Top 20 Health & Fitness Apps Like Más Salud - Best Alternatives

Más Salud Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Más Salud alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Health & Fitness apps that are similar to Más Salud. Pick one from this list to be your new Más Salud app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Más Salud on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Más Salud - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Más Salud alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Más Salud 2025.

MS Referans

MS Referans

MS Referans nöroloji alanında çalışan hekimler için tasarlanmış MS Hastalığı ile ilgili son güncel bilgilerin derlendiği bir uygulamadır. Uygulamada MS tanısı konurken dikkat edilmesi gereken bilgiler, MS ayırıcı tanısı hakkında bilinmesi gerekenler, Atak tedavisi, koruyucu tedaviler, EDSS puanı hesaplama,...

Price: Free Developer: Serkan Demir
MS 3Dme

MS 3Dme

The video in this App was specifically created for people newly diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. The objective of the video is to help those diagnosed with MS, their family, friends, parents and teachers to understand this disease better. An...

Price: Free Developer: 3Dme Pty Ltd
InnovSEP - MS Life Compagnion

InnovSEP - MS Life Compagnion

Application Mobile Innov'SEP dédiée aux troubles urinaires de la Sclérose en Plaques. تقديم التطبيق الذكي , الذي يهتم باضطرابات الوظيفة البولية لدى مرضى التصلب اللويحي المتعدد.

Price: Free Developer: Adil Mellouki


Whether you want to lose weight, tone up, get healthy, change your habits, or start a new diet, you’ll love MyFitnessPal. • Consumer Reports #1 rated diet • PC Magazine Editor’s Choice Selection • #1 Health and Fitness app for 4 years...

Price: Free Developer: Under Armour, Inc.
8fit Workouts & Meal Planner

8fit Workouts & Meal Planner

8fit helps you become healthier and happier by putting fitness and nutrition experts in your pocket. Get customized workout and meal plans to help you reach your wellness goals. *Rated 5 Stars by thousands of users * The 8fit app...

Price: Free Developer: Urbanite Inc.
Cravings – Meet daily calorie goal with Weight watchers, Calorie Counter & Diet Tracker

Cravings – Meet daily calorie goal with Weight watchers, Calorie Counter & Diet Tracker

Lots of Apps can help you track your calorie intake, but can they also suggest what to eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner to meet your daily calorie goals? Can they tell you what your best or worst cravings...

Price: Free Developer: Blue Eyes Innovation LLC
Isabel Smith Nutrition

Isabel Smith Nutrition

Our goal is to help you feel and look your best. Get started on your journey today with a custom nutrition, movement and lifestyle plan; and personal guidance and support from Isabel Smith, Registered Dietitian and Wellness Expert, right...

Price: Free Developer: Imbodi, Inc
TopYa! Active

TopYa! Active

Get ACTIVE through a variety of fun video-based sports, fitness and other physical and life skill challenges. Every player is eligible to participate in the National Active Championship with lots of opportunities to earn prizes. Participate in skills based on...

Price: Free Developer: TalentKode Sports LLC
Massage Therapy Appointment Manager

Massage Therapy Appointment Manager

All professional, well-run massage centers provide their clients with exceptional quality and an organized, prompt, and caring atmosphere. You've already established that in your successful business -- we're just here to make it run even better. If your massage...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Pocket Apps Canada Inc.


【你可享受的】 1.精选推荐 每天产生新内容,但却为你用心挑选。 2.纯净阅读 只呈现优质内容 3.高清质感 全部高清配图的新闻和视频,只为眼球享受视觉盛宴 多元阅读 新闻热点、高清图集视频、动图资讯、搞笑段子、地方资讯等多元体验。 5.海量聚合 快速汇聚全资讯,随时随地知晓天下事 6.随心频通 多种频道类型供你选择,定制专属你的频道。 7.互动平台 一样的热点,发表不一样的个人观点、结交五湖四海的朋友

Price: Free Developer: 浙江过塘行网络科技有限公司
Salud Down UC

Salud Down UC

El acompañamiento en salud de los niños y jóvenes con síndrome de Down y de los que están por nacer es un gran desafío. Salud Down busca orientar a los padres y profesionales sobre los cuidados en salud y...

Price: Free Developer: Intar proyecto
Alimentación y Salud

Alimentación y Salud

La alimentación es la mejor manera de mejorar nuestra salud de una forma definitiva, somos lo que comemos y por eso hemos querido crear esta app para que puedas llevar contigo a través del teléfono los mejores consejos en...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Centre d' Especialitats Naturals SL


TRIVIHAL POSITIVO es una APP compuesta por 11 juegos de preguntas tipo test en relación al VIH con una única respuesta válida. En el momento de responder a la pregunta, el juego te dice si has acertado o no. En caso...

Price: Free Developer: Fundacion de educacion para la salud


Aplicación que permite estar en contacto con tu entorno de Colonial, permitiéndote de manera rápida y cómoda tener acceso a tu plataforma de salud. Además podrás estar enterado de cualquier evento o novedad que pudiera surgir a través del...

Price: Free Developer: No-Ko Deporte y Salud, S.L.
App DiscApp

App DiscApp

Esta herramienta permite buscar información sobre oferta disponible en diferentes áreas de interés para las personas con discapacidad, de forma que conozcan: qué se ofrece, quién lo ofrece y la forma en que se puede acceder a estas ofertas....

Price: Free Developer: Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social - Colombia
Focus On Life

Focus On Life

If you have received access to an “Understanding” web app from your health educator, this handy Quick Launcher allows you to open it right from your device’s screen. If your health educator has provided you with more than one...

Price: Free Developer: InJoy Productions, Inc
Medicina Biocibernética

Medicina Biocibernética

Semana de la Medicina Cibernética / Biocibernetic Medicine Week Durante siete días, desde el lunes 20 hasta el domingo 26 de Noviembre de 2017 ambos incluidos, nos vamos a reunir en MOTRIL (Granada) l@s mayores expert@s a nivel mundial en...

Price: Free Developer: Gooveris Software


Fitmove trabaja cuatro entornos fundamentales proporcionando una serie de aprendizajes de higiene respiratoria, refuerzo muscular, de los correctos hábitos alimenticios y del cuidado de la salud. Los cuatro entornos que se trabajarían en la aplicación son: • Ejercicios respiratorios: se desarrollan...

Price: Free Developer: Everyware Apps
Each Mind Matters

Each Mind Matters

Let’s Make it Safe to Talk About Mental Health When it comes to health, our minds deserve the same attention as our bodies. Mental health is an integral part of each of us as humans. That’s why Mission Hospital is activating...

Price: Free Developer: Rief Media, Inc

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