Top 30 Education Apps Like Video Feedback Pro - Best Alternatives

Video Feedback Pro Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Video Feedback Pro alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Education apps that are similar to Video Feedback Pro. Pick one from this list to be your new Video Feedback Pro app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Video Feedback Pro on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like Video Feedback Pro - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Video Feedback Pro alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Video Feedback Pro 2025.

Coach 7 Modeler and Video

Coach 7 Modeler and Video

Coach 7 Modeler and Video offers tools to make video or image analysis, to create dynamical models, to process and analyse data, and to compare results of real measurements with results generated by models. The Data Video Activities enable...

Price: USD 11.99 Developer: CMA Science
Rheinwerk Video

Rheinwerk Video

Lernen Sie mit Ihren Video-Trainings jetzt auch komfortabel auf dem iPad oder dem iPhone, wo und wann immer Sie möchten. Ob im Handel oder im Rheinwerk-Webshop, ob auf DVD oder als Download – sobald Sie Ihr Video-Training gekauft und...

Price: Free Developer: Rheinwerk Verlag GmbH
Video Mantis

Video Mantis

Video Mantis is for production sound mixers. Our goal is to create a centralized database of production gear all inside one app; to give access to all manufacturers and all equipment. with manuals, specification sheets and educational videos...

Price: Free Developer: Video Mantis LLC
Vernier Video Physics

Vernier Video Physics

Video Physics brings automated object tracking and video analysis to iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Capture video of an object in motion, then tap to track automatically. Video Physics instantly creates trajectory, position, and velocity graphs for the object. Video...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Vernier Software & Technology
VEO - Video Enhanced Observation

VEO - Video Enhanced Observation

VEO - Video Enhanced Observation – Continuous Improvement at your Fingertips.

 VEO’s demo app is free to record, tag and review. Then sign up for full app functionality, access our amazing portal and maximise organisational value.

 - Share key moments with...

Price: Free Developer: Video Enhanced Observation Ltd.
Phật Âm - Nơi chia sẻ các video Phật giáo

Phật Âm - Nơi chia sẻ các video Phật giáo

Trang nhà Phật Âm ( được thành lập từ tháng 11-2011, sau 2 năm đi vào hoạt động, trang nhà đã có những bước phát triển đáng khích lệ. Hiện nay, trang nhà có hơn 16.000 video bao gồm...

Price: Free Developer: Ngo Dung Thich
Kids Video Player Child Lock

Kids Video Player Child Lock

Kids Video Player specifically designed for kids and toddlers to watch video offline. Parents can lock player controls to prevent accidental pause or stop. Very easy to use, with simple kid friendly user interface. Perfect for kids to watch...

Price: Free Developer: Kiddoware
Videoshop EDU - Video Editor

Videoshop EDU - Video Editor

Videoshop EDU is an easy video editor for students and teachers, equipped with fast editing tools, filters and many other effects for personalizing your videos. FEATURES 1. Trim: Cut out any unwanted moments. You can also split your videos into multiple...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Jajijujejo Inc. - Video Bookmarks - Video Bookmarks

With application you will be able to bookmark moments of video for efficient content consumption. Application suites best for educational content where it's most important to have quick navigation and review exact useful moments. All bookmarks saved and synced to...

Price: Free Developer: i20 LLC
LearnEnglish Audio & Video

LearnEnglish Audio & Video

Listen to and watch our most popular English learning podcasts and videos in LearnEnglish Audio & Video! The app is packed with lots of cool features like landscape video mode, an audioscript and glossary. Improve your listening...

Price: Free Developer: British Council
Audio Feedback

Audio Feedback

Is it possible to reduce time taken to give feedback to pupils yet improve the quality of it AND increase pupil engagement? Audio feedback APP helps teacher’s to do this! Trials have shown: - 25% (approximately) saving in marking time. -...

Price: Free Developer: V1 Technologies Limited
Feedback Audit

Feedback Audit

Peer observation is a proven strategy for increasing your effectiveness as a teacher. Research has shown that focused, specific, data-rich feedback and collegial conversations lead to real improvement in practice. Each App in this suite is designed to give teachers...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Teacher Learning Network
Edkimo. Feedback for Learning.

Edkimo. Feedback for Learning.

Feedback is one of the most powerful influences for learning and achievement. Edkimo is aimed at teachers and learners in schools, colleges, in vocational training and adult education. Edkimo helps teachers and students to implement effective feedback and evaluation in...

Price: Free Developer: Edkimo GmbH
HERO Feedback

HERO Feedback

Hero Feedback gives students a voice to improve their university experience. Students can discuss and rate their courses and university services. In turn, the professors and university staff that deliver these services can make improvements – the ones that matter...

Price: Free Developer: Struensee & Co. Management Consulting AS
Plataforma Feedback

Plataforma Feedback

FeedBack es una plataforma de comunicación bidireccional entre padres, profesores y alumnos. Fácil de usar y segura extremo a extremo. FeedBack permite a los centros educativos contar con una herramienta de comunicación institucional entre familias y profesores permitiéndoles estar conectados...

Price: Free Developer: Alter Brain Solutions
Turnitin Feedback Studio

Turnitin Feedback Studio

Give and get feedback on the go! The next generation of the Turnitin Feedback Studio app is now available for instructors and students. Instructors using Turnitin's grading tools save time marking student papers while offering more meaningful feedback and...

