Top 37 Finance Apps Like BC QR for Shop - Best Alternatives

BC QR for Shop Alternatives

Do you want to find the best BC QR for Shop alternatives for iOS? We have listed 37 Finance apps that are similar to BC QR for Shop. Pick one from this list to be your new BC QR for Shop app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to BC QR for Shop on your iOS devices.

Top 37 Apps Like BC QR for Shop - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid BC QR for Shop alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 37 similar apps like BC QR for Shop 2025.

bc móvil

bc móvil

Ponemos a su disposición la aplicación bc móvil del Banco Pyme de la Comunidad, a través de la cual usted podrá realizar Consultas, Transferencias, Pagos y operaciones financieras desde su dispositivo móvil de forma fácil y segura. bc móvil solo...

Price: Free Developer: Banco Pyme de la Comunidad S.A.
KB국민 앱카드

KB국민 앱카드

KB국민 앱카드는 카드를 들고 다니지 않아도 스마트폰 앱으로 쉽고 편리하게 결제할 수 있는 새로운 스타일의 모바일카드입니다. (별도의 카드 신청없이 보유카드를 스마트폰 앱에 등록) KB국민 앱카드는 편리해서 좋다! : 여러 장의 카드를 들고 다니지 않아도 스마트폰만 있으면 원하는 카드로...

Price: Free Developer: KB KOOKMINCARD CO., LTD.


Budget Classification and Chart of Account.

Price: Free Developer: Narin BI
BC Property Assesment

BC Property Assesment

Are you a home owner? Are you going to purchase a home in British Columbia? You will need this app to help you find the right property at the right price and show you the home owner grant you...

Price: Free Developer: Cheng-Ta Hsieh


A blockchain Wallet to manage multiple Assets built on the Elements network. Conveniently view, receive, and send your BC2 blockchain assets! When you start up the app, it automatically generates a set of Private Keys from the app's internal library....

Price: Free Developer: Digital Garage Inc
Budget Calendar

Budget Calendar

Knowing your future balance in advance will help you adjust your expenses for the current month to avoid overdraft fees. Budget Calendar displays and forecast your cash flow from today to 15 years from now based on your spending...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Elite Platinum Inc


온라인 결제부터 오프라인 QR결제까지 더 쉽게! 다양한 이벤트와 생활 혜택이 준비된 페이북을 만나보세요. ○카드 혜택 그대로, 페이북 QR 
· QR결제 할 때마다 쌓이는 스탬프는 기프트로 교환하고
 · 자주 쓰는 멤버십 등록으로 더 편리하게 자동 적립/할인 받으세요.
 · 이제, 해외에서도 쓰던 카드 그대로 QR결제가 가능합니다. 

Price: Free Developer: VP Inc.
«Меткомбанк-Онлайн». Мобильный банк АО «Меткомбанк»

«Меткомбанк-Онлайн». Мобильный банк АО «Меткомбанк»

Мобильный банк «Меткомбанк-Онлайн» - это приложение, позволяющее круглосуточно совершать основные банковские операции через Ваш смартфон или планшет с доступом в Интернет.   Всем пользователям, установившим приложение, сразу становится доступна следующая информация: • лента новостей банка; • информация об отделениях банка; • информация о банкоматах банка; • сервисы...

Price: Free Developer: Banks Soft Systems
Orbit アービトラージ取引をサポート

Orbit アービトラージ取引をサポート

Orbitは、どこで買ってどこで売ると良いのかをご案内します。 ◎ 国内で人気のビットコイン業者をサポート bitFlyer Zaif Coincheck bitbank FISCO Quoine ◎ ニュースタブでは人気の仮想通貨ブログがまとめ読み出来ます 初心者だから不安… 仮想通貨っていっぱいあって分からない… いつ取引すればいいの? などなど、不安な疑問を日頃から解消できるニュース機能付きです。

Price: Free Developer: Yuya Hirayama
DigiCash - デジキャッシュ QRコード決済アプリ

DigiCash - デジキャッシュ QRコード決済アプリ

スマホでカンタン、お会計「DigiCash(デジキャッシュ)」 使い方はお店にあるQRコードを読み取るだけ。スピードUPでスムーズに! 会員登録もシンプル!電話番号とメールアドレス、パスワードの3つだけ。 ■こんなときに便利 • 小銭ってレジ前だとなんだかすぐに出てこない • お金おろし忘れた…!その場でチャージ • 利用履歴で使ったお金もきちんと管理 ■「DigiCash」の始めかた 1) DigiCashのダウンロードと会員登録。 登録は最短1分! 2) アプリからDigiCashをチャージ 3) お店の人に「DigiCashで」と伝えてお会計 ■チャージ方法 • クレジットカード: JCB、VISA、Master、AMEX、Diners Club ■ご利用方法 DigiCashが使えるお店で「DigiCashで」と伝えて、アプリからQRコードを読み取るだけ! ■お支払い方法 • お店の人からアプリに表示されたQRコードが提示された場合 1) DigiCashアプリでQRコードを読み取ってお会計完了 • お店に印刷されたQRコードがある場合 1) DigiCashアプリでお店のQRコードの読み取り 2) お会計金額を入力 3) お支払い画面をお店の人に見せてお会計完了 ■公式webサイト ■運営会社 STAGE株式会社について 「DigiCash」は、STAGE株式会社が開発・運営しています STAGE株式会社は「Finance」×「Technology」で未来の電子マネーライフを創造します QRコードは(株)デンソーウェーブの登録商標です。

Price: Free Developer: STAGE
EMV QR Code Reader & Generator

EMV QR Code Reader & Generator

This app will decode QR Codes that are compliant with the EMVco specifications for usage of Merchant and Consumer QR Codes in the payment business. It will show the raw data contained in the QR Code, show it as...

