Top 44 Lifestyle Apps Like The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu - Best Alternatives

The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu Alternatives

Do you want to find the best The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu alternatives for iOS? We have listed 44 Lifestyle apps that are similar to The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu. Pick one from this list to be your new The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu on your iOS devices.

Top 44 Apps Like The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 44 similar apps like The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu 2025.

Love the Avenue

Love the Avenue

The Avenue of the Americas Association highlights the best arts, culture and lifestyle that the Avenue of the Americas has to offer. The Association acts on behalf of its members and neighbors to address issues affecting business operations...

Price: Free Developer: The Berman Group
Profile: The Soap Collective Interactive Look Book

Profile: The Soap Collective Interactive Look Book

Profile is an interactive look book featuring The Soap Collective's hottest talent and latest work. It's an interactive bio of our creative team, a library of our best content, and snapshot of Soap as a creative agency. This is...

Price: Free Developer: The Soap Collective The Judaism App for iPad The Judaism App for iPad

Get easy access to Jewish wisdom for living from one of the web’s largest and must trusted Jewish sources. •Daily updates of articles and videos on spirituality, dating, marriage, Israel, Jewish holidays and more. •24-hour live webcam from the Western Wall •Inspiring,...

Price: Free Developer: The Jerusalem Fund, Inc
POETRY - The Poetry Foundation

POETRY - The Poetry Foundation

With the Poetry Foundation's universal iOS app, you can now take thousands of poems by classic and contemporary poets with you wherever you go. From William Shakespeare to César Vallejo to Heather McHugh, the Poetry Foundation's app turns your phone,...

Price: Free Developer: The Poetry Foundation
Leading Estates of the World

Leading Estates of the World

With a legacy of 46+ years and an archive of over 100 issues, Leading Estates of the World is the original publication showcasing the most extraordinary, preeminent estate properties in the world. Our international forum is devoted to bringing our...

Price: Free Developer: Leading Estates of the World
Church At The Gates

Church At The Gates

Keep connected to Church At The Gates with sermon video, sermon audio, Bible & reading plan, missional communities, serving, giving, and more. The Church At The Gates app was developed with the Subsplash App Platform.

Price: Free Developer: Church At The Gates
Church of the Rock

Church of the Rock

Welcome to the official Church of the Rock app! Check out all kinds of content that interests you. After you've downloaded and enjoyed the content, you can share it with your friends via Twitter, Facebook, or email. For more information...

Price: Free Developer: Church of the Rock
Church on the Move

Church on the Move

The Church on the Move app lets you watch or listen to weekend messages, listen to live MP3s from our worship team, and find out how to get connected at COTM. To learn more about Church on the Move, check...

Price: Free Developer: Church on the Move
Down For The Count

Down For The Count

Distracted driving is dangerous and using a cellphone while driving can be deadly! Down For The Count was created to reduce the temptation to use your phone while driving. Down For The Count rewards you with gift cards and exclusive...

Price: Free Developer: Down For The Count, LLC.
Key to the Kingdom

Key to the Kingdom

Welcome to the official "Key to the Kingdom®" application for mobile devices. Through this app you will have instant access to uplifting inspirational messages from God's Word. These messages are simple and basic in nature and they focus on...

Price: Free Developer: Key to the Kingdom


Las enseñanzas del Tao Te King o "El sendero", atribuido a Lao Tse, pertenecen al amplio acervo de las sabidurías antiguas. La complementariedad de los opuestos, el equilibrio, la obtención de la plenitud mediante el desapego, la entrea al...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Sergio Morillas
Pocket Tao

Pocket Tao

Penned by Lao Tsu in the sixth century B.C, The Tao is an enduring book of 81 short chapters brimming with perennial knowledge on how to align oneself to a more peaceful existence.

Price: Free Developer: Synapsid
FoodFlix SUSHI

FoodFlix SUSHI

FoodFlix Sushi contains 25 fantastic videos showing delicious sushi recipes and techniques step-by-step. Your iPhone or iPad will allow you to play the videos by making eye contact with "pre-sensitized" pictures. The source of over an hour culinary delight, this...

Price: Free Developer: McRae Publishing, Ltd
Horta do Bairro

Horta do Bairro

Na Horta Do Bairro quem entra viaja entre cores, cheiros, culturas e novidades da natureza. Existe todo o Ano na nossa Horta: Tropicais, Frutos do Bosque, Mini vegetais, Fruta da época, Raízes e Legumes, Ervas Aromáticas, Rebentos, Frutos secos, Microleaves...