Price: Free Developer: Turnitin
Feedback RPG

Feedback RPG

Feedback RPG is a companion application to be used when using the serious play game, Feedback RPG. This application helps a facilitator to run the serious play game and makes it easier for participants to actively engage in serious...

Price: Free Developer: John Sextro
Teleskop -Feedback educational

Teleskop -Feedback educational

Teleskop este o platforma care sare in ajutorul profesorilor pentru a genera feedback 100% anonim dupa orele de curs. Poti genera formularele special facute pentru tine de pe orice telefon sau de pe orice laptop cu conexiune la internet....

Price: Free Developer: FOURBOX


Ứng dụng được sử dụng trong nội bộ trường đại học FPT. Sinh viên phản hồi về buổi học của mình. Đối tượng dùng ứng dụng này là giảng viên và sinh viên của trường đại học FPT. Sau khi đăng...

Price: Free Developer: Phong Nguyen


PRO!Management steht für Kompetenz und Erfahrung in den Bereichen Training, Coaching und Consulting. Mit unseren Standorten und Partner realisieren wir Ihre Trainingsprogramme und -konzepte international in der jeweiligen Landessprache. Unser Ziel ist es, gemeinsam mit Ihnen und Ihren Mitarbeitern...

Price: Free Developer: Pro Management AG
Vocab Pro+

Vocab Pro+

Vocab Pro+ is a simple and fun way to learn vocabulary. It has an elegant and intuitive interface with beautiful backgrounds and a wide variety of unicode fonts. It uses the popular ProVoc file format and provides access to...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Rob Turnbull
Vocab Pro

Vocab Pro

Vocab Pro is a simple and fun way to learn vocabulary. It has an elegant and intuitive interface with beautiful backgrounds and a wide variety of unicode fonts. It uses the popular ProVoc file format and provides access to...

Price: Free Developer: Rob Turnbull
Observer Pro - Astronomy Planner

Observer Pro - Astronomy Planner

Observer Pro is a groundbreaking app for advanced astronomy planning. No more guessing when that galaxy emerges from behind that pesky tree. No more estimating how many hours you'll be able to image an object. Observer Pro gives every...

Price: USD 13.99 Developer: Joshua Bury
Shakespeare Pro

Shakespeare Pro

See what these users are saying about Shakespeare Pro: “It’s really great!” —Kenneth Branagh, actor and director “‘The app’s the thing.’ Hamlet was almost right. Great to see Shakespeare Pro superplaying with Shakespeare’s plays.” —David Crystal, linguist and author of Shakespeare's Words “The Shakespeare...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer:

Исследуйте свою Интуицию с помощью – эффективного приложения - тренажера для развития и тренировки интуиции. Программа - инструмент, который позволит вам «услышать голос» вашего шестого чувства и научиться делать правильный выбор в разных сферах жизни: бизнесе, профессиональной ориентации,...

Price: Free Developer: Aleksandr Alferov
CAB(SPI) 【Study Pro】

CAB(SPI) 【Study Pro】

------------------------------ 今だけのチャンス! ------------------------------ 大人気御礼600円から360円のセールを延長中! ------------------------------ お薦めのポイント ------------------------------ ・特長① 最適学習モード搭載! 最適学習モードは、未学習の問題と苦手な問題が優先的に出題される、学習効果を徹底的に追求したモード。時間のない就活生には、必ず役に立つ! ・特長② 十分な問題量! 全103問(例題を含む)を収録! ※市販の問題集(CAB分野)と同程度 ・特長③ 全問題に本よりも詳しい解説つき! Study Proならではの徹底解説! 問題/解説画像を356枚使用!市販のSPI問題集(書籍)よりもずっと詳しい! ・特長④ 高機能手書きメモツールつき! 途中結果を手書きで残せます! ------------------------------ カテゴリ一覧 ------------------------------ ・暗算 ・法則性 ・命令表 ・暗号 ------------------------------ 確認事項 ------------------------------ このアプリ“CAB(SPI) 【Study Pro】”は、リクルート社の適性検査「SPI3」ではなく、SHL社の適性検査「CAB」を対策するためのアプリです。 リクルート社の適性検査「SPI3」を対策したい場合は、“SPI言語 【Study Pro】”と“SPI非言語 【Study Pro】”がお薦めです。

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Study Pro
Articulation Station Pro

Articulation Station Pro

"Little Bee Speech has created a real gem. Articulation Station Pro is by far the best articulation app out there. It's a must have app in the SLP toolbox!" -Renena Joy, SLP Learn how to pronounce and practice the...

Price: USD 59.99 Developer: Little Bee Speech
PilotProTest PRO

PilotProTest PRO

PilotProTest PRO es una aplicación pensada para todo tipo de pilotos, estudiantes de aviación, pilotos privados o comerciales, que desean mantener sus conocimientos de aviación al día ya sea para presentar su próximo examen de selección a una aerolínea...

Price: USD 12.99 Developer: Jorge Gonzalez Galvan
Course for GarageBand to Logic Pro

Course for GarageBand to Logic Pro

This tutorial by Logic Certified Trainer Booker Edwards, is here to show how you can make a smooth transition from the entry-level GarageBand to the pro-level Logic Pro! App Features: • 113 minutes of video training • Super clear explanations • Offline Playback...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Nonlinear Educating Inc.

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