Top 20 Productivity Apps Like Pie Player - Best Alternatives

Pie Player Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Pie Player alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Productivity apps that are similar to Pie Player. Pick one from this list to be your new Pie Player app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Pie Player on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Pie Player - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Pie Player alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Pie Player 2025.

Generator Pie

Generator Pie

Generator calculations made easy! As with all our Apps this App provides the underlying maths and theory behind the calculations together with worked examples. This will allow you to not just get an answer, but more more importantly, to understand...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Pork Pie Software Limited
Light Pie

Light Pie

Lighting calculations made easy! As with all our Apps this App provides the underlying maths and theory behind the calculations together with worked examples. This will allow you to not just get an answer, but more more importantly, to understand...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Pork Pie Software Limited
Power Factor Pie

Power Factor Pie

Power factor calculations made easy! As with all our Apps this App provides the underlying maths and theory behind the calculations together with worked examples. This will allow you to not just get an answer, but more more importantly, to...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Pork Pie Software Limited
Power Pie

Power Pie

Power calculations made easy! As with all our Apps this App provides the underlying maths and theory behind the calculations together with worked examples. This will allow you to not just get an answer, but more more importantly, to understand...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Pork Pie Software Limited
Transformer Pie

Transformer Pie

Transformer calculations made easy! As with all our Apps this App provides the underlying maths and theory behind the calculations together with worked examples. This will allow you to not just get an answer, but more more importantly, to understand...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Pork Pie Software Limited
Escalator Pie

Escalator Pie

Escalator handling capacity calculations made easy! As with all our apps this app provides the underlying maths and theory behind the calculations together with worked examples. This will allow you to not just get an answer, but more more importantly...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Pork Pie Software Limited
Pie Time

Pie Time

Pie Time™ is a clock app that helps kids - and their parents -make time management easy as pie! Pie Time helps kids and adults stay on track by showing how a slice of pie for a given task gets...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Organima
Pie Chart 3D Free

Pie Chart 3D Free

Pie Chart 3D Free allows you to create pie chart wherever you are. Just few taps and your pie chart is ready. You can save it for later or email immediately. On iPad you can rotate it to landscape mode and...

Price: Free Developer:
Charts - Data Visualization and Business Analytics

Charts - Data Visualization and Business Analytics

Experience true multi-gesture interactivity with Charts. Pivot dimensions, turn pages, hide series elements, sort data, change orientation, explode pie or donut slices, rotate pie and donut, change donut width with simple gestures. Create professional looking charts quickly, using a wide...

Price: Free Developer: EVODATA Consulting
Dailies Player by ARRI Webgate

Dailies Player by ARRI Webgate

ARRI Webgate is the cloud service of ARRI Media. The Dailies Player is the video player of ARRI Webgate, tailored to the needs of filmmakers when viewing dailies. The Dailies Player offers the key functions of ARRI Webgate in...

Price: Free Developer: ARRI Group
Best Coast Pairings Player App

Best Coast Pairings Player App

As a companion application to our original Tournament Organizer App, The Best Coast Pairings Player App continues to deliver on our mission making competitive events more immersive, informative and easier for everyone. For tournament days, this application aids...

Price: Free Developer: Best Coast Pairings LLC
Tips for playing player soccer 2016

Tips for playing player soccer 2016

Tips for playing player soccer 2016 1. Introduction 2. Pick up the phone. It’s your wake up Call 3. The Era of the “Complete Soccer Player” 4. Get your skills together. There’s no more room for goons. 5. Get off the couch. Get your...

Price: Free Developer: Luc Tuong
iXVL Player

iXVL Player

iXVL Player is a 3D model viewer for the iPad / iPhone to show XVL files and contents output from iXVL Publisher. It enables viewing and interrogation of 3D models using rotate, pan and zoom, assembly tree display, part...

