Top 35 Lifestyle Apps Like When Will I Die? - Best Alternatives

When Will I Die? Alternatives

Do you want to find the best When Will I Die? alternatives for iOS? We have listed 35 Lifestyle apps that are similar to When Will I Die?. Pick one from this list to be your new When Will I Die? app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to When Will I Die? on your iOS devices.

Top 35 Apps Like When Will I Die? - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid When Will I Die? alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 35 similar apps like When Will I Die? 2025.

What fits when?

What fits when?

Clothing size forecasts for kids from 0 to 16. You measure your kids' height once and then »What fits when?« tells you which sizes fit right now – and when the next ones will fit. You love to travel? Switch...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Tim Gleue
Fun Things To Do When Bored.

Fun Things To Do When Bored.

Are you getting Bored? Here's a list of ideas & things to do when bored. Avoid your Boredom with this Application. Some times people getting bored, or they are feeling like annoying because they don’t know what to do for...

Price: Free Developer: Mobyi Apps
Whatever - Help you make a decision when you can't

Whatever - Help you make a decision when you can't

One of the best app that save you tons of time by helping you make a decision when you can't decide.

Price: Free Developer: AppNextDoor Labs
When Will I Get Married?

When Will I Get Married?

Do you dream about getting married and starting a family one day? Are you wondering when this is going to happening? If you are this is the perfect app for you. Answer 10 questions and this app with give...

Price: Free Developer: DH3 Games
When Will You Die

When Will You Die

Life is slipping away.. Do You want know your probably date of dead? That how long we live is dependent on which country we live. This app can give you ONLY PROPABLY date of Your dead based on your date...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Tomasz Olszewski



Price: Free Developer: Tempe South Foursquare Church
247 LENS

247 LENS

The 247 LENS Planner identifies the optimal strategies for you to adjust to your particular schedule. It clearly shows the best practices for the following: ◦ When are the optimal times for sleep, especially during transitions from Day...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: The Scheduling Group, LLC


BizzBuzzBoom THE BUSINESS & WORK-LIFE BALANCE APP 2 stylish and innovative features in 1 download. Download BizzBuzzBoom and unlock both Bizz and Buzz. BIZZ What is Bizz? Bizz is The Dating App for Business, and has been specifically designed to support startups, digital nomads and entrepreneurs....

Price: Free Developer: BizzBuzzBoom LTD
NA Audio Companion Clean Time

NA Audio Companion Clean Time

Listen over 1000 hours of amazing Narcotics Anonymous 12 step audio speakers, workshops and literature. There is something truly blessed about hearing personal stories from others who are in Narcotics Anonymous. These stories are usually life-changing and can help...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: GOODBREW, LLC


A "will" is a document or a letter which the deceased person thought about after death, and left behind. There is a "will" in similar words, but unlike a legal valid will, the will will have strong meaning of goodbye...

Price: Free Developer: Daisuke Katayama
2019 AIA Dallas Tour of Homes

2019 AIA Dallas Tour of Homes

This is the companion app for the Dallas Chapter of the American Institute of Architects' annual Tour of Homes. Open to the public, the self-guided Tour will showcase the finest residential architecture in the Dallas/Fort Worth area designed...

Price: Free Developer: Perkins and Will Inc.
Interesting facts - best facts and fun stories that will blow your mind

Interesting facts - best facts and fun stories that will blow your mind

Collection of funny facts and stories that blows your mind.

Price: Free Developer: Maxim Radchenko
Success in Business Hypnosis

Success in Business Hypnosis

Use Hypnosis to help you on your path to success right now by allowing “You Deserve Success” Hypnosis to help you get motivated and make wise decisions. This hypnosis will tap into your subconscious mind and modify your behavior...

Price: Free Developer: Hyptalk


L.E.T is an acronym for lifestyle, entertainment and travel. L.E.T is the latest Malaysian electronic magazine, focusing on lifestyle, entertainment and travel. It offers an inimitable sensory experience for the readers through sophisticated art direction and premium execution and...

Price: Free Developer: The New Straits Times Press (Malaysia) Berhad
INMURCIA Resorts Social Media

INMURCIA Resorts Social Media

INMURCIA, a new way of communicating and sharing the good life in the resorts. We are a social media channel for sharing information, spreading news and promoting the good life and leisure in the resorts. Through our different channels (Resorts Magazine,...

Price: Free Developer: Josefa Rabadan Gomariz
Live Your List

Live Your List

The Live Your List app is the ultimate ongoing resource for ideas and content related to the lifestyle of living your dream life through your bucket list. We go way beyond the typical bucket list idea by encouraging...

Price: Free Developer: Mark Evans
I Ching App of Changes

I Ching App of Changes

Whether you use the I-Ching as an oracle, an aid to creativity, or a mirror of your subconscious, you'll love the clarity of writing, the intuition in the design, and the simplicity of use of this version of the...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Brian Fitzgerald


Ecool-i è l’innovativo sistema che permette di controllare, direttamente da PC, smartphone o tablet, il tuo impianto di raffrescamento evaporativo Art-Eco. Se necessario, Ecool-i può essere implementato da altre funzioni per la gestione di molti altri dispositivi. Grazie al collegamento...

