Top 46 Lifestyle Apps Like I Ching 2: an Oracle - Best Alternatives

I Ching 2: an Oracle Alternatives

Do you want to find the best I Ching 2: an Oracle alternatives for iOS? We have listed 46 Lifestyle apps that are similar to I Ching 2: an Oracle. Pick one from this list to be your new I Ching 2: an Oracle app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to I Ching 2: an Oracle on your iOS devices.

Top 46 Apps Like I Ching 2: an Oracle - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid I Ching 2: an Oracle alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 46 similar apps like I Ching 2: an Oracle 2025.

I Ching App of Changes

I Ching App of Changes

Whether you use the I-Ching as an oracle, an aid to creativity, or a mirror of your subconscious, you'll love the clarity of writing, the intuition in the design, and the simplicity of use of this version of the...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Brian Fitzgerald


Ecool-i è l’innovativo sistema che permette di controllare, direttamente da PC, smartphone o tablet, il tuo impianto di raffrescamento evaporativo Art-Eco. Se necessario, Ecool-i può essere implementato da altre funzioni per la gestione di molti altri dispositivi. Grazie al collegamento...

Price: Free Developer: ilevia
I Create Reality Manifesting - Full Audiobook

I Create Reality Manifesting - Full Audiobook

Get the Full Audiobook Version of “I Create Reality Manifesting”. How you can use Holographic Creation to easily manifest your desires, even if you lack visualizing skills! A holistic visual studio for your mind. Creating Reality Holographically is...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Christopher Westra
Pam i Pipa

Pam i Pipa

El nostre centre aposta per la qualitat educativa, pensant i planificant la nostra tasca per tal d’ atendre les necessitats de nens i nenes de 0 a 3 anys. Els anys d’experiència en el món educatiu avalen els nostres...

I am Zoe

I am Zoe

Life can be complicated and sometimes you just need someone to talk to. That's why I'm here. I'm Zoe and I'm your friend and therapist. You can always come to me when something is troubling you or you...

Price: Free Developer: Gabor Kisch
I Ching 2 ad-supported version

I Ching 2 ad-supported version

The Ultimate I Ching Reader, this program facilitates the use of the I Ching (or the Book of Changes), an ancient Chinese classic text, as an oracle. The process of consulting it in this way involves determining the hexagram...

Price: Free Developer: Giacomo Tufano
eezy – A.I. lifestyle planner

eezy – A.I. lifestyle planner

eezy plans your entire evening in moments using groundbreaking sentient artificial intelligence. Every recommended activity is tailored to your unique personality and current mood resulting in tailored daily itineraries that can involve restaurants, bars, movies or clubs. You can...

Price: Free Developer: eezylife Inc.
Izreke i citati

Izreke i citati

Modernog dizajna i veoma jednostavna za koristenje ova aplikacija ce vas svakodnevno oplemeniti i inspirirati izrekama i citatima iz svoje baze podataka koja sadrzi vise od 10.000 mudrosti raznih filozofa, umjetnika, znanstvenika, vojskovoda i mnogih drugih; podijeljene u vise...

Price: Free Developer: Ivan Covic
Way to Say I Love You

Way to Say I Love You

*** WAYS TO SAY I LOVE YOU *** Falling in love is easy; telling someone you love him or her isn’t always as simple. You want to make the first time you say, “I love you” to be special and the...

Price: Free Developer: WebPix Solutions
Hua hu Ching Lite

Hua hu Ching Lite

The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu is among the most widely translated and cherished books in the world. Singular in its lucidity, revered across cultural boundaries for its timeless wisdom, it is believed among Westerners to be Lao...

Price: Free Developer: Brian Walker
The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu

The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu

The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu is among the wisest books ever written and one of the greatest gifts ever given to humankind. In the handful of pages that make up the Tao te Ching, there is an...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Brian Walker
I Ching: Book of Changes

I Ching: Book of Changes

For years the #1 I Ching app in the world, and perhaps the most elegant, distilled version of the I Ching there is. For centuries, the Book of Changes has been consulted for sage advice at life's turning points....

