Top 39 Education Apps Like G-Energy VR 360º - Best Alternatives

G-Energy VR 360º Alternatives

Do you want to find the best G-Energy VR 360º alternatives for iOS? We have listed 39 Education apps that are similar to G-Energy VR 360º. Pick one from this list to be your new G-Energy VR 360º app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to G-Energy VR 360º on your iOS devices.

Top 39 Apps Like G-Energy VR 360º - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid G-Energy VR 360º alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 39 similar apps like G-Energy VR 360º 2025.

G Cube LMS V7

G Cube LMS V7

G Cube LMS V7 gives you the power to take your learning with you. Now access all your courses and take tests and quizzes on your smartphone or tablet. G Cube LMS V7 is the mobile solution for all...

Price: Free Developer: G-Cube Webwide Software Private Limited
G+J e|MS Innovation Campus

G+J e|MS Innovation Campus

Dies ist die offizielle Veranstaltungs-App des G+J e|MS Innovation Campus - dem praxisorientierten Trainings- und Veranstaltungsprogramm für Media- und Marketingentscheider von G+J e|MS. Nutzen Sie die App vor, während und nach dem jeweiligen Event und profitieren Sie von folgenden Features: -...

Price: Free Developer: G+J Electronic Media Sales GmbH


Welcome to G-pprentice. We specialize in virtual video game tutoring. Our passion is to spread our love of gaming through teaching. Our goal is to have you playing your favorite video game at the level you desire. We realize...

Price: Free Developer: John Maier
Stanley G. Falk School

Stanley G. Falk School

The official app for the Stanley G. Falk School allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications...

Price: Free Developer: Stanley G. Falk School
Articulate C,K,G

Articulate C,K,G

This application is a great clinical tool for a speech therapist, but it can also be used by parents to help their children practice the /k/ and /g/ or “velar phonemes. English language learners may also find this...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: BeeMoo, LLC
Gaba G Style シチュエーション別英会話

Gaba G Style シチュエーション別英会話

Gabaマンツーマン英会話の人気番組「Gaba G Style English」のスピンオフ企画アプリ!「番組のスクリプトや日本語訳がまとめて欲しい!」「会話部分を集中的に学べるものも欲しい!」といった視聴者の声に応えて作られた番組のスキットが凝縮された学習アプリです。 ◆「Gaba G Style English」とは: ・月間ダウンロード平均600万、通算4億4千万!(2017年2月時点) ・2005年にiTunesポッドキャスト番組として開始。3年連続iTunes 「オールタイムベストビデオ」受賞暦のある人気ポッドキャスト番組 ・日常生活・ビジネス・旅行、シチュエーションに合わせて覚えておくと便利なフレーズを紹介し、教科書や英語番組では学べないネイティブスピーカーのナチュラルな表現が人気! ・1回15分程度で、忙しい方でも通勤中やランチタイムに気軽に学習! ◆コンテンツ提供: URL: ◆特長 ・復習と反復学習 番組中の重要表現やポイントを、繰り返し学習することで理解を深めることができます ・自然で実用的な英語表現 ---教科書では学べない、ネイティブスピーカーが実際に使う表現が満載 ---シチュエーションごとに楽しみながら学習 ---実用的なシーンをピックアップ ・Podcast番組「Gaba G Style English」からスキットを完全収録 ---スキット動画の再生・停止が自由にできます ---動画とスクリプト、日本語訳を連動表示 ---英語・日本語・字幕表示無し、が選べるので学習効果がアップ ---セリフごとに音声が再生可能なので繰り返しの学習に最適 ・復習クイズ ---「キーフレーズ」「気になる表現」をクイズ形式でしっかり習得 ---クイズは、番組にプラスαの詳細解説でしっかり理解 ---言い換え表現や更なる関連表現もマスター ・お気に入り機能 ---覚えたいスクリプトや日本語字幕をお気に入りに登録することができます ・番組との併用で相乗効果 ---番組の司会とGabaインストラクターのお喋り部分も楽しみたい方は、iTunesで無料ダウンロードできる「Gaba G Style English」も併せてお楽しみください ---番組と併せて利用すれば相乗効果で楽しさアップ ◆掲載フレーズ例 ・Is he the uh... heavyset guy with glasses? (眼鏡かけてる、がっちりした人?) ・I could really do with your input.(あなたのアドバイスをもらえると本当に助かるのよ) ・I just wanted to run it by you first.(まず初めに君の意見を聞きたいなと思って) ・If you ask me, she’d...

Price: Free Developer: GABA corporation
PS 316 Elijah G. Stroud

PS 316 Elijah G. Stroud

The PS 316 Elijah G. Stroud app by School App Express enables parents, students, teachers and administrators of PS 316 Elijah G. Stroud to quickly access the resources, tools, news and information to stay connected and informed! The PS 316...

