Top 28 Book Apps Like Little Polar Bear - Best Alternatives

Little Polar Bear Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Little Polar Bear alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Book apps that are similar to Little Polar Bear. Pick one from this list to be your new Little Polar Bear app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Little Polar Bear on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like Little Polar Bear - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Little Polar Bear alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like Little Polar Bear 2025.

Little Magic Books

Little Magic Books

Little Magic Books is a new twist on the Classic Children’s picture book. Little Magic Books combine the physicality of printed books with the interactivity of smartphone apps. Just strap your smartphone into the the back of physical book while...

Price: Free Developer: Little Magic Books
Turutu The three little pigs

Turutu The three little pigs

This is a very famous fairy tale, that of the three little pigs. Today, thanks to Turutu, our three little friends have grown up and they jumped from the pages of a book right into the screen of your...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Zofia Kosarzycka
Little Red Riding Hood Toybook

Little Red Riding Hood Toybook

> A marvelous fairy tale - The famous story comes to life in an interactive book! > Educational games inside: puzzles, matching games, shapes and more! > Fun interactions - Wholesome family fun for you & your children -...

Price: Free Developer: TabTale LTD
Robin Hood's Little Outlaws

Robin Hood's Little Outlaws

Meet Robin Hood's Little Outlaws! This free app has easy-to-use game and puzzles, character profiles, an animated trailer for our first story, and augmented reality features. 1. Bring Your Book to Life, lets you scan your Robin Hood's Little Outlaws...

Price: Free Developer: Robin Hood's Little Outlaws Ltd
My little story factory

My little story factory

Available in french and english. Play with the words and background sound to create an infinity of strange, funny, and poetic universes. My Little Story Factory is a virtually inexhaustible collection of stories (194 481 combinations!) that the child constructs by...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: e-Toiles editions
Noah's Ark   by Little Ark

Noah's Ark by Little Ark

A fun interactive animated story • An interactive animated storybook based upon the beloved Bible story of Noah's Ark • Presented in a lively, non-denomination manner for children 3-7 Have you ever wished you could play inside a story and really interact...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Wanderful, Inc.
The Three Little Pigs – Marino Stories App

The Three Little Pigs – Marino Stories App

The Three Little Pigs story app is an exciting retelling of the classic tale for young children. You can interact with the story and help the pigs on their journey. The fun and playful story is illustrated by the...

Price: Free Developer: Marino Software
Little Nessie at the Beach - Have fun with Pickatale while learning how to read.

Little Nessie at the Beach - Have fun with Pickatale while learning how to read.

Practice reading with Little Nessie at the Beach! Two children set out to find a lost little Loch Ness monster and rescue other friends on their way. Little Nessie at the Beach helps your kids learn to read with...

Price: Free Developer: Pickatale AS
Little Red Riding Hood - Have fun with Pickatale while learning how to read!

Little Red Riding Hood - Have fun with Pickatale while learning how to read!

Practice reading with Little Red Riding Hood! A young girl walks through the woods to Grandmother's house, only to be confronted by a scary wolf. Little Red Riding Hood helps your kids learn to read with karaoke-style narration and...

Price: Free Developer: Pickatale AS
All By Myself - Little Critter

All By Myself - Little Critter

Join Little Critter in this interactive book app as he shows us all the things he can do by himself! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. From tying his shoes to pouring...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Oceanhouse Media
Polar Adventure Storybook

Polar Adventure Storybook

A baby penguin got separated from his family during a severe snowstorm, what will happen to him? Read the story to find out! The Polar Adventure Storybook is a perfect bedtime story with a Read to Me function...

Price: Free Developer: Isabel Lee
Polar Bear Horizon - Smithsonian Oceanic

Polar Bear Horizon - Smithsonian Oceanic

Come along to the North Pole where Polar Bear and her two cubs are growing hungry after spending the cold winder months in their den. Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. When they...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Oceanhouse Media
Fram Ursul Polar Cartea 5

Fram Ursul Polar Cartea 5

Fram Ursul Polar - Cartea 5 - Ultimul Spectacol Fram e celebru, adorat și iubit de toată lumea, și mai ales de copii. Reprezentațiile lui sunt așteptate în marile orașe ale lumii, și cea mai mare bucurie a lui e...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Deveo Media
Fram Ursul Polar - Cartea 2

Fram Ursul Polar - Cartea 2

Călătorie cu peripeții Pe insula acoperită cu iarbă și flori, puiul de urs pornește în explorare. Animale ciudate, prieteni noi și câteva întâlniri neașteptate îl vor îndepărta de mama lui. Speriat și obosit, adoarme pe o insulă călătoare pentru a...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Deveo Media
Fram Ursul Polar - Cartea 8

Fram Ursul Polar - Cartea 8

Prieteni în Noapte Cartea interactivă are funcţii de auto-citire audio, fiecare cuvânt din carte este silabisit la atingere şi redat audio. Informaţii de tipul "Ştiai că". 24 de pagini ilustrate şi interactive. Cartea 8 din 10. Recomandată pentru iPAD.

