Top 30 Education Apps Like Prifysgol Aberystwyth Uni VT - Best Alternatives

Prifysgol Aberystwyth Uni VT Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Prifysgol Aberystwyth Uni VT alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Education apps that are similar to Prifysgol Aberystwyth Uni VT. Pick one from this list to be your new Prifysgol Aberystwyth Uni VT app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Prifysgol Aberystwyth Uni VT on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like Prifysgol Aberystwyth Uni VT - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Prifysgol Aberystwyth Uni VT alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Prifysgol Aberystwyth Uni VT 2025.

Campws Byw Prifysgol Bangor

Campws Byw Prifysgol Bangor

Mae app Campws Byw yn rhoi’r holl wybodaeth yr ydych ei angen am fywyd mewn neuaddau ac o gwmpas Bangor. Cewch yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am ddigwyddiadau Campws Byw, yn ogystal gweld y lluniau diweddaraf fel na fyddwch yn colli...

Price: Free Developer: App Builder
Arwain – Academi Hywel Teifi

Arwain – Academi Hywel Teifi

Croeso i Arwain; ap rhad ac am ddim wedi’i greu ar gyfer myfyrwyr cyfredol a darpar fyfyrwyr Prifysgol Abertawe sy’n siarad neu dysgu Cymraeg. Mae’r ap yn cynnwys gwybodaeth am ein cyrsiau a’n modiwlau cyfrwng Cymraeg, y gefnogaeth ariannol sydd...

Price: Free Developer: Galactig
Chartered Banker MBA Enquiry

Chartered Banker MBA Enquiry

Stay connected wherever you are by downloading the Chartered Banker MBA app. The app allows you to access comprehensive information about the only qualification in the world combining an MBA and Chartered Banker status. Stay up to date with...

Price: Free Developer: Prifysgol Bangor University


Dyma ap i gyd-fynd gyda chwrs Cymraeg lefel dechreuwyr y cynllun Tilt. Mae'n cyflwyno geirfa a phatrymau syml o'r cwrs ac ambell reol gramadeg. Mae'n cynnwys clipiau sain i'ch helpu gyda'ch ynganu, deialogau a chwestiynau i chi brofi faint...

Price: Free Developer: Prifysgol Bangor University
Adolygu - Revision

Adolygu - Revision

Profa dy wybodaeth am wyddoniaeth yn erbyn y cloc! Wedi’i seilio ar Ganllawiau Adolygu Gwyddoniaeth TGAU Prifysgol Bangor, mae’r ap gwych hwn, sy’n rhad ac am ddim ac yn gwbl ddwyieithog, yn cynnig cwisiau i dy helpu wrth baratoi ar...

Price: Free Developer: Galactig
Adolygu 2 - Revision 2

Adolygu 2 - Revision 2

Wyt ti ym mlwyddyn 10 yn astudio Gwyddoniaeth? Dyma'r ap perffaith i ti! Wedi’i seilio ar Ganllawiau Adolygu Gwyddoniaeth TGAU Prifysgol Bangor, mae’r ap gwych hwn, sy’n rhad ac am ddim ac yn gwbl ddwyieithog, yn cynnig cwisiau i dy...

Price: Free Developer: Galactig
Cardiff University Students

Cardiff University Students

Your student app provides you with personalised information in a simple convenient way from a smartphone. The easy way to plan your day, check where you need to be and access help and support. Features include: • Your timetable •...

Price: Free Developer: Cardiff University
Gofalu Trwy’r Gymraeg

Gofalu Trwy’r Gymraeg

Diweddarwyd ar yr ap hwn yn 2018 ar gyfer Prifysgol Abertawe a’r Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol gydag adrannau ychwanegol o dermau ac ymadroddion yn benodol ar gyfer nyrsys, bydwreigiaid, gweithwyr cymdeithasol, meddygon, ymwelwyr iechyd, gweithwyr gofal, parafeddygon, gwaedyddion a ffisiotherapyddion....

Price: Free Developer: Galactig
SIREN Cayman

SIREN Cayman

This application provides:- 1) map depicting the Marine Protected Areas of the Cayman Islands 2) information relating to the Marine Laws in Cayman Islands 3) a guide to sustainable seafood tailored for the Cayman Islands 4) a means of reporting marine incidents and...

Price: Free Developer: Prifysgol Bangor University
Aberystwyth University

Aberystwyth University

Free ApAber for Aberystwyth University prospective students and current students. ApAber brings everything relating to your Aberystwyth University experience together in one easy-to-use and personalised app. The ApAber app gives you access to everything you need to know about Aberystwyth University...

Price: Free Developer: Collabco


Uni-Phi is now available on iOS! The Uni-Phi App has incorporated a unique identification system directly into the app referred to as “FraternID” and “SororID” which provides all unique users with their personalized ID and their membership status. The...

Price: Free Developer: Flow State Technology Inc


Goethe-Uni App (powered by StApps) Mit der Goethe-Uni App kannst du ab sofort ganz leicht überall dein Studium organisieren. Informationen über die Universität, Veranstaltungen und Personen sind leicht über eine Suche auffindbar. Außerdem kann man mit der integrierten Campus-Karte zu...

Price: Free Developer: Web HRZ


Discover local student-run events and associations at your university. Manage your profile to find events that directly match your interests or expand your search to explore new opportunities! Swipe through events effortlessly to add them to your favourites. Need...

