Top 25 Reference Apps Like Ministerio Hispano SDA WA - Best Alternatives

Ministerio Hispano SDA WA Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Ministerio Hispano SDA WA alternatives for iOS? We have listed 25 Reference apps that are similar to Ministerio Hispano SDA WA. Pick one from this list to be your new Ministerio Hispano SDA WA app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Ministerio Hispano SDA WA on your iOS devices.

Top 25 Apps Like Ministerio Hispano SDA WA - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Ministerio Hispano SDA WA alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 25 similar apps like Ministerio Hispano SDA WA 2025.

Pr. Mendoza

Pr. Mendoza

Mi nombre es Oscar Mendoza Orbegoso. Nací el 04 de abril de 1986 en la ciudad de Trujillo, Perú. El Señor me invitó para entrar a las aguas bautismales a la edad de 12 años, llegando a ser miembro...

Price: Free Developer: Bereshit Lab Ltd.
Agricultura RD

Agricultura RD

Misión Formular y dirigir las políticas agropecuarias de acuerdo con los planes generales de desarrollo del país, para que los productores aprovechen las ventajas comparativas y competitivas en los mercados y contribuir de esa manera a garantizar la seguridad alimentaria,...

Price: Free Developer: Ministerio de Agricultura RD
Conagrónomos & Fimart

Conagrónomos & Fimart

FIMART ----------------------- Córdoba acoge FIMART, Feria de la innovación Smart Rural, orientada a la promoción de los últimos avances en tecnologías y servicios innovadores para el mundo rural. La feria persigue los siguientes objetivos: Desarrollo del mayor evento especializado en innovación agroalimentaria...

Price: Free Developer: RURAPOLIS
Codigos Estatales del Edo. de Baja California Sur

Codigos Estatales del Edo. de Baja California Sur

Take all the laws from the mexican state of Baja California Sur in your pocket. Search, annotate and send them by email. Does not need an internet connection. This is the content: "CONSTITUCION POLITICA DEL ESTADO LIBRE Y SOBERANO DE BAJA...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: GIC
Codigos Estatales del Estado de Chiapas

Codigos Estatales del Estado de Chiapas

Take all the laws from the mexican state of Chiapas in your pocket. Search, annotate and send them by email. Does not need an internet connection. This is the content: "CODIGO CIVIL DEL ESTADO DE CHIAPAS" "CODIGO PENAL PARA EL ESTADO DE...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: GIC
Codigos Estatales del Estado de Colima

Codigos Estatales del Estado de Colima

Take all the laws from the mexican state of Colima in your pocket. Search, annotate and send them by email. Does not need an internet connection. This is the content: "CODIGO CIVIL PARA EL ESTADO DE COLIMA" "CODIGO DE PROCEDIMIENTOS CIVILES PARA...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: GIC
Codigos Estatales del Estado de Hidalgo

Codigos Estatales del Estado de Hidalgo

Take all the laws from the mexican state of Hidalgo in your pocket. Search, annotate and send them by email. Does not need an internet connection. This is the content: "LEY ORGANICA DE LA ADMINISTRACION PUBLICA DEL ESTADO DE HIDALGO" "LEY ORGANICA...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: GIC
Codigos Estatales del Estado de Oaxaca

Codigos Estatales del Estado de Oaxaca

Take all the laws from the mexican state of Oaxaca in your pocket. Search, annotate and send them by email. Does not need an internet connection. This is the content: "CODIGO CIVIL PARA EL ESTADO DE OAXACA" "CODIGO DE PROCEDIMIENTOS PENALES PARA...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: GIC
Codigos Estatales del Estado de Sinaloa

Codigos Estatales del Estado de Sinaloa

Take all the laws from the mexican state of Sinaloa in your pocket. Search, annotate and send them by email. Does not need an internet connection. This is the content: "CODIGO CIVIL PARA EL ESTADO DE SINALOA" "CODIGO DE PROCEDIMIENTOS PENALES PARA...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: GIC
Thai SDA Hymnal

Thai SDA Hymnal

This Thai SDA Hymnal app was developed by Daniel Bair. The hymn lyrics were first extracted from church PowerPoints and then edited by Tesha Bair, who also worked on finding the corresponding English on many hymns that were only...

Price: Free Developer: Daniel Bair
Hmong SDA Hymnal

Hmong SDA Hymnal

This Hmong SDA Hymnal app was developed by Daniel Bair. The hymn lyrics were first extracted from church PowerPoints and then edited by Tesha Bair. The hymnal pages were digitized and scanned by Tianchai Puadaeng and Daniel Bair. The...

