Top 43 Education Apps Like Giải Bài Tập Toán-Vật Lý Lớp 7 - Best Alternatives

Giải Bài Tập Toán-Vật Lý Lớp 7 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Giải Bài Tập Toán-Vật Lý Lớp 7 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 43 Education apps that are similar to Giải Bài Tập Toán-Vật Lý Lớp 7. Pick one from this list to be your new Giải Bài Tập Toán-Vật Lý Lớp 7 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Giải Bài Tập Toán-Vật Lý Lớp 7 on your iOS devices.

Top 43 Apps Like Giải Bài Tập Toán-Vật Lý Lớp 7 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Giải Bài Tập Toán-Vật Lý Lớp 7 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 43 similar apps like Giải Bài Tập Toán-Vật Lý Lớp 7 2025.



I denne applikasjonen finner du ca. 2200 norske fraseologismer, dvs. faste uttrykk og vendinger, og tilsvarende samiske fraseologismer som vi har foreslått. Applikasjonen er ment å være til hjelp for translatører og simultantolker. De sistnevnte har ikke tid til...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Davvi Girji


Sámegielas leat valljis luonddunamahusat, nugo muohta- ja dálvesánit. Spilddis bivlii gieđahallá sániid vuosttaš galbmimis čakčat giđa rádjai go šolge. Spilddis bivlii girji sáhttá leat ávkin badjeolbmui, oahppogirjin giellaberošteaddjái dahje sátnegirjin dasa gii háliida oahppat eambbo muohttaga birra. Samisk språk er...

Price: Free Developer: Arc Giraff
Shrimp Black Gill Tracker

Shrimp Black Gill Tracker

The UGA Marine Extension Shrimp Black Gill Tracker App allows you to quickly submit information about your catch to researchers studying the Shrimp Black Gill problem.

Price: Free Developer: Kyle Johnsen
Student identification card

Student identification card

Digital student card displays information about your status as a student at BI Norwegian School of Business. The "card" has two functions for now. One: Display if you have paid the fee to "Samskipnaden". Two: Display if your are...

Price: Free Developer: BI Norwegian Business School
BI Executive

BI Executive

Her finner du nettbaserte læringsressurser, aktuelle nyheter og presentasjoner for bank og forsikring hos BI. Appen gir muligheten for fleksibel og lett tilgjengelig læring og informasjon. Kursene dekker alle kunnskapskravene for finansiell rådgivning, skadeforsikring, kreditt for privatmarkedet og personforsikring...

Price: Free Developer: Goruu International AS
Bi Soru

Bi Soru

Bi Soru -Çözemediğin soru varsa resmini çekip gönder, diğer kullanıcılar sana çözüm için yardımcı olsun. Sen de diğerlerinin sorularına yardımcı olabilirsin. Yüksek veri kullanımının önüne geçmek için optimize edilmiş resim kalitesi. Her soru için oluşturulan cevaplar bölümü. -Sınırsız soru sorma. -Gönderdiği cevaplar en çok...

Price: Free Developer: MUSTAFA OZDEMIR
Bi-lingual Four Spiritual Laws

Bi-lingual Four Spiritual Laws

These culturally sensitive bi-lingual Gospel tracts are all based on the Four Spiritual Laws by Bill Bright. More than 50 languages. Each tract is back-translated from the other language, preserving the cultural adaptations that the tract has already gone through. This...

Price: Free Developer: Power to Change
Creche e Escola Tati Bi Tati

Creche e Escola Tati Bi Tati

Creche e Escola Tati Bi Tati! Acesse as informações da escola através deste aplicativo. Com este aplicativo, os pais, responsáveis e professores poderão receber as últimas informações da escola, as notícias do dia a dia dos seus filhos e o...