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Deveo Media
Fram Ursul Polar Cartea 1

Fram Ursul Polar Cartea 1

Un pui de urs la Polul Nord Într-o peșteră de gheață, în mijlocul nopții polare, s-a născut un pui de urs. Alături de mama lui, el descoperă minunile vieții arctice: aurora boreală, joaca pe gheață, dimineața polară, urmate de călătoria...

Price: Free Developer: Deveo Media
Fram Ursul Polar Cartea 10

Fram Ursul Polar Cartea 10

Căpitan al unei insule plutitoare, Fram nu știe că primăvara polară, odată cu încălzirea, aduce și furtuni cumplite. În viscol, pe banchiza înghețată, el pare să fi ajuns la capătul lumii. Nu poate înainta, și nu se poate întoarce;...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Deveo Media
Fram Ursul Polar Cartea 3

Fram Ursul Polar Cartea 3

Am un nume! Adoptat de oamenii ghețurilor, puiul de urs învață să trăiască între ei, cu munca, ocupațiile și jocurile lor, până într-o zi, când un vapor aduce alți oameni, din locuri de departe. Îmbarcat într-o nouă etapă a călătoriei...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Deveo Media
Fram Ursul Polar Cartea 4

Fram Ursul Polar Cartea 4

Cum am devenit celebru Alături de noua lui familie din Norvegia, Fram descoperă lumea circului. Visul lui de a deveni faimos și de a vedea lumea largă îl aduce printre artiștii arenei, cu care decide să rămână și să exerseze...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Deveo Media
Buddy Bear

Buddy Bear

Buddy Bear The Balloon is a picture book for the iPad. Fun to read and read aloud! The story: Buddy Bear has got a balloon but while playing the balloon flies off. Characteristics: - 1 app, including 2 stories - For children 0 - 4...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Thea Tetteroo
Where Is My Little Square Bear?

Where Is My Little Square Bear?

This is a great bed time story and adventure as we chase down our little square bear through a painted world of parks and city-scapes using pop-up style interaction! Slide the arrows to see where the little square bear...

Price: Free Developer: Eli Hooper
Daily Bear Paint

Daily Bear Paint

Daily Bear Paint is a comic viewer and a painting app, based on a very popular simple painting app for kids in Japan. Every day through Monday to Friday, a new comic picture of cute animals, can be downloaded...

Price: Free Developer:
In A Fight, Berenstain Bears

In A Fight, Berenstain Bears

• Winner of a MOM'S CHOICE Gold Award • Winner of a PARENTS’ CHOICE Gold Honor Award • An interactive animated storybook originally published as the award-winning Living Books • A tale of how sibling arguments can sometimes escalate, and how they...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Wanderful, Inc.


"Once there was a baby bear who lived at the top of the world..." So begins Sleighbear, a gentle, often humorous Christmas story by award-winning author/illustrator Virginia Wright-Frierson. With a tap of the screen, you can watch...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Dargan M. Frierson
Goldilocks And The 3 Bears

Goldilocks And The 3 Bears

*Academics' Choice Book Smart Award Winner *Meets National Common Core for PreK-K *Helps create readers before they can read *Developed by Language and Literacy Scholars *FREE Activity Book with purchase Our exclusive features-WordWinks and Retell, Record & Share-give YOU the tools to...

Price: Free Developer: You Tell Me Stories Foundation, Inc.
In The Dark, Berenstain Bears

In The Dark, Berenstain Bears

• Winner of a MOM'S CHOICE Gold Award • Winner of a PARENTS’ CHOICE Gold Honor Award • An interactive animated storybook originally published by the award-winning Living Books • A tale of taking charge of one’s imagination, especially when...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Wanderful, Inc.
Living Lights Collection #2

Living Lights Collection #2

Dive into 8 exciting Berenstain Bears Living Lights interactive storybook apps that help young readers learn how God wants them to live every day! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. Enjoy The...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: Oceanhouse Media

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