Top 38 Sports Apps Like Hoops in the Sun - Best Alternatives

Hoops in the Sun Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Hoops in the Sun alternatives for iOS? We have listed 38 Sports apps that are similar to Hoops in the Sun. Pick one from this list to be your new Hoops in the Sun app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Hoops in the Sun on your iOS devices.

Top 38 Apps Like Hoops in the Sun - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Hoops in the Sun alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 38 similar apps like Hoops in the Sun 2025.

Hoops in the Heartland

Hoops in the Heartland

The Official Hoops in the Heartland application is your home for Missouri Valley Conference women’s basketball! Whether you’re planning to attend or follow along from home, this app is a must-have for ALL fans of Hoops in the...

Price: Free Developer: Missouri Valley Conference
Hoops 4 Health

Hoops 4 Health

Download the Hoops 4 Health app to update your own player profile, join teams and follow your league. Chat with your team and the rest of the players in your league. View the schedule, scores, stats, season averages and...

Price: Free Developer: Wooter LLC
Burning Hoops

Burning Hoops

Shoot! Combustion! Performance! Explosion! Destroy! Without too much expression, this is all the theme elements! If have to say more, that is Tap tap tap, let the ball fly to the basket Plan plan plan, display personality stunts Ding ding ding, collect gold and...

Price: Free Developer: Song Zhang
Basketball Stat Tracker - Easy Hoops Shot Boxscore

Basketball Stat Tracker - Easy Hoops Shot Boxscore

Record basketball player stats quickly and easily so you do not miss the game. ***New - added social media sharing via Facebook and Twitter ***New - added csv file export via email Built to record an individual player's game stats Designed for high...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Lamar Johnson
Pack Hoops

Pack Hoops

Information for all North Carolina State Wolfpack basketball fans! Get the schedule, scores and news. Internet connectivity (3G, Edge, or Wi-Fi) required to update the scores and load news. Go Pack! Note: This app is not affiliated with...

Price: Free Developer: Erin Design, Incorporated
Tar Hoops

Tar Hoops

Information for all University of North Carolina Tar Heel basketball fans! Get the schedule, scores and news. Internet connectivity (3G, Edge, or Wi-Fi) required to update the scores and load news. Go Heels! Note: This app is not affiliated with the University...

Price: Free Developer: Erin Design, Incorporated
Tennessee Hoops Hype

Tennessee Hoops Hype

This is the official fan-engagement app of the University of Tennessee Volunteers, an interactive tool to enhance the game-day atmosphere at Tennessee sporting events. Activate your mobile device and become a part of the game.

Price: Free Developer: Pi
Basketball Hoop Stars

Basketball Hoop Stars

For all the Dunk and Hoop lovers. This game is the ultimate casual paradise. Hoop as many balls in the given timer. You can extend the timeline with each hoop but the game gets more tough and tough with...

Price: Free Developer: Mohsin waqar
College Basketball Live

College Basketball Live

College Basketball isn’t a pastime, it’s a lifestyle, and College Basketball (CBB) Live is here to help you live your best hoops life! CBB Live is built by college basketball fans, for college basketball fans, combining up-to-the-second live scores...

Price: Free Developer: Sportsmate Technologies Pty Ltd
Squad In Touch

Squad In Touch

Squad In Touch is the UK leading youth sports development platform tailored to schools, parents, and athletes. Squad In Touch provides your squad with easy to use mobile apps connecting teachers, coaches, and parents around children's sports life: • Keep your...

Price: Free Developer: Squad In Touch Ltd
Juggernaut IN

Juggernaut IN

Juggernaut is a football company with operations in sports infrastructure, events and sports restaurants. Having started its maiden arena at Thaltej in February 2015, Juggernaut has successfully captured the imagination of the masses in Gujarat and Delhi. Juggernaut Arenas...

Price: Free Developer: Mrunal Thanki
Believe In Sport

Believe In Sport

Create your own own athlete avatar from a selfie, and learn about different ways you could get caught in the web of sport competition manipulation. Choose from four short scenarios where your character is confronted by uneasy situations, and...

Price: Free Developer: International Olympic Committee
Betting Tips | BeFuture IN.

Betting Tips | BeFuture IN.

Are you looking for a free Betting tips app to get the best soccer predictions? do you want a powerful app that can let you get football Predictions Tips of any football matches within a few minutes and let...

Price: Free Developer: Muratcan Kayalak
Rodeo Ticket Check In

Rodeo Ticket Check In

The Rodeo Ticket app is designed to give mobile access to event directors with active accounts in the Rodeo Ticket online platform. Users can log into the app, see a list of all of their events, and access management features...

Price: Free Developer: Race Registration Online, LLC
Stride Events Check In

Stride Events Check In

The Stride Events app is designed to give mobile access to event directors with active accounts in the Stride Events online platform. Users can log into the app, see a list of all of their events, and access management features...

Price: Free Developer: Race Registration Online, LLC
WMA Check In/Check Out

WMA Check In/Check Out

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Wildlife Management Area System makes public lands available for recreation across the state. The WMA Self Clearing Permit App is a powerful tool for WMA users to complete the required self-clearing permit...