Price: Free Developer: Consultants Euromeric Inc.
Wayforpay Qr

Wayforpay Qr

WayForPay.QR is a mobile application, which allows you to perform payments by scanning QR code. It is not necessary to enter payment card data for each payment, payment from the mobile can occur in one click. Payment through the WayForPay.QR...

Price: Free Developer:
Merchant QR

Merchant QR

The Merchant QR is a mobile application by Halyk Bank. The Merchant QR is intended for point of sales, that receives QR payments. With QR code payments point of sales is able to receive cashless payments from customers in-store, on...

Price: Free Developer: Kazkommertsbank
QR KBank Shop

QR KBank Shop

QR KBank Shop is an application that will enable merchants to conveniently receive customer QR Code payment and manage store revenue at your fingertips. Free and Easy to Use!! *Easy to apply with in-app registration; no need to visit...

Price: Free Developer: KASIKORNBANK PCL.
Hong Kong Common QR Code

Hong Kong Common QR Code

The "Hong Kong Common QR Code" mobile application (HKQR) may be used by payment service providers (PSPs), merchant acquirers or merchants for converting multiple QR codes from different PSPs into a single, combined QR code. Only static QR...

Price: Free Developer: Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited
QR KBank

QR KBank

QR KBank is the next level of convenient digital wallet with high security from KASIKORNTHAI BANK LTD. With this app, you can turn your smartphone into a smart wallet to make payment without any burden of carrying money and...

Price: Free Developer: KASIKORNBANK PCL.


QR Pay by RCBC app allows partner merchants to accept payments from an Alipay mobile wallet through QR scanning. Features: • View Transaction History • Process Refund • Void Transactions • Check Status • Receipt Preview • Receipt Printing via Bluetooth • Receipt Reprint • Generate Reports QR Pay by RCBC app also allows merchants...

Price: Free Developer: GHL SYSTEMS
QR Payments Generator

QR Payments Generator

Generator of QR codes for payments according to the Short Payment Descriptor standard used in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Making a payment is easy. All you need is set an account number, an amount and a currency. You do...

Price: Free Developer: Michal Indra
Center for Financial Planning

Center for Financial Planning

This app provides an intuitive financial dashboard of your finances, document vault, interactive reports, budgeting tools and more – all in a secure and easy to use mobile app. TOP FEATURES • Interactive dashboard showing you your complete financial picture. • Dynamic reports with...

Price: Free Developer: Center for Financial Planning, Inc.®
Taxes for Expats

Taxes for Expats

TFX Mobile app is here! Fill out Tax Questionnaire on the run and get updates from the tax professional preparing your return, anywhere, anytime! We handle complex tax cases and provide quality & affordable support for both US residents and...

Price: Free Developer: Taxes for Expats
Allowance for YNAB

Allowance for YNAB

Allowance for YNAB is a companion app to the You Need a Budget service that allows you to select the categories you are most interested in and display them in places where you can, at a glance, see your...

Price: Free Developer: Carbonite Studios LLC
CommBank app for tablet

CommBank app for tablet

The brand new CommBank app for tablet brings you a world-class banking experience, giving you the tools to manage your money now and into the future. Whether it is quick access to balances and transfers, or planning for upcoming...

Price: Free Developer: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Mortgage Calculator for Professionals

Mortgage Calculator for Professionals

Mortgage Calculator -- Ridiculously easy to use. Built for every-day professional use by loan officers and real estate agents, but easy enough for everyone to use! -- Enter Loan Amount, Interest Rate, Number of Months, and hit "Payment"...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Nuclear Cyborg Corp


PAPER for MAKER helps small business owners to track work time, manage projects, create invoices, create estimates, digitise paperwork and prepare Accounting for free. Organize customers, book payments and send reminders. Simple and mobile. Prepare your accounting by capture...

Price: Free Developer: Paper for Maker UG (haftungsbeschrankt)
1st for Women

1st for Women

In-app crash detection, emergency medical assistance and so much more. If you have comprehensive; off-road; third party, fire & theft; motorcycle; and third party only cover from 1st for Women, you automatically get Guardian Angel on Call to help...