Price: Free Developer: Creche Escola TBT Ltda
Shree Ma Bi Rajhena

Shree Ma Bi Rajhena

Using Shree Ma Bi Rajhena app, we get all the performance reports on the move, communicate with teachers and institute smoothly over the app.Pay your fees anytime using multiple payment options.Get complete attendance and report card on the app. Get...

Price: Free Developer: Eshiksa Technology
Bi'dolu Kitaplık

Bi'dolu Kitaplık

Bi'dolu Kitaplık ile kitapları inceleyebilir, Fiyatlarını araştırabilir hatta yorumlar yapabilirsiniz. Okumak istediğiniz kitabın fiyatını ve nerde en ucuza bulabileceğinizi bulabilirsiniz.

Price: Free Developer: Ekrem Kocak


bi'dene mobil sınav uygulaması Ücretsiz üyelik oluşturup sınavlara katılabilirsiniz.

ABC Kurdî

ABC Kurdî

Kurdî Em bi kêfxweşîyeke mezin bi zimanê kurdî “app”a zarokan a pêşî pêşkêşî we dikin. Ev app ji alfabeya kurdî û ji du lîstikên deng û tîpên kurdî pêk tê. Zarokên ji 2-salî û mezintir dê bi alîkarîya lîstikan...

Price: Free Developer: Brickit AB
Explore Business Intelligence

Explore Business Intelligence

Explore Business Intelligence: Get +1600 Study notes, exam quizzes, terms & definitions and Prepare & Pass Your BI Exam easily to guarantee the highest score. With this app you can learn on the Go, Anytime & Everywhere. The learning & understanding...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Karim SLITI
TP Fire & Security

TP Fire & Security

The TP Fire & Security app provides accessible, cost-effective online courses for professionals, written by expert authors and accredited by the Institute of Fire Safety Managers. Courses cover both the basics and specifics of fire safety, outlining what the relevant...

Price: Free Developer: Anspear Ltd


TP Test is a Singapore driving theory test practice app for Basic Theory Test (BTT), Final Theory Test (FTT) and Private Hire Car Driver Vocational Licence (PDVL) questions to get a driving licence. People are using TP Test to...

Price: Free Developer: Shebin Leo Vincent
Manag LGV

Manag LGV

Animation à caractère pédagogique sur les théories du management des entreprises. Cette animation à caractère pédagogique a pour objectif d’identifier les principes de management miss en œuvre par l’entreprise de construction de la LGV Tours-Bordeaux et de les attribuer aux...

Price: Free Developer: Asco TP
Onde LGV

Onde LGV

Animation pédagogique sur le comportement de la caténaire au passage d’un TGV. Cette animation à caractère pédagogique a pour objectif d’observer l’effet dynamique produit par le contact d’un pantographe de TGV avec la caténaire. Elle met en évidence l’effet de...

Price: Free Developer: Asco TP
Paleo LGV

Paleo LGV

Cette animation à caractère pédagogique a pour objectif de faire comprendre les relations existant entre les couches géologiques, la nature des fossiles qu’elles peuvent contenir et le milieu naturel dans lequel les animaux fossilisés se sont développés. Elle a...

Price: Free Developer: Asco TP


Animation à caractère pédagogique sur le bruit émis par un TGV. Cette animation à caractère pédagogique a pour objectif de faire comprendre comment se propage le son émis par le passage d’un TGV et de mesurer l’efficacité de certains...

Price: Free Developer: Asco TP
Sở Giáo dục Đào tạo TP HCM HD

Sở Giáo dục Đào tạo TP HCM HD

Giáo dục và Đào tạo Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh luôn phát triển không ngừng với truyền thống năng động, sáng tạo, dám nghĩ dám làm, tích cực đổi mới. Nhờ vậy, luôn là ngọn cờ đầu của cả...

Price: Free Developer: TungViet Corp
Sở Giáo dục Đào tạo TP HCM SD

Sở Giáo dục Đào tạo TP HCM SD

Giáo dục và Đào tạo Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh luôn phát triển không ngừng với truyền thống năng động, sáng tạo, dám nghĩ dám làm, tích cực đổi mới. Nhờ vậy, luôn là ngọn cờ đầu của cả...