Price: Free Developer: AIS Developers, LLC.


Diese App aus dem hep verlag basiert auf den Lehrmitteln "W&G 1", "W&G 2" und "W&G 3" von Alex Bieli (Hrsg.). Sie enthält die Begriffsdefinitionen der wichtigsten Begriffe - alphabetisch oder nach den Kapiteln geordnet. Mit digitalen Lernkarten können...

Price: Free Developer: hep verlag ag
G.B.M School Kishanganj

G.B.M School Kishanganj

About G.B.M School Kishanganj Mobile App G.B.M School Kishanganj Mobile App is a simple and intuitive application focused on enhancing the communication between teachers and parents. The school management, teachers, parents and students gets on a single platform to bring...

Price: Free Developer: Techvein IT Solutions Private


***Price-Drop: Only $1.99, This Week Only*** This interactive app will be sure to engage kids in one of the most important concepts science has to offer: Energy. Packed with rich video and interactive animations, this app brings the topic of...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: KIDS DISCOVER
Energy e-learning module

Energy e-learning module

Deze online basis cursus doorloopt de verschillende Energy instrumenten en technieken waar OK assistenten / specialisten dagelijks mee werken. Het doel is om de basiskennis (jaarlijks) op peil te houden en te zien of gerichte bijscholing noodzakelijk is. • Doelpubliek: OK...

Price: Free Developer: Meplis NV
WindApp - Evaluate your wind turbine energy

WindApp - Evaluate your wind turbine energy

WindApp is a practical mobile app for wind energy enthusiasts and professionals that can estimate your energy and monetary savings for a specific wind turbine based on your local wind resource. Features such as built in mapping with your GPS...

Price: Free Developer: Energy Research Applications
Energy Safety Passport Guide

Energy Safety Passport Guide

The Energy Safety Passport (ESP) is the Appalachian basin-wide standardized onboarding and safety training program recommended to access oil and gas worksites designed and endorsed by several of the basin's largest producers and service providers. This course begins with...

Price: Free Developer: Serious Labs, Inc
My Energy Sidekick

My Energy Sidekick

This educational energy conservation application uses Augmented Reality (AR) combined with multimedia presentations and engaging activities to increase energy conservation awareness, demonstrate installation of energy efficient home improvements, and show ways to save energy. Key features include: - Activities to...

Price: Free Developer: Index AR Solutions, LLC
Types of Energy Resources

Types of Energy Resources

Types of Energy Resources app details about renewable and non-renewable energy sources. With the objective to make the science concept simple to understand for students, Types of Energy Resources app is illustrated by high-quality professional animations. The app describes...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer:
energy manager Magazine

energy manager Magazine

energy manager, the exclusive energy efficiency magazine is being brought out since January 2008. Published by Energy Press, the publishing wing of the Society of Energy Engineers and Managers (SEEM) this 64 page, four color, quarterly magazine has been...

Price: Free Developer: Magzter Inc.
Energy from chemicals

Energy from chemicals

“Energy from Chemicals” is an interactive app for students to learn the Uses of Chemical Energy, chemical energy sources, the chemicals changes and the energy changes associated with chemicals in an easy and engrossing way by visualizing the colorful...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer:
Forms of Energy Transformation

Forms of Energy Transformation

Forms of Energy Transformation app is designed for K12 physics students to learn about energy transfer and energy transformation through animations and virtual experiments. Students can learn to calculate kinetic and potential energy through interactive 3D animations. Each section...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer:
AR VR Molecules Editor

AR VR Molecules Editor

AR VR Molecules Editor allows one to build and manipulate 3D molecules models of organic and inorganic compounds in a smartphone VR headset. This is a valuable tool for chemistry students for learning about molecular bonding with the aid...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Virtual Space OOO
AR VR Molecules Editor Lite

AR VR Molecules Editor Lite

AR VR Molecules Editor allows one to build and manipulate 3D molecules models of organic and inorganic compounds in a smartphone VR headset. This is a valuable tool for chemistry students for learning about molecular bonding with the aid...

Price: Free Developer: Virtual Space OOO
Athens in VR

Athens in VR

Please note that a VR headset is required for this experience. Purchase yours here: For the first time ever, you can use your iPhone to take a self-guided on site tour of Athens, Greece, the greatest tourist destination of...

Price: Free Developer: Lithodomos VR
Croatia in VR – Ancient Pula

Croatia in VR – Ancient Pula

Please note that a VR headset is required for this experience. Purchase yours here: Experience Croatia in a way that has not been possible for 2,000 years. Step into the shoes of a Roman, and see Pula exactly as...

Price: Free Developer: Lithodomos VR
Hyperloop VR

Hyperloop VR

Download the VR app now to discover the technological breakthroughs from the Delft Hyperloop team. Use your mobile VR headset or Google Cardboard to bring the Hyperloop concept to life. Features: · Sit...

