Top 30 Education Apps Like C.E. Ateneo de Mérida - Best Alternatives

C.E. Ateneo de Mérida Alternatives

Do you want to find the best C.E. Ateneo de Mérida alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Education apps that are similar to C.E. Ateneo de Mérida. Pick one from this list to be your new C.E. Ateneo de Mérida app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to C.E. Ateneo de Mérida on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like C.E. Ateneo de Mérida - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid C.E. Ateneo de Mérida alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like C.E. Ateneo de Mérida 2025.

CE Broker

CE Broker

Using the CE Broker mobile app, you can find, track, and report your continuing education requirements anytime, anywhere. The official CE/CME tracking app for 100+ boards, including: • Florida Board of Medicine • Georgia Board of Nursing • Louisiana...

Price: Free Developer: CE Broker
CEHQ - CE Credits for Nurses

CEHQ - CE Credits for Nurses

CEHQ (Continuing Education HeadQuarters) is the first mobile app that lets you earn nursing Continuing Education Credits in minutes even when you're on the job or on the go. You earn high-quality, affordable Continuing Education Credits by completing quick...

Price: Free Developer: CE-HQ, LLC
CE Zoom

CE Zoom

CE Zoom is an all-inclusive continuing education (CE) management system, uniquely unprecedented (or unrivaled) by any other CE platform in existence today.

Price: Free Developer: CE Zoom, LLC
CE App - Find & Track CE/CME

CE App - Find & Track CE/CME

Join thousands of your colleagues with the CE App. “I am so happy there is finally an app to keep my CE organized in one place!” The app’s intuitive interface ensures you can track all your continuing education (CE/CME/CEU/CLE/CPD) hours...

Price: Free Developer: Advanced Continuing Education Association, Inc.
CE Lock

CE Lock

Are you tired of fighting thru the crowd to get your continuing education units (CEUs) collected? Are you sick of pushing to the front to attempt to scan a QR code? Do you just want to get your CEUs...

Price: Free Developer: Turtle Jump Technology LLC
ABAI CE Scanner

ABAI CE Scanner

New for 2017! ABAI is pleased to release the CE Scanner, which allows you to scan in and out of CE sessions using your smartphone. Quickly fill out your user profile and select which types of CE you wish...

Price: Free Developer: Flight Path Creative LLC
JetWright CE-525 CJ

JetWright CE-525 CJ

JetWright LLC's Citation CJ CE-525 app contains flash cards, quizzes, training manuals, course syllabus, systems diagrams and references for the Citation CJ CE-525. It is designed to help pilots prepare for their type ratings and annual recurrent checkrides. The Learn...

Price: USD 49.99 Developer: JetWright LLC
Medalia rabdarii - Dia afla ce este rabdarea

Medalia rabdarii - Dia afla ce este rabdarea

Motto: Pregatiti-va copiii pentru succes! Parcurgând acesta poveste copilul invata sa isi gestioneze emotiile! Stim ce greu se dezvolta rabdarea. Traim intr-o lume in care totul se intâmpla rapid, in care orice problema trebuie rezolvata cât mai repede (pentru ca alte...

Price: Free Developer: Infomedia Pro S.R.L.
Permis C/CE - Examen camion

Permis C/CE - Examen camion

L’application « Permis C/CE » vous permet d’apprendre et de réviser rapidement les fiches "écrit" et les fiches "oral" du permis C et CE correspondant respectivement au permis poids lourd et au super poids lourd. Vous y retrouverez :...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: koehrlen guillaume
CE Webinar v3

CE Webinar v3

The CE Webinar v3 app has developed to assist students access their prep or review course as well as any supplemental review materials for which they have registered. It has been designed to give students a mobile device experience...

Price: Free Developer: Vu Communications, Inc.
Ateneo de Naga University

Ateneo de Naga University

Ateneo de Naga University mobile app is the easiest and quickest way to learn about the University's latest news, academic calendar, featured events, alumni updates, event gallery, and featured videos. Already introduced in this version is the mobile services module,...

Price: Free Developer: Nueva Caceres Technology Solutions, Inc
Iggy Speaks

Iggy Speaks

Discover St. Ignatius’ life story through his talking statues within the Ateneo. "Iggy Speaks" is an app that narrates the life of St. Ignatius, fondly known as "Iggy" within the Ateneo community. Statues of St. Ignatius can be found within...

Price: Free Developer: Ateneo Laboratory for the Learning Sciences
Tayo Na: Jesuit Saints

Tayo Na: Jesuit Saints

Discover Jesuit Saints' life story through their statues within the Ateneo. "Tayo Na: Jesuit Saints" is an app that makes use of QR codes in order to tell the stories of different Jesuit saints who lived out making a stand,...

Price: Free Developer: Ateneo Laboratory for the Learning Sciences
My UniPG

My UniPG

My UniPG, la nuova app ufficiale dell’Università degli studi di Perugia dedicata agli studenti iscritti ai corsi di studio dell'Ateneo e ideata principalmente per fornire agli utenti un modo semplice per l'accesso, dal dispositivo mobile, alle funzioni della segreteria...

Price: Free Developer: Università degli Studi di Perugia


Contatti: Per informazioni, segnalazioni di problemi, supporto e suggerimenti scrivere a [email protected] Informazioni: MyUniTO+ è l'app ufficiale dell'Università di Torino, dedicata alla comunità universitaria di UniTO e a tutti coloro che vogliono essere aggiornati su attività, iniziative e servizi dell'Ateneo.  MyUniTO+ non è alternativa al portale ma è realizzata...

