Top 20 Education Apps Like Ti Norway - Best Alternatives

Ti Norway Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Ti Norway alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to Ti Norway. Pick one from this list to be your new Ti Norway app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Ti Norway on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Ti Norway - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Ti Norway alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Ti Norway 2025.



Texas Instruments, the No. 1 recommended brand of graphing calculators in the U.S., has optimized its most powerful handheld technology for an all-in-one iPad app that makes teaching and learning math more engaging, meaningful and … fun! ONE APP. ALL...

Price: USD 29.99 Developer: Texas Instruments
TI-Nspire™ CAS

TI-Nspire™ CAS

Texas Instruments, the No. 1 recommended brand of graphing calculators in the U.S., has optimized its most powerful Computer Algebra System (CAS) math engine for an all-in-one iPad app that makes teaching and learning math more engaging, meaningful and...

Price: USD 29.99 Developer: Texas Instruments
BFH TI Campus

BFH TI Campus

Was gibt es heute in der Mensa? Hat die Bibliothek eigentlich noch offen? Wie war nochmal die E-Mail-Adresse meines Dozierenden? Wo im Gebäude bin ich überhaupt, und wo ist dieser Hörsaal N.421? Noch schnell einen Verantwortlichen an der BFH...

Price: Free Developer: BFH-TI Berner Fachhochschule Technik und Informatik
TI SensorTag Dashboard

TI SensorTag Dashboard

Connect your Apple TV to a TI SensorTag. Readings from the SensorTag's various sensors are displayed. The strength of the bluetooth low energy signal from the Sensor Tag as measured by the Apple TV is displayed as a blue...

Price: Free Developer: Andre Muis
TI 84 Graphing Calculator Man.

TI 84 Graphing Calculator Man.

The TI-84 Graphing Calculator Manual app is ranked TOP 25 Education USA! How this app makes math so much easier: • This manual shows all important functions of the graphing calculator TI-84 Plus, which are very useful for high school and...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Graphing Calculator Apps UG (haftungsbeschrankt)


注意点 本アプリは作成した試験の保存、読み込み、検査結果の解析はできません。 詳しくは、http://ryohei-komatsubara.comをご覧ください。 TIは、正式にはTime Intensityといいますが、その頭文字を取ってTIと呼ばれます。例え ば、食物を口にした時に、食物が口の中に留まる時間が長くなると、味が変化して感じら れる時があります。例えば、飴を口にした時、最初はあまり甘さを感じなかったのが、時 間が経過すると甘味が強まってきますが、さらに時間が経過すると今度は甘味に慣れてし まって、甘味をだんだん感じなくなるということがあると思います。このような感覚の強 さの時間的な変化過程を測定する手法の一つがTIです。食品や化粧品をはじめとする様々 な製品に対する感覚の強さの時間的変化を知りたい人にぜひ使っていただきたい手法です 。 感覚の強さの時間的な変化過程を調べる方法には、この他にTDSがありますが、TDSの 場合は、すべての感覚の時間的な強度変化を同時に測定することができるのに対し、TIで は、複数の感覚を調べたい時には、感覚ごとに別々に測定しなくてはなりません。例えば 、甘味と塩味の強さの時間的変化過程を調べたい時は、甘味と塩味を別々に測定する必要 があります。 J-SEMS:TIでは、iPadの画面に感覚の強度を測定するための縦線もしくは横線からなる スケールを表示します。食物を口にした時から測定終了時まで、その食物の味覚の強さ( 例えば、甘味の強さ)に応じて、ターゲットをスケールの直線上に沿って、指で移動させ ることにより、瞬間瞬間の味覚(甘味)の強さの変化を表現することができます。例えば 、横線のスケールの場合は、感覚が強まった時には、ターゲットを右方向にスライドさせ 、弱まった時には左方向にスライドさせます。そのターゲットの位置を連続して記録する ことにより、感覚強度の時間的変化をグラフに表示し、その形から、感覚強度の変化過程 がわかる仕組みになっています。また、このようにグラフに示された曲線をTI曲線といい ますが、J-SEMS:TIでは、様々な強度の上昇直線の傾きや下降直線の傾きなどの様々なパ ラメータの計算を行うことにより、この曲線の形を表現することができます。 TIは、味覚の強さの変化だけでなく、香りに対する強さの変化や、触覚や視覚の強さの 時間的変化なども測定することができます。

