Top 28 Education Apps Like Brighton-Le-Sands - Best Alternatives

Brighton-Le-Sands Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Brighton-Le-Sands alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Education apps that are similar to Brighton-Le-Sands. Pick one from this list to be your new Brighton-Le-Sands app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Brighton-Le-Sands on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like Brighton-Le-Sands - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Brighton-Le-Sands alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like Brighton-Le-Sands 2025.

Brighton Secondary School

Brighton Secondary School

Developed in partnership with Digistorm Education, this app is designed to allow Brighton Secondary School parents, teachers and students to access important information about events and daily activities at the college. The Brighton Secondary School app is updated daily to...

Price: Free Developer: Brighton Secondary School
Brighton CSD

Brighton CSD

The official Brighton CSD app gives you a personalized window into what is happening at the district and schools. Get the news and information that you care about and get involved. Anyone can: -View District and...

Price: Free Developer: Brighton Central School District
Brighton Schools Calendar BCSD

Brighton Schools Calendar BCSD

Thanks for your support. Please write/update your review so we can keep making updates. "This is just what every Brighton parent needs! Thanks for the fabulous app!" - Retired Brighton Teacher! At-a-glance see (and hear!) which...

Price: Free Developer: ALL ACCESS
Brighton Study Kit

Brighton Study Kit

Find out what makes Brighton a unique destination: The Brighton Study Kit app is a hub for international students doing undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Brighton. It identifies relevant information and creates direct pathways to everything you need to...

Price: Free Developer: NTechnosoft
St Giles Brighton

St Giles Brighton

The St Giles Brighton app is designed for past, present and future students of St Giles Brighton. The app includes everything you need to know about the school, including key people to talk to, important information about your time...

Price: Free Developer: Glen Blackadder
Brighton Connect

Brighton Connect

Brighton Connect app is a simple and intuitive application focused on enhancing the communication between teachers and parents. The school management, teachers, parents, and students get on a single platform to bring transparency in the entire system related to...

Price: Free Developer: Foradian Technologies
Brighton College

Brighton College

Brighton College, Skoolbag App for parent and student community. Download this App to be kept up to date with everything that is happening at BC. It features Events, News, School Enews Newsletters,Documents, and push notification alerts direct from the...

Price: Free Developer: SKOOLBAG PTY LTD
St Thomas More's Catholic School Brighton-Le-Sands

St Thomas More's Catholic School Brighton-Le-Sands

St Thomas More's Catholic School Brighton-Le-Sands, Skoolbag App for parent and student community. Download this App to be kept up to date with everything that is happening at STMCSB. It features Events, News, School Enews Newsletters, Documents, and push...

Price: Free Developer: SKOOLBAG PTY LTD
Brighton International

Brighton International

Features: » SMS, App Message and Email Communication with Parents. » Parents login. » Assignments and circulars messages to parents. » Access from PC browser or Mobile app Powered by -

Price: Free Developer: Tez Minds Software
Le Cnam

Le Cnam

Retrouvez le Cnam simplement et à tout moment depuis votre mobile ! Vous souhaitez vous inscrire, trouver un centre proche de chez vous ou encore suivre l'actualité du Conservatoire? Grâce à l’application du Cnam : - Recevez directement dans...

Price: Free Developer: Le Cnam
Henri le Worm – Learn and Play Cooking Adventures

Henri le Worm – Learn and Play Cooking Adventures


Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Henri Le Worm
Le Monde Mémorable - Culture G

Le Monde Mémorable - Culture G

Mémorable, l’application pour stimuler votre mémoire de façon ludique et intelligente. En 10 minutes par jour approfondissez vos connaissances et votre culture générale grâce à des questions courtes, des extraits d’articles du Monde, des vidéos ou des infographies. Chaque leçon se...

Price: Free Developer: Le
Ben le koala

Ben le koala

Curieux, sympa, malin, Ben le Koala a toujours plein d’envies et d’idées pour découvrir le monde qui l’entoure. Ces aventures sont aujourd’hui réunies dans l’application Ben le koala ! Retrouvez les défis du quotidien en vidéo : mettre son...

Price: Free Developer: Signes de sens
le Cnam eBooks partagés

le Cnam eBooks partagés

Vous êtes auditeur du Cnam Intec ? Le Cnam Intec vous propose l’application de lecture mobile « le Cnam eBooks partagés » pour lire tous vos Cours du Cnam Intec présents dans votre bibliothèque numérique et synchronisés depuis votre compte...