Price: Free Developer: App-vise V.O.F
Analytics Uni

Analytics Uni

Il libretto che ogni studente universitario deve avere. Analytics Uni ti permette di avere un colpo d'occhio sull'andamento dei tuoi esami in tempo reale. Potrai aggiungere i tuoi esami, modificarli, eliminare quelli che hai dato in precedenza e avere...

Price: Free Developer: Andrea Carpi
Topica Uni

Topica Uni

Tham gia cùng với hơn 50.000 sinh viên đang theo học Topica, khám phá kiến thức từ 3000+ bài giảng, gần 400 tình huống thực tế (case study) với đội ngũ 1000+ giảng viên chuyên gia và doanh nghiệp. Các...

Price: Free Developer: Topica Learning
Uni Bonn App

Uni Bonn App

** Diese App befindet sich noch im Aufbau und wird ständig verbessert. Wir freuen uns über jedes Feedback ** Die Universität Bonn jetzt auf Ihrem iPhone überall mit dabei haben. Holen Sie sich die neusten Informationen rund um die Universität. BASIS Zugang zum...

Price: Free Developer: Universität Bonn
Uni Mainz

Uni Mainz

Die Uni Mainz-App bietet aktuellen Mitteilungen der JGU, die Suche nach Ansprechpartnern im Personenverzeichnis der JGU sowie eine Gebäudesuche, wobei die entsprechende Gebäude direkt auf der Karte angezeigt werden. Weiterhin bietet sie einen Überblick über die jeweils aktuellen Speisepläne...

Price: Free Developer: Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Uni Bremen App

Uni Bremen App

Uni Bremen App - Die offizielle Campus-App für die Uni Bremen - english translation available - Viele Dinge kann oder will man gerne unterwegs erledigen, diese App hilft Ihnen dabei. Ob es nun die aktuellen Veranstaltungsnews, Speisepläne oder die Nachrichten der...

Price: Free Developer: Jan Kulmann


A FFB agora é FB UNI. Primeiro Centro Universitário do Ceará que nasce com Conceito Máximo do MEC. Agora, começa uma nova caminhada pautada pela qualidade. Mantenha-se conectado com seus professores, acompanhe o andamento de suas notas e frequências, confira...

Price: Free Developer: FB Online
Jumbea – Uni Timetable & More

Jumbea – Uni Timetable & More

Students! Join Jumbea to manage everything around uni! Keep your calendars at hand, get automatically in contact with your classmates, check your friends’ availabilities & find some student deals – all in one place. The best App To Get Organized Enter...

Price: Free Developer: Jumbea Pty Ltd
iHokie VT

iHokie VT

ATTENTION Check out my NEW & FREE app, "CollegeLife." I personally want to thank each and every one of you for allowing me to pursue my dream of entrepreneurship and creating apps. Unfortunately, I will no longer be maintaining the...

Price: Free Developer: GreenValley Apps, LLC
Maple Run Unified School District, VT

Maple Run Unified School District, VT

The official app for the Maple Run Unified School District, VT allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Don't miss out on any important notifications. Users may also access the directory of district...

Price: Free Developer: Apptegy
Monsanto Jornada VT PRO 3

Monsanto Jornada VT PRO 3

Jornada VT PRO 3, confira aqui todos segredos, etapa por etapa, para obter uma melhor produtividade na sua plantação de milho.

Price: Free Developer: Antidoto Design
Vermont DMV  VT Permit test ed

Vermont DMV VT Permit test ed

Specific for Vermont. Based on Vermont DMV Manual. Practice for FREE on the website: DESCRIPTION: This application is professionally created for the people who want save their time, prepare in couple hours and pass Vermont Driver Knowledge Test on the first attempt....

Price: Free Developer: Driver-Start.Com
VT DMV Road Sign Flashcards

VT DMV Road Sign Flashcards

VERMONT DMV, Road Sign flashcards for permit test preparation. GUESS and FLIP Traffic Sign flashcards to see description. Simple, quick and most effective learning tool. Memorize faster than others. Prepare Road Signs in a single day. Based on official drivers handbook 2018. Comprehensive collection of most...

Price: Free Developer: Abdullah Pasha
VT Tech Life

VT Tech Life

Use the Vermont Technical College Events app to find out what events are happening and find out how you can get involved on campus! • Sort by campus organizations hosting events • Find events tagged with your favorite activities •...

Price: Free Developer: Check I'm Here, LLC


A mobile interface for the Vermont Macroinvertebrate Database - The mobile app updates itself with the website on request and has an easy-to-use interface to help researchers in the field quickly identify the macroinvertebrates they might find in...

Price: Free Developer: The University of Vermont (UVM)
DMV Permit Practice Test 2019

DMV Permit Practice Test 2019

You are worried about the driver license test? Stop worrying and start studying with our FREE DMV permit practice test! You'll be surprised how close the app is to the real thing! WHY CHOOSE DMV PERMIT PRACTICE TEST - Practicality: Our...

Price: Free Developer: gApp Technology, Inc.
Teachley: Fractions Boost

Teachley: Fractions Boost

Teachley: Fractions Boost is an exciting 3D racing game that helps children in 3rd-5th grades gain conceptual understanding of fractions while learning how to represent them on a number line. Children race through a futuristic world, driving through number...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Teachley

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