Top 19 Sports Apps Like POP IN - Best Alternatives

POP IN Alternatives

Do you want to find the best POP IN alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Sports apps that are similar to POP IN. Pick one from this list to be your new POP IN app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to POP IN on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like POP IN - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid POP IN alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like POP IN 2025.

POP Dart Global by Motega

POP Dart Global by Motega

Dart is a popular sport originated in England with a 500 years of history. It is an easy-to-access sport that anyone, both young and old, can enjoy without the need for special background. Pop! Dart is a sportainment platform which...

Price: Free Developer: Motega Convergence
Fishing Fanatic - Fishing App

Fishing Fanatic - Fishing App

Fish Activity Indicators Fishing and Tidal Info at your Fingertips Fishing Log Keeps Track of Important Activity Share Your Fishing Log Photos on Facebook & Twitter Store...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Site Sculptors, LLC
Skateboard Tricks - Learn How to Play Skateboard

Skateboard Tricks - Learn How to Play Skateboard

Learn how to skateboard and land tricks that will shock and amaze your friends! Discover secret techniques and methods for learning easy skateboarding trick from this app. Step-by-step instructions on Skateboard Tricks: How to Skateboard (Beginners) 4 Ways to Choose a Good Skateboard How...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Lim Ching Kong
World Sailing 2017-2020

World Sailing 2017-2020

The World Sailing app 2017-2020 is a partnership between World Sailing and the RYA to produce a unique multi-lingual World Sailing app for the Racing Rules of Sailing 2017-2020, cases, calls and associated documents. The app contains dedicated areas for...

Price: Free Developer: Royal Yachting Association


YardBook for iPhone is a Virtual Golf Yardage Book viewer. You can view the digitized yardage books at home or on-site. The digitized yardage books have: Enhanced Green Image with Grid, Landing Zone and Lay-up Zone, Dual-Yardage Marking, Elevation with Yardage...

Price: Free Developer: Jun Dai
Soccer Practice Pro

Soccer Practice Pro

Pre-Designed Soccer Coaching Practice Plans. Perfect for the soccer coach who is on the go. 20 different practice topics. Each practice plan has a warm up activity, basic skills activity, small sided, and large sided games. Need coaching points...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: William Eaton
Cricguru - Live Cricket Score

Cricguru - Live Cricket Score

Cricguru - Live Score for IPL12 provide a very fast, latest & accurate score for ipl matches Now all matches schedule, live score, past matches, upcoming matches will be on your hands. User friendly UI and attractive graphics makes easy for...

Price: Free Developer: Creative Infoway
Cricyard - Live Score & News

Cricyard - Live Score & News

Cricyard - Live Score for IPL provide a very fast, latest & accurate score. Now all matches schedule, live score, past matches, upcoming matches will be on your hands. User friendly UI and attractive graphics makes easy for user to...

Price: Free Developer: Creative Infoway
Dart Player

Dart Player

Dart Player is your one-stop dart scoring and practice app for all iOS devices: whether you want to play Cricket or X01 with your friend, or keep practice score, or even play the built-in AI dart player, Dart Player...

Price: Free Developer: John Gibbs
Squad In Touch

Squad In Touch

Squad In Touch is the UK leading youth sports development platform tailored to schools, parents, and athletes. Squad In Touch provides your squad with easy to use mobile apps connecting teachers, coaches, and parents around children's sports life: • Keep your...

Price: Free Developer: Squad In Touch Ltd
Juggernaut IN

Juggernaut IN

Juggernaut is a football company with operations in sports infrastructure, events and sports restaurants. Having started its maiden arena at Thaltej in February 2015, Juggernaut has successfully captured the imagination of the masses in Gujarat and Delhi. Juggernaut Arenas...

Price: Free Developer: Mrunal Thanki
Hoops in the Sun

Hoops in the Sun

The Hoops In The Sun app streamlines communication, scheduling, and score updates into one, easy-to-use app. 

 Hoops In The Sun is 100% free for your entire organization (league, team or tournament).
 Learn more at

 Currently available for soccer, basketball, football, volleyball,...

Price: Free Developer: Wooter LLC
Believe In Sport

Believe In Sport

Create your own own athlete avatar from a selfie, and learn about different ways you could get caught in the web of sport competition manipulation. Choose from four short scenarios where your character is confronted by uneasy situations, and...

