Top 49 Education Apps Like F&P FPC Reading Record Apps - Best Alternatives

F&P FPC Reading Record Apps Alternatives

Do you want to find the best F&P FPC Reading Record Apps alternatives for iOS? We have listed 49 Education apps that are similar to F&P FPC Reading Record Apps. Pick one from this list to be your new F&P FPC Reading Record Apps app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to F&P FPC Reading Record Apps on your iOS devices.

Top 49 Apps Like F&P FPC Reading Record Apps - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid F&P FPC Reading Record Apps alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 49 similar apps like F&P FPC Reading Record Apps 2025.

Oferta FP en Galicia

Oferta FP en Galicia

Esta "app" está encaminada a tener en la palma de la mano información sobre la oferta educativa de Formación Profesional en Centros Públicos de Galicia. La oferta se irá actualizando todos los cursos académicos para disponer de los datos...

Price: Free Developer: Mariano Pazos Afonso
FP技能士2級 過去問題集

FP技能士2級 過去問題集

FP 技能士 2級試験 合格を目指しましょう!! 無料のお試し問題があります。ぜひご利用ください。 App内課金データを各360円で販売中です。(より身近にご活用いただけるように価格を改定しました ! ) ・必要な過去問題のみをダウンロード購入して学習を進めることができます。 ・平成26年9月〜平成27年5月の問題30問が無料でお試しいただけます。 ・年度ごと、カテゴリ別および苦手問題の学習ができます。 ・間違えた問題は苦手問題として記録され、繰り返し学習できます。 ・学習履歴が確認できます。 FP 技能士 2級 過去問題集 ・下記の問題 がダウンロード購入できます。 ※全問題解説はついておりません。 平成30年1月 FP技能士2級 60問※解説なし 平成29年9月 FP 技能士 2級 60問※解説なし 平成29年5月 FP 技能士 2級 60問※解説なし 平成29年1月 FP 技能士 2級 60問※解説なし 平成28年9月 FP 技能士 2級 60問※解説なし 平成28年5月 ...

Price: Free Developer: KGTEC Inc.
FP connect

FP connect

FP connect está pensada para usuarios de esemtia que quieran tener toda la información de sus ciclos formativos en la palma de su mano. Principales funcionalidad de FP connect: - Consulta tus porcentajes de asistencia a clase. - Accede a tu horario...

Price: Free Developer: Esemtia - Grupo Edebe S.L.


1級FPの過去問題(学科・実技(資産設計提案業務))です。 本アプリは「1級FP過去問解説集(」の広告無し版であり、違いは広告の有無のみですので、必ず先に上記の広告有り版をお試しの上でご購入ください。 ○過去5回分の過去問のうち、学科(基礎編・応用編)と実技(資産)を収録○収録問題数:学科と実技を合わせて約1,000問(スマートフォンやタブレット端末等でも学習しやすいように、4択式の問題を○×式に組み替えています。) ※アプリのアップデートにより新しい過去問が追加されると、一番古い過去問が削除されます。 ○広告無しで資格学習に集中可能!○ 過去問解説サイト「1級FP過去問解説(」が広告無しのアプリになりました。 アプリならではのサクサクとした動作により、スキマ時間にひたすら過去問学習が可能です。 ○法改正には非対応○ 当アプリの解答・解説は、出題当時の法令に沿ったものであり、法改正には対応しておりません。 対応作業の煩雑さもありますが、単に知識を覚えるだけでなく、法改正の経緯を把握することも重要と考えるからでもあります。 よって、アプリ利用の際、新しい問題から始め、徐々に古い問題を解くようにすると、法改正の経緯も把握しながら学習できるため、オススメです。

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Takeshi Furihata


2級FPの過去問題(学科・実技)です。 本アプリは「2級FP過去問解説集(」の広告無し版であり、違いは広告の有無のみですので、必ず先に上記の広告有り版をお試しの上でご購入ください。 ○過去5回分の過去問のうち、学科と実技(個人・生保・資産)を収録○ 収録問題数:学科と実技を合わせて約1,500問(スマートフォンやタブレット端末等でも学習しやすいように、4択式の問題を○×式に組み替えています。) ※アプリのアップデートにより新しい過去問が追加されると、一番古い過去問が削除されます。 ○広告無しで資格学習に集中可能!○ 過去問解説サイト「2級FP過去問解説(」が広告無しのアプリになりました。 アプリならではのサクサクとした動作により、スキマ時間にひたすら過去問学習が可能です。 ○法改正には非対応○ 当アプリの解答・解説は、出題当時の法令に沿ったものであり、法改正には対応しておりません。 対応作業の煩雑さもありますが、単に知識を覚えるだけでなく、法改正の経緯を把握することも重要と考えるからでもあります。 よって、アプリ利用の際、新しい問題から始め、徐々に古い問題を解くようにすると、法改正の経緯も把握しながら学習できるため、オススメです。