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Brian Walker
I-Ching - Yi Jing Divination

I-Ching - Yi Jing Divination

I-Ching Professional HD leads you step by step to the secrets of Yi Jing, by analyzing in an understandable way, the calculating and learning of this magical art. In this application all the three methods (Yarrow Sticks, Coin Method and...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Takis Karagiannopoulos
I-Ching Divination Yi Jing Pro

I-Ching Divination Yi Jing Pro

I-Ching Professional leads you step by step to the secrets of Yi Jing, by analyzing in an understandable way, the calculating and learning of this magical art. In this application all the three methods (Yarrow Sticks, Coin Method and Six...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Takis Karagiannopoulos
Wei Wu Wei Ching

Wei Wu Wei Ching

Wei wu Wei Ching puts a collection of diamond cutting tools in the pocket of anyone who wants to realize enlightenment, the Self, Big Mind. While realization ultimately cannot be surrounded or captured with words, along the way they...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Brian Walker
Wei Wu Wei Ching Lite

Wei Wu Wei Ching Lite

Wei wu Wei Ching puts a collection of diamond cutting tools in the pocket of anyone who wants to realize enlightenment, the Self, Big Mind. While realization ultimately cannot be surrounded or captured with words, along the way they...

Price: Free Developer: Brian Walker
Dare 2 Share

Dare 2 Share

Welcome to the official Dare 2 Share app! Get the training and tools that will help you share Jesus’ message of grace with your friends in your own unique, compelling way. After you’ve explored the content, pass it along! Share...

Price: Free Developer: Dare 2 Share Ministries International, Inc.
Driver 2 Go

Driver 2 Go

Êtes-vous Chauffeur ? Gagner de l'argent sur vos propres termes avec Driver 2 Go. Notre application pour chauffeur vous aide à gagner de l'argent de façon indépendante et selon votre horaire. Choisissez vos disponibilités et notre système vous attribura un quart selon...

Price: Free Developer: Abdessalem Djeddi
Into Thin Air 2

Into Thin Air 2

“Into Thin Air 2” is the first virtual public art project in Vietnam, initiated and curated by Manzi Art Space with a view to building awareness and appreciation for art – particularly contemporary art – among the public to...

Price: Free Developer: Manzi Hanoi
Secrets 2-2, PATTCAST (Lefties): Crochet!

Secrets 2-2, PATTCAST (Lefties): Crochet!

The instructional portion ("MAKE" tab) has subtitles available in English and French. Love to crochet, but hate to interpret pattern language? Secrets of the Pyramids is your guide to a new world of freed creativity. The focus is on particular...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: PATTCAST LLC
Secrets 2-2, PATTCAST: Pyramid crochet!

Secrets 2-2, PATTCAST: Pyramid crochet!

The instructional portion ("MAKE" tab) has subtitles available in English and French. Love to crochet, but hate to interpret pattern language? Secrets of the Pyramids is your guide to a new world of freed creativity. The focus is on particular...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: PATTCAST LLC
Secrets 2-1, PATTCAST (Lefties): Pyramid crochet!

Secrets 2-1, PATTCAST (Lefties): Pyramid crochet!

The instructional portion ("MAKE" tab) has subtitles available in English and French. Love to crochet, but hate to interpret pattern language? Secrets of the Pyramids is your guide to a new world of freed creativity. The focus is on particular...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: PATTCAST LLC
Secrets 2-1, PATTCAST: Pyramid crochet!

Secrets 2-1, PATTCAST: Pyramid crochet!

The instructional portion ("MAKE" tab) has subtitles available in English and French. Love to crochet, but hate to interpret pattern language? Secrets of the Pyramids is your guide to a new world of freed creativity. The focus is on particular...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: PATTCAST LLC
Secrets 2-3, PATTCAST (Lefties): Crochet!

