Top 35 Education Apps Like Predictable Ryde Bus Tracker - Best Alternatives

Predictable Ryde Bus Tracker Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Predictable Ryde Bus Tracker alternatives for iOS? We have listed 35 Education apps that are similar to Predictable Ryde Bus Tracker. Pick one from this list to be your new Predictable Ryde Bus Tracker app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Predictable Ryde Bus Tracker on your iOS devices.

Top 35 Apps Like Predictable Ryde Bus Tracker - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Predictable Ryde Bus Tracker alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 35 similar apps like Predictable Ryde Bus Tracker 2025.

Predictable Nederlands

Predictable Nederlands

Voorspelbaar, een multi award winnende app, geeft een stem aan mensen! Ontworpen voor geletterde mensen die de mogelijkheid hebben verloren om te spreken; mogelijk als gevolg van cerebrale parese, MND, een laryngectomie, beroerte, apraxie of hersenletsel. Met behulp van de nieuwste...

Price: USD 199.99 Developer: Therapy Box Limited


Predictable, a multi- award winning app, gives a voice to people! Designed for literate individuals who have lost the ability to speak; possible due to cerebral palsy, MND, a laryngectomy, stroke, apraxia or brain injury. Using the latest word prediction technology...

Price: USD 159.99 Developer: Therapy Box Limited
Predictable Português

Predictable Português

Predictable trata se de uma app que ja ganhou varios premios e que tem como objectivo dar uma voz as pessoas Conceptualizada a pensar nas pessoas que perderam a capacidade de falar devido a paralisia cerebral, MND, laringectomia, AVC, apraxia...

Price: USD 199.99 Developer: Therapy Box Limited
Predictable Español

Predictable Español

Predictable, una app ganadora de multiples premios, ¡la cual da voz a la gente! Diseñado para personas alfabetizadas que han perdido la capacidad de hablar; posiblemente debido a parálisis cerebral, MND, laringectomía, apoplejía, apraxia o lesión cerebral. Usando la última...

Price: USD 199.99 Developer: Therapy Box Limited
Predictable Svensk

Predictable Svensk

Predictable, en app med ett flertal priser, den ger folket en röst! Designad för skrivkunniga personer som har tappat förmågan att tala; möjligen på grund av cerebral parese, MND, en laryngektomi, stroke, apraxi eller hjärnskada. Med hjälp av den senaste ordförutsägelsestekniken...

Price: USD 199.99 Developer: Therapy Box Limited
Predictable Dansk

Predictable Dansk

Predictable, et prisvindende redskab der kan gøre, at mennesker bliver hørt! Udviklet til mennsker uden talesprog, der behersker skriftsproget. Det kan være personer med ALS, CP, afasi eller andet Ved at benytte den seneste ordprædiktionsteknologi bliver det hurtigere og enklere at...

Price: USD 199.99 Developer: Therapy Box Limited
Predictable Deutsch

Predictable Deutsch

Predictable, eine mehrfach preisgekrönte App, gibt den Menschen eine Stimme! Entwickelt für gebildete Personen, die die Fähigkeit zu sprechen verloren haben; möglich aufgrund von zerebraler Lähmung, MND, Laryngektomie, Schlaganfall, Apraxie oder Hirnverletzung. Mit Hilfe der neuesten Wortvorhersagetechnologie vereinfacht die App das...

Price: USD 199.99 Developer: Therapy Box Limited
Predictable Français

Predictable Français

Predictable, une application primée à plusieurs reprises, donne une voix aux gens ! Conçu pour les personnes alphabétisées qui ont perdu la capacité de parler ; possiblement à cause d'une infirmité motrice cérébrale, d'une laryngectomie, d'un accident vasculaire cérébral, d'apraxie...

Price: USD 199.99 Developer: Therapy Box Limited
Predictable Suomi

Predictable Suomi

Ennustettavissa, multi-palkinnon voittanut app antaa äänen ihmisille! Suunniteltu lukutaito henkilöille, jotka ovat menettäneet mahdollisuuden puhua; mahdollista aivojen vamma, MND, laryngektomian, aivohalvaus, apraxia tai aivojen loukkaantumisen takia. Käyttämällä uusinta sana ennustus tekniikkaa app. puhumista teksti perustuu viestin helppoa. Mukana maailmanluokan ohjelmisto, joka oppii...

