Top 20 Education Apps Like HERO Feedback - Best Alternatives

HERO Feedback Alternatives

Do you want to find the best HERO Feedback alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to HERO Feedback. Pick one from this list to be your new HERO Feedback app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to HERO Feedback on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like HERO Feedback - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid HERO Feedback alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like HERO Feedback 2025.

Course Hero | Homework Help

Course Hero | Homework Help

Course Hero | Get Homework Help with Course Notes and Study Guides. Study smarter with the largest online library of course notes, study guides, and homework help—available 24/7. Better grades guaranteed! Unlock the exact course notes, study guides, and...

Price: Free Developer: Course Hero, Inc.
Hero - Students

Hero - Students

This app should be downloaded by parents and students. School administration should use the Hero - School app. Hero - Students is built for the school heroes. The students. Stay on track with the good and the bad, and make...

Price: Free Developer: Hero K12
Hero K12

Hero K12

This app should be downloaded by school administration. Parents and students should use the Hero - Students app. Hero is built for the school heroes. The teachers. The students. Those who inspire greatness. Track the good with the bad, and...

Price: Free Developer: Hero K12
Earth Hero: Climate Change

Earth Hero: Climate Change

Earth Hero empowers you to take positive practical action in response to the climate emergency. It connects you to a global movement rising to the interconnected crises of climate change and rapid species loss. - Mobilize with a community...

Price: Free Developer: Earth Hero
Hero Guest

Hero Guest

In Hero Guest, from the easiest tasks to the most complex missions, every tool is designed to improve team productivity, business profitability and customer experience, with metrics that allow you to have complete visibility of your operation. 97% of...

Price: Free Developer: Hero Guest
Phonics Hero

Phonics Hero

The Phonics Hero App is a free resource for all trial and subscriber accounts. Users will need an active username and password to sign into the app. "One of the best educational iPad apps for primary school kids" -...

Price: Free Developer: Phonics Hero Limited
Space Math Hero

Space Math Hero

Learn Math the Fun way! Your mission: Saving the planets from evil monsters! Be the Space Math Hero in this exciting math game. With mental calculations and your spaceship as your weapon, you fight for the survival of the planets where...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: inFocusmedia iFoM AB
VoiceTube HERO

VoiceTube HERO

「HERO 最有效率的影片學習法」是由「VoiceTube 看影片學英語」團隊研發的線上英語學習課程,貫徹「看影片學英語」的學習方式,HERO 的每堂課都由一段影片搭配涵括聽力、口說、閱讀、寫作等各種題型,全方位增加你的英語實力! 【5 分鐘免費體驗,推薦專屬課程等級】 ▪ 不需付費,下載本 APP 後即可免費使用 5 分鐘濃縮版課程 ▪ 除了可體驗 HERO 的課程形式與各式題型,課程結束後,系統還會依照作答情況評估你的英文程度 ▪ 測驗結果將對照至你適合的 HERO 課程難度,讓你選擇課程更方便。 【貼心區分四種等級,循序漸進學英文】 課程難度可對照多益 TOEIC 分數,分為初、中、中高、高級等四種等級: ▪ 初級:多益 TOEIC 約 200-450 分 ▪ 中級:多益 TOEIC 約 450-700 分 ▪ 中高級:多益 TOEIC 約 700-850 分 ▪ 高級:多益 TOEIC 約 850-990 分 【聽說讀寫各式題型,全面提升英語力】 HERO 精心設計包含聽力、口說、閱讀、寫作的題型,全方位增進你的英文能力,讓你不只「學」英文,還能實際「用」英文! ▪...

Price: Free Developer: REDIDEA CO., LTD.
Alphabet Hero

Alphabet Hero

It looks like fun and games, but Alphabet Hero teaches the alphabet using a proven learning method. Alphabet Hero provides focused practice in key early literacy skills: letter recognition and letter names. Alphabet Hero creates a custom learning plan for...

Price: Free Developer: Hungry Bug Games Inc
Forex Hero – trading game

Forex Hero – trading game

◆ The official and original Forex Hero app. ◆ Learn the secrets of how the pros make money. ◆ 100% free and without annoying Ads or sign-ups. If you think your average economics teacher would be a successful trader...

Price: Free Developer: Fitster Group SIA
Audio Feedback

Audio Feedback

Is it possible to reduce time taken to give feedback to pupils yet improve the quality of it AND increase pupil engagement? Audio feedback APP helps teacher’s to do this! Trials have shown: - 25% (approximately) saving in marking time. -...

Price: Free Developer: V1 Technologies Limited
Feedback Audit

Feedback Audit

Peer observation is a proven strategy for increasing your effectiveness as a teacher. Research has shown that focused, specific, data-rich feedback and collegial conversations lead to real improvement in practice. Each App in this suite is designed to give teachers...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Teacher Learning Network
Edkimo. Feedback for Learning.

Edkimo. Feedback for Learning.

Feedback is one of the most powerful influences for learning and achievement. Edkimo is aimed at teachers and learners in schools, colleges, in vocational training and adult education. Edkimo helps teachers and students to implement effective feedback and evaluation in...

Price: Free Developer: Edkimo GmbH
Plataforma Feedback

Plataforma Feedback

FeedBack es una plataforma de comunicación bidireccional entre padres, profesores y alumnos. Fácil de usar y segura extremo a extremo. FeedBack permite a los centros educativos contar con una herramienta de comunicación institucional entre familias y profesores permitiéndoles estar conectados...

Price: Free Developer: Alter Brain Solutions
Turnitin Feedback Studio

Turnitin Feedback Studio

Give and get feedback on the go! The next generation of the Turnitin Feedback Studio app is now available for instructors and students. Instructors using Turnitin's grading tools save time marking student papers while offering more meaningful feedback and...

Price: Free Developer: Turnitin
Feedback RPG

Feedback RPG

Feedback RPG is a companion application to be used when using the serious play game, Feedback RPG. This application helps a facilitator to run the serious play game and makes it easier for participants to actively engage in serious...

Price: Free Developer: John Sextro
Video Feedback Pro

Video Feedback Pro

Deze tool is speciaal ontwikkeld om je communicatieve vaardigheden te verbeteren. Met behulp van realistische werksituaties leer je op een actieve en praktische manier om te gaan met moeilijke communicatievraagstukken. De applicatie is gemakkelijk in gebruik en jij kiest zelf...

Price: Free Developer: SkillsTown
Teleskop -Feedback educational

Teleskop -Feedback educational

Teleskop este o platforma care sare in ajutorul profesorilor pentru a genera feedback 100% anonim dupa orele de curs. Poti genera formularele special facute pentru tine de pe orice telefon sau de pe orice laptop cu conexiune la internet....

Price: Free Developer: FOURBOX


Ứng dụng được sử dụng trong nội bộ trường đại học FPT. Sinh viên phản hồi về buổi học của mình. Đối tượng dùng ứng dụng này là giảng viên và sinh viên của trường đại học FPT. Sau khi đăng...

Price: Free Developer: Phong Nguyen

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