Secrets 2-3, PATTCAST (Lefties): Crochet!

The instructional portion ("MAKE" tab) has subtitles available in English and French. Love to crochet, but hate to interpret pattern language? Secrets of the Pyramids is your guide to a new world of freed creativity. The focus is on particular...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: PATTCAST LLC
Secrets 2-3, PATTCAST: Pyramid crochet!

Secrets 2-3, PATTCAST: Pyramid crochet!

The instructional portion ("MAKE" tab) has subtitles available in English and French. Love to crochet, but hate to interpret pattern language? Secrets of the Pyramids is your guide to a new world of freed creativity. The focus is on particular...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: PATTCAST LLC
Control4 for OS 2

Control4 for OS 2

The Control4 app turns your iPhone, Apple Watch, or iPad into the ultimate command center for your Control4 smart home automation system. ------------ PLEASE NOTE: Prior to using this app, you need a Control4 controller and automation system running Control4...

Price: Free Developer: Control4
Am I an Art Aficionado 2

Am I an Art Aficionado 2

Consider yourself fairly knowledgeable about the world of art? Do you yearn to be conversant when the topic turns to art? If you answered yes to either question, Am I an Art Aficionado 2 is for you. Take randomly...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: cellHigh
Essay Writing Guide - How To Write An Essay

Essay Writing Guide - How To Write An Essay

Write An Essay is the ultimate video guide for you to help in developing essay writing skills. Application Includes: - How To Write An Essay Outline - How To Write Critical Essays - Form And Function - Essay For College Or University -...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Yashpal Padiya
SEX mood - Only an astrologer knows this!

SEX mood - Only an astrologer knows this!

Sexuality is the engine of human development and is directly related to the second, orange chakra. Temptations, enthusiasm, cheerfulness, intimacy between the loved ones, reduction of stress, passion and various martial arts - it all belongs to the ways...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: RJR SOFTWARE
AdventTV - Make your TV to an advent wreath with candles

AdventTV - Make your TV to an advent wreath with candles

Transform your television into an advent wreath with wonderful christmas music (optional).

Price: Free Developer: Matthias Herbrich
Kur'an-ı Kerim (Diyanet)

Kur'an-ı Kerim (Diyanet)

Bu uygulama Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı tarafından hazırlanmış olup, Kur'an-ı Kerim’in meal ve tefsiriyle birlikte okunmasına yönelik istifadenize sunulmuştur. Uygulama üzerinde, zoom-in/zoom-out özelliği ile Kur’an sayfasını büyütüp küçültebilirsiniz. Elif-BA uygulamasına hızlıca yönlendirme işlemi ile de Kur’an-ı Kerim okumayı kolaylıkla öğrenebilirsiniz. Sesli Kur’an...

Price: Free Developer: Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı
Cẩm Nang Món Ăn Việt

Cẩm Nang Món Ăn Việt

Tính năng phần mềm: - Đọc offline - Táp liên tục 2 cái(double tap) để phóng to/thu nhỏ chữ - Lật trang dễ dàng chỉ cần lướt nhẹ trên màn hình. Thật dễ dàng. - Thêm/Xoá trang yêu thích dễ dàng, đơn giản....

Price: Free Developer: NGUYEN TOANH
Kur'an Akademi

Kur'an Akademi

T.C. Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Kur'an Akademiyi istifadenize sunmaktan mutluluk duyuyoruz. Gelişmiş Arapça arama seçenekleri ile Kur'an araştırmacıları, yeni başlayanlar için Kur'an-ı Kerim' i anlamaya yardımcı meal okumak ve dinlemek isteyenler ile Mushaf sayfa görünümü ile Arapça olarak okumak isteyen kullanıcılara kadar...

Price: Free Developer: Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Discover your personality type. Introverted, me? You probably have heard it once or twice and have not been able to believe it. While introverts tend to keep their feelings for themselves, Extroverts tend to be very sociable and they...