Price: Free Developer: TungViet Corp
TP Latino

TP Latino

Prepárate para las pruebas teóricas en las diferentes habilitaciones de pilotaje, con el cuestionario oficial de la DGAC. La aplicación Test Prep Latino cuenta con un banco de preguntas para las habilitaciones: Piloto Privado, Piloto Comercial e IFR (Instrumental Flight...

Price: Free Developer: Oscar Franco
Vibre LGV

Vibre LGV

Animation à caractère pédagogique sur les vibrations émises par un TGV. Cette animation à caractère pédagogique a pour objectif d’observer les vibrations émises par le passage d’un TGV et leurs effets sur la voie et son environnement. Elle met en...

Price: Free Developer: Asco TP
Choisis ton avenir

Choisis ton avenir

Vous recherchez une formation avant le bac, continuez vos études, changez de voie dans votre vie professionnelle ? Choisis ton Avenir en Transport-Logistique, application gratuite et sans publicité, est la clé de votre information pour une orientation pertinente sur les...

Price: Free Developer: AFT
ton maximizer

ton maximizer

"여러분의 꿈과 열정에 도전하세요!" OPIc, TOEIC Speaking, 비즈니스영어 속독, 속청, 속화, 라이팅, 첨삭을 제공하는 종합 학습앱니다. 특징 1. ton maximizer 학습 흐름 학습목표 -> 질문강의 -> 질문쉐도잉 -> 문장 별 질문쉐도잉 -> 답변강의 -> 답변쉐도잉 -> 문장 별 답변쉐도잉 -> 스크립트 작성 및 음성...

Price: Free Developer: DaeHyun Choi
Viz Ton Job

Viz Ton Job

Si vous recherchez un métier, cette application est faite pour vous. Viz Ton Job vous permet de visionner 80 témoignages vidéo de jeunes professionnels qui travaillent avec passion. 80 films courts sur des métiers d'actualité qui permettent d'accéder également...

Ton dictionnaire illustré

Ton dictionnaire illustré

Le meilleur dictionnaire illustré en français! Il s'agit d'un dictionnaire incroyable, facile à utiliser et visuellement stimulant où vous pouvez rechercher des objets ou des situations quotidiennes et d'apprendre à lire et écrire dans huit langues différentes. Les enfants vont...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Lisbon Labs
Envol 5 Vocabeln mit Ton

Envol 5 Vocabeln mit Ton

Diese App baut auf den Vokabeln des Envol 5 Lehrmittels auf. Zum Lernen dieser Vokablen berechnet der Remme Algorithmus © die Abfolge eigenständig mit dem Effekt, dass du sowohl schneller als auch motivierter auswendig lernen kannst. Zusätzlich sind alle...

Price: Free Developer: Remme AG
Envol 6 Vocabeln mit Ton

Envol 6 Vocabeln mit Ton

Diese App baut auf den Vokabeln des Envol 6 Lehrmittels auf. Zum Lernen dieser Vokablen berechnet der Remme Algorithmus © die Abfolge eigenständig mit dem Effekt, dass du sowohl schneller als auch motivierter auswendig lernen kannst. Zusätzlich sind alle...

Price: Free Developer: Remme AG
Envol 7 Vokabeln mit Ton

Envol 7 Vokabeln mit Ton

Diese App baut auf den Vokabeln des Envol 7 Lehrmittels auf. Zum Lernen dieser Vokablen berechnet der Remme Algorithmus © die Abfolge eigenständig mit dem Effekt, dass du sowohl schneller als auch motivierter auswendig lernen kannst. Zusätzlich sind alle...

