Top 37 Education Apps Like G Cube LMS V7 - Best Alternatives

G Cube LMS V7 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best G Cube LMS V7 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 37 Education apps that are similar to G Cube LMS V7. Pick one from this list to be your new G Cube LMS V7 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to G Cube LMS V7 on your iOS devices.

Top 37 Apps Like G Cube LMS V7 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid G Cube LMS V7 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 37 similar apps like G Cube LMS V7 2025.

G-Energy VR 360º

G-Energy VR 360º

The G-Energy 360° App will make it possible for you to go on a virtual tour and observe with your own eyes the process of making of the unique products from the G-Energy lineup. You will visit the production...

Price: Free Developer: Inna Mitina
G+J e|MS Innovation Campus

G+J e|MS Innovation Campus

Dies ist die offizielle Veranstaltungs-App des G+J e|MS Innovation Campus - dem praxisorientierten Trainings- und Veranstaltungsprogramm für Media- und Marketingentscheider von G+J e|MS. Nutzen Sie die App vor, während und nach dem jeweiligen Event und profitieren Sie von folgenden Features: -...

Price: Free Developer: G+J Electronic Media Sales GmbH


Welcome to G-pprentice. We specialize in virtual video game tutoring. Our passion is to spread our love of gaming through teaching. Our goal is to have you playing your favorite video game at the level you desire. We realize...

Price: Free Developer: John Maier
Stanley G. Falk School

Stanley G. Falk School

The official app for the Stanley G. Falk School allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications...

Price: Free Developer: Stanley G. Falk School
Articulate C,K,G

Articulate C,K,G

This application is a great clinical tool for a speech therapist, but it can also be used by parents to help their children practice the /k/ and /g/ or “velar phonemes. English language learners may also find this...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: BeeMoo, LLC
Gaba G Style シチュエーション別英会話

Gaba G Style シチュエーション別英会話

Gabaマンツーマン英会話の人気番組「Gaba G Style English」のスピンオフ企画アプリ!「番組のスクリプトや日本語訳がまとめて欲しい!」「会話部分を集中的に学べるものも欲しい!」といった視聴者の声に応えて作られた番組のスキットが凝縮された学習アプリです。 ◆「Gaba G Style English」とは: ・月間ダウンロード平均600万、通算4億4千万!(2017年2月時点) ・2005年にiTunesポッドキャスト番組として開始。3年連続iTunes 「オールタイムベストビデオ」受賞暦のある人気ポッドキャスト番組 ・日常生活・ビジネス・旅行、シチュエーションに合わせて覚えておくと便利なフレーズを紹介し、教科書や英語番組では学べないネイティブスピーカーのナチュラルな表現が人気! ・1回15分程度で、忙しい方でも通勤中やランチタイムに気軽に学習! ◆コンテンツ提供: URL: ◆特長 ・復習と反復学習 番組中の重要表現やポイントを、繰り返し学習することで理解を深めることができます ・自然で実用的な英語表現 ---教科書では学べない、ネイティブスピーカーが実際に使う表現が満載 ---シチュエーションごとに楽しみながら学習 ---実用的なシーンをピックアップ ・Podcast番組「Gaba G Style English」からスキットを完全収録 ---スキット動画の再生・停止が自由にできます ---動画とスクリプト、日本語訳を連動表示 ---英語・日本語・字幕表示無し、が選べるので学習効果がアップ ---セリフごとに音声が再生可能なので繰り返しの学習に最適 ・復習クイズ ---「キーフレーズ」「気になる表現」をクイズ形式でしっかり習得 ---クイズは、番組にプラスαの詳細解説でしっかり理解 ---言い換え表現や更なる関連表現もマスター ・お気に入り機能 ---覚えたいスクリプトや日本語字幕をお気に入りに登録することができます ・番組との併用で相乗効果 ---番組の司会とGabaインストラクターのお喋り部分も楽しみたい方は、iTunesで無料ダウンロードできる「Gaba G Style English」も併せてお楽しみください ---番組と併せて利用すれば相乗効果で楽しさアップ ◆掲載フレーズ例 ・Is he the uh... heavyset guy with glasses? (眼鏡かけてる、がっちりした人?) ・I could really do with your input.(あなたのアドバイスをもらえると本当に助かるのよ) ・I just wanted to run it by you first.(まず初めに君の意見を聞きたいなと思って) ・If you ask me, she’d...

Price: Free Developer: GABA corporation
PS 316 Elijah G. Stroud

PS 316 Elijah G. Stroud

The PS 316 Elijah G. Stroud app by School App Express enables parents, students, teachers and administrators of PS 316 Elijah G. Stroud to quickly access the resources, tools, news and information to stay connected and informed! The PS 316...

