Top 25 Book Apps Like Rooikappie kinderstorie in afrikaans - Best Alternatives

Rooikappie kinderstorie in afrikaans Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Rooikappie kinderstorie in afrikaans alternatives for iOS? We have listed 25 Book apps that are similar to Rooikappie kinderstorie in afrikaans. Pick one from this list to be your new Rooikappie kinderstorie in afrikaans app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Rooikappie kinderstorie in afrikaans on your iOS devices.

Top 25 Apps Like Rooikappie kinderstorie in afrikaans - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Rooikappie kinderstorie in afrikaans alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 25 similar apps like Rooikappie kinderstorie in afrikaans 2025.

Die Drie Varkies Kinderstorie in Afrikaans

Die Drie Varkies Kinderstorie in Afrikaans

Die drie varkies kinderstorie in afrikaans met kleurvolle groot illustrasies, eenvoudige teks is dit die perfekte sprokiereeks vir kleuters. Prikkel die kleinspan se verbeeldings deur die storietjie hardop vir hulle voor te lees. Die storie kan ook vir jou...

Die Lelike eendjie Kinderstorie in Afrikaans

Die Lelike eendjie Kinderstorie in Afrikaans

Die lelike eendjie kinderstorie in afrikaans met kleurvolle groot illustrasies, eenvoudige teks is dit die perfekte sprokiereeks vir kleuters. Prikkel die kleinspan se verbeeldings deur die storietjie hardop vir hulle voor te lees. Die storie kan ook vir jou...

Gouelokkies en die drie beertjies kinderstorie

Gouelokkies en die drie beertjies kinderstorie

Gouelokkies en die drie beertjies kinderstorie in afrikaans met kleurvolle groot illustrasies, eenvoudige teks is dit die perfekte sprokiereeks vir kleuters. Prikkel die kleinspan se verbeeldings deur die storietjie hardop vir hulle voor te lees. Die storie kan ook...

Hansie en Grietjie Kinderstorie in Afrikaans

Hansie en Grietjie Kinderstorie in Afrikaans

Hansie en Grietjie kinderstorie in afrikaans met kleurvolle groot illustrasies, eenvoudige teks is dit die perfekte sprokiereeks vir kleuters. Prikkel die kleinspan se verbeeldings deur die storietjie hardop vir hulle voor te lees. Die storie kan ook vir jou...

Alice in Wonderland Book

Alice in Wonderland Book

--> A Marvelous Fantasy + Engaging Animations + Stunning interactions --> HD graphics and sounds | FREE educational PUZZLE activities inside! Follow Alice as she falls down the rabbit’s hole into a fantasy world. Discover a magical world,...

Price: Free Developer: TabTale LTD
Drabble - Find Joy In Writing

Drabble - Find Joy In Writing

Drabble is a community of writers wherein writer can write their own story or jump into someone else’s with a limit of 100 words only. To make it more interesting, the writers can also have co-writers contribute to its...

Price: Free Developer: INFINX SERVICES PVT LTD
New In Chess Books

New In Chess Books

New In Chess is a prize-winning publisher of chess books, the Yearbook and its flagship periodical: New In Chess magazine. The book publishing program focuses on chess improvement, training manuals, opening theory, chess history and chess entertainment. Bestselling authors...

Price: Free Developer: New In Chess
Catholic Bible in Malayalam

Catholic Bible in Malayalam

† This is a complete reference of Catholic Bible in Malayalam.† Customise your reading experience. Access everything offline. The app lets you explore the word of God and share it with your friends & family. † FEATURES † • Navigate with ease. •...

Price: Free Developer: Reeba Sebastian
Geeta in Audio & Text

Geeta in Audio & Text

Now with offline Audio. Play anywhere without internet connection. Play Audio for following language: 1.Hindi 2.English 3.Spanish 4.French 5.Chienese 6.Germany Also available meaning for every sloka in every languages. The Bhagavad Gita, also more simply known as Gita, is a 700-verse Hindu scripture that is part of...

Price: Free Developer: Sudhirbhai Ubhada
Hanuman chalisa in audio

Hanuman chalisa in audio

Hanuman Chalisa and Hanuman Chants with HD Audio: Hanuman Chalisa is a devotional song based on Lord Hanuman as the model devotee. The word "chālisā" is derived from "chālis" in Hindi, which means 40, as the Hanuman Chalisa has 40...

Price: Free Developer: Sudhirbhai Ubhada
In rep en roer

In rep en roer

In rep en roer is een Leren lezen zoekboek voor kinderen vanaf 6 jaar. In dit boek kan je kind speuren naar woorden en deze zelf lezen. Is het boek uit? Start dan de app en je kind kan in...

