Top 39 Productivity Apps Like Pie Chart 3D Free - Best Alternatives

Pie Chart 3D Free Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Pie Chart 3D Free alternatives for iOS? We have listed 39 Productivity apps that are similar to Pie Chart 3D Free. Pick one from this list to be your new Pie Chart 3D Free app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Pie Chart 3D Free on your iOS devices.

Top 39 Apps Like Pie Chart 3D Free - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Pie Chart 3D Free alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 39 similar apps like Pie Chart 3D Free 2025.

Generator Pie

Generator Pie

Generator calculations made easy! As with all our Apps this App provides the underlying maths and theory behind the calculations together with worked examples. This will allow you to not just get an answer, but more more importantly, to understand...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Pork Pie Software Limited
Light Pie

Light Pie

Lighting calculations made easy! As with all our Apps this App provides the underlying maths and theory behind the calculations together with worked examples. This will allow you to not just get an answer, but more more importantly, to understand...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Pork Pie Software Limited
Power Factor Pie

Power Factor Pie

Power factor calculations made easy! As with all our Apps this App provides the underlying maths and theory behind the calculations together with worked examples. This will allow you to not just get an answer, but more more importantly, to...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Pork Pie Software Limited
Power Pie

Power Pie

Power calculations made easy! As with all our Apps this App provides the underlying maths and theory behind the calculations together with worked examples. This will allow you to not just get an answer, but more more importantly, to understand...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Pork Pie Software Limited
Transformer Pie

Transformer Pie

Transformer calculations made easy! As with all our Apps this App provides the underlying maths and theory behind the calculations together with worked examples. This will allow you to not just get an answer, but more more importantly, to understand...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Pork Pie Software Limited
Escalator Pie

Escalator Pie

Escalator handling capacity calculations made easy! As with all our apps this app provides the underlying maths and theory behind the calculations together with worked examples. This will allow you to not just get an answer, but more more importantly...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Pork Pie Software Limited
Pie Time

Pie Time

Pie Time™ is a clock app that helps kids - and their parents -make time management easy as pie! Pie Time helps kids and adults stay on track by showing how a slice of pie for a given task gets...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Organima
Pie Player

Pie Player

PiePlayer 听见不同 - 支持播放反派影评的音频 - 支持前进30秒/后退15秒 - 播放音频时,滑动底部黑条试试~

Price: Free Developer: Wei Li
Charts - Data Visualization and Business Analytics

Charts - Data Visualization and Business Analytics

Experience true multi-gesture interactivity with Charts. Pivot dimensions, turn pages, hide series elements, sort data, change orientation, explode pie or donut slices, rotate pie and donut, change donut width with simple gestures. Create professional looking charts quickly, using a wide...

Price: Free Developer: EVODATA Consulting
HVAC Psychrometric Chart

HVAC Psychrometric Chart

The HVAC Psychrometric Chart app is the first truly interactive graphical psychrometric chart for the iPad, and it includes both IP and SI units. It is now optimized for iOS 9. Using your finger, you can easily plot HVAC and...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: ASHRAE, Inc.


HVAC PT Chart is an electronic pressure temperature calculator that allows HVAC technicians and contractors to quickly look up the temperature and corresponding pressure for 100+ common HVAC refrigerants including both bubble and dew versions of azeotropic (mixture) refrigerants....

Price: Free Developer: Carmel Software Corporation
Spider Chart Pro

Spider Chart Pro

About SpiderChart Pro SpiderChart Pro enables user to create dynamic and customized radar charts on the go. It features complex animations and graphics to distinguish elements in a timely manner. The app allows the user to save, edit and share...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Treepi LLC
Org Chart Maker

Org Chart Maker

Org Chart Maker is a powerful tool for creating printable Organization charts on your iPad. With this App you can quickly create org charts and use them instantly in your other projects. The Ability to render fullscreen charts allows...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: IW Technologies LLC
QC SPC Chart Standard

QC SPC Chart Standard

QCSPCChart Standard Version The QC SPC Chart software is an interactive SPC chart (6-sigma) application aimed at quality control professionals (and students) who want to view industry standard statistical quality control charts on their mobile devices. Typical users will...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Quinn-Curtis, Inc.
Chart Maker +

Chart Maker +

We built a unique control to add and edit numbers, this make it really fast to create a chart and edit it the way you want. Then, you can switch between chart styles in just 1 tap. You can make...

Price: Free Developer: Phuong Bui
Org Chart Maker App

Org Chart Maker App

Org Chart Maker is a Powerful App that lets you build Organization Charts on your iOS Device. With this App you can quickly create organization charts and use them instantly in your other projects. You can create an org...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: IW Technologies LLC
3D Chart Maker

3D Chart Maker

3D Chart Maker is a tool for creating vibrant and professional charts. Create bar charts, multi bars charts or pie charts and share with friends. Make your chart on the iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch and Share or Print an...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Nitrio
Chart Maker

Chart Maker

Chart Maker is a powerful graphing App that let's you create Printable Charts on your iPad. With this App you can quickly create charts and use them instantly in your other projects. The Ability to render fullscreen charts allows...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: IW Technologies LLC
3D Mobile Inspector

3D Mobile Inspector

3D Mobile Inspector software integrates with the 3D Inspection System desktop software for use on your phone or tablet. 3D Inspection System inspection software provides the most powerful and easy to use inspection software available for home and real...