Price: Free Developer: AIS Developers, LLC.


Diese App aus dem hep verlag basiert auf den Lehrmitteln "W&G 1", "W&G 2" und "W&G 3" von Alex Bieli (Hrsg.). Sie enthält die Begriffsdefinitionen der wichtigsten Begriffe - alphabetisch oder nach den Kapiteln geordnet. Mit digitalen Lernkarten können...

Price: Free Developer: hep verlag ag
G.B.M School Kishanganj

G.B.M School Kishanganj

About G.B.M School Kishanganj Mobile App G.B.M School Kishanganj Mobile App is a simple and intuitive application focused on enhancing the communication between teachers and parents. The school management, teachers, parents and students gets on a single platform to bring...

Price: Free Developer: Techvein IT Solutions Private
3D Museum Viewer / MERGE Cube

3D Museum Viewer / MERGE Cube

PLEASE NOTE: This app requires a MERGE Cube and a smartphone or a tablet to play. To find out how to get a MERGE Cube and learn more, visit our website at: 3D Museum Viewer brings ancient artifacts...

Price: Free Developer: Merge Apps
CellulAR for Merge Cube

CellulAR for Merge Cube

This app uses a Merge Cube for optimal play... a hologram that you hold in your hand! For more information about getting Merge Cube as well as a printable cube to try it out, visit and then...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Half Full Nelson
Solve The Cube 3D

Solve The Cube 3D

Learn how to solve the Rubik’s cube by playing !!! THE CUBE Rubik’s cube was invented in 1974 by Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture Ernő Rubik. Originally called the 'Magic Cube'. THE METHOD Really easy to learn method for solving the Rubik’s...

Price: Free Developer: Justo Salcedo Lopez
Click the Cube

Click the Cube

The "Click the Cube”-App provides students with opportunities to develop spatial ability using cube nets. Three different learning environment have been developed, each focusing on different aspect of spatial ability in the context of cube nets. In the first...

Price: Free Developer: Heiko Etzold
DinoDigger for Merge Cube

DinoDigger for Merge Cube

PLEASE NOTE: This app requires a Merge Cube and a smartphone or a tablet to play. To find out how to get a Merge Cube and learn more, visit our website at: Transport yourself back millions of years...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: NextGen Interactions


Product introduction The puzzle cube is one of the world’s most classic games, with countless combinations to work the hands and brain. Cube-tastic! uses AR technology to help players restore the cube within a minute. You will stimulate your brain like...

Price: Free Developer: Shanghai Putao Technology Co., Ltd.
Tutorial For Rubik's Cube

Tutorial For Rubik's Cube

This app will teach you how to solve the Rubik's Cube quickly and easily. Learn all the required steps for completing the Rubik's Cube. "Tutorial For Rubik's Cube" will guide you step by step to solve the cube. You can solve the...

Price: Free Developer: Itiel Maimon


Cube CFOP - A complete guide to solving the 3x3 Cube using one of the most popular speedsolving methods, the Fridrich method. Features: 1. F2L (First 2 Layers) 2. 1-Look OLL & 2-Look OLL (Orientation of Last Layer) 3. PLL (Permutation of Last...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Tuan Truong
CUBE! Special Edition

CUBE! Special Edition

With CUBE you can learn to solve the rubik cube from 0 or improve your skills CUBE has a timer for different types of cubes, statistics and saves your times. CUBE prepares you for official tournaments following the rules of these. It has...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Eduardo Javier Becerra Baeza


Get the full functionality of NEO LMS by using the iOS Mobile App. NEO is a simple, powerful LMS for schools and universities that makes it easy to deliver online education. With the mobile app you can access the full...

Price: Free Developer: NEO LMS, LLC


Get the full functionality of MATRIX LMS by using the iOS Mobile App. MATRIX is a simple, powerful LMS for businesses that makes it easy to deliver online training. With the mobile app you can access the full feature set...

Price: Free Developer: MATRIX LMS, LLC
LMS Школа. Классный журнал

LMS Школа. Классный журнал

Приложение «LMS Школа. Классный журнал» разработано для современных российских преподавателей. Оно предназначено для обеспечения доступа к вводу оценок и домашних заданий в любом месте, где есть интернет. Теперь в школе не требуется устанавливать компьютер на столе педагога, не требуется...

Price: Free Developer: Nintegra
Paradiso LMS 9 Mobile App

Paradiso LMS 9 Mobile App

The new version of Paradiso LMS App brings a fully equipped package of its multilingual LMS platform. It is available in offline mode and could be easily branded and customized, which make it a perfect ally for your corporation. With...