Price: Free Developer: International Olympic Committee
Betting Tips | BeFuture IN.

Betting Tips | BeFuture IN.

Are you looking for a free Betting tips app to get the best soccer predictions? do you want a powerful app that can let you get football Predictions Tips of any football matches within a few minutes and let...

Price: Free Developer: Muratcan Kayalak
Rodeo Ticket Check In

Rodeo Ticket Check In

The Rodeo Ticket app is designed to give mobile access to event directors with active accounts in the Rodeo Ticket online platform. Users can log into the app, see a list of all of their events, and access management features...

Price: Free Developer: Race Registration Online, LLC
Stride Events Check In

Stride Events Check In

The Stride Events app is designed to give mobile access to event directors with active accounts in the Stride Events online platform. Users can log into the app, see a list of all of their events, and access management features...

Price: Free Developer: Race Registration Online, LLC
WMA Check In/Check Out

WMA Check In/Check Out

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Wildlife Management Area System makes public lands available for recreation across the state. The WMA Self Clearing Permit App is a powerful tool for WMA users to complete the required self-clearing permit...

Price: Free Developer: Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
Dancer In The Mirror

Dancer In The Mirror

■ ABOUT "DANCER IN THE MIRROR" 「DANCER IN THE MIRROR(通称:ダンミラ)」は、ダンスレッスンを中心とした動画配信型アプリです。 各地でプロとして活躍するインストラクターがお送りする、ダンミラオリジナルのレッスン動画がなんと見放題! 「ダンスを始めてみたいが、あと一歩勇気が出ない」 「時間や場所の都合でレッスンに通えない」 「あの先生のレッスンを見てみたい!」 そんなダンスに懸ける想いを、きっとサポートできると思います! 監修にはなんと、日本ダンス界を牽引してきた第一人者、「ダンスの神様」こと坂見誠二氏を迎え、 ハイクオリティなレッスンを随時追加していきます! ■PRODUCT ダンミラは、基本無料で利用できます。 短い広告が再生された後に、5分前後のコンパクトなストリーミング動画が視聴できます。 広告を2回再生すると、それ以降12時間は広告なしで視聴することができます。 月額380円の課金でアップグレードをすれば、全てのインストラクターの、 最大20分のフルバージョン動画が広告なしで見放題! 気に入った動画はダウンロードすることができるので、外出先でもデータ制限・通信速度を気にせず再生できます! さらに、レッスンを観ながら撮影できる「カメラ&ムービー」機能、 撮影した自分の動画とレッスン動画を同時再生できる「デュアルムービー」機能を搭載! 効率的なスキルアップが期待できます! また、インストラクターが使用する楽曲も、ダンミラが制作するオリジナルです! 撮影した動画をSNSにアップしても、著作権侵害の心配はありません。 どんどんアップして発信しちゃいましょう! ■App内課金について TOP画面の「UPGRADE」ボタンをタップすると、確認画面が立ち上がります。 確認画面2ページ目の「OK」ボタンをタップすると登録手続きが始まります。 課金が完了すると広告が除去され、フルバージョン動画が視聴できるようになるほか、 前述の各種機能が利用できるようになります。 ・月額380円、1ヶ月ごとに更新の自動継続課金制です。 ・購入後のお支払いは、iTunesアカウントに請求されます。 ・自動継続課金の期間は1ヶ月です。 ・自動継続課金は期間の期限が切れる24時間前に自動課金されます。 ・自動継続課金は期間の期限が切れる24時間以上前に自動課金をオフにしなければ、自動更新されます。 ・自動継続課金はお客様自身で管理することができ、購入後に、----の順番で設定画面へ進み、自動継続課金をキャンセルすることが可能です。 利用規約: ■留意事項 ・本アプリは、データをサーバーに送信します。利用するには、初回起動時の画面にて、規約等を確認のうえ同意してください。 ・アプリの利用には、インターネット環境が必要です。ダウンロードした動画の再生はネット環境に依存しませんが、  起動時にネットに接続できない場合は、アップグレードされた機能を利用できません。 ・アップグレード後の追加機能である「カメラ&ムービー機能」は、初回使用時にカメラ・マイク・写真フォルダの使用を要求します。  これを拒否すると使用ができませんので、ご注意ください。

Price: Free Developer: Yusuke Kawamata

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