Top 28 Book Apps Like 68-88-18 - Best Alternatives

68-88-18 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best 68-88-18 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Book apps that are similar to 68-88-18. Pick one from this list to be your new 68-88-18 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to 68-88-18 on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like 68-88-18 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid 68-88-18 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like 68-88-18 2025.

The King of the Golden River, by Ruskin

The King of the Golden River, by Ruskin

"The King of the Golden River" is an interactive digital book that shows how biology can solve the great challenges of the planet! Download "The King of the Golden River" to discover a universal short story by John Ruskin (translated...

Price: Free Developer: StoryMax
Mahabharata and Drona Digest - Amar Chitra Katha

Mahabharata and Drona Digest - Amar Chitra Katha

** Download our "India comics" App - ***Includes FREE ACK AND DIAMOND COMICS. link: *** Get the EM-Amar Chitra Katha Complete collection- 192 comic bundle and 42 comic Mahabharata complete collection bundle inapp in India Comics App at over...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: iRemedi Corp.
101 Classic Books

101 Classic Books

The top 101 classic books that everyone should read in their lifetime A collection of some of the most famous books in American, English and international literature: novels, poetry, plays, tales, philosophy. The books were selected by analyzing polls and...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: FB PUBLISHING LLC
Basic Electronics Engineering

Basic Electronics Engineering

The app is a complete free guide of Electronics Engineering which covers important topics,Fomula,Chapters. Download the App as a reference material & digital book for electronics engineering programs & degree courses. * It is part of Electronics engineering which...

Price: Free Developer: Two Minds Technology Pvt. Ltd.
Renewable Energy Sources

Renewable Energy Sources

The electronic book “Renewable Energy Sources“ presents an introduction to all aspects of electric energy generation using alternative sources that are ever increasing in the electricity producer’s energy portfolio. Water energy is still the most widely used and known renewable...

Price: Free Developer: Simopt, s.r.o.
Christian Songbook - Tamil

Christian Songbook - Tamil

Christian Songbook - Tamil app is an offline electronic version of Tamil Christian songs. Features:- - Offline Tamil Christian Songs Book - 8050 Total songs - 7024 Tamil Songs -...

Price: Free Developer: Sam Solomon Prabu
Engineering Math

Engineering Math

Engineering math is complete mathematics application for engineering students. The mathematics app can cover your complete syllabus. The app has more than 80 topics, chapters, online learning tutorials and blogs. There are huge list of  online tutorials of...

Price: Free Developer: Two Minds Technology Pvt. Ltd.
Wireless Communication

Wireless Communication

The app is a complete free handbook of Wireless Communication with diagrams and graphs.. * It is part of engineering education which brings important topics, notes, news & blog on the subject. * Set Reminder for Particular topic...

Price: Free Developer: Two Minds Technology Pvt. Ltd.
Akbar And Tansen Double Digest-Amar Chitra Katha

Akbar And Tansen Double Digest-Amar Chitra Katha

"Enjoy full color high-resolution art and story in an intuitive user interface." iRemedi ETHERMEDIA presents: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: iRemedi Corp.
CWU 88.1 The Burg

CWU 88.1 The Burg

Since 1958, Central Washington University has had a radio station in one form or another, but it wasn’t until April 29th, 1962, that Central Washington College of Education obtained its FCC broadcast license for 91.5 FM. Roger Reynolds, assistant...

Price: Free Developer: Central Washington University
Notebook نوت بوك

Notebook نوت بوك

تطبيق نوت بوك يسمح لك بشراء الكتب بأنواعها بأسلوب جديد مبتكركما لم تعهده من قبل. يحتوي التطبيق على كتب حصرية وأخرى متداولة بالشكل الإلكتروني والصوتي بطريقة لم تعهدها من قبل بصفة فورية. كما يتيح لك التطبيق طلب الكتب وتوصليها لك خلال...