Price: Free Developer: RYOHEI KOMATSUBARA
TI Nspire Calculator Manual

TI Nspire Calculator Manual

How this app makes math so much easier: • This manual shows all important functions of the new graphing calculator TI-Nspire CX (and CAS), which are very useful for high school and college. Actual calculator not included! • The app shows...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Graphing Calculator Apps UG (haftungsbeschrankt)
TI-84 Plus Ce Manual

TI-84 Plus Ce Manual

The TI 84 Plus Graphing Calculator TI 84 Plus Elite Manual is the best scientific calculator + app on the digital app stores in our opinion. This app is very easy to navigate and will teach you what you...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Chris Goinks
TI-84 Graph. Calculator Manual

TI-84 Graph. Calculator Manual

The TI 84 Graphing Calculator TI 84 Elite Manual is the best scientific calculator + app on the digital app stores in our opinion. This app is very easy to navigate and will teach you what you need to...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Tucker Cooper


Wann habe ich wo Unterricht? Was gibt es heute in der Mensa? Hat die Bibliothek eigentlich noch offen? Wie war nochmal die E-Mail-Adresse meines Dozierenden? Die Antworten auf all diese Fragen und noch viel mehr können Studierende und Dozierende...

Price: Free Developer: BFH-TI Berner Fachhochschule Technik und Informatik
Cross Trek Norway

Cross Trek Norway

Take your Expedition Norway VBS experience to a whole new level with the fun and informative CrossTrek™ app. This app is designed to work with the Expedition Norway CrossTrek™ interactive magazine and also the Expedition Norway Bible Memory Makers™....

Price: Free Developer: Group Publishing, Inc.
Simply Learn to Speak Norwegian - Travel to Norway

Simply Learn to Speak Norwegian - Travel to Norway

*** Learn Norwegian language when visiting Norway *** Simply Learn Norwegian Language App is a FREE language app that will assist you to speak Norwegian quickly and effectively. All Norwegian phrases and words are presented to you in both phonetic and...

Price: Free Developer: Simya Solutions Ltd.
Norway Puzzle Map

Norway Puzzle Map

Norway puzzle map game will help you to learn the map’s shape and name of every district. In puzzle game, touch district map you can see the full name; you need to drag the district map to the correct...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Jenny sun
Driving Theory Test For Norway

Driving Theory Test For Norway

Are you aware of the major traffic rules? Can you identify all the traffic signals and signs? The answer to it might be negative. This is exactly why we developed an app for people who want to identify these...

Price: Free Developer: Abuzar Khan
Norway Prime Ministers and Stats

Norway Prime Ministers and Stats

* Information of the Norwegian Prime Ministers from 1905. PM’s name, born, died, in office from, in office till * NO INTERNET connection required for any of the information or stats * Summary of various stats by PM and by Span *...

Price: Free Developer: Ralph DMello
Trace Denmark & Norway Letters

Trace Denmark & Norway Letters

If you're looking for Apps which mimic lettering used to teach printed letters and handwriting skills, you have come to the right place. The so-called "Handwriting Wizard" is a complete set of Apps for teachers and parents which make it...

Price: Free Developer: MBI Co.Ltd
Explore and learn in SirMania

Explore and learn in SirMania

Explore the exciting world of SirMania. Kids will have a lot of fun looking for hidden secrets. "SirMania was made by us, Tom and Anja from Norway. We are a couple that wanted to create a fun and educational children's...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: DittDesign


TELLA - MATHS FOR SMALL KIDS TELLA is an educational game for tablets that introduces children to basic maths through play. Created for 5-8 year olds, TELLA may also be enjoyed by younger or older kids. TELLA consists of several...

Price: Free Developer: Hogskulen pa Vestlandet


***See button -> Donate Link to help Japan! *** Start iSeismometer, leave it on your desk, then try tap somewhere. You will realize how sensitive iPhone is! This is our new project to convert iPhone to seismometer. We created for...

Price: Free Developer: ObjectGraph LLC

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