Price: USD 199.99 Developer: Therapy Box Limited
C3 Church Ryde

C3 Church Ryde

Welcome to the official app of C3 Church Ryde. Content from Senior Ministers Richard & Cathie Green & the C3 Church Ryde team. Includes essential information, event calendar, resource, audio & updates. For more information about C3 Church Ryde visit: The C3 Church...

North Ryde Public School - Skoolbag

North Ryde Public School - Skoolbag

North Ryde Public School Skoolbag App for parent and student community. Download this App to be kept up to date with everything that is happening at your school. It features Events, News, Newsletters, Password Protected Content areas, Free push...

Price: Free Developer: SKOOLBAG PTY LTD
West Ryde Public School - Skoolbag

West Ryde Public School - Skoolbag

West Ryde Public School, Skoolbag App for parent and student community. Download this App to be kept up to date with everything that is happening at WRPS. It features Events, News, School Enews Newsletters, Documents, and push notification alerts...

Price: Free Developer: SKOOLBAG PTY LTD
Ryde East Public School

Ryde East Public School

Download this app to be kept up to date with everything happening at REPS! Receive alerts, school newsletters, notes, events and reminders on your iPhone and iPad. APP FEATURES - Read school news, notes etc - Receive customised push...

Price: Free Developer: The Enews Experts
West Hill Park School

West Hill Park School

Welcome to West Hill Park School. We truly believe that a child's education should be a happy experience. From their first steps towards independent life in our Early Years Centre, our children develop the skills to grasp the many...

Price: Free Developer: Berkfield Limited
MyKids - School Bus Monitoring

MyKids - School Bus Monitoring

MyKids - School Bus Monitoring app is specially designed by MapmyIndia for the parents of those kids who use the school bus to commute between home and school and vice versa. The app ensures the safety of the kids...

Price: Free Developer: MapmyIndia
Dr. Panda Bus Driver

Dr. Panda Bus Driver

**Awarded with a Parent's Choice Award by Children's media & Toy reviews. Take the wheel and step on the gas in Dr. Panda Bus Driver! Your job is to pick up a number of cute animal passengers and take...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Dr. Panda Ltd
BUS-dagarna 2019

BUS-dagarna 2019

I appen hittar du bland annat programmet för konferensen samt praktisk information. Du kan också skicka frågor till föreläsarna, både före och under deras föreläsning. Varmt välkommen till BUS-dagarna 2019! // BUS-styrelsen

Price: Free Developer: BUS foreningen
Here Comes the Bus

Here Comes the Bus

**NOTICE: In order to use the app, your school district must have a contract with Synovia Solutions and make Here Comes the Bus® and/or Student Ridership available to parents. Please contact your school district or visit for more...

Price: Free Developer: Synovia Solutions LLC
Bus Kids Safe

Bus Kids Safe

*ATTENTION* To gain access to the app, your school district needs to have a subscription to Bus Kids Safe to make it available to parents. Please contact your school district to request Bus Kids Safe be part of your...

Price: Free Developer: Daniel Griggs
Preschool Bus Driver: No Ads

Preschool Bus Driver: No Ads

Preschool Bus Driver is a super fun animated learning game for little kids. It has engaging gameplay, colorful graphics, crisp cartoon voice-overs, and a musical score. An entertaining way for your toddler to learn to recognize numbers, letters, color,...

Price: Free Developer: Subcortical LLC
Sing & Play: Wheels on the bus

Sing & Play: Wheels on the bus

Welcome to Sing & Play: Wheels on the bus, the most engaging version of “Wheels on the Bus” you’ve ever seen! We’ve taken this classic nursery rhyme to a brand new level of digital interaction. A fun new...