Price: Free Developer: Zed Worldwide
Favorite Verses from The Qur'an

Favorite Verses from The Qur'an

Favorite Verses From The Qur'an All of your favorite verses from the Qur'an are right here. Nothing is more inspiring than reading old and new favorites. This collection includes over 50 favorites, all highly recommended by others like YOU! When you start,...

Price: Free Developer: Cassiopeia Information Technologies
Wisdom of the Oracle

Wisdom of the Oracle

Get a 7-day RISK FREE Trial to Colette Baron-Reid's Wisdom of the Oracle Divination Cards! Colette Baron-Reid has expertly blended elements of the I-Ching, Norse runes, traditional tarot, and other ancient divination tools into a sacred communication system: Wisdom of...

Price: Free Developer: Hay House, Incorporated
Crystal Spirits Oracle

Crystal Spirits Oracle

Get a 7-day RISK FREE Trial to Colette Baron-Reid's Crystal Spirits Oracle! FEATURES: - Give The Crystal Spirits Oracle Readings anywhere, anytime on your iOS device* - Choose between 1-card, 2-card 3-card and Clarity Card readings* - Save your readings to review at...

Price: Free Developer: Hay House, Incorporated
Goddess Power Oracle

Goddess Power Oracle

Get a 7-day RISK FREE Trial to Colette Baron-Reid's Goddess Power Oracle Cards! FEATURES: - Give Goddess Power Readings anywhere, anytime on your iOS device* - Choose between 1-card, 3-card, 4-card and 6-card readings* - Save your readings to review at any time* -...

Price: Free Developer: Hay House, Incorporated
Lovers Oracle

Lovers Oracle

The Lovers Oracle has been made for your entertainment, empowerment and enjoyment. Do you have a question concerning the situation with your loved one or want to get clarity? Or wonder about your potential spouse? Ask the Lovers Oracle...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Andreas Fatum
Angels of Atlantis Oracle Cards (Free)

Angels of Atlantis Oracle Cards (Free)

The print version of the Angels of Atlantis Oracle Cards won the 2012 Readers Choice Award for Best Oracle Cards, as well as the Prediction Magazine Reader's Award for Best Oracle Cards. Inspired by the 12 archangels of Atlantis,...

Price: Free Developer: Loi Chai Studio
Angels of Atlantis Oracle Cards HD (Free)

Angels of Atlantis Oracle Cards HD (Free)

The print version of the Angels of Atlantis Oracle Cards won the 2012 Readers Choice Award for Best Oracle Cards, as well as the Prediction Magazine Reader's Award for Best Oracle Cards. Inspired by the 12 archangels of Atlantis,...

Price: Free Developer: Loi Chai Studio
Runic Oracle

Runic Oracle

"These unique runic interpretations reflect a depth of knowledge of this ancient divination system. Each rune is masterfully written and clearly communicated with powerful descriptions that allow the essence of the runes to be learned with ease. Working with...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Alexander Kolesnikov
Your Daily Oracle with Colette

Your Daily Oracle with Colette

Get inspired like the millions who have already discovered the enigmatic intuitive, Colette Baron-Reid. Embrace positivity and loving guidance with the empowering app, Your Daily Oracle, an app that can change your life and the lives of those...

Price: Free Developer: Oceanhouse Media
Goddess Wisdom Oracle

Goddess Wisdom Oracle

Connect with your own inner wisdom and magnify your intuitive abilities with this powerful and accurate app, Goddess Wisdom Oracle. Goddess Wisdom Oracle is designed to help you find answers to your questions and assist you in your winding journey...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Oceanhouse Media
Les Vampires Oracle

Les Vampires Oracle

Ancient Wisdom and healing messages from the Children of the Night Lucy Cavendish Artwork by Jasmine Becket-Griffith Their promise? You will not go through these dark times alone… A stunning oracle card app designed specifically for people facing difficult decisions, upheaval in relationships...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Oceanhouse Media

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