Price: Free Developer: Lattice Technology Co.,Ltd.
A's 3D Player

A's 3D Player

「A's 3D Player(エース スリディ プレイヤー)」は、建築3次元CAD「A's(エース)」で作成した住宅の3Dデータを、iPadやiPhoneで閲覧できるアプリです。 工務店・設計事務所・ハウスメーカー様がお施主様と打ち合わせする時に、本アプリを用い、手軽に住宅を3Dで丸ごと提案できます。 バーチャル展示場で、夢のマイホームの完成イメージを隅々まで共有でき、後悔しない家づくりをサポートします。 お施主様の端末(iPad、iPhone)でも閲覧でき、ご自宅にて家族間で完成イメージを確認できます。 ※本アプリを利用するには、「A's(エース)」で作成した3Dデータが必要です。 【主な機能】 (1)外観、内観をウォークスルー、360°パノラマで表示 (2)ワンタッチで主要部屋の移動(CADとの連携による視点の自動生成) (3)太陽光シミュレーションで日当たり提案(夏至、冬至時を切り替え) (4)白模型・スケルトン・断面表示で様々なビジュアルで住まい提案 (5)スマホによるVR体験で、臨場感のあるバーチャル展示場を実現 【機能一覧】 ・QRコード読込(3Dデータダウンロード) ・ライブラリにQRコード保存 ・ライブラリからQRコード読込 ・お施主様名表示 ・白模型表示 ・スケルトン表示(建物半透明) ・断面表示(1F・2F・前面・後面・左面・右面) ・太陽光シミュレーション(春分・夏至・秋分・冬至・現在) ・色替え(カラーコーディネート) ・色替え(カラーチェンジ) ・あおり補正 ON/OFF ・画像保存(スクリーンショット) ・環境設定 ・光源部品点灯 ON/OFF ・ジャイロ ON/OFF ・コントローラー(左:前後左右 右:360度回転) ・SSAO(影隅)ON/OFF ・クオリティ(高品質・標準・軽量) ・自動地面生成 ON/OFF ・全画面 ・自動視点生成(CADで予め登録済の視点) ・視点高さ表示(GL、FL基準) ・ウォークスルー  ・指操作による視点移動  ・コントローラーによる視点移動 ・建具開閉 ・スマホVR(画面長押しで次の視点へ移動) 【操作の流れ】 「A's(エース)」のアプリ「3Dパース」からQRコードを生成します。 本アプリより、QRコードを読み込むと建物の3Dデータを表示します。 ※都度新しいデータを読み込む流れです。前回の物件は端末側で記憶します。 【ウォークスルー操作方法】 ・視点の前後移動:指2本のピンチイン、ピンチアウト ・視点の平行移動:指2本の上下左右(視点高さ変更) ・回転:指1本フリック(建物内:視点中心回転 建物外:建物中心回転) ※注意事項:カメラアクセス、写真への読み出しと書き込みの許可が必要 【A's 3D Player説明ページ】 【対応OS】 iOS11以降必要 【対応機種】 iPhone XS/ iPhone XR / iPhone X / iPhone 8 / iPhone 8 Plus / iPhone 7 / iPhone 7 Plus iPhone 6s / iPhone 6s Plus / iPhone 6 / iPhone 6...

Price: Free Developer: 株式会社シーピーユー
Fluid Player

Fluid Player

The Fluid UI Player is the free companion app for Fluid UI. Install the Player to view fantastic full screen mockups built with your account. Simply scan the QR code accessible in the project preview - iterating...

Price: Free Developer: Fluid Software
ARMedia Player

ARMedia Player

"ARMedia Player” is the first iOS application that allows to interact with virtual models, created by means of the popular ARMedia Plugins, directly in the real physical space using AR (Augmented Reality) technology. When aiming your device's camera to...

Price: Free Developer: Inglobe Technologies
VPN Private Browser + Adobe Flash Player for iPad

VPN Private Browser + Adobe Flash Player for iPad

VPN Flash Browser allows you to browse anonymously and privately by using a different IP address to protect your identity. The anonymous browser also comes with Adobe Flash Player support for your iPad. You can now browse your...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Appquests
PencilCase Player

PencilCase Player

Your PencilCase Creations and team’s digital content in one place, available wherever you are. - Instant access to the digital content you and your team have shared – not just Creations, but also documents, videos and presentations. - Built-in search function...

Price: Free Developer: Robots and Pencils Inc.
Photon X Private Browser and Flash Player for iPad

Photon X Private Browser and Flash Player for iPad

Photon X Private Flash Browser is the latest generation flash browser based on our #1 paid browser in the app store. Photon X supports faster streaming with bandwidth 7 for power users with faster bandwidth and maintain the latest...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Appsverse Inc.

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