Top 28 Finance Apps Like QR Payments Generator - Best Alternatives

QR Payments Generator Alternatives

Do you want to find the best QR Payments Generator alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Finance apps that are similar to QR Payments Generator. Pick one from this list to be your new QR Payments Generator app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to QR Payments Generator on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like QR Payments Generator - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid QR Payments Generator alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like QR Payments Generator 2025.

DigiCash - デジキャッシュ QRコード決済アプリ

DigiCash - デジキャッシュ QRコード決済アプリ

スマホでカンタン、お会計「DigiCash(デジキャッシュ)」 使い方はお店にあるQRコードを読み取るだけ。スピードUPでスムーズに! 会員登録もシンプル!電話番号とメールアドレス、パスワードの3つだけ。 ■こんなときに便利 • 小銭ってレジ前だとなんだかすぐに出てこない • お金おろし忘れた…!その場でチャージ • 利用履歴で使ったお金もきちんと管理 ■「DigiCash」の始めかた 1) DigiCashのダウンロードと会員登録。 登録は最短1分! 2) アプリからDigiCashをチャージ 3) お店の人に「DigiCashで」と伝えてお会計 ■チャージ方法 • クレジットカード: JCB、VISA、Master、AMEX、Diners Club ■ご利用方法 DigiCashが使えるお店で「DigiCashで」と伝えて、アプリからQRコードを読み取るだけ! ■お支払い方法 • お店の人からアプリに表示されたQRコードが提示された場合 1) DigiCashアプリでQRコードを読み取ってお会計完了 • お店に印刷されたQRコードがある場合 1) DigiCashアプリでお店のQRコードの読み取り 2) お会計金額を入力 3) お支払い画面をお店の人に見せてお会計完了 ■公式webサイト ■運営会社 STAGE株式会社について 「DigiCash」は、STAGE株式会社が開発・運営しています STAGE株式会社は「Finance」×「Technology」で未来の電子マネーライフを創造します QRコードは(株)デンソーウェーブの登録商標です。

Price: Free Developer: STAGE
EMV QR Code Reader & Generator

EMV QR Code Reader & Generator

This app will decode QR Codes that are compliant with the EMVco specifications for usage of Merchant and Consumer QR Codes in the payment business. It will show the raw data contained in the QR Code, show it as...

Price: Free Developer: Consultants Euromeric Inc.
Wayforpay Qr

Wayforpay Qr

WayForPay.QR is a mobile application, which allows you to perform payments by scanning QR code. It is not necessary to enter payment card data for each payment, payment from the mobile can occur in one click. Payment through the WayForPay.QR...

Price: Free Developer:
Merchant QR

Merchant QR

The Merchant QR is a mobile application by Halyk Bank. The Merchant QR is intended for point of sales, that receives QR payments. With QR code payments point of sales is able to receive cashless payments from customers in-store, on...

Price: Free Developer: Kazkommertsbank
QR KBank Shop

QR KBank Shop

QR KBank Shop is an application that will enable merchants to conveniently receive customer QR Code payment and manage store revenue at your fingertips. Free and Easy to Use!! *Easy to apply with in-app registration; no need to visit...

Price: Free Developer: KASIKORNBANK PCL.
BC QR for Shop

BC QR for Shop

BC QR for Shop 리뉴얼 오픈 카드사 공통 QR Pay 서비스를 이용해 보세요. BC 페이북, 유니온페이(중국 고객) APP 및 다른 카드사 APP을 가지고 있는 고객이 BC QR for Shop의 QR코드를 스캔하여 결제할 수 있습니다. (일부 카드는 QR결제가 불가능할 수 있습니다.) 업데이트 이후 비씨카드...

Price: Free Developer: BCCARD Co.,Ltd
Hong Kong Common QR Code

Hong Kong Common QR Code

The "Hong Kong Common QR Code" mobile application (HKQR) may be used by payment service providers (PSPs), merchant acquirers or merchants for converting multiple QR codes from different PSPs into a single, combined QR code. Only static QR...

Price: Free Developer: Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited
QR KBank

QR KBank

QR KBank is the next level of convenient digital wallet with high security from KASIKORNTHAI BANK LTD. With this app, you can turn your smartphone into a smart wallet to make payment without any burden of carrying money and...

Price: Free Developer: KASIKORNBANK PCL.


QR Pay by RCBC app allows partner merchants to accept payments from an Alipay mobile wallet through QR scanning. Features: • View Transaction History • Process Refund • Void Transactions • Check Status • Receipt Preview • Receipt Printing via Bluetooth • Receipt Reprint • Generate Reports QR Pay by RCBC app also allows merchants...

Price: Free Developer: GHL SYSTEMS
United Payments

United Payments

A new way of banking for financial operations without borders. For individuals We deliver convenient transactions with your close and loved ones at great rates, regardless of the location on the map. Besides, salaries, pensions and similar transfers become a matter...

Price: Free Developer: UNITED PAYMENTS PTE LTD
ETran Mobile Payments

ETran Mobile Payments

What is it? The solution allows corporate users to electronically deposit their customer’s check images as well as initiate customer ACH and credit card payments from a mobile device. What does it do? Deposits customer checks into an unlimited number of corporate...

Price: Free Developer: com.ftni
KIND - Send Payments

KIND - Send Payments

Why pay in cash when you can pay in KIND? KIND lets you make or receive payments by phone with just a few taps. You can pay friends or family members, pay for services rendered or give a tip....