Price: Free Developer: EDOKI ACADEMY
Hebrew Wheels on the Bus Go Round - Nursery Rhymes for kids

Hebrew Wheels on the Bus Go Round - Nursery Rhymes for kids

Learning Hebrew has never been so much fun! The best way to teach your toddlers Hebrew! A colorful, wonderfully educational "Things that go" experience for curious young minds! -> 4 fabulous games including the full interactive sing along "The...

Price: Free Developer: PlaneTree Family Productions
Bus Compass

Bus Compass

Bus Compass partners with school districts to provide parents and students with the information they need to dramatically improve their school bus experience. Students no longer need to stand outside and endure excessive wait times for their bus. Parents...

Price: Free Developer: Transportant LLC
Bus Driver Game for Kids, Baby

Bus Driver Game for Kids, Baby

Please pay attention! The bus is going to stop! I am the bus driver. Dear passengers, for your safety sake, please sit and stand properly. Bus Driver is a role-play puzzle game for kids to know more about the occupations....

Price: Free Developer: iAppsTeam
VOR Tracker - IFR Nav Trainer

VOR Tracker - IFR Nav Trainer

VOR Tracker is a small but powerful training tool for pilots. It is the only one of its kind for the iPhone & iPad, providing the real aircraft feel which the other apps are missing! VOR Tracker is a real...

Price: USD 11.99 Developer: Karsten Heiland
Watershed Tracker

Watershed Tracker

The Watershed Tracker app works in conjunction with the Watershed Tracker sensor to measure the humidity, temperature, soil moisture and light within a watershed environment. Students use the Watershed Tracker to learn about the various aspects of their watershed's...

Price: Free Developer: The Concord Consortium
Autism Tracker Lite

Autism Tracker Lite

Autism Tracker can be life changing for families with a child on the spectrum. Explore Autism. Track what matters to your child and your family. Use the visual calendar and multi-item graphs to view and discuss patterns. Share individual...

Price: Free Developer: Track & Share Apps, LLC
Autism Tracker Pro

Autism Tracker Pro

Autism Tracker can be life changing for families with a child on the spectrum. Explore Autism. Track what matters to your child and your family. Use the visual calendar and multi-item graphs to view and discuss patterns. Share individual...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Track & Share Apps, LLC
Tracker Apps

Tracker Apps

Tracker Apps develops innovative software with students and teachers at the heart of what we do. Skill Tracker enables students to track their ATL skill develop through a simple and easy logging process. Gamification integrated within the app encourages students...

Price: Free Developer: Sally Hirsch
Star Map Tracker: Stargazing

Star Map Tracker: Stargazing

Star Map Tracker is a stargazing augmented reality app with more than 3k stars and constellations. This app will guide you through most known stars and show all necessary information (right ascension, declination, azimuth, elevation and etc.) You can use...

Price: Free Developer: Yuriy Kvasha
Parent Engagement Tracker

Parent Engagement Tracker

The Parent Engagement Tracker(P.E.T.) Mobile application has been optimally designed for use with the online version used by schools. The P.E.T. Mobile application is also for parents whose children are in schools who do not utilize the online version. Some...

Price: Free Developer: arent Engagement Tracker, LLC
Sealife Tracker

Sealife Tracker

The Sealife Tracker project aims to collect much needed data on both invasive and climate change indicator marine species around the UK coastline. It is a unique partnership between the British Sub Aqua Club, the Marine Biological Association, the...

Price: Free Developer: Natural Apptitude
Serengeti Tracker

Serengeti Tracker

Welcome to the Serengeti Tracker project. This exciting project lead by scientists at Glasgow University is helping to collect valuable data on some of Africa's most iconic wildlife, in one of its flagship reserves - Serengeti National Park. If you are...

Price: Free Developer: Natural Apptitude
Behavior Tracker Plus Offline

Behavior Tracker Plus Offline

Behavior Tracker Simple (B.T.S) application was designed to track offline behaviors of anything like students, pets, people, objects … and record the action in real time. The (B.T.S) application uses interactive buttons to track the behaviors for the observer to...

Price: Free Developer: NGUYEN TOANH

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