Price: Free Developer: Remme AG
Envol 8 Vokabeln mit Ton

Envol 8 Vokabeln mit Ton

Diese App baut auf den Vokabeln des Envol 8 Lehrmittels auf. Zum Lernen dieser Vokablen berechnet der Remme Algorithmus © die Abfolge eigenständig mit dem Effekt, dass du sowohl schneller als auch motivierter auswendig lernen kannst. Zusätzlich sind alle...

Price: Free Developer: Remme AG
Path ton chemin

Path ton chemin

learn concentration and directions

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: CROMBEZ Emmanuel
Prof Express

Prof Express

Soutien scolaire en ligne Aide aux devoirs en ligne du primaire à bac+2, conseils orientation / Parcoursup, ressources pédagogiques… Une aide complète au service de la réussite scolaire à télécharger sur App Store ! ************* Assuré par des enseignants de l'Education Nationale,...

Price: Free Developer: CDSI NEWCO
iHokie VT

iHokie VT

ATTENTION Check out my NEW & FREE app, "CollegeLife." I personally want to thank each and every one of you for allowing me to pursue my dream of entrepreneurship and creating apps. Unfortunately, I will no longer be maintaining the...

Price: Free Developer: GreenValley Apps, LLC
Maple Run Unified School District, VT

Maple Run Unified School District, VT

The official app for the Maple Run Unified School District, VT allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Don't miss out on any important notifications. Users may also access the directory of district...

Price: Free Developer: Apptegy
Monsanto Jornada VT PRO 3

Monsanto Jornada VT PRO 3

Jornada VT PRO 3, confira aqui todos segredos, etapa por etapa, para obter uma melhor produtividade na sua plantação de milho.

Price: Free Developer: Antidoto Design
Vermont DMV  VT Permit test ed

Vermont DMV VT Permit test ed

Specific for Vermont. Based on Vermont DMV Manual. Practice for FREE on the website: DESCRIPTION: This application is professionally created for the people who want save their time, prepare in couple hours and pass Vermont Driver Knowledge Test on the first attempt....

Price: Free Developer: Driver-Start.Com
Prifysgol Aberystwyth Uni VT

Prifysgol Aberystwyth Uni VT

Discover Aberystwyth University campus, accommodation, student facilities and much more with our Virtual Tour. Scroll, Tap or watch in virtual lenses and experience Aberystwyth from the comfort of your device.

Price: Free Developer: Revolution Viewing LTD
VT DMV Road Sign Flashcards

VT DMV Road Sign Flashcards

VERMONT DMV, Road Sign flashcards for permit test preparation. GUESS and FLIP Traffic Sign flashcards to see description. Simple, quick and most effective learning tool. Memorize faster than others. Prepare Road Signs in a single day. Based on official drivers handbook 2018. Comprehensive collection of most...

Price: Free Developer: Abdullah Pasha
VT Tech Life

VT Tech Life

Use the Vermont Technical College Events app to find out what events are happening and find out how you can get involved on campus! • Sort by campus organizations hosting events • Find events tagged with your favorite activities •...

Price: Free Developer: Check I'm Here, LLC


A mobile interface for the Vermont Macroinvertebrate Database - The mobile app updates itself with the website on request and has an easy-to-use interface to help researchers in the field quickly identify the macroinvertebrates they might find in...

Price: Free Developer: The University of Vermont (UVM)
DMV Permit Practice Test 2019

DMV Permit Practice Test 2019

You are worried about the driver license test? Stop worrying and start studying with our FREE DMV permit practice test! You'll be surprised how close the app is to the real thing! WHY CHOOSE DMV PERMIT PRACTICE TEST - Practicality: Our...

Price: Free Developer: gApp Technology, Inc.
Teachley: Fractions Boost

Teachley: Fractions Boost

Teachley: Fractions Boost is an exciting 3D racing game that helps children in 3rd-5th grades gain conceptual understanding of fractions while learning how to represent them on a number line. Children race through a futuristic world, driving through number...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Teachley

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