Price: Free Developer: Kind Payments, LLC
Loan Manager:EMI,Payments

Loan Manager:EMI,Payments

Enter the values and this calculator will figure the payment. The loan can be a mortgage, car loan, or any other simple interest amortization over a fixed time with fixed monthly payments. Also if you want to know how much...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Rakesh Chellaboina
Tempus FX - Global Payments

Tempus FX - Global Payments

Ready to send fast, secure global payments from your mobile device? Introducing the new Tempus app—the simplest way to send, receive and manage your foreign currency payments. Download immediate access to the full suite of Tempus award-winning...

Price: Free Developer: Tempus
Electronic Payments International Magazine

Electronic Payments International Magazine

Electronic Payments International Magazine is a free editorially independent magazine aimed at banks and financial services companies in retail and corporate payments sector. Pushing the boundaries of digital publishing, EPI delivers insight to c-level bankers and payments professionals by providing...

Price: Free Developer: NRi Digital
Loan Calculator with extra payments

Loan Calculator with extra payments

True loan calculator is your reliable assistant in calculation of your loan payments. The application easily calculates your loan payments taking into account any changes in the interest rate and early repayments. This is one of those applications that...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Dmitry Tachkov
Mobile Pay by Global Payments

Mobile Pay by Global Payments

MOBILE PAY Use your iPhone or iPad to easily accept credit and signature debit card payments anywhere you have wireless coverage. The powerful Mobile Pay app turns your iOS device into a credit card transaction terminal. Whether your business is...

Price: Free Developer: Apriva
Payments – scheduled earnings and expenses reminder

Payments – scheduled earnings and expenses reminder

This app will give you reminders about current monthly payments.
You will be able to enter your monthly income, as well as monthly or single expenses which you mustn’t forget. 
- set up notification time; - automatic transfer and held open...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Evgeny Turchaninov
ProPay Payments

ProPay Payments

Securely accept credit card payments on your phone or tablet using ProPay’s credit card processing app. Accept payments from all major credit card brands (Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express) at rates as low as 1.99% per transaction and...

Price: Free Developer: ProPay, Inc.
Lottozahlen Generator

Lottozahlen Generator

Wusstest du das einige Zahlen im Lotto häufiger getippt werden als andere? Grund dafür ist das Unterbewusstsein eines jeden Menschen. Die meisten Leute spielen beim Lotto mit Zahlen aus ihrem Umfeld. Gemeint sind damit Geburtsdaten, Hausnummer, Postleitzahlen ... Das...

Price: Free Developer: Benjamin Lochmann
Invoice Generator HD Lite

Invoice Generator HD Lite

State of the art Invoice generator in PDF to mail to any of your customers all from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Highlight features: * Import contacts from Contacts app. * Full contact information per client such as:...

Price: Free Developer:
Sparkasse generator

Sparkasse generator

Banka Sparkasse d.d. ponuja svojim komitentom možnost dostopa do elektronske banke tudi z uporabo generatorja enkratnih gesel (OTP). Tako ima lahko komitent dostop do elektronske banke omogočen kjerkoli in kadarkoli preko svojega računalnika, svoje tablice ali pa pametnega telefona. ...

Price: Free Developer: CREA plus d.o.o.
Canopus OTP/MAC generator

Canopus OTP/MAC generator

First public version. Functions: - Generate time-limited one-time password for login into web-bank (OTP) - Generate payment-based one-time password for signing a payments into web-bank (MAC) - Scan payment-based QR on web-bank page - Set/reset passcode to entry to the app - Set/change keys for...

Price: Free Developer: Canopus Innovative Technologies
lotto mate - UK Lotto number generator

lotto mate - UK Lotto number generator

If you've ever been unsure of what numbers to pick for the lotto or just want a completely random selection - this app is exactly for you. Simply select from -Lotto -Thunderball -Euro millions -HotPicks and then shake your device or click the button. Voilà...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: STUART LAWRENCE
Deal Generator

Deal Generator

Find potential property deals in the United States, like Foreclosures, Auctions, Probate, Tired Landlord, and Tax Delinquent, export the data and used it in your mailing and social media campaigns. Driving for Dollars have a whole new meaning, in this...

Price: Free Developer: Umbrella Real Invesments
NLB Klikin Slovenija

NLB Klikin Slovenija

Mobilni banki Klikin zaupa že več kot 150.000 uporabnikov. Je mobilna banka številka 1 v Sloveniji (raziskava E-laborat 2018) in na voljo vsem uporabnikom NLB, ki želite do svojih financ dostopati kjerkoli in kadar koli, naj bo dan ali...

Price: Free Developer: NLB d.d.
Transbank OTP

Transbank OTP

ТрансБанкны харилцагчид нэг удаагийн нууц үг үүсгэгчийг интернэт банкны үйлчилгээндээ ашиглах боломжтой боллоо. Интернэт банкны үйлчилгээндээ нэвтрэхдээ аппликэйшн дээр гарч ирэх нэг удаа ашиглагдах 6-н оронтой тоог өөрийн нууц үгтэйгээ хамт хэрэглэх ба ингэснээрээ харилцагч өөрийн дансанд нэвтрэх нууцлалыг...

Price: Free Developer: Transport and Development Bank LLC

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