything else you've seen on iOS, or perhaps on any digital platform...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: HAAB
Spy Sam Reading Book 1 - The big adventure with little words for kids to learn to read

Spy Sam Reading Book 1 - The big adventure with little words for kids to learn to read

**To celebrate becoming universal apps, all 3 books are FREE for a limited time ** Created by a doctor for children learning to read, this exciting adventure story is packed full with gadgets, robots, spies, twists and turns. "These books are...

Price: Free Developer: Matthew Cordingly
An Adventure Of Our Own

An Adventure Of Our Own

Description: One of the most vital experiences in a child's life is interactive play. An Adventure of Our Own offers an opportunity for playful reading and back-and-forth exchange through Two Way Play! An Adventure of Our Own is a special kind...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Two Way Play
Marty LIttle 1. Story Book: Read Adventure Stories

Marty LIttle 1. Story Book: Read Adventure Stories

Marty Little Into the Darkness - Interactive Storybook Welcome to the CURIOUS and IMAGINATIVE adventures of Marty Little WHERE ILLUSTRATIONS TELL IT ALL! In this unique INTERACTIVE STORYBOOK app, you tag along with young Marty on a journey of action...

Price: Free Developer: Paper Tunnel
Snot & Fluff - A Space Adventure - LITE

Snot & Fluff - A Space Adventure - LITE

An interactive story for children with features of an adventure game. “Mum, Dad, can I watch a movie?” - how often do we hear these requests. This is where “Snot and Fluff - a Space Adventure” will speed to the...

Price: Free Developer: OhNoo Studio
Snot & Fluff - A Space Adventure

Snot & Fluff - A Space Adventure

An interactive story for children with features of an adventure game. “Mum, Dad, can I watch a movie?” - how often do we hear these requests. This is where “Snot and Fluff - a Space Adventure” will speed to the...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: OhNoo Studio
World Of Liberty Adventure 3

World Of Liberty Adventure 3

WORLD OF LIBERTY “Paintings, Planes, and Pioneers” created by Amber Hood Adventure #3 is here! Liberty, Ellie, Georgie, and Truman are inspired to discover the state of Kansas after a school field trip to the Air and Space Museum!...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: World of Liberty, LLC
Ella Bella Beach Adventure

Ella Bella Beach Adventure

Get ready for a day at the beach with the ever-inventive Ella Bella and her friends. Find out what happens when Ella Bella, Henry, Lisa and Lottie arrive at the beach with swimming costumes, a picnic lunch and plenty of games –...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Rock Pocket AS
Ella Bella Beach Adventure LITE

Ella Bella Beach Adventure LITE

The first eight pages of the original Ella Bella Beach Adventure all for free! Get ready for a day at the beach with the ever-inventive Ella Bella and her friends. Find out what happens when Ella Bella, Henry, Lisa and...

Price: Free Developer: Rock Pocket AS
Lion and Mouse Interactive Storybook iPad version

Lion and Mouse Interactive Storybook iPad version

Classic story of Lion and Mouse looks great when kids read it on the iPad. # Interactive Story book on iPad The Lion and Mouse story book on iPad is a completely interactive storybook full of animations. Surprise element of...

Price: Free Developer: Infowareindia
Red Riding Hood Storybook tale

Red Riding Hood Storybook tale

SUPER FUN STORY, interactive book with multiple endings. Have FUN, play and discover multiple endings in this classical story. Help Little Red Riding Hood choose her PATH and save your Granny from the Big Bad Wolf. An Interactive Book App with...

Price: Free Developer: Living a Book Inc.
Goodnight Moon - A classic bedtime storybook

Goodnight Moon - A classic bedtime storybook

Goodnight noises everywhere... 65 years ago, Margaret Wise Brown and Clement Hurd created one of the most beloved bedtime books of all time. Now, the best-selling children’s classic Goodnight Moon has been beautifully re-imagined as an interactive...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Loud Crow Interactive Inc.
The Tree I See - Storybook

The Tree I See - Storybook

STORY LINE : A young lonely tree learns how friendships are formed through sharing with a young boy and creatures of the wooded plain. The tree encounters a difficult moment in the night, but the bond of friendship...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Aridan Books
Wenda the Wacky Wiggler- Interactive Storybook

Wenda the Wacky Wiggler- Interactive Storybook

The inspiring award-winning children's book about an extraordinary young girl who despite the disapproval and naysayers in her town, discovers her own unique love and joy really do come from inside! As she lets her own unique self shine,...

Price: Free Developer: Aslan Studios
Storybook Upin & Ipin

Storybook Upin & Ipin

Come and take a journey with Upin & Ipin. One of the most beloved twins in Malaysian television now comes to life in storybook form. Our aim is to encourage reading as we believe it can take you to...

Price: Free Developer: LC Games Development Inc. Sdn. Bhd.
My Little Pony: Twilight’s Kingdom Storybook Deluxe

My Little Pony: Twilight’s Kingdom Storybook Deluxe

Being a princess doesn't come with an instruction manual, but neither does becoming a hero! In TWILIGHT’S KINGDOM, the first ever MY LITTLE PONY deluxe storybook app, Twilight Sparkle is Equestria’s newest princess, and she’s looking for a way...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: PlayDate Digital
Cozmo's Day Off Lite - Children's Interactive Storybook

Cozmo's Day Off Lite - Children's Interactive Storybook

★Made for the iPad and now compatible with iPhone and iPod devices! Experience an interactive storybook that is out of this world! Join Cozmo in his adventure across the stars. What it is included in this free lite version? ★NO advertising! ★All storybook...

Price: Free Developer: Ayars Animation Inc.
Bedtime Defenders Interactive Storybook HD

Bedtime Defenders Interactive Storybook HD

A beautiful interactive storybook about a child who enlists his toys to fight his fear of the dark. In the darkness, something stirs beneath Simon's bed. Who will protect him but the Bedtime Defenders, a motley crew of unlikely...

Price: Free Developer: Brytag Creative
Cozmo's Day Off - Storybook

Cozmo's Day Off - Storybook

Made for the iPad and now compatible with iPhone and iPod devices! One of three finalists for the 2010 DBW Publishing Innovation Awards (Children's Category) From the illustrations and original story, to the sound effects and built in activities, this app...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ayars Animation Inc.

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