Price: Free Developer: Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
Dancer In The Mirror

Dancer In The Mirror

■ ABOUT "DANCER IN THE MIRROR" 「DANCER IN THE MIRROR(通称:ダンミラ)」は、ダンスレッスンを中心とした動画配信型アプリです。 各地でプロとして活躍するインストラクターがお送りする、ダンミラオリジナルのレッスン動画がなんと見放題! 「ダンスを始めてみたいが、あと一歩勇気が出ない」 「時間や場所の都合でレッスンに通えない」 「あの先生のレッスンを見てみたい!」 そんなダンスに懸ける想いを、きっとサポートできると思います! 監修にはなんと、日本ダンス界を牽引してきた第一人者、「ダンスの神様」こと坂見誠二氏を迎え、 ハイクオリティなレッスンを随時追加していきます! ■PRODUCT ダンミラは、基本無料で利用できます。 短い広告が再生された後に、5分前後のコンパクトなストリーミング動画が視聴できます。 広告を2回再生すると、それ以降12時間は広告なしで視聴することができます。 月額380円の課金でアップグレードをすれば、全てのインストラクターの、 最大20分のフルバージョン動画が広告なしで見放題! 気に入った動画はダウンロードすることができるので、外出先でもデータ制限・通信速度を気にせず再生できます! さらに、レッスンを観ながら撮影できる「カメラ&ムービー」機能、 撮影した自分の動画とレッスン動画を同時再生できる「デュアルムービー」機能を搭載! 効率的なスキルアップが期待できます! また、インストラクターが使用する楽曲も、ダンミラが制作するオリジナルです! 撮影した動画をSNSにアップしても、著作権侵害の心配はありません。 どんどんアップして発信しちゃいましょう! ■App内課金について TOP画面の「UPGRADE」ボタンをタップすると、確認画面が立ち上がります。 確認画面2ページ目の「OK」ボタンをタップすると登録手続きが始まります。 課金が完了すると広告が除去され、フルバージョン動画が視聴できるようになるほか、 前述の各種機能が利用できるようになります。 ・月額380円、1ヶ月ごとに更新の自動継続課金制です。 ・購入後のお支払いは、iTunesアカウントに請求されます。 ・自動継続課金の期間は1ヶ月です。 ・自動継続課金は期間の期限が切れる24時間前に自動課金されます。 ・自動継続課金は期間の期限が切れる24時間以上前に自動課金をオフにしなければ、自動更新されます。 ・自動継続課金はお客様自身で管理することができ、購入後に、----の順番で設定画面へ進み、自動継続課金をキャンセルすることが可能です。 利用規約: ■留意事項 ・本アプリは、データをサーバーに送信します。利用するには、初回起動時の画面にて、規約等を確認のうえ同意してください。 ・アプリの利用には、インターネット環境が必要です。ダウンロードした動画の再生はネット環境に依存しませんが、  起動時にネットに接続できない場合は、アップグレードされた機能を利用できません。 ・アップグレード後の追加機能である「カメラ&ムービー機能」は、初回使用時にカメラ・マイク・写真フォルダの使用を要求します。  これを拒否すると使用ができませんので、ご注意ください。

Price: Free Developer: Yusuke Kawamata


東京都大田区にあるボルダリングジム「POP IN(ポップイン)」のアプリです。 このアプリでは、毎月更新されるマンスリー課題や週ごとのセッション課題などをアプリ上で確認したり、自分の成績を記録しておくことができます。 また、ジムが運営しているブログやインスタグラムを確認することもできます。 ***************************** POP-INは、「世界一上達の実感出来るジム」をコンセプトに、初心者から上級者、大人から子供まで楽しめるよう、頑張って営業中です! NESTAによる「キッズカーディオ&ウェイトトレーナー」の資格を取得しているスタッフが常駐しており、お子様にも安心安全で楽しんでいただけます。90~135°の種類豊富な壁、毎月テーマを決めてたくさん更新されるマンスリー課題など上達できる要素も満載です。 2020年東京オリンピックの正式種目となった「スポーツクライミング」の一つであるボルダリングは少ない道具で気軽に始められる種目として今注目を浴びています。 興味がある方は、これを機に是非ご来店をお待ちしております。 *****************************

Price: Free Developer: akira morooka
ESPN The Game Nashville

ESPN The Game Nashville

102.5 The Game and 94.9 Game 2 are your sports station in Nashville. Here you will find all the latest information and updates on your favorite Tennessee sports teams like the Nashville Predators, Tennessee Titans, Nashville Sounds, UT, Vanderbilt...

Price: Free Developer: The Cromwell Group Inc
Before the Snap Admin 2017

Before the Snap Admin 2017

The admin version of Before the Snap (BTS) allows you to administer private competitions. Pick any NFL or college football game to use as the basis of your competition. Each private competition that you schedule will have a unique...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: The Global App Company
2010 South Africa to the Extreme HD

2010 South Africa to the Extreme HD

There were 32 countries from 5 continents but only one could get the trophy.... If you're a great football/soccer fan you'll surely like to keep this app available in your iPad. Get to know everything regarding the most important...