Price: Free Developer: Notebook Book Publishing Company
Forty Hadith Nawawi : شرح الأربعين النووية صوتيات

Forty Hadith Nawawi : شرح الأربعين النووية صوتيات

**** - يحتوي التطبيق على شرح الأربعون النووية - بالصوت**** ** المحاضر محمد بن صالح العثيمين ** قم بتنزيل التطبيق مجانا! Download FREE APP برنامج الأربعين النووية للإمام النووي جمعهم الإمام النووى فى كتابه "الأربعون النووية الاحاديث الاربعين النووية من الاحاديث الصحيحة للامام النووي رحمه...

Price: Free Developer: Hassen Smaoui
Forty Nawawi : الأربعون النووية مكتوبة مع الشرح

Forty Nawawi : الأربعون النووية مكتوبة مع الشرح

بسم الله و الحمد لله و الصلاة و السلام على رسول الله و على أله و صحبه و من والاه ، أما بعد تم بحمد الله إنشاء تطبيق كتاب الأربعون النووية مع شرح مبسط للشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين...

Price: Free Developer: rajab khan


【一元畅读】100万字原著,240分钟的电影和180集电视剧的剧情,原价20元的电子书,现在只要一块钱!对!你没看错,只要一块钱,深度重温经典的机会唾手可得,快来看看电影电视里那些没出现的桥段吧! 【热门原著】等不及电视剧更新?电影发展太快没看过瘾?没关系! QQ阅读为你整理《欢乐颂》《北京遇上西雅图》《青丘狐传说》《三体》《旋风少女》《芈月传》六本影视原著,一起体验原汁原味的感动! ~~~~~~~ 【原著百科】想看欢乐颂五女同台飙戏?想听芈月的高能吐槽?想学《三体》背后的科学姿势?原著百科满足你的一切好奇! 【细节优化】交互及视觉进行优化,支持iOS9~ 【手机搜索】可以通过iOS9 Spotlight功能搜索书架书籍,方便快捷! 【海量书库】没读过瘾?欢迎体验完整版QQ阅读,海量原著,想读就读!~ ~~~~联系我们~~~~ 客服邮箱:[email protected] 用户交流群:190209055 微信公众账号:QQ阅读

Price: Free Developer: 上海阅文信息技术有限公司
War & Romance Novel قصة عشق من أروع روايات الحب

War & Romance Novel قصة عشق من أروع روايات الحب

A historical fiction Visual Novel, a love story during Arab x Byzantine conflict قصة عشق بين بيزنطي روماني وفتاة مصرية. واحدة من أروع روايات ومن أجمل حكايات مصر War & Romance Novel - Interactive Book, is a Novel that is presented...

Price: Free Developer: ABDALLA BARAKAT


《聖經詩歌》數字呈現版APP整合臺灣福音書房現有四款數字呈現版APP,數字內容包含《聖經恢復本》(繁體字版)收錄繁體中文新舊約聖經恢復本註解版合訂本,全書共3,300餘頁;《聖經恢復本》(簡體字版)收錄簡體中文新舊約聖經恢復本註解版合訂本,全書共2,700餘頁;《簡譜詩歌》(繁體字版)收錄繁體中文詩歌、補充本詩歌及兒童詩歌;《簡譜詩歌》(簡體字版)收錄簡體中文詩歌、補充本詩歌及兒童詩歌。 此APP支持iPhone、iPad等設備,安裝後可離線閱讀,不需上網連線。每本書均採用現有印刷書報排版格式呈現;提供『雙層目錄』加快翻閱速度;支持屏幕縮放大小,增進閱讀效率。 ■ 技術客服:任何使用上的問題,歡迎來信:[email protected],會有專人為你服務、解答。

Price: USD 17.99 Developer: Taiwan Gospel Book Room (TWGBR)
GAYlüste - Spielarten des Männersex

GAYlüste - Spielarten des Männersex

Diese App verrät dir Spielarten des schwulen Männersex, die du garantiert noch nicht kennst. Selbst dann, wenn du glaubst, schon alles zu kennen! Klappe, Sneakers, Socken und Co.? Alles längst normal! Mauerblümchen und verklemmte Männer aufgepasst: Es gibt spannende...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Joachim Bruns
Islamic salah Fatwa الموسوعة الاسلامية لفتاوى الصلاة

Islamic salah Fatwa الموسوعة الاسلامية لفتاوى الصلاة

الموسوعة الاسلامية لفتاوى الصلاة تحتوى على اكثر من 2300 فتوى فى فقة الصلاة Islamic fatwa for al salah contain more than 2300 different fatwa organized in categories - تم تقسيم الفتاوى إلى تصنيفات متعددة حيث يمكنك عرض كل تصنيف على حدة -...