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Takeshi Furihata


3級FPの過去問題(学科・実技)です。 本アプリは「3級FP過去問解説集(」の広告無し版であり、違いは広告の有無のみですので、必ず先に上記の広告有り版をお試しの上でご購入ください。 ○過去5回分の過去問を、学科・実技全てを収録○ 収録問題数:過去5回分、学科と実技を合わせて約550問 ※アプリのアップデートにより新しい過去問が追加されると、一番古い過去問が削除されます。 ○広告無しで資格学習に集中可能!○ 過去問解説サイト「3級FP過去問解説(」が広告無しのアプリになりました。 アプリならではのサクサクとした動作により、スキマ時間にひたすら過去問学習が可能です。 ○法改正には非対応○ 当アプリの解答・解説は、出題当時の法令に沿ったものであり、法改正には対応しておりません。 対応作業の煩雑さもありますが、単に知識を覚えるだけでなく、法改正の経緯を把握することも重要と考えるからでもあります。 よって、アプリ利用の際、新しい問題から始め、徐々に古い問題を解くようにすると、法改正の経緯も把握しながら学習できるため、オススメです。

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Takeshi Furihata


ePortfolio è lo strumento eJob di Bil.Co - Centro di Bilancio delle Competenze, Orientamento professionale e Servizi al lavoro del CIOFS-FP Piemonte. È al tempo stesso una metodologia e uno strumento per aiutare le persone ad affrontare le numerose...

Price: Free Developer: CIOFS-FP PIEMONTE


1級FPの過去問題(学科・実技(資産設計提案業務))です。 ○過去5回分の過去問のうち、学科(基礎編・応用編)と実技(資産)を収録○ 収録問題数:学科と実技を合わせて約1,000問 ※アプリのアップデートにより新しい過去問が追加されると、一番古い過去問が削除されます。 ○問題も解説も、全て無料!○ 無料解説サイト「1級FP過去問解説(」がアプリになりました。 アプリならではのサクサクとした動作により、スキマ時間にひたすら過去問学習が可能です。 ○法改正には非対応○ 当アプリの解答・解説は、出題当時の法令に沿ったものであり、法改正には対応しておりません。 対応作業の煩雑さもありますが、単に知識を覚えるだけでなく、法改正の経緯を把握することも重要と考えるからでもあります。 よって、アプリ利用の際、新しい問題から始め、徐々に古い問題を解くようにすると、法改正の経緯も把握しながら学習できるため、オススメです。

Price: Free Developer: Takeshi Furihata


2級FPの過去問題(学科・実技)です。 ○過去5回分の過去問のうち、学科と実技(個人・生保・資産)を収録○ 収録問題数:学科と実技を合わせて約1,500問 ○過去5回分の過去問のうち、学科と実技(個人・生保・資産)を収録○ 収録問題数:学科と実技を合わせて約1,500問50問 ※アプリのアップデートにより新しい過去問が追加されると、一番古い過去問が削除されます。 ○問題も解説も、全て無料!○ 無料解説サイト「2級FP過去問解説(」がアプリになりました。 アプリならではのサクサクとした動作により、スキマ時間にひたすら過去問学習が可能です。 ○法改正には非対応○ 当アプリの解答・解説は、出題当時の法令に沿ったものであり、法改正には対応しておりません。 対応作業の煩雑さもありますが、単に知識を覚えるだけでなく、法改正の経緯を把握することも重要と考えるからでもあります。 よって、アプリ利用の際、新しい問題から始め、徐々に古い問題を解くようにすると、法改正の経緯も把握しながら学習できるため、オススメです。