Price: Free Developer: INDG
VR Classroom

VR Classroom

Assistant app to VIRTUAL CLASSROOM: ATOMS AND ORBITALS - the first of a kind educational virtual reality experience designed for group visits to location-based virtual reality venues from schools, summer camps, education centers, and for everyone else who wants...

Price: Free Developer: Abelana VR Productions Inc
ID College VR

ID College VR

De ID College VR app is een co-creatie onder leiding van EMansion, i.s.m. DutchVR, Rabobank en ID College. Het maakt het voor toekomstige studenten makkelijk een virtuele kijk in de klas te kunnen nemen, het gebouw te kunnen ervaren en interviews met...

Price: Free Developer: DUTCH VR BV
Metro VR Store

Metro VR Store

Welcome to your METRO VR store! Experience first-hand how to keep a store running! Restock, take care of quality and presentation, and make sure everything is nice and customer friendly. In three exciting games you will boost the customer experience and...

Price: Free Developer: VR Owl
MLU VR Führung

MLU VR Führung

Fast wie live vor Ort! Unsere VR-App bietet mit 360-Grad-Videos und interaktiven 360-Grad-Panoramen Eindrücke von den Studienbedingungen an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) sowie der attraktiven Studentenstadt Halle (Saale) die zugleich Kulturhauptstadt des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt ist. Die optimale Wirkung der vollsphärischen...

Price: Free Developer: Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
VR Karbala 360°

VR Karbala 360°

VR Karbala is an innovative project that is aiming to bring the tragic incident of Karbala to life. Through virtual reality, VR Karbala is aiming to allow its user to walk among the companions of Imam (as), praying behind...

Price: Free Developer: VMA Nordic IVS
Insight 360 Student

Insight 360 Student

With the Insight 360™ Student app from Turning Technologies, students use the iPad® to write, draw, annotate, and respond to questions in a 1:1 environment. Students can join a session and engage in teacher-led questions and self-paced and tests. ...

Price: Free Developer: Turning Technologies, LLC
Insight 360 Cloud Teacher

Insight 360 Cloud Teacher

Get the full power of a mobile interactive whiteboard right on your iPad® with the Insight 360 ™ Cloud Teacher app, created by Turning Technologies specifically for classroom instruction. Insight 360 Teacher works with the newest editions of the...

Price: Free Developer: Turning Technologies, LLC
Insight 360 Teacher

Insight 360 Teacher

Get the full power of a mobile interactive whiteboard right on your iPad® with the Insight 360 ™ Teacher app, created by Turning Technologies specifically for classroom instruction. Insight 360 Teacher works with the newest editions of the Insight...

Price: Free Developer: Turning Technologies, LLC
Papás 360 - Para el Desarrollo

Papás 360 - Para el Desarrollo

¿QUE ES PAPÁS 360? Una plataforma digital para el bienestar familiar y personal. Está orientada a ayudar los #papásdehoy y #mamásdehoy, con hijos entre cero y 18 años de edad. Toca diversos temas relacionados a las nuevas tendencias de la...

Price: Free Developer: Papas 360, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Shakespeare's Globe 360

Shakespeare's Globe 360

Step inside the world of the Globe Theatre on London’s Bankside with this brand new app. Watch Shakespeare’s Globe logo jump off the screen as it transforms into a 3D theatre in front of your eyes. - Explore this stunning...

Price: Free Developer: Shakespeare's Globe
Fanshawe 360

Fanshawe 360

Fanshawe 360 helps you stay connected to Fanshawe College like never before. You will have access to great features that make your campus experience more effective, more efficient, and more fun. - Courses - Manage your courses on the go...

Price: Free Developer: Fanshawe 360
360 Voice

360 Voice

360 Voice is a fully customizable AAC board.

Price: Free Developer: 360 Memos LLC
Teleport 360 Editor

Teleport 360 Editor

Use Teleport 360 Editor to create engaging and compelling stories in virtual reality! Teleport 360 Editor brings your favorite features from the ThingLink desktop 360 photo editor to an easy-to-use tablet experience. With the app, premium users can upload...

Price: Free Developer: Thinglink
Insight 360 Cloud Student

Insight 360 Cloud Student

With the Insight 360™ Cloud Student app from Turning Technologies, students use the iPad® to write, draw, annotate, and respond to questions in a 1:1 environment. Students can join a session and engage in teacher-led questions and self-paced and...

Price: Free Developer: Turning Technologies, LLC
Animals 360 Gold

Animals 360 Gold

Every animal in your iPhone/iPad, and much more: more than 600 images in high definition, each animal’s real sound, accurate informative cards, environmental tours on set, recognition quiz and puzzles with different levels. Click on "...More" and you’ll find...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: YED28

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