Price: Free Developer: Le Cnam
Le Monde - Orthographe

Le Monde - Orthographe

Améliorer votre expression écrite avec Le Monde. Perfectionnez votre écriture avec des leçons personnalisées : conjugaison, orthographe, grammaire, syntaxe et expression écrite. Recevez chaque jour un email avec des exercices humoristiques, pratiques et adaptés à votre niveau pour vous faire...

Price: Free Developer: Le
Le Conjugueur

Le Conjugueur

With Le Conjugueur, you can conjugate all French verbs easily. A lot of grammar rules (in French only) are in the software in order to help you in French. If you just have the conjugate form, you can find...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Brewalan Le Dru
Le Meraviglie dell'Arte

Le Meraviglie dell'Arte

Questa applicazione è nata a scopo divulgativo per poter condividere i lavori e i pensieri della Storica dell'Arte "Alessia Codazzi". Oltre ai suoi lavori tra cui articoli, recensioni, eventi e studi sull'arte visibili anche sul sito, si...

Price: Free Developer: Ruben Rocco De Luca
Pierre et le loup

Pierre et le loup

•19/20 - « Pierre et le loup dans une version poétique et ludique exceptionnelle » •Label « Appli Géniale » - « Poésie et musique au diapason » •« Un joli tour de magie à savourer par...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: France Televisions Distribution SA


LE JEU DES CINQ COULEURS a été développé en collaboration avec Agnès Desjobert, orthophoniste spécialisée dans la prise en charge des troubles neurologiques. Cette application a pour but de travailler le langage selon le principe de l'appariement classique image/mot dans...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Fabrice Eveillard
Silver Sands Middle School

Silver Sands Middle School

We are pleased to announce the release of our new mobile school APP. Download our app to stay connected with our school. Receive up to date notifications, athletic schedules, special events, field trips, contact school employees, visit our...

Price: Free Developer: Nick McCord
Rajmata Krishna Kumari Girl's Public School

Rajmata Krishna Kumari Girl's Public School

Nestled in the desert sands of the Marwar Region in Rajasthan, Rajmata Krishna Kumari Girls' Public School, Jodhpur is an oasis which unfolds its treasure to a fabulous world of knowledge. Founded on 20th July 1992 by His Highness...

Price: Free Developer: Rakhi Lodha
Ngāti Wai of the Land, Ngāti Wai of the Sea

Ngāti Wai of the Land, Ngāti Wai of the Sea

A cautionary tale from Ngāti Wai about the perils of disturbing the sands of Manawahuna. Written by Pikimaui and team Tukaiaia of Kamo High, Illustrated by Hannah Edmonds of Tikipunga High School. On February 26th and 27th 2014, the second installment...

Price: Free Developer: QBook Slam
Achiever Christian School

Achiever Christian School

Welcome to the Achiever Christian School mobile app! Achiever Christian is a Preschool and Elementary school in the Willow Glen neighborhood of San Jose, California. Our goal is to set a foundation for our students to follow Jesus and...

Price: Free Developer: Achiever Christian Pre-School and Elementary
Ancient Egypt VR

Ancient Egypt VR

Explore an ancient Egyptian temple in amazing virtual reality! Designed for use as a writing exercise in schools, this app will transport you to the desert sands of Egypt to a deserted temple.

Price: Free Developer: Inspyro Ltd.
Baby Count -  Math App

Baby Count - Math App

Let's go counting! Can you count to 100? Let's do five frog jumpings! From 1 baby on a train to 20 colorful footprints on sands, even with 100 different geometry shapes moving, this is the first awesome number counting App for...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Wei Su
BASF Admixture Innovations VR

BASF Admixture Innovations VR

Welcome to the Virtual Reality exhibition of past and future innovations in concrete admixtures from BASF. Take a seat in our virtual cinema to watch BASF and our brand „Master Builders Solutions“. Take a tour of our virtual city...

Price: Free Developer: BASF Business Services GmbH
Dr. Panda Town: Vacation

Dr. Panda Town: Vacation

EXPLORE EXCITING LOCATIONS! Check out your fancy cruise ship as you choose where to visit first! Hit the beach and play volleyball with friends, or grab your snorkel and scuba-dive in the deep sea and uncover a huge underwater city....

Price: Free Developer: Dr. Panda Ltd

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