Price: Free Developer: First For Women
Accountant for iPad Calculator

Accountant for iPad Calculator

Accountant for iPad is the perfect calculator for general everyday use. Use it for adding columns of numbers, invoicing, point-of-sale receipt generation, income taxes, VAT and percentages, and much more. Save & retrieve important paper tape files for later...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Richard Silverman
Economy for iPad

Economy for iPad

****** #1 Finance app on Apple's top charts for 6 weeks ***** This app gives you a snapshot of the US economy by providing the latest key economic indicators and tracking the history of these indicators across the past few...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Cascade Software Corporation
Luxembourg for Finance

Luxembourg for Finance

The Luxembourg for Finance app brings our events to your mobile device and allows you to: • Create your profile once and register to events easily and for free • Check the list of LFF events • Discover program details, speakers, biographies, sponsors and...

Price: Free Developer: Metrum
atone shop(アトネショップ)

atone shop(アトネショップ)

「atone shop」は、カードが不要な翌月払い「atone」を実店舗で利用するための、タブレットアプリです。 ご利用いただくには、事前のお申込みが必要です。 お申込みを希望される方は、以下のWebサイトからお問い合わせしてください。 ※お申し込みには弊社の審査がございます。審査結果によっては、ご利用いただけない場合がございます。 ---------------- ◆機能 ---------------- 1)コード決済機能 - 決済に必要なコードを、タブレットアプリで表示することができます。 2)商品、商品カテゴリー登録機能 - 販売する商品や、商品のカテゴリー情報を登録することができます。 3)店舗別のログイン機能 - 店舗ごとに利用される端末に応じて、アカウントが発行されます。 - 店舗別売上の集計が可能になります。 ---------------- ◆取引の管理 ---------------- 「atone shop」アプリ以外に、Webで閲覧できる管理画面を用意しております。 atoneの取引情報は全て、取引履歴の閲覧、取引内容の修正、キャンセルが可能です。 ---------------- ◆atoneとは ---------------- atoneとは、「スマホで買って、代金は翌月コンビニで払う」そんな新しいお買い物のカタチを可能にする決済サービスです。 クレジットカードがなくても、誰でも、翌月後払いでECと実店舗でお買い物を楽しめます。 ---------------- ◆お問い合わせ ---------------- ご意見/不具合のご報告はこちらへお願いいたします。 [email protected]

Price: Free Developer: Net Protections,Inc.
Shop Your Own Mortgage

Shop Your Own Mortgage

While lenders often push deals that will get them the most commission, Shop Your Own Mortgage is a marketplace, not a lender. That means we help you source the best offers for your unique situation, free of fuss, fees,...

Price: Free Developer: Shop Your Own Corp
Your Tax Shop

Your Tax Shop

This powerful new free Finance & Tax App has been developed by the team at Your Tax Shop to give you key financial and tax information, tools, features and news at your fingertips, 24/7. The Your Tax Shop...

Price: Free Developer: MyFirmsApp


K PLUS SHOP is an application that will help merchant to manage payment the more cashless way. Functions and features are design to help you to manage your shop easily no matter where you are. With K PLUS SHOP,...

Price: Free Developer: KASIKORNBANK PCL.
TMB Smart Shop

TMB Smart Shop

TMB Smart Shop, a merchant application developed especially for SMEs by TMB, the smart choice to manage your shop better. Get MORE from your shop management application with TMB Smart Shop -Receive money easily via QR Code. Accept payment from...

Price: Free Developer: TMB Bank Public Company Limited
pring SHOP(店舗用)

pring SHOP(店舗用)

このアプリは、pring SHOP(店舗用)アプリです。 ご利用になるにはお申込みが必要です。 よりお申込みください。 ※加盟には所定の加盟審査があります。審査の結果ご利用いただけない場合もあります。 pring(プリン)は、あなたのお店に簡単に導入できるお金コミュニケーションアプリです。 タブレット、またはスマートフォンとインターネット環境があれば、さまざまな業種業態の店舗でご利用いただけます。 ・決済手数料は0.95% ・初期費用、月額費用、振込手数料もすべて0円 ・売上金は翌営業日*に自動的に入金されます *みずほ銀行以外をご指定の場合は月末締め翌月10日の入金となります。 ●ご利用までの流れ ① よりお申込みください。 ※加盟には所定の加盟審査があります。審査の結果ご利用いただけない場合もあります。 ②5営業日*以内に、審査結果およびpring SHOP(店舗用)アプリを利用するためのログインIDとパスワードをご連絡します。 *お申込み内容に不備があった場合等を除きます。 ③アプリにログインしてご利用開始

Price: Free Developer: pring Inc.
Chhota Bheem Shop

Chhota Bheem Shop

Shopping for Chhota Bheem & Mighty Raju official products has become much more easier, faster and convenient as we introduce our new official Chhota Bheem shopping App, where you can buy your kids favorite superhero merchandise. Shopping App is designed...

Price: Free Developer: Chotta Bheem
Di Shop

Di Shop

Di Shop is the application for merchant who provide food and beverage and also top-Up. The application facilitate user to manage all related transactions and include notification when merchant receive money. This application compatible with only Di Wallet application.

Price: Free Developer: Bank of Ayudhya Public Company Limited

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