Price: Free Developer: sach chaudhari


Welcome to the ACU LMS Mobile App! This app requires an active ACU-LMS( account and the same ID and password can be used to log in as the web application. With the ACU LMS Mobile App, you can: - Access your...

Price: Free Developer: KERIS
Blackboard Open LMS

Blackboard Open LMS

Welcome to the Blackboard Open LMS Mobile App! With the Blackboard Open LMS App, you can: • Access your Blackboard Open LMS courses directly from your mobile device • Download content for offline access • Update your profile information • Receive course notifications...

Price: Free Developer: Blackboard Inc.
K-Dual LMS

K-Dual LMS

K-Dual LMS 온라인학습관리시스템의 모바일용 어플리케이션입니다. 본 어플리케이션은 고용노동부, 한국산업인력공단 지정 일학습병행제 전용 온라인학습관리시스템(LMS)으로 듀얼공동훈련센터 일학습변행제 OJT 교육 훈련을 위해 한국산업기술대학교 듀얼공동훈련센터 허브사업단에서 개발하였습니다. PC의 K-Dual LMS 시스템과 동일한 수강과목을 모바일을 통해 확인할 수 있으며, K-Dual LMS 시스템 강의 내의 공지사항 확인,...

Price: Free Developer: Korea Polytechnic University
Mobius Learning Shared LMS

Mobius Learning Shared LMS

The Mobius Learning Shared LMS is an application designed to access our shared Learning Management System (LMS) for students and teachers. The app provides a simple way to signup and access courses if your Administrator has already enrolled you...

Price: Free Developer: cvilink
Kornukopia LMS

Kornukopia LMS

Kornukopia' Learning Management System (LMS) and app is part of the Kornukopia education ecosystem of tools used by colleges and k-12 education environments. While deceptively simple and useful to the end-user this system/app becomes the baseline for all school...

Price: Free Developer: Kornukopia


WinCC Step By Step is a tutorial designed to teach users the basics of building a complete HMI application using Siemens SIMATIC WinCC HMI Software. With over 600 detailed screenshots and step descriptions and 25 screen cast movies...

Price: Free Developer: iQuest, inc.


Dieser Kurs ist auf all jene unter Ihnen ausgerichtet, die keinerlei Englisch sprechen und ganz von vorne anfangen wollen. Außerdem ist er für diejenigen gedacht, die über grundlegende Kenntnisse verfügen, ihre sprachlichen Fähigkeiten aber nicht für gut genug halten,...

Price: Free Developer: Prolog LTD
Jazz Harmony Lesson 3

Jazz Harmony Lesson 3

This app provides music lessons with audio topic by topic. Jazz Harmony is basic and advanced “knowledge and know-how” for most contemporary music like Jazz, Rock, Pop, even Film Score with full orchestra and many more. You can utilize...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Akihide Hara
English Pup - 3D English Learning Games for Kids

English Pup - 3D English Learning Games for Kids

English Pup is an educational game-app for kids just beginning to learn English. Children get to explore a fully 3D world and play fun mini-games while walking their puppy. They will listen and learn English words by interacting with...

Price: Free Developer: V7 Entertainment Inc.
English Pup Academy: Intermediate Level (Ages 4 - 5)

English Pup Academy: Intermediate Level (Ages 4 - 5)

The English Pup series English learning apps is a fun way for kids to improve their vocabulary, reading and writing skills, as well as a comprehensive array of essential English language skills. The intermediate version of the English Pup app...

Price: Free Developer: V7 Entertainment Inc.
English Pup Academy: Junior Level (Ages 3 - 4)

English Pup Academy: Junior Level (Ages 3 - 4)

The English Pup series of English learning apps is a fun way for kids to improve their vocabulary, reading and writing skills, as well as a comprehensive array of essential English language skills. The junior version of the English Pup...

Price: Free Developer: V7 Entertainment Inc.
English Pup Academy: Senior Level (Ages 5 - 6)

English Pup Academy: Senior Level (Ages 5 - 6)

The English Pup series of English learning apps is a fun way for kids to improve their vocabulary, reading and writing skills, as well as a comprehensive array of essential English language skills. The senior version is designed...

Price: Free Developer: V7 Entertainment Inc.


For pedal harpists: This app provides a quick and easy way to find the various pedal settings for commonly used glissandos in any key. Additionally, it will find pedal positions that produce a gliss for common chords (when possible). The...

Price: Free Developer: William Ooms
Transistors Handbook

Transistors Handbook

Transistors Handbook - Your Transistor Guide. This app will guide you to know, choose, select and design your next board masterpiece using that transistor you weren’t remembering. With this app you can update the transistor informations and share it with other...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer:

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