Price: Free Developer: EasyApp - Tecnologias de Informação, Lda


CoSport can promote a colorful and fashionable lifestyle, let people exercise, get rid of stress and worry, and get rid of the sub health status, make life more healthy and happy. CoSport use the Bluetooth 4.0 technology, matching with the...

Price: Free Developer: Nanjiang Tao


PEARLS OF WISDOM ANGEL CARDS is one of the most comprehensive, in-depth spiritual self-help Divination Oracle Decks available. Consisting of 144 Angel Cards created and designed by visionary artist, author, and composer of world-renowned Angel Love, Aeoliah has developed...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Awaken My Life
Hinos Avulso

Hinos Avulso

Agora você tem um APP com vários Hinos Avulso, no entanto estamos publicando cada semana mais Hinos. Com a ajuda de todos teremos um APP cheio de Hinos Avulso. O acorde de hinos avulos Aplicações Móveis Letra: nunca foi tão fácil...

Price: Free Developer: Elisangela Silva
Hua hu Ching Lite

Hua hu Ching Lite

The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu is among the most widely translated and cherished books in the world. Singular in its lucidity, revered across cultural boundaries for its timeless wisdom, it is believed among Westerners to be Lao...

Price: Free Developer: Brian Walker
I Ching: Book of Changes

I Ching: Book of Changes

For years the #1 I Ching app in the world, and perhaps the most elegant, distilled version of the I Ching there is. For centuries, the Book of Changes has been consulted for sage advice at life's turning points....

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Brian Walker


Descarga la app OFICIAL DE LA EXPO UDLAP y organiza fácil y rápido tu visita. En la UDLAP sabemos lo importante que es para ti el decidir cuál será tu próxima carrera universitaria; por eso nuestro reto es que...

Price: Free Developer: Universidad de las Americas Puebla
Frases Animadas Banners

Frases Animadas Banners

Respuestas rápidas para tus mensajes con banners animados. selecciona entre 40 tipos diferentes de frases en banners animados, que te resultaran muy útiles. Escríbenos la frase que necesites en una bonita reseña y la añadiremos en próxima actualización. Incluye: Hola Adios ¿que tal estas? espérame...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Mobile Apps Ltd
Wificlub Experience

Wificlub Experience

¡Hola! somos Wificlub Experience. La única aplicación que hará que nunca más tengas que pedir la contraseña del wifi allá donde vayas o de registrarte constantemente para conectarte ,encima, a un internet lento y malo. Te garantizamos que con Wificlub disfrutarás...

Price: Free Developer: Sergio Lopez Fuentes
¡HOLA! ESPAÑA Sitio web

¡HOLA! ESPAÑA Sitio web

Te presentamos la aplicación de para iOS. Con ella podrás disfrutar de los mejores contenidos de actualidad, moda, belleza, casas reales y mucho más gratis. Permanece atento a las últimas noticias de personajes famosos y accede a nuestra...

Price: Free Developer: HOLA S.L. është aplikacioni i parë në Shqipëri i dedikuar kërkimit të pronave, shtëpi për shitje apo shtëpi me qera, apartament apo shtëpi private, dyqan apo banesë, shtëpi të re apo truall, shtëpi pushimi në mal apo në det, produkte...

Price: Free Developer: Tomi Kallanxhi


Jy kan selfs in ons argief tussen ou artikels gaan rondsnuffel. Dit beteken ’n onbeperkte hoeveelheid hoëkwaliteit inhoud, net reg om te lees. Die Voelgoed-app is perfek om ingelig te bly sonder om deur ’n klomp artikels te soek, dit...

Price: Free Developer: CARPE DIEM MEDIA
SER FuXion

SER FuXion

Fieles a nuestra consigna de mejorar la vida de las personas, te invitamos a empezar tu camino hacia la transformación personal con SER, el Sistema de Expansión y Resultados de Fuxion, programa que combina los saberes ancestrales con los...

Price: Free Developer: FuXion
Frases motivación y autoestima

Frases motivación y autoestima

Las Mejores Frases de Motivación ¿Quieres empezar tu día con una frase que te de la fuerza necesaria para trabajar el día con fuerza? ¿Quieres aprender de un mensaje inspirador? ¿Quieres compartir con tus amigos una frase Inspiradora? ¿Necesitas ese empujón extra para...