Price: Free Developer: Daniel Bair
SDA Hymnal with Audio

SDA Hymnal with Audio

SDA Hymnal consists 695 songs including section category and favourites You can add your favorites song to tab favorite by touch the love icon at the top right corner of the song. I hope SDA Hymnal can help you to praise...

Price: Free Developer: Rencana Tarigan
SDA Plymouth

SDA Plymouth

Listen to Podcasts, Read Sabbath School Lessons and Mission Story, and view the coming week's service information. Features: Sermon Podcasts: - Listen to the weeks and previous week's sermons Sabbath School Lesson: - View Sabbath School Lesson for Adults, Youth (CQ) and Juniors...

Price: Free Developer: Clifford Herman
28 Croyances Fondamentales Adventiste

28 Croyances Fondamentales Adventiste

Did you know that the Seventh-day Adventists accept the Bible as their only creed and profess certain fundamental beliefs to the Holy Scriptures? These fundamental beliefs, 28 in number, set out how the Church conceives and expresses the biblical...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Marthe Julie Dorcena
IoTNext 2016

IoTNext 2016

India Electronics and Semiconductor Association (IESA) and The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE) have joined hands to bring the second edition of IoTNext (http://www/ on November 9th & 10th, 2016 at Hotel Sheraton, Bangalore. Version 1.0 of IoTNext in December 2015 saw...

Price: Free Developer: sandeep dhull
Washington Law (2017 LawStack WA Code Series)

Washington Law (2017 LawStack WA Code Series)

LawStack's complete Revised Code of Washington (WA Law) in your pocket. Leave the heavy books at home. You should buy this app now. • Free trial! Available thereafter through in-app purchase. • Complete offline access. • All tables and images included. • Add...

Price: USD 29.99 Developer: Tekk Innovations LLC
He Pātaka Kupu

He Pātaka Kupu

He Pātaka Kupu – te kai a te rangatira Te Papakupu Reo Māori Kōrero Onamata I puta ngā whakaaro ōmana mō te papakupu i ngā tau tōmua o 1990, i te wā i kōrerorero ai a Timoti Karetu (te Toihau o Te...

Price: Free Developer: NetValue Limited
Awail al-Khairat

Awail al-Khairat

Awail al-Khairat Durood wa Salam App BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF AWAIL UL KHAIRAT : This book of Darood Shariff was conceived and compiled by an authentic Islamic Scholar Syed Muhammad Abdul Ghafoor Khan Nami (alayhay arrahma). He was rector at Religious Affairs...

Price: Free Developer: Sajid Ali
Resala Ramadan

Resala Ramadan

This app covers the most basic principles to conduct fasting in the month of Ramadan. Available in: English, Arabic, and Indonesia! Download it for FREE! This application which is titled "The Messages of Ramadan" was created to highlight key points about its...

Price: Free Developer: Yufid
An-Nawawi's Forty Hadiths

An-Nawawi's Forty Hadiths

Imam an-Nawawi one of the greatest scholars. Amongst his works is his collection of 42 hadith's of the Prophet Sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam which a comprehensive explanation of Islam. This work is commonly referred as "An-Nawawi's Forty Hadith" This app...

Price: Free Developer: Yufid
Resala Azkar

Resala Azkar

NEW INTERFACE! Download it for FREE! ARABIC Text with translation in ENGLISH and BAHASA INDONESIA. Completed by AUDIO RECITATION for every remembrances (Zikr) This Resala Azkar has finally released to provide Moslem with a reference on various remembrances. This application basically...

Price: Free Developer: Yufid
Arba'een for iPad

Arba'een for iPad

This application is highly recommended to be owned and learnt by each one of us who are keen to know more about the principles and foundation in the religion of Islam. This application contains the infamous 40 Hadiths collected by...

Price: Free Developer: Yufid
Potret Pribadi Nabi Muhammad SAW

Potret Pribadi Nabi Muhammad SAW

Alhamdulillah, segala puji dan puja milik dan untuk Allah. Tuhan yang sangat menyayangi hamba-hamba-Nya yang sholeh, mengikuti ajaran dan petunjuk-Nya, menganugrahkan kepada mereka sifat dan prilaku terpuji. Semoga kita bisa menjadi hamba-Nya yang sholeh. Salawat dan salam kita selalu mohonkan...

Price: Free Developer: Pusat Kajian Hadis
Read Listen Full Quran Coran Koran Mp3 قرآن كريم

Read Listen Full Quran Coran Koran Mp3 قرآن كريم

Read Listen Holy Quran Mp3 Quran Recitation without internet Read the Holy Quran. Mushaf complete Quran. Quran mp3 application Listen to recitations of several recognized Sunni reciters: Minchawi, Housari, `AbdoulBaaSiT Audio mp3 of Quran available offline after downloading. Quran mp3 without...

Price: Free Developer: Akarim Ba

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