Top 19 Education Apps Like Predictable Suomi - Best Alternatives

Predictable Suomi Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Predictable Suomi alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Education apps that are similar to Predictable Suomi. Pick one from this list to be your new Predictable Suomi app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Predictable Suomi on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Predictable Suomi - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Predictable Suomi alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Predictable Suomi 2025.

Predictable Ryde Bus Tracker

Predictable Ryde Bus Tracker

The Predictable Ryde Bus Tracker App, lets parents know where their child's school bus is and when to be at the bus stop. So no matter the weather - rain, snow or shine – parents have real time information...

Price: Free Developer: Predictable Ryde
Predictable Nederlands

Predictable Nederlands

Voorspelbaar, een multi award winnende app, geeft een stem aan mensen! Ontworpen voor geletterde mensen die de mogelijkheid hebben verloren om te spreken; mogelijk als gevolg van cerebrale parese, MND, een laryngectomie, beroerte, apraxie of hersenletsel. Met behulp van de nieuwste...

Price: USD 199.99 Developer: Therapy Box Limited


Predictable, a multi- award winning app, gives a voice to people! Designed for literate individuals who have lost the ability to speak; possible due to cerebral palsy, MND, a laryngectomy, stroke, apraxia or brain injury. Using the latest word prediction technology...

Price: USD 159.99 Developer: Therapy Box Limited
Predictable Português

Predictable Português

Predictable trata se de uma app que ja ganhou varios premios e que tem como objectivo dar uma voz as pessoas Conceptualizada a pensar nas pessoas que perderam a capacidade de falar devido a paralisia cerebral, MND, laringectomia, AVC, apraxia...

Price: USD 199.99 Developer: Therapy Box Limited
Predictable Español

Predictable Español

Predictable, una app ganadora de multiples premios, ¡la cual da voz a la gente! Diseñado para personas alfabetizadas que han perdido la capacidad de hablar; posiblemente debido a parálisis cerebral, MND, laringectomía, apoplejía, apraxia o lesión cerebral. Usando la última...

Price: USD 199.99 Developer: Therapy Box Limited
Predictable Svensk

Predictable Svensk

Predictable, en app med ett flertal priser, den ger folket en röst! Designad för skrivkunniga personer som har tappat förmågan att tala; möjligen på grund av cerebral parese, MND, en laryngektomi, stroke, apraxi eller hjärnskada. Med hjälp av den senaste ordförutsägelsestekniken...

Price: USD 199.99 Developer: Therapy Box Limited
Predictable Dansk

Predictable Dansk

Predictable, et prisvindende redskab der kan gøre, at mennesker bliver hørt! Udviklet til mennsker uden talesprog, der behersker skriftsproget. Det kan være personer med ALS, CP, afasi eller andet Ved at benytte den seneste ordprædiktionsteknologi bliver det hurtigere og enklere at...

Price: USD 199.99 Developer: Therapy Box Limited
Predictable Deutsch

Predictable Deutsch

Predictable, eine mehrfach preisgekrönte App, gibt den Menschen eine Stimme! Entwickelt für gebildete Personen, die die Fähigkeit zu sprechen verloren haben; möglich aufgrund von zerebraler Lähmung, MND, Laryngektomie, Schlaganfall, Apraxie oder Hirnverletzung. Mit Hilfe der neuesten Wortvorhersagetechnologie vereinfacht die App das...

Price: USD 199.99 Developer: Therapy Box Limited
Predictable Français

Predictable Français

Predictable, une application primée à plusieurs reprises, donne une voix aux gens ! Conçu pour les personnes alphabétisées qui ont perdu la capacité de parler ; possiblement à cause d'une infirmité motrice cérébrale, d'une laryngectomie, d'un accident vasculaire cérébral, d'apraxie...

Price: USD 199.99 Developer: Therapy Box Limited
ChatAble Suomi

ChatAble Suomi

Hauska, monipuolinen ja täysin muokattavissa – paremmin ChatAble kestää AAC seuraavalle tasolle! Kenelle se on tarkoitettu? Suunniteltu niille, jotka eivät voi kirjoittaa tai puhua mahdollisesti autismi, CP-vamma, Downin syndrooma tai kehityshäiriöt. Mitä se tekee? Paremmin ChatAble tulee ruudukko symbolit (käyttämällä PCS-symboleja tai omia...

Price: USD 99.99 Developer: Therapy Box Limited
English Finnish best dictionary translator - Englanti Suomi paras sanakirja kääntäjä

English Finnish best dictionary translator - Englanti Suomi paras sanakirja kääntäjä

User will be satisfied with this Finnish - English dictionary because: - It has the largest vocabulary - Detail description for each word and a lot of samples - Simple UI & high performance make you feel easy when using * Full...

Price: Free Developer: Nguyen Van Thanh
Suomi tiemerkit (Finnish road signs)

Suomi tiemerkit (Finnish road signs)

Tiemerkit is a traffic signs learning application which is fully free. It presents all the 276 road signs in a flash card style. Features include, - free 276 road signs with description - Finnish and English languages support - Flash card...

Price: Free Developer: AntenehSeifu
German Finnish dictionary

German Finnish dictionary

This is German - Finnish and Finnish - German dictionary; Wörterbuch Deutsch - Finnisch und Finnisch - Deutsch / Saksa - Suomi ja Suomi - Saksa sanakirja. The Application works OFFLINE and does not need the internet connection. Database will...

Price: Free Developer: Vladimir Demchenko


Finessi - suomi-venäjä-suomi offline sanakirja. Sisältää: 89 000 suomalaista sanaa, 70 000 venäläistä sanaa, 130 000 sanaparia. Sanakirjan käyttö ei vaadi Internet-yhteyttä. Finessi - финско-русско-финский оффлайн словарь. Автозаполнение при наборе текста в поле поиска. Словарь содержит: 89 000 финских...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Igor Tikka


Winner 2017 Roddenberry Prize Winner 2016 Edison Award for Social Impact (Gold) Winner 2016 Singularity University Global Grand Challenge for Learning Available worldwide, with customers in over 50 countries. :prose is the world’s most intuitive mobile (AAC) app that let’s you speak using...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Cognixion
mozaik3D app - 3D Animations

mozaik3D app - 3D Animations

Let’s make learning fun! If you liked our previous educational 3D applications, you will love this one! Download the mozaik3D educational application to explore more than 1200 educational 3D scenes on your smartphone or tablet. Please note that this educational application...

Price: Free Developer: MOZAIK Education Ltd.


sketchometry is an interactive construction and exploration tool for plane Euclidean geometry. Points, circles and lines can be sketched on the screen with fingers or stylus. sketchometry identifies these gestures and generates an exact figure. These constructions can...

Price: Free Developer: Alfred Wassermann
DragonBox Algebra 5+

DragonBox Algebra 5+

DragonBox Algebra 5+ - The game that secretly teaches algebra DragonBox Algebra 5+ Is perfect for giving young children a head start in mathematics and algebra. Children as young as five can easily begin to grasp the basic processes involved...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: WeWantToKnow AS

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