Price: Free Developer: Takeshi Furihata


3級FPの過去問題(学科・実技)です。 ○過去5回分の過去問を、学科・実技全てを収録○ 収録問題数:過去5回分、学科と実技を合わせて約550問 ※アプリのアップデートにより新しい過去問が追加されると、一番古い過去問が削除されます。 ○問題も解説も、全て無料!○ 無料解説サイト「3級FP過去問解説(」がアプリになりました。 アプリならではのサクサクとした動作により、スキマ時間にひたすら過去問学習が可能です。 ○法改正には非対応○ 当アプリの解答・解説は、出題当時の法令に沿ったものであり、法改正には対応しておりません。 対応作業の煩雑さもありますが、単に知識を覚えるだけでなく、法改正の経緯を把握することも重要と考えるからでもあります。 よって、アプリ利用の際、新しい問題から始め、徐々に古い問題を解くようにすると、法改正の経緯も把握しながら学習できるため、オススメです。

Price: Free Developer: Takeshi Furihata
FPC Coral Springs

FPC Coral Springs

Welcome to the official app of First Presbyterian Church of Coral Springs, Florida. Here you will find everything you will need to keep up to date with what is going on (Sermons, Events, Community Connect info and other updates,...

Price: Free Developer: Subsplash Inc
FPC Westbank

FPC Westbank

Welcome to the official First Pentecostal Church of the Westbank app! Check out all kinds of interesting content and share it with friends via Facebook, Twitter, or email. For more information about FPC Westbank, please visit: The FPC Westbank App was created...

Price: Free Developer: Subsplash Inc
FPC Ambler

FPC Ambler

God designed us to be in relationships. He designed us to be his family. Living life without a sense of belonging or purpose is no way to go through life at all. Whether you are looking to learn, to...

FPC Daechi

FPC Daechi

Francis Parker Collegiate은 아동의 개성·흥미·욕구·적성·자발성 등을 교육의 중요한 기본으로 삼아 아동중심 교육그리고 영어를 통한 전인교육을 실천하는 Global Leader 양성 교육기관 입니다. 캐나다 Alberta주 교육부로부터 정식 인가를 받은 Francis Parker Collegiate에서는 아동의 흥미를 중심으로 학습을 전개하며 각자의 개성을 존중하고 21세기 국제화와 정보화...

Price: Free Developer: Francis Parker Collegiate
FPC Yangsan

FPC Yangsan

Francis Parker Collegiate은 아동의 개성·흥미·욕구·적성·자발성 등을 교육의 중요한 기본으로 삼아 아동중심 교육그리고 영어를 통한 전인교육을 실천하는 Global Leader 양성 교육기관 입니다. 캐나다 Alberta주 교육부로부터 정식 인가를 받은 Francis Parker Collegiate에서는 아동의 흥미를 중심으로 학습을 전개하며 각자의 개성을 존중하고 21세기 국제화와 정보화...

Price: Free Developer: Francis Parker Collegiate
FPC Bundang

FPC Bundang

Francis Parker Collegiate은 아동의 개성·흥미·욕구·적성·자발성 등을 교육의 중요한 기본으로 삼아 아동중심 교육그리고 영어를 통한 전인교육을 실천하는 Global Leader 양성 교육기관 입니다. 캐나다 Alberta주 교육부로부터 정식 인가를 받은 Francis Parker Collegiate에서는 아동의 흥미를 중심으로 학습을 전개하며 각자의 개성을 존중하고 21세기 국제화와 정보화...

Price: Free Developer: Francis Parker Collegiate
FPC Haeundae

FPC Haeundae

Francis Parker Collegiate은 아동의 개성·흥미·욕구·적성·자발성 등을 교육의 중요한 기본으로 삼아 아동중심 교육그리고 영어를 통한 전인교육을 실천하는 Global Leader 양성 교육기관 입니다. 캐나다 Alberta주 교육부로부터 정식 인가를 받은 Francis Parker Collegiate에서는 아동의 흥미를 중심으로 학습을 전개하며 각자의 개성을 존중하고 21세기 국제화와 정보화...

Price: Free Developer: Francis Parker Collegiate
FPC Live

FPC Live

Teaching and resources for encouragement and spiritual growth from First Presbyterian Church Greenville SC. This app is packed with truth, inspiring messages, and resources to stay connected. With this app you can: - Watch or listen to past sermons -...

Price: Free Developer: Subsplash Inc
FPC Namgu

FPC Namgu

Francis Parker Collegiate은 아동의 개성·흥미·욕구·적성·자발성 등을 교육의 중요한 기본으로 삼아 아동중심 교육그리고 영어를 통한 전인교육을 실천하는 Global Leader 양성 교육기관 입니다. 캐나다 Alberta주 교육부로부터 정식 인가를 받은 Francis Parker Collegiate에서는 아동의 흥미를 중심으로 학습을 전개하며 각자의 개성을 존중하고 21세기 국제화와 정보화...