Price: Free Developer: Daril Luisinho Paredes Meza
I Ching App of Changes

I Ching App of Changes

Whether you use the I-Ching as an oracle, an aid to creativity, or a mirror of your subconscious, you'll love the clarity of writing, the intuition in the design, and the simplicity of use of this version of the...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Brian Fitzgerald
I Ching 2 ad-supported version

I Ching 2 ad-supported version

The Ultimate I Ching Reader, this program facilitates the use of the I Ching (or the Book of Changes), an ancient Chinese classic text, as an oracle. The process of consulting it in this way involves determining the hexagram...

Price: Free Developer: Giacomo Tufano
I Ching 2: an Oracle

I Ching 2: an Oracle

The Ultimate I Ching Reader, this program facilitates the use of the I Ching (or the Book of Changes), an ancient Chinese classic text, as an oracle. The process of consulting it in this way involves determining the hexagram...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Giacomo Tufano
I-Ching - Yi Jing Divination

I-Ching - Yi Jing Divination

I-Ching Professional HD leads you step by step to the secrets of Yi Jing, by analyzing in an understandable way, the calculating and learning of this magical art. In this application all the three methods (Yarrow Sticks, Coin Method and...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Takis Karagiannopoulos
I-Ching Divination Yi Jing Pro

I-Ching Divination Yi Jing Pro

I-Ching Professional leads you step by step to the secrets of Yi Jing, by analyzing in an understandable way, the calculating and learning of this magical art. In this application all the three methods (Yarrow Sticks, Coin Method and Six...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Takis Karagiannopoulos
Wei Wu Wei Ching

Wei Wu Wei Ching

Wei wu Wei Ching puts a collection of diamond cutting tools in the pocket of anyone who wants to realize enlightenment, the Self, Big Mind. While realization ultimately cannot be surrounded or captured with words, along the way they...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Brian Walker
Wei Wu Wei Ching Lite

Wei Wu Wei Ching Lite

Wei wu Wei Ching puts a collection of diamond cutting tools in the pocket of anyone who wants to realize enlightenment, the Self, Big Mind. While realization ultimately cannot be surrounded or captured with words, along the way they...

Price: Free Developer: Brian Walker
Brighton Assembly of God

Brighton Assembly of God

Brighton Assembly of God is located in Brighton, Michigan. We encourage you to join us on Sunday mornings, as well as Wednesday evenings. Please visit our website for details.

Hillsville Church of God

Hillsville Church of God

Hillsville Church of God's official app. This will allow you to keep in touch with what's going on in the HCOG community no matter where you are. Thanks for joining our family!

Price: Free Developer: Aware3, LLC
American Association of Woodturners  AAW

American Association of Woodturners AAW

Get on the fast track to woodturning! The American Association of Woodturners (AAW) is your resource for woodturning techniques, projects, tips, safety, inspiration, and more. Turn to the AAW to enhance your woodturning experience regardless of your skill level....

Price: Free Developer: American Association of Woodturners
Australian: Art Gallery of New South Wales

Australian: Art Gallery of New South Wales

Australian: Art Gallery of New South Wales lets you explore a selection of artists and artworks from our Australian collection. View high-quality images in extraordinary detail, discover stories of the artists and the art, get simple explanations of art...

Price: Free Developer: Art Gallery of New South Wales
Birds of Poole Harbour

Birds of Poole Harbour

Welcome to ‘Birds of Poole Harbour’, a charity completely dedicated to educating people on the stunning variety of bird life in one of the country’s most picturesque locations, helping you make the most of this truly breathtaking natural harbour....

Price: Free Developer: Birds of Poole Harbour
Broadway Church of Christ

Broadway Church of Christ

Welcome to the official Broadway Church of Christ app. Keep up to date with church activities, sermons, announcements, videos and much more. Sermons are available to to download, stream and share via social media. For more information about Broadway Church of...

Calvary Chapel of Philadelphia

Calvary Chapel of Philadelphia

Welcome to the official Calvary Chapel of Philadelphia application. Listen to weekly teachings on Bible passages or topics that interest you. The app also includes Pastor Joe's teachings both topical and verse by verse through the entire bible. Share...

Price: Free Developer: Calvary Chapel of Philadelphia
Church of God BibleVideoSurvey

Church of God BibleVideoSurvey

The Bible has been read more than any other book. However, people find it difficult to understand the book. This application is provided by the World Mission Society Church of God for a Bible survey so that you can...

Church of God, Intro

Church of God, Intro

The Church of God was established in 1964, and until today over 7,000 local Churches have been established all around the world. 2,700,000 members of the Church believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong the Second Coming Jesus and Heavenly Mother, who...


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