Price: Free Developer: 3D Inspection Systems, Inc.
Morphi - 3D Modeling + Design

Morphi - 3D Modeling + Design

Morphi is a simple, powerful and easy to learn 3D design and modeling app used to create and remix designs for AR/VR, 3D Printing, Animation, Game Design, Graphic Design, Design Thinking and more.  You are free to use all the...

Price: Free Developer: The Inventery, Inc.
3Dswipe: the real-time 3D configurator

3Dswipe: the real-time 3D configurator

** NEW 3Dswipe DEMO ** KEY FEATURES: - Impressive life-like realism - Dynamic scroll-managed animations - New product customization module: your image & your text dynamically displayed on the 3D object - Interactive exploded product views - Interactive 360° immersive system - Product handling smoothness 3Dswipe,...

Price: Free Developer: Synthese Video
CAD 3D Modeling - Wuweido

CAD 3D Modeling - Wuweido

Wuweido is a professional 3D modeling CAD on mobile, enable you do real CAD work on mobile. More than just a 3D model viewer, dozens of 3D modeling tools are provided to create and modify 3D models. Optimized CAD touch experiences,...

Price: Free Developer: Chunwu Liang
Sketch 3D:Easy 3D Modelling

Sketch 3D:Easy 3D Modelling

Sketch 3D is a simple way for anyone to build their ideas in 3D. Push ,pull and tap to create 3d models such as chairs and cars to more complex organic models like animals,birds and humans. *Controls are intuitive and simple...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Arjun Gupte
uMake - 3D CAD Modeling

uMake - 3D CAD Modeling

“It is quite magical to see how simply uMake works.” –TechCrunch Awarded 2015 iPad Pro App of the Year and Editor's Choice on the App Store, uMake lets CAD professionals and 3D modeling enthusiasts create immersive 3D content on the go....

Price: Free Developer: UMake
Iyan 3D - 3D Animation tool

Iyan 3D - 3D Animation tool

User Reviews: "BEST ANIMATION TOOL I HAVE FOUND ON THE APP STORE!!!!" "Excelent! - Perfect! It's a perfect app for 3D animation, no doubt more features that will make this a powerful tool for those who we like to animate in...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Smackall Games Pvt Ltd
A's 3D Player

A's 3D Player

「A's 3D Player(エース スリディ プレイヤー)」は、建築3次元CAD「A's(エース)」で作成した住宅の3Dデータを、iPadやiPhoneで閲覧できるアプリです。 工務店・設計事務所・ハウスメーカー様がお施主様と打ち合わせする時に、本アプリを用い、手軽に住宅を3Dで丸ごと提案できます。 バーチャル展示場で、夢のマイホームの完成イメージを隅々まで共有でき、後悔しない家づくりをサポートします。 お施主様の端末(iPad、iPhone)でも閲覧でき、ご自宅にて家族間で完成イメージを確認できます。 ※本アプリを利用するには、「A's(エース)」で作成した3Dデータが必要です。 【主な機能】 (1)外観、内観をウォークスルー、360°パノラマで表示 (2)ワンタッチで主要部屋の移動(CADとの連携による視点の自動生成) (3)太陽光シミュレーションで日当たり提案(夏至、冬至時を切り替え) (4)白模型・スケルトン・断面表示で様々なビジュアルで住まい提案 (5)スマホによるVR体験で、臨場感のあるバーチャル展示場を実現 【機能一覧】 ・QRコード読込(3Dデータダウンロード) ・ライブラリにQRコード保存 ・ライブラリからQRコード読込 ・お施主様名表示 ・白模型表示 ・スケルトン表示(建物半透明) ・断面表示(1F・2F・前面・後面・左面・右面) ・太陽光シミュレーション(春分・夏至・秋分・冬至・現在) ・色替え(カラーコーディネート) ・色替え(カラーチェンジ) ・あおり補正 ON/OFF ・画像保存(スクリーンショット) ・環境設定 ・光源部品点灯 ON/OFF ・ジャイロ ON/OFF ・コントローラー(左:前後左右 右:360度回転) ・SSAO(影隅)ON/OFF ・クオリティ(高品質・標準・軽量) ・自動地面生成 ON/OFF ・全画面 ・自動視点生成(CADで予め登録済の視点) ・視点高さ表示(GL、FL基準) ・ウォークスルー  ・指操作による視点移動  ・コントローラーによる視点移動 ・建具開閉 ・スマホVR(画面長押しで次の視点へ移動) 【操作の流れ】 「A's(エース)」のアプリ「3Dパース」からQRコードを生成します。 本アプリより、QRコードを読み込むと建物の3Dデータを表示します。 ※都度新しいデータを読み込む流れです。前回の物件は端末側で記憶します。 【ウォークスルー操作方法】 ・視点の前後移動:指2本のピンチイン、ピンチアウト ・視点の平行移動:指2本の上下左右(視点高さ変更) ・回転:指1本フリック(建物内:視点中心回転 建物外:建物中心回転) ※注意事項:カメラアクセス、写真への読み出しと書き込みの許可が必要 【A's 3D Player説明ページ】 【対応OS】 iOS11以降必要 【対応機種】 iPhone XS/ iPhone XR / iPhone X / iPhone 8 / iPhone 8 Plus / iPhone 7 / iPhone 7 Plus iPhone 6s / iPhone 6s Plus / iPhone 6 / iPhone 6...