Price: Free Developer: Francis Parker Collegiate
Reading Comprehension Camp

Reading Comprehension Camp

**Featured on AppoLearning, 2013 ** *Featured by Apple on iTunes as a New & Noteworthy in 77 countries"* Reading Comprehension Camp is a multi-purpose app specifically designed to encourage language growth and reading comprehension. With multiple levels, 50 stories, and the...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: Smarty Ears
Reading Skills 6A

Reading Skills 6A

How have the symbols that people use for numbers changed over the centuries? What role have women played in the development of mathematics? What are fractals? Reading Skills 6A is a collection of nonfiction passages with interactive learning activities,...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
Reading Trainer

Reading Trainer

Reading Trainer improves your reading speed and retention rate with 12 challenging and fun exercises. ▪ #1 Education App in 20 countries ▪ Top chart position in over 70 countries ▪ Our iPhone version is App Store Rewind Award...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: HeKu IT GmbH
Reading Trainer for iPhone

Reading Trainer for iPhone

Reading Trainer improves your reading speed and retention rate with 12 challenging and fun exercises. • #1 Education App in 11 countries • Top chart position in over 25 countries • App Store Rewind Award Winner – iPhone App...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: HeKu IT GmbH
Phonics and Reading With McGuffey II Lite

Phonics and Reading With McGuffey II Lite

Building upon the success of our original Phonics and Reading program, Phonics and Reading with McGuffey II is the next in the series. This program is based upon the wildly successful “McGuffey’s First Eclectic Reader – Revised Edition”....

Price: Free Developer: Software For a Better World
Reading Counts!

Reading Counts!

*Available only to Reading Counts! customers. Users must configure their iPads before they can log into their account. This app also requires an active internet connection.* Formerly known as Scholastic Reading Counts!, and now brought to you by Houghton Mifflin...

Price: Free Developer: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
DigiSmart Reading Skills

DigiSmart Reading Skills

This app focuses on 3 powerful techniques that improve reading and have been proven to create a breakthrough for struggling or reluctant readers. The core techniques of Skimming, Scanning and Keywords are fundamental building blocks to better reading –...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Curious Quo Limited
Montessori Early Reading - Phonics & Rhyme games

Montessori Early Reading - Phonics & Rhyme games

Montessori Early Reading is made for early readers who are eager to practice reading easy phonetic words. If your child can sound out most letters, he/she is just one step away from reading words. Trigger reading with this great...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: EDOKI ACADEMY
OgStar Reading Explore

OgStar Reading Explore

OgStar Reading® Explore 7-day FREE TRIAL helps kids to earn to read, write, and spell the multisensory way. After the trial period ends, you will be able to purchase the full app, so that your child will continue to...

Price: Free Developer: OGSTAR READING, LLC
Reading Detective® A1

Reading Detective® A1

Using Higher-Order Thinking to Improve Reading Comprehension Teaches a depth of analysis that guarantees superior reading comprehension, top grades, and higher test scores! The standards-based critical thinking activities of Reading Detective® develop the analysis, synthesis, and vocabulary skills students need...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: The Critical Thinking Co.
CE Center by Arch Record

CE Center by Arch Record

Architectural Record, the leading Continuing Education provider, offers a fast, easy, affordable and convenient way for architects, LEED APs, and other design and construction professionals to earn Continuing Education credits for licensure and association membership. Courses earn American Institute...

Price: Free Developer: BNP Media
F&P BAS Reading Record Apps

F&P BAS Reading Record Apps

BEFORE PURCHASING 1. The Benchmark Assessment Reading Record Applications (BAS1, BAS1 3rd Ed, BAS2, BAS2 3rd Ed, and SEL) are configured to sync their reading record data to the Fountas and Pinnell Online Data Management System (ODMS). Users of...

Price: Free Developer: Heinemann
F&P LLI Reading Record Apps

F&P LLI Reading Record Apps

BEFORE PURCHASING 1. Users of the Leveled Literacy Intervention Reading Record Apps MUST also use the Fountas and Pinnell Online Data Management System (ODMS). More information about the ODMS is available at the Heinemann website using keyword search term ‘LLI...

Price: Free Developer: Heinemann
Running Record Toolbox

Running Record Toolbox

Children do so many things as they are learning how to read. It's our job to record those many things and use that information wisely to help guide our reading instruction. Let the Running Record Toolbox help you! ...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Doodle Smith Ink
Record of Reading

Record of Reading

Running records, developed by Marie M. Clay, are a method for observing and assessing a child’s oral reading. The Record of Reading app is designed to provide an electronic form for taking a running record. The app provides embedded...