Price: Free Developer: ilevia
I Create Reality Manifesting - Full Audiobook

I Create Reality Manifesting - Full Audiobook

Get the Full Audiobook Version of “I Create Reality Manifesting”. How you can use Holographic Creation to easily manifest your desires, even if you lack visualizing skills! A holistic visual studio for your mind. Creating Reality Holographically is...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Christopher Westra
Pam i Pipa

Pam i Pipa

El nostre centre aposta per la qualitat educativa, pensant i planificant la nostra tasca per tal d’ atendre les necessitats de nens i nenes de 0 a 3 anys. Els anys d’experiència en el món educatiu avalen els nostres...

I am Zoe

I am Zoe

Life can be complicated and sometimes you just need someone to talk to. That's why I'm here. I'm Zoe and I'm your friend and therapist. You can always come to me when something is troubling you or you...

Price: Free Developer: Gabor Kisch
I Ching 2 ad-supported version

I Ching 2 ad-supported version

The Ultimate I Ching Reader, this program facilitates the use of the I Ching (or the Book of Changes), an ancient Chinese classic text, as an oracle. The process of consulting it in this way involves determining the hexagram...

Price: Free Developer: Giacomo Tufano
eezy – A.I. lifestyle planner

eezy – A.I. lifestyle planner

eezy plans your entire evening in moments using groundbreaking sentient artificial intelligence. Every recommended activity is tailored to your unique personality and current mood resulting in tailored daily itineraries that can involve restaurants, bars, movies or clubs. You can...

Price: Free Developer: eezylife Inc.
Izreke i citati

Izreke i citati

Modernog dizajna i veoma jednostavna za koristenje ova aplikacija ce vas svakodnevno oplemeniti i inspirirati izrekama i citatima iz svoje baze podataka koja sadrzi vise od 10.000 mudrosti raznih filozofa, umjetnika, znanstvenika, vojskovoda i mnogih drugih; podijeljene u vise...

Price: Free Developer: Ivan Covic
I Ching 2: an Oracle

I Ching 2: an Oracle

The Ultimate I Ching Reader, this program facilitates the use of the I Ching (or the Book of Changes), an ancient Chinese classic text, as an oracle. The process of consulting it in this way involves determining the hexagram...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Giacomo Tufano
Way to Say I Love You

Way to Say I Love You

*** WAYS TO SAY I LOVE YOU *** Falling in love is easy; telling someone you love him or her isn’t always as simple. You want to make the first time you say, “I love you” to be special and the...

Price: Free Developer: WebPix Solutions
Köttbullar - Die Koch-App für das iPhone

Köttbullar - Die Koch-App für das iPhone

+++ Die erfolgreiche und beliebte iPad-App jetzt auch für das iPhone +++ Köttbullar: das sind nicht nur die beliebten Fleischbällchen aus Schweden, sondern auch die Koch-App für Schwedenfans und Neugierige! Die App beinhaltet Familienrezepte und typische Rezepte aus Schweden. Das...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Patrik & Henrik Ljungström
Die M&M Hairdesign App für unsere Kunden

Die M&M Hairdesign App für unsere Kunden

Die neue M&M Hairdesign App informiert unsere Kunden über aktuelle News, aktuelle Produkte, tolle Angebote, wichtige Termine und spezielle Highlights. Außerdem erfahren Sie in unserer App, Details zu unserer eigenen exklusiven Haarpflege-Kollektion sowie wertvolle Styling-Tipps.

Price: Free Developer: Motion One GmbH
Die Antwort

Die Antwort

Sie wollen keine Entscheidungen treffen? Diese App hilft Ihnen dabei. Die App gibt Ihnen eine Antwort auf alle Entscheidungsfragen. Einfach das iPhone schütteln.

Price: Free Developer: Andreas Kuhn
glasartig - Glas Recycling

glasartig - Glas Recycling

Mit glasartig - der Glas Recycling App für Österreich - sammelt ganz Österreich Glasverpackungen und schenkt ihnen so neues Leben. Indem alle UserInnen speichern, wie viel Altglas sie sammeln, leistet jede/r Einzelne einen wertvollen Beitrag zur Sammelmenge der gesamten glasartig...

Price: Free Developer: Austria Glas Recycling GmbH
Die Kalbachtaler

Die Kalbachtaler

App zur Informationsverteilung des Vereins. Grundfunktionen: Kontaktdaten, Terminkalender, Facebook-News, Newscenter & Push-Up Nachrichten, Webseitenlink. Informationen nur für Vereinsmitglieder relevant.

Price: Free Developer: AppYourself GmbH
Es tut mir leid! Die App zur Entschuldigung

Es tut mir leid! Die App zur Entschuldigung

"ICH BITTE UM ENTSCHULDIGUNG!". Wann haben Sie diesen Satz zuletzt ausgesprochen? Diese App soll Ihnen helfen, sich zu entschuldigen. Denn wer sich entschuldigt zeigt Stärke und fühlt sich besser. * Viele Ratschläge zur Entschuldigung * Entschuldigungen per sms oder Email schicken * Das...

Price: Free Developer: Escaleto UG (haftungsbeschraenkt)


Mit BarBQ suchst du bequem nach Bars, Cafés und Restaurants in und um Göttingen. Du siehst sofort, welche Bars noch geöffnet sind und nur wenig entfernt liegen. Du filterst nach Bars, in denen gerade eine Happy Hour ist, oder...

Price: Free Developer: SimPaFee UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Kindern in Trauer

Kindern in Trauer

In Zeiten der Krise kann es beängstigend sein, mit Ihrem Kind über die schwierige Situation zu sprechen. Wir glauben, dass es bitter nötig ist, Eltern eine effektive und konkrete Methode aufzuzeigen, wie sie ihren Kindern in dieser schweren Zeit...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: MoxStory ApS

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