Price: Free Developer: Hany Elmehy
Guide for FUT 18 Celebrations

Guide for FUT 18 Celebrations

Point to the sky, pull off a backflip and do the robot or show respect! Do you like football and FIFA 18 celebrations and don’t know how to do them? In our Guide for FIFA 18 Celebrations app, we...

Price: Free Developer: Tramboliko Games
Truyen Nguoi Lon - Truyện Người Lớn Cười 18+

Truyen Nguoi Lon - Truyện Người Lớn Cười 18+

Truyện Người Lớn - Truyen nguoi lon 18+ - Tổng hợp hơn 600 Truyện người lớn, truyện cười 18+. Đọc rất vui vẻ và sảng khoái. Đọc truyen nguoi lon 18+ cuoi, truyện hài bựa vui rất hay và hoàn toàn...

Price: Free Developer: Hai Nam Trinh
Truyen Nguoi Lon - Truyện Người Lớn Cười 18+ IPAD

Truyen Nguoi Lon - Truyện Người Lớn Cười 18+ IPAD

Truyện Người Lớn - Truyen nguoi lon 18+ HD - Tổng hợp hơn 600 Truyện người lớn, truyện cười 18+ HD. Đọc rất vui vẻ và sảng khoái. Đọc truyen nguoi lon 18+ cuoi, truyện hài bựa vui rất hay và...

Price: Free Developer: Hai Nam Trinh
Adult Story Offline - 205 Free Adults Jokes 18+

Adult Story Offline - 205 Free Adults Jokes 18+

Adult Story Offline - 205 Adults Jokes 18+ Free You will get a great Humor by downloading this app ! and you will see how funny it is , and you will start telling your friends or your girlfriend funny...

Price: Free Developer: Hai Nam Trinh
Truyện người lớn 2014 - Tuyển tập các bộ truyện 18+ mới nhất

Truyện người lớn 2014 - Tuyển tập các bộ truyện 18+ mới nhất

** Truyện người lớn - nơi cuộc sống thăng hoa ** NGHIÊM CẤM HOÀN TOÀN NHỮNG BẠN VỊ THÀNH NIÊN CHƯA ĐỦ 18 TUỔi + Kho truyện người lớn online tổng hợp nhiều truyện mới và cũ, được cập nhật thường...

Price: Free Developer: Tran Quang Son
Adultes courtes - 200 Blagues Adultes Courtes 18+

Adultes courtes - 200 Blagues Adultes Courtes 18+

Adultes courtes - 200 Blagues Adultes Courtes 18+ 200 Blagues Adultes! - Si vous voulez mettre un sourire sur votre visage, vous trouverez le plus drôle blagues ici. - Avez-vous déjà été en entreprise par la famille et les amis raconter des...

Price: Free Developer: Hai Nam Trinh
Majlis Konvokesyen UMS Ke-18

Majlis Konvokesyen UMS Ke-18

Majlis Konvokesyen Universiti Malaysia Sabah diadakan pada setiap tahun bagi meraikan mahasiswa dan mahasiswi yang telah tamat pengajian di Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Majlis Konvokesyen Universiti Malaysia Sabah kali yang pertama telah diadakan pada tahun 1999 dan pada tahun 2016 adalah...

Price: Free Developer: Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Telefónica IA&C Day '18

Telefónica IA&C Day '18

Welcome to the Telefónica Industry Analyst & Customer Day'18 Official App. Discover how Telefónica is digitally transforming and helping our customers to transform themselves. Collaboration, knowledge sharing and inspiring stories. An exclusive event showcasing the latest technologies and discussing the most...

Price: Free Developer: Telefónica S.A.
BlinkBook Pro - Book Summary

BlinkBook Pro - Book Summary

This ad free app has a library of free book summaries in multiple genre like self help, business and sci-fi etc. We give detailed book summary and not just book review for readers and audio books in short for non-readers! Boost...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Rohit Kanade

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