Top 12 Education Apps Like NIE SLL WQI - Best Alternatives

NIE SLL WQI Alternatives

Do you want to find the best NIE SLL WQI alternatives for iOS? We have listed 12 Education apps that are similar to NIE SLL WQI. Pick one from this list to be your new NIE SLL WQI app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to NIE SLL WQI on your iOS devices.

Top 12 Apps Like NIE SLL WQI - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid NIE SLL WQI alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 12 similar apps like NIE SLL WQI 2025.

NIE Library

NIE Library

LibGO! is created for NIE Library members to access library services and information anytime, anywhere at their convenience. NIE Library members can search the catalogue, access E-Resources, access their library accounts, renew loans, reserve materials, check out events and announcements...

Price: Free Developer: National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore
NIE mGeo

NIE mGeo

NIE mGeo allows you to save your geographical location information, photos and video onto the map. Login credentials are provided to NIE students from their lecturers if they are using the app for their lessons. This will allow the...

Price: Free Developer: National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore
NIE Mobile

NIE Mobile

NIE Mobile is created for visitors, staff and students of NIE to keep abreast about the activities relating to the institute. The intuitive and user-friendly interface makes it easy for users to navigate and obtain the information that they...

Price: Free Developer: National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore
NIE Well Said

NIE Well Said

The NIE Well Said provides a mobile platform for students to improve their pronunciation. The speaker in this app uses standard Singaporean English and the context of the sentences used is Singaporean. For any enquiries or feedback, please email us...

Price: Free Developer: National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore


NIE CLUES (Collaborating & Learning through Understanding Environments by Sharing) is a location-based learning app that caters for oritentation trail games (e.g Scavenger or Treasure hunts) or for context-aware mLearning. With the GPS feature, learners are able to collaboratively...

Price: Free Developer: National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore
NIE Harmonia-on-the-Go

NIE Harmonia-on-the-Go

Harmonia-on-the-Go allows users to create chord progressions in a progressively more advanced manner and receive immediate text-based feedback on whether the progression created is grammatically sound. Once downloaded on the mobile, it can be used offline 24/7. However, as a...

Price: Free Developer: National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore
Denver Post NIE

Denver Post NIE

Denver Post's "Newspaper in Education" (NIE) has been an award-winning program for more than 30 years. The purpose of the program is to nurture future newspaper readers and to promote literacy and civic awareness. NIE teachers and their students can have free...

Price: Free Developer: The Denver Post
Czytający Pociąg - Darmowy

Czytający Pociąg - Darmowy

Przetestowany przez dzieci i zaakceptowany przez nauczycieli kompletny program do nauki czytania, w którym dziecko nabywa podstaw umiejętności czytania, a stopniowo również dochodzi do samodzielności w czytaniu, samodzielnie składa sylaby, poszerza zasób słownictwa, nabiera pewności siebie i … uwielbia...

Price: Free Developer: The Learning Station, LLC
Plan Lekcji - dla UCZNIA Pro

Plan Lekcji - dla UCZNIA Pro

Dla uczniów TYPOWEJ POLSKIEJ SZKOŁY! Simple app to manage lessons for POLISH STUDENTS. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wersja PRO w stosunku do wersji FREE jest rozszerzona o możliwość dołożenia do planu dnia zajęć pozalekcyjnych takich jak: tenis, pianino, basen, harcerstwo, język angielski itp. Również w...

Price: Free Developer: Krzysztof Lech


Ứng dụng sổ liên lạc điện tử của trường SKY-LINE

Price: Free Developer: Pham Van Vinh


Chiara's VR mobile app helps you to train nerve control and stage fright before any presentation in a "very real" virtual escenario. Do you have an important presentation? practice real speeches by uploading your presentation to the virtual room, meet...

Price: Free Developer: Team Training Consulting SLL

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