Top 19 Finance Apps Like Sparkasse generator - Best Alternatives

Sparkasse generator Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Sparkasse generator alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Finance apps that are similar to Sparkasse generator. Pick one from this list to be your new Sparkasse generator app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Sparkasse generator on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Sparkasse generator - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Sparkasse generator alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Sparkasse generator 2025.

Sparkasse mBanking

Sparkasse mBanking

Sparkasse mBanking aplikacija na Vašem mobilnom uređaju predstavlja siguran, brz, najjednostavniji i najjeftiniji način finansijskog poslovanja. Prednosti koje ostvarujete korištenjem mBanking usluge: - ušteda vremena (plaćanja možete vršiti sa bilo kojeg mjesta i u bilo koje vrijeme), - ušteda novca (vršite...

Price: Free Developer: Sparkasse Bank dd BiH
Bezirks-Sparkasse Dielsdorf

Bezirks-Sparkasse Dielsdorf

With Bezirks-Sparkasse Dielsdorf's free Mobile Banking App, you can conduct your banking transactions quickly and anywhere. Function overview - Current balance sheet - Manage and capture payments/standing orders incl. payment slip scanner - Access to the eBill portal - Current portfolio balance - Entry and...

Price: Free Developer: Bezirks-Sparkasse Dielsdorf Genossenschaft
Sparkasse Schwyz

Sparkasse Schwyz

Mit der kostenlosen Mobile Banking App der Sparkasse Schwyz tätigen Sie Ihre Bankgeschäfte schnell und überall. Funktionsübersicht - Aktuelle Vermögensübersicht - Verwalten und Erfassen von Zahlungen/Daueraufträgen inkl. Einzahlungsschein-Scanner - Zugang zum eBill-Portal - Aktueller Depotbestand - Erfassen und Abfrage von Börsenaufträgen - Anzeige der Karten - Managen...

Price: Free Developer: Sparkasse Schwyz AG
Sparkasse - Your mobile branch

Sparkasse - Your mobile branch

Keep track of your finances when and wherever you need it. Or use a lot of service features: find the nearest ATM or branch. Sparkasse is easy to use and secure. The official app of the Sparkasse * Features * - Set...

Price: Free Developer: Star Finanz GmbH
Sparkasse Wittenberg

Sparkasse Wittenberg

Die App der Sparkasse Wittenberg – immer bestens informiert Die Info-App Ihrer Sparkasse Wittenberg! Mit aktuellen Angeboten, interessanten News und vielen nützlichen Informationen – rund um die Sparkasse und rund ums Geld.

Price: Free Developer: Gesellschaft für Sparkassendienstleistungen mbH
Sparkasse M.Stik

Sparkasse M.Stik

M.Stik je sodobna, uporabniku prijazna aplikacija banke Sparkasse za mobilno bančništvo. Z njo je upravljanje z vašimi financami na mobilnih napravah udobno, hitro in varno. Mobilna banka M.Stik vam omogoča: • Hitro plačevanje položnic s funkcijo »slikaj in plačaj«, • Hitra plačila z...

Price: Free Developer: Banka Sparkasse d.d.


Mit der GrimmApp werden Märchen wahr! Kunden der Sparkasse Hanau genießen mit der GrimmApp viele Vorteile: - GRIMM PARTNER - - AKTUELLES - - GEWINNSPIELE - - MOBILE BANKING - - MEDIATHEK - - GRIMM PARTNER - Mit dem Girokonto der Sparkasse Hanau profitieren...

Price: Free Developer: Sparkasse Hanau
maxxy-App der Sparkasse CGW

maxxy-App der Sparkasse CGW

maxxy ist kein Konto wie jedes andere! Erleben Sie mehr – mit der neuen App zu den maxxy-Konten der Sparkasse Celle-Gifhorn-Wolfsburg. Ab sofort haben Sie Ihr maxxy-Konto auch unterwegs immer dabei. Und durch den Login mit Ihrer IBAN sowie...

Price: Free Developer: S-Markt & Mehrwert GmbH & Co. KG
Sparkasse mToken

Sparkasse mToken

Sparkasse mToken is an application used for user identification when accessing Sparkasse netBanking services and for authorizing payment transactions. After the installation, the mToken application needs to be activated using an activation code. The activation code is issued in any...

Price: Free Developer: PING d.o.o. Sarajevo
Lottozahlen Generator

Lottozahlen Generator

Wusstest du das einige Zahlen im Lotto häufiger getippt werden als andere? Grund dafür ist das Unterbewusstsein eines jeden Menschen. Die meisten Leute spielen beim Lotto mit Zahlen aus ihrem Umfeld. Gemeint sind damit Geburtsdaten, Hausnummer, Postleitzahlen ... Das...

Price: Free Developer: Benjamin Lochmann
QR Payments Generator

QR Payments Generator

Generator of QR codes for payments according to the Short Payment Descriptor standard used in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Making a payment is easy. All you need is set an account number, an amount and a currency. You do...

Price: Free Developer: Michal Indra
Invoice Generator HD Lite

Invoice Generator HD Lite

State of the art Invoice generator in PDF to mail to any of your customers all from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Highlight features: * Import contacts from Contacts app. * Full contact information per client such as:...

Price: Free Developer:
Canopus OTP/MAC generator

Canopus OTP/MAC generator

First public version. Functions: - Generate time-limited one-time password for login into web-bank (OTP) - Generate payment-based one-time password for signing a payments into web-bank (MAC) - Scan payment-based QR on web-bank page - Set/reset passcode to entry to the app - Set/change keys for...

Price: Free Developer: Canopus Innovative Technologies
lotto mate - UK Lotto number generator

lotto mate - UK Lotto number generator

If you've ever been unsure of what numbers to pick for the lotto or just want a completely random selection - this app is exactly for you. Simply select from -Lotto -Thunderball -Euro millions -HotPicks and then shake your device or click the button. Voilà...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: STUART LAWRENCE
Deal Generator

Deal Generator

Find potential property deals in the United States, like Foreclosures, Auctions, Probate, Tired Landlord, and Tax Delinquent, export the data and used it in your mailing and social media campaigns. Driving for Dollars have a whole new meaning, in this...

Price: Free Developer: Umbrella Real Invesments
EMV QR Code Reader & Generator

EMV QR Code Reader & Generator

This app will decode QR Codes that are compliant with the EMVco specifications for usage of Merchant and Consumer QR Codes in the payment business. It will show the raw data contained in the QR Code, show it as...

Price: Free Developer: Consultants Euromeric Inc.
NLB Klikin Slovenija

NLB Klikin Slovenija

Mobilni banki Klikin zaupa že več kot 150.000 uporabnikov. Je mobilna banka številka 1 v Sloveniji (raziskava E-laborat 2018) in na voljo vsem uporabnikom NLB, ki želite do svojih financ dostopati kjerkoli in kadar koli, naj bo dan ali...

Price: Free Developer: NLB d.d.
Transbank OTP

Transbank OTP

ТрансБанкны харилцагчид нэг удаагийн нууц үг үүсгэгчийг интернэт банкны үйлчилгээндээ ашиглах боломжтой боллоо. Интернэт банкны үйлчилгээндээ нэвтрэхдээ аппликэйшн дээр гарч ирэх нэг удаа ашиглагдах 6-н оронтой тоог өөрийн нууц үгтэйгээ хамт хэрэглэх ба ингэснээрээ харилцагч өөрийн дансанд нэвтрэх нууцлалыг...

Price: Free Developer: Transport and Development Bank LLC

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