Price: Free Developer: Università degli Studi di Torino
App Uniud

App Uniud

Uniud è l’applicazione ufficiale dell’Università degli Studi di Udine. L’applicazione permette di leggere tutte le notizie dell’e-magazine di ateneo Qui.Uniud, suddivise nelle categorie Vita di Ateneo, Ricerca e Innovazione, Studio e Lavoro, Cultura, Città. Consente di visualizzare tutti gli eventi organizzati...

Price: Free Developer: Università degli Studi di Udine


MyUniCa è l'app ufficiale dell'Università di Cagliari, dedicata a tutti coloro che vogliono essere aggiornati su attività, iniziative e servizi dell'Ateneo. MyUniCa non è alternativa al portale ma è realizzata con l'obiettivo di favorire l'accesso alle informazioni e ai...

Price: Free Developer: Cineca Consorzio Interuniversitario


“myuniSalento” è l’app uffìciale dell’Università del Salento; non è alternativa a e, ma favorisce l’accesso ad informazioni e servizi da dispositivi mobile. Dedicata alla comunità universitaria e a tutti coloro che vogliono rimanere aggiornati su attività, iniziative...

Price: Free Developer: Cineca Consorzio Interuniversitario


MyUCBM è l'app dedicata alla community dell'Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma. Favorisce l'accesso ai servizi mobile, soprattutto per gli studenti, ma non è alternativa al sito web dell'Ateneo Progressivamente saranno disponibili nuove funzionalità per gli studenti ma anche...

Price: Free Developer: UNIVERSITA' CAMPUS BIO-MEDICO DI ROMA 2020 2020

"Effektives Lernen" bereitet Sie optimal für Ihre Theorieprüfung vor. Mit über 200 Variationen zu den Mutterfragen. Die Prüfungsfragen sind den Themen des Theorieunterrichts in der Fahrschule zugeordnet. Alle Prüfungsfragen werden von einem virtuellen Fahrlehrer erklärt. Sie können Fragen zu den Erklärungen stellen...

Price: USD 11.99 Developer: Internetdienste GmbH Lite Lite Lite ist die optimale Vorbereitung für die Führerschein Theorieprüfung! Ein virtueller Fahrlehrer erklärt jede Frage und Sie können Fragen stellen oder Kommentare abgeben. 300 Fragen und 15 Prüfungssimulationen kostenlos testen und dann mit in-App-Kauf zur Vollversion erweitern. TESTBERICHT: FOCUS (28.01.2017): "Beste Lern-App"...

Price: Free Developer: Internetdienste GmbH
St. Francis de Sales Academy

St. Francis de Sales Academy

Welcome to the St. Francis de Sales Catholic Academy mobile app! “A Faith-Filled Future” St. Francis de Sales Catholic Academy is committed to providing high-quality education to our student body. We achieve our goals through a challenging curriculum, quality teachers, and...

St. Francis de Sales School

St. Francis de Sales School

At St. Francis de Sales High School discover the difference that an all-male Catholic education can make. Get on the path to Knighthood—and get the best education in the Toledo area! Attention all Knights: Download the app to make sure...

Price: Free Developer: Oblates of St Francis de Sales High School, Inc
Universidad de Murcia App

Universidad de Murcia App

La Universidad de Murcia te ofrece esta aplicación para facilitar el acceso a información de interés para la comunidad universitaria. Por fin puedes consultar e interactuar con un gran número de servicios de la universidad de Murcia desde tu smartphone....

Price: Free Developer: Universidad de Murcia
Basisschool de Klokkenberg

Basisschool de Klokkenberg

Download onze app van basisschool de Klokkenberg! Via deze app willen we u graag op de hoogte houden van de verschillende activiteiten van uw kind(eren). U kun via 'groepen' de klas(sen) van uw kind(eren) opzoeken en zien welke activiteiten er per...

Price: Free Developer: Stichting Christelijke Basisschool De Klokkenberg
Académie de police de Savatan

Académie de police de Savatan

L'application "Académie de police" a été conçue pour l'aspirant de police, afin de faciliter son travail d'apprentissage. Elle donne accès à des vidéos des techniques et tactiques enseignées dans le cadre de l'école de police. Cette application est également utile...

Price: Free Developer: Dartfish
De Krullevaar

De Krullevaar

De app van De Krullevaar is ontwikkeld om communicatie met ouders en verzorgers te stroomlijnen en te vergemakkelijken. Via de app ontvangen zij nieuwsberichten, nieuwsbrieven, hulpvragen, enquêtes, documenten, foto´s en afspraakverzoeken. Ouders kunnen de app verder gebruiken om hun...

Price: Free Developer: Openbare Basisschool De Krullevaar
De Meander

De Meander

De app van daltonschool De Meander is ontwikkeld om communicatie met ouders en verzorgers te stroomlijnen en te vergemakkelijken. Via de app ontvangen zij nieuwsberichten, nieuwsbrieven, hulpvragen, enquêtes, documenten, foto´s en afspraakverzoeken. Ouders kunnen de app verder gebruiken om...

Price: Free Developer: Openbare Daltonschool De Meander
De Torenuil

De Torenuil

De app van De Torenuil is ontwikkeld om communicatie met ouders en verzorgers te stroomlijnen en te vergemakkelijken. Via de app ontvangen zij nieuwsberichten, nieuwsbrieven, hulpvragen, enquêtes, documenten, foto´s en afspraakverzoeken. Ouders kunnen de app verder gebruiken om hun...

Price: Free Developer: De Torenuil

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