Price: Free Developer: Uitgeverij Zwijsen BV
Nuclear power in Japan / Tetsu Kayama

Nuclear power in Japan / Tetsu Kayama

Added the new volume "Nuclear power with imagination". >Nuclear power in Japan For most people in Japan now,the nuclear plant is facilities that exist like seem being natural since time when it born and grew up. And it is managed by...

Price: Free Developer: Blue in the face
Oliver Twist, Alleen in Londen

Oliver Twist, Alleen in Londen

Oliver heeft weinig geluk in zijn leven. Zijn ouders zijn dood en hij groeit op in een tehuis. Oliver wordt gepest en zelfs mishandeld. Hij vlucht naar de grote stad Londen. Daar leert hij een vreemde jongen kennen die...

Price: Free Developer: Uitgeverij Zwijsen BV
Orthodox Christian Library in Chinese

Orthodox Christian Library in Chinese

This is a library of Orthodox Christian literature for people speaking Chinese. We offer a large variety of books in Chinese (Simplified and Traditional characters), English, and Russian languages.

Price: Free Developer: Orthodox Church in Hong Kong 香港聖彼得聖保羅東正教堂
Great English-Afrikaans Dict.

Great English-Afrikaans Dict.

The app Afrikaner is a great English-Afrikaans-English dictionary. Contents: • English-Afrikaans dictionary; • Afrikaans-English dictionary; • English-Afrikaans phrase book; • Afrikaans-English phrase-book; • Alphabets and pronunciation; • Extended Irregular Verb List Afrikaner: • find computer terms! • add new words! • edit words and...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Valeriy Petrenko
Afrikaans Bible (DIE BYBEL)

Afrikaans Bible (DIE BYBEL)

Afrikaans Bible (DIE BYBEL) is a FREE, easy and friendly way to read the whole Bible with no need of internet connection. The Afrikaans Bible (DIE BYBEL) App gives you an improved Bible experience by keeping track of your...

Price: Free Developer: Axeraan Technologies
English to Afrikaans Offline Dictionary

English to Afrikaans Offline Dictionary

Afrikaans to English and English to Afrikaans Dictionary The Afrikaans to English Dictionary app brings you the meanings of Afrikaans words in English as well as the English words into Afrikaans. The app has a big vocabulary database that allows...

Price: Free Developer: Nasreen Zulfiqar
English Afrikaans Translator

English Afrikaans Translator

English to Afrikaans Translator Online and Offline Dictionary Easily Search Word and Find Offline # You can search both English and Afrikaans words. You can search words directly from "Internet Browser" or other Applications by using Sharing option # Translate words and...

Price: Free Developer: Siddharth Makadiya
Afrikaans Bible - Offline

Afrikaans Bible - Offline

Hello holiness comes to you!! Now you can read this Afrikaans Bible with beautiful revelations of god through this app. This Afrikaans Bible most important thing is that it doesn't consume your Internet. Read it peacefully and be blessed....

Price: Free Developer: Arun Soundarrajan
Afrikaans Bible HD

Afrikaans Bible HD

Hello holiness comes to you!! Now you can read this Afrikaans Bible with beautiful revelations of god through this app. This Afrikaans Bible most important thing is that it doesn't consume your Internet. Read it peacefully and be blessed....

Price: Free Developer: Arun Soundarrajan
Afrikaans Bible (Bybel)

Afrikaans Bible (Bybel)

Afrikaans Bible The holy bible in Afrikaans - het boek bijbel. It's free This simple and user friendly app is an easier way to feel God’s word in your heart and to feel heaven closer to you and your loved ones....

Price: Free Developer: siriwit nambutdee
Afrikaans Bible

Afrikaans Bible

This is the Afrikaans Holy Bible Reader app for your iOS device. We want to make it easy for you to read and share God's Word. This application offers handy features such as Favourites, Share verse in social medias,...

Price: Free Developer: Sam Solomon Prabu
Bible Promises In Afrikaans/Zulu

Bible Promises In Afrikaans/Zulu

"Therefore comfort one another with these words."(1 Thessalonians 4:18) Do you have have a friend that needs encouragement? or Do you have someone in your life that lifts your spirits and gives you encouragement? If you say Yes, this app...

Price: Free Developer: Kidz Space
Die Bybel Audioboek Afrikaans

Die Bybel Audioboek Afrikaans

Die Bybel Audioboek Afrikaans Nuwe Testament. Die hele Nuwe Testament is ingesluit. Hoeke sluit : Mattheus Markus Lukas Johannes Acts Aan Die Romeine Korinthers Galate Efesiers Filipenese Kolosenes Thessalonicense Thimotheus Titus Filemon Hebreers Jakobus Petrus Johannes 1,2,3 Judas Openbaring Ons hoop jy geniet hierdie app

Price: Free Developer: Vyasa

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