Price: Free Developer: Clemson University
Running Record Assistant

Running Record Assistant

Running Record Assistant is the number one choice for calculating Running Record scores. The app combines all the standard running record calculator and stopwatch functions with the convenience of audio recording playback. Flagging lets you score as you go...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Von Bruno
Story Time: Record Audio Books

Story Time: Record Audio Books

Welcome to Story time - record audio books. Does your toddler ask you to read them the same book every night at bedtime? If that's driving you crazy this app is for you. Kids want repetition, this help them to understand...

Price: Free Developer: ming-chen tsai
Audio Class Notes - Record, Share, and Tag School Lectures

Audio Class Notes - Record, Share, and Tag School Lectures

Audio Class Notes is the fastest, easiest way to record class lectures, and tag the important points. You can instantly jump to the important parts of the lesson and study in less time. Audio Class Notes lets you study anywhere...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: BlackMuse Software
CAHL Food Record

CAHL Food Record

The "CAHL Food Record" phone application is designed for participants involved in a study of organic food during pregnancy, and this study is being conducted by Dr. Cynthia Curl and her research team at Boise State University. As part...

Price: Free Developer: Boise State University
AKA French for Beginners

AKA French for Beginners

Incorporate language learning into conversations with your English speaking family and friends. Our iMessage apps allow you to insert essential conjugated verbs, numbers & time into English-language conversations. Translations are provided to keep chats flowing.

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: KELLYAYO APPS LTD
AKA German for Beginners

AKA German for Beginners

Incorporate language learning into conversations with your English speaking family and friends. Our iMessage apps allow you to insert essential conjugated verbs, numbers & time into English-language conversations. Translations are provided to keep chats flowing.

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: KELLYAYO APPS LTD
AKA Italian for Beginners

AKA Italian for Beginners

Incorporate language learning into conversations with your English speaking family and friends. Our iMessage apps allow you to insert essential conjugated verbs, numbers & time into English-language conversations. Translations are provided to keep chats flowing.

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: KELLYAYO APPS LTD
AKA Spanish for Beginners

AKA Spanish for Beginners

Incorporate language learning into conversations with your English speaking family and friends. Our iMessage apps allow you to insert essential conjugated verbs, numbers & time into English-language​ conversations. Translations are provided to keep chats flowing.

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: KELLYAYO APPS LTD
Get relaxed exams! Prüfungsangst überwinden mit Hypnose!

Get relaxed exams! Prüfungsangst überwinden mit Hypnose!

**For the moment "Get Relaxed Exams!" is only available in German language! An English version will follow soon!** Du hast Dich bestens auf die anstehende Prüfung vorbereitet? Doch je näher der Prüfungstermin rückt, desto nervöser und angespannter wirst Du... Klassenarbeit,...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Get on Apps!
Mirai Kanji Chart - Japanese Kanji Writing Study Tool

Mirai Kanji Chart - Japanese Kanji Writing Study Tool

UPDATED: Now enhanced with writing technology from WACOM! Enjoy learning the Japanese kanji with Mirai Kanji Chart app! Feature List: - full kanji chart (Grades 1 – 6) - stroke animations - writing practice - flashcards and simple progress tracking - selection of various...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Mirai Apps
Antonym Matching Pack 1

Antonym Matching Pack 1

This App is perfect for expanding your child's vocabulary. The object of this multiple choice game is to find the antonym (opposite word) for the word that is given. - The key things… * Over 300 unique multiple choice questions * 3...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Lucky Gecko Apps

Disfruta una experiencia de realidad aumentada con y MinTIC. Descubre todas las convocatorias que tenemos diseñadas para ti y escanea las imágenes que estarán en nuestro wall interactivo en Colombia 4.0 para vivir una aventura desde tu smartphone.

Price: Free Developer: Karina Acuna
Balancing Equations Pack 1

Balancing Equations Pack 1

This App is perfect for exercising your child's mental maths. The object of this multiple choice game is to find the number that is missing in the given equation. - The key things... * 200 multiple choice...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Lucky Gecko Apps


*** FOR MEETING ATTENDEES ONLY *** The CSAM Apps mobile application allows you to view abstracts, presentations, speakers, and exhibitors from CSAM courses. Users can take notes adjacent available presentation slides and draw directly on slides inside the app....

Price: Free Developer: CSAM Apps

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