Price: Free Developer: 株式会社シーピーユー
Lumis 3D

Lumis 3D

The ultimate mobility solution: together with Lumis 3D, use your iPad or iPhone to transport your photorealistic 3D models, all of their functions, and the rendering quality to make them stand out wherever you take them. Lumiscaphe’s photorealistic 3D models...

Price: Free Developer: Lumiscaphe
Home Repair 3D Pro - AR Design

Home Repair 3D Pro - AR Design

Without special skills in 3D you can create a project of a country house or find an estimate of materials and cost to repair the apartment and see it in Augmented Reality! • You can import your projects into macOS...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Aleksandr Varaksa
CaptureAudio FREE - Audio Record & Type Notes

CaptureAudio FREE - Audio Record & Type Notes

* "Incredibly intuitive recording interface" - Leanna Lofte, * "CaptureAudio is a fantastic and powerful app for recording voice memos and other audio" - Christine Chan, * "CaptureAudio Will Make You Shout Its Praises" - Chris Maxcer,...

Price: Free Developer: G8R Software LLC
Passwords Plus - Free Secure Vault

Passwords Plus - Free Secure Vault

“Can’t live without it” is the most common thing we hear about Passwords Plus. Once you start using it, you won’t know how you got by without it! Keep all of your passwords in one place and have access...

Price: Free Developer: DataViz, Inc.
festOrder Free

festOrder Free

FestOrder Free is the free version of festOrder. FestOrder Free's limitation are the import option and limit of adding products. FestOrder Free is an application for waiters, it allows a quick and easy order management. Using festOrder Free, a waiter...

Price: Free Developer: diego valorsi
Tips & Tricks Free - Secrets for iPhone: iOS 6 Edition

Tips & Tricks Free - Secrets for iPhone: iOS 6 Edition

iOS 6 is a strong operating system - can you handle it? Whether your an intense or casual user, Tips & Tricks Free - Secrets for iPhone: iOS 6 Edition will lead the way to a better, more exciting...

Price: Free Developer: World Cloud Ventures Sdn Bhd
Tips & Tricks HD Free - Secrets for iPad: iOS 6 Edition

Tips & Tricks HD Free - Secrets for iPad: iOS 6 Edition

iOS 6 is a strong operating system - can you handle it? Whether your an intense or casual user, Tips & Tricks HD Free - Secrets for iPad: iOS 6 Edition will lead the way to a better, more...

Price: Free Developer: World Cloud Ventures Sdn Bhd
LaserList Free

LaserList Free

LaserList is a checklist app that uses barcodes to help you perform checklists accurately. It can be used as a simple tick list or to enhance a comprehensive, document based, check list system. LaserList is different because...

Price: Free Developer: Redbusbar
Emoji Free for WhatsApp, Kik, Telegram...etc 17+

Emoji Free for WhatsApp, Kik, Telegram...etc 17+

Emoji Free - Use 1600 Emojis & Animated Emojis in your WhatsApp, Kik Messenger, Facebook Messenger, KakaoTalk, Instagram, WeChat, LINE, Tumblr, GroupMe, Telegram, Messages, QQ, Hike, VK (ВКонтакте), Mail, Twitter, Facebook, ICQ, Weibo, Zalo & Talko...etc 800 Emojis & 800...

Price: Free Developer: KWOK YU KIN
O6: Free Your Eyes

O6: Free Your Eyes

** POWER YOUR O6 EYES FREE EXPERIENCE BY USING THE O6 LIFE REMOTE. ORDER YOURS AT O6APP.COM** Free your eyes from the screen. O6 turns your apps, inboxes, and messages into radio stations letting you keep your eyes on the...

Price: Free Developer: Fingertips Lab, Inc.
GooMinder Free (Google Calendar Fast Entry)

GooMinder Free (Google Calendar Fast Entry)

GooMinder is the fastest and ONLY way to enter an event / reminder and more importantly up to 5 reminders in the form of SMS, email, and/or pop-up to your Google Calendar. GooMinder Schedule is your new bulletproof reminder...

Price: Free Developer: The App Cartel
PDF Splicer 2 Free

PDF Splicer 2 Free

Introducing PDF Splicer - the ultimate PDF page editor. Here is a list of functions you can accomplish with PDF Splicer: - Combine 2 or more PDF files - Split a PDF file into 2 or more files - Reorder pages...

Price: Free Developer: Tipirneni Software LLC

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