Price: Free Developer: The App Master
2010 South Africa to the Extreme

2010 South Africa to the Extreme

*** App with instant scores notification service *** 32 countries, 5 continents and only one trophy.... welcome to the most complete app about the South Africa 2010 Football tournament. If you're a great football fan, this is definitely the best...

Price: Free Developer: The App Master
Before the Snap

Before the Snap

Are you ready for some football? If you are then Before the Snap is just what the doctor ordered. And version 1.1 gives you access to competitions for baseball, basketball, hockey and soccer in addition to football games. ...

Price: Free Developer: The Global App Company
Student of the Gun TV

Student of the Gun TV

Being a Student of the Gun is not about being a novice or beginner. Student of the Gun represents a life's journey of education, enlightenment, and the enjoyment of firearms. Each episode will introduce the viewer to new and interesting...

Price: Free Developer: Student of the Gun, LLC
NYRA At The Track Horse Racing

NYRA At The Track Horse Racing

Download the Official New York Racing Association app to enhance your visit to Belmont Park, The Belmont Stakes Racing Festival, and Saratoga Race Course. Main Features: • Live feed of video, news, podcasts, interviews and social media streams. • View NYRA stakes schedule and...

Price: Free Developer: The New York Racing Association Inc
Laws of the Game

Laws of the Game

Do you want to become a (better) referee? Are you a player, a coach, or a journalist writing about football? Do you want to check something about the Laws while watching a match on TV or at a stadium? It...

Price: Free Developer: The International Football Association Board (IFAB)
93.7 The Ticket

93.7 The Ticket

Lincoln's best Sports Talk Radio! Take your favorite programming with you wherever you go with this mobile app. 9 hours of local programming, plus The Dan Patrick Show, and your favorite Fox Sports Radio shows. We bring you local...

Price: Free Developer: Home Field Communications
Couch and The Rube

Couch and The Rube

The idea of “Couch and The Rube” is to create a fun, engaging, sometimes thought-provoking all-in-one radio and podcast experience for the Michigan State, Michigan and Detroit sports fan whose assorted interests also might include the outrageous national story,...

Price: Free Developer: Spotlight Radio Network
Sun City Hilton Head

Sun City Hilton Head

Do you enjoy playing golf at Sun City Hilton Head in South Carolina? The OFFICIAL Sun City Hilton Head app gives golfers a free, easy to use, interactive combination of comprehensive course information, GPS positioning, digital scorecard, and...

Price: Free Developer: AGN Sports
Sun Tour

Sun Tour

Télécharger gratuitement l’appli Sun Tour et retrouver toutes les informations liées aux différentes étapes : - programmes - horaires - plan de boxes - résultats ...

Price: Free Developer: Virgile de Lacerda
Sun Beer Sports Bar

Sun Beer Sports Bar

Curtir com os amigos está mais fácil do que você imagina :) * Fique por dentro da programação da semana * Veja com antecedência todas as nossas promoções * Visualize o nosso cardápio antes mesmo de chegar ao nosso bar * Acesse a...

Price: Free Developer: Victor Passos
Arizona Sports 98.7 FM

Arizona Sports 98.7 FM

Arizona Sports 98.7 FM is an Arizona sports fans' place for the most in-depth coverage on their local sports teams. This ESPN-affiliated station is the flagship station for the Arizona Cardinals, Arizona Coyotes, Arizona Diamondbacks, Phoenix Suns and Arizona...

Price: Free Developer: Bonneville International
Soccer Champions

Soccer Champions

The Soccer Champions Coaches' Clinic takes place at the spectacular Mohegan Sun Resort & Casino. Led by Hall of Fame Coach Tony DiCicco and National Champion Collegiate Coach Ray Reid, this clinic for coaches features multiple days of world-class...

Price: Free Developer: GOLD ORLUK & PARTNERS, LLC


The FPN Videos app lets you view pro football picks videos from YouTube by many of the most popular prognosticators. You can get help making your own pro football picks. Also includes complete football schedule from 2000-2018 season with color coding...

Price: Free Developer:
Baseball Coaches Convention

Baseball Coaches Convention

The world-class Mohegan Sun World Baseball Coaches' Convention attracts more than 1,000 coaches from all levels of play, features nearly 100 exhibitors from leading-edge companies and offers more than 40 top presenters. Our presenters - major league coaches, top...

Price: Free Developer: GOLD ORLUK & PARTNERS, LLC
Billiard School

Billiard School

School of Billiards. Effective Training Method. Basics. The Only Way to Learn How to Drill to Play Like a Pro! About the Application ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This application contains 1.5+ hours of instructional video, complete with theoretical explanation and practical demonstration of exercises. The video features...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: VibSoft
Softball Coaches Convention

Softball Coaches Convention

The world-class Mohegan Sun World Softball Coaches' Convention attracts more than 1,000 coaches and players, features more than 90 exhibitors from leading-edge companies and offers a broad range of dynamic clinicians and instructors. Our presenters - ranging from NPF...

Price: Free Developer: GOLD